Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Enma's Torment Theatre ❯ Chapter 33

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Enma’s Torment Theatre: Season Two
Episode Thirty-Three: Beginning of the End
Story: Leave Right Now
Story by: Kaylbunny
MSTed by: Chrissy Sky

Note: Yes, this took a lot longer than expected. As such, I’ve decided that I can no longer provide this series with the attention that it needs. I thought crossing it over with Slayers would help alleviate my boredom, but recently it stopped working—though I am terribly proud with how I wrote the Zel/Xel. It’s been going on for three years now (THREE YEARS, people, that’s a hell of a run for a fic), and it’s time to move on. So, yes, this episode and one more, then we’ll be done.

I want to thank every single one of you who reviewed and gave support all this time. And I want to thank Rose, for being a sport and putting up with my strange sense of humor, and Kaylbunny, who betaed, played secretary, gave ideas and encouragement, and for… being there.

- Lunar base -

It was early morning, and the satellite was unnervingly quiet and confining. Zelgadis had been in a few jail cells in his life, and altogether disliked the experience, avoiding it whenever he could. It wasn’t that he was at all claustrophobic; he just did not enjoy it when other people were in control of his destiny. Throughout his adolescence, he had been in service of his grandfather Rezo, and it had left an enduring mark.

That was not, however, why he had not slept that night. Upon finding the bedroom in the center of the satellite, Zelgadis had laid the still incapacitated Trickster Priest carefully in the bed, covering him with the bed sheets. At least they wouldn’t be sharing a futon for the time being—he still wasn’t used to them. Then he had rested beside the Mazoku, unable to sleep. Though he became tired as the residual adrenaline rush wore off, to go to sleep meant to close his eyes, and Zelgadis did not want to look away from Xellos.

Xellos had nearly *died*, right there in his arms, and he had been unable to do anything but watch. Luckily he had figured out a way to help him, but it had been just a lucky guess. It could just as easily have done nothing at all for the priest. The knowledge that he was truly helpless in the face of Xellos’ nature left Zelgadis shell-shocked. He was afraid, more afraid than anything before, that if he looked away from Xellos for just a second, just *one* second, that the Mazoku would be gone. He would die and disappear and Zelgadis would be alone again.

So he rested beside him, keeping one arm around Xellos’ head, and just watched him sleep, which wasn’t an unpleasant thing. He had never actually seen him asleep before, and spent the long hours merely memorizing the lines of his face while pondering what had happened the night before.

When Xellos’ eyes fluttered open, Zelgadis thought he stopped breathing. The two stared at each other for a long moment before the Mazoku spoke. His voice came out drained and ragged, and he still looked immensely tired, as if it took a great effort for him to keep his eyes open. “Zelgadis.”

“Xellos,” Zelgadis answered, knowing he looked likewise worse for wear after his sleepless night.

Xellos looked over the chimera carefully. “Do you still hate me?” he asked quietly.

Now he knew he stopped breathing at that. “No!” Zelgadis cried, shocked. “Of course not. Why would you ask that?”

Xellos smiled tiredly, a shadow of his usual carefree grin. “I was worried it was just a dream.”

“It wasn’t,” Zelgadis assured, bringing his arms around the Mazoku and pulling him closer, holding him securely. He realized then that Xellos must have felt pretty disoriented to ask such a bizarre question. “Do you remember where we are, or what happened yesterday?”

Xellos frowned, resting his forehead against Zelgadis’ hard cheek, thinking. “Karasu,” he answered after a moment, saying nothing more, but the word itself said a thousand things Zelgadis couldn’t begin to interpret. Though he knew he agreed with it wholeheartedly.

“Yeah.” Seemingly on their own accord, his arms tightened further around Xellos, though the priest didn’t complain. He seemed to need the physical contact as well. They had come close to losing each other, and they’d only just begun this thing between them, this wonderful thing. There would have been no surviving its departure, Zelgadis knew. “Don’t ever leave me,” he whispered.

As if triggered by his words, Xellos felt his stomach shift and churn. Or, at least the approximation of a stomach, and it was highly disturbing to feel *anything* going on down there. “Er. Well, I’m afraid that is unavoidable for the moment…”

Zelgadis pulled away as if struck by a painful spell. “What?” No, he couldn’t mean… He couldn’t just die! Just like that!

The bile rose in his throat and, before Xellos could respond, he jumped off the bed and ran to the waste unit, throwing up. Naturally, he didn’t digest like humans. What he vomited was not food, but more of a black, gooey, and wholly disgusting ooze.

Listening in shock as Xellos heaved, Zelgadis was far too surprised to react for several seconds. He did, though, and by that time Xellos was done and cleaning out his mouth over the sink. The priest looked up into the mirror just in time to see Zelgadis’ infuriated expression before the Ra Tilt collided.


Afterwards, Zelgadis thought he was lucky he hadn’t killed Xellos, but his anger seemed to cheer the Mazoku up somewhat.


Kurama woke with a gasp as he heard the explosion, mind racing with images of a masked enemy and bombs searing his flesh. Hiei pressed a hand on his shoulder to steady him.

“It’s alright,” the fire-demon said, voice soft and assuring. “Just the newlyweds having a little spat.”

Kurama sighed and sat back heavily against the pillows. Hiei hovered over him, legs crossed, looking perfectly at ease. Kurama was only able to tell Hiei hadn’t slept much because he knew him so well. He wasn’t sure how he had fallen asleep, to be honest, and it had been a fitful sleep. But Hiei was there to steady him, as always. That made facing this shadow from the past only a little easier.

“We should probably warn them about using their spells here,” Kurama murmured thoughtfully.

Hiei smirked and repositioned himself so he sat straddling the redhead’s hips. “We already had to tell Lina that she couldn’t use her Ragna Blade to cut threw the kekkai.”

“Would it work?”

“She thinks so, but there’d be no way to escape with Xellos the way he is.” When the Kekkai and the ship’s hull were blown open by the astral blade, they’d be sucked out into space without the priest there to pull them into the astral plane. Lina had also said that it was possible for humans to go through the astral plane, but it was very complicated and she didn’t know all the details pertaining to it. It was too risky.

“Sounds like everyone’s been busy this morning,” Kurama noted.

Hiei smiled a little wider and leaned down to kiss his lover. “I’ll have to catch you up on all the excitement.”

“Hiei…” Kurama pushed Hiei up gently, eyes conveying apology.

Hiei’s expression fell slightly. “I know. It’s okay.” He’s known the fox wouldn’t be in the mood this morning, and probably wouldn’t be for quite a while.

“What time is it?” Kurama asked, pulling his smaller lover down till Hiei’s head rested on his chest. He combed his fingers through the dark hair and Hiei gave a contented sigh.

“Not that late. Everyone’s just being quiet so you and Xellos can rest.”

Kurama smiled at the thoughtfulness. “I guess that means there’s no holocabana.”

“Yuusuke was still pouting about that last time I checked.”

“Poor baby.” He nuzzled Hiei’s hair. “Can we stay like this for little while?”

Hiei smiled slightly. “Of course.” He drifted off to sleep, knowing that Kurama would stay awake.


Later when they rose, they were surprised to walk into the command room and into the middle of an argument between Yuusuke and Karasu. Instead of a holograph, the dark-haired demon instead chose to communicate via screen today. At least he didn’t press his face right up against the glass and leer like Rando had once done.

Kurama oddly missed Rando.

"Oh, big man, tormenting us from the safety of that dinky little lab... You think because you have a decorating sense that you're any better than Rando? The only reason you're different is that he doesn't like to sleep with corpses. How small do your balls have to be, eh, Scare Crow? Be honest."

It wasn’t clear for how long this had been going on, but given the bored look on Karasu’s face, it appeared that Yuusuke had been ranting again. Which wasn’t an unusual occurrence for him. When Karasu caught sight of Kurama, however, his interest was once again peaked.

“Ah, sleeping beauty awakens.”

“Prince charming gave me a kiss,” Kurama said with as much nonchalance as he could muster. Hiei gave the man on screen a brittle smirk.

“How… quaint,” answered Karasu, making ‘quaint’ sound like some demeaning and insignificant thing. Hiei growled.

“For your first fic, I found something entirely unpleasant for Koenma and his little catamite,” Karasu explained, but before he could go on, Yuusuke screeched his outrage.

“Catamite!? Wait, why me? I thought you’d torture Kurama first…” Yuusuke eyed his red-haired friend uneasily, but Kurama seemed as confused as he was.

Karasu shrugged. “I’m an equal opportunity tormenter. The theatre awaits.” His image left the screen, replaced by the view of the moon and stars surrounding them, and the alarm sounded.

- Theatre -
[Sitting from left to right: Kuwabara, Koenma, Yuusuke, Hiei, Kurama, Zelgadis, Xellos, and Lina.]

Yuusuke: I just realized something.
Kuwa: That we’re stuck on a satellite and the sadistic freak didn’t even give us a holocabana?
Lina: That you’re still wearing your clothes from yesterday?
Hiei: That you’re a moron?
Yuusuke: No. We’re going to miss the new Harry Potter movie.
Kurama: [murmurs] I don’t see how that’s a bad thing…
Yuusuke: [snorts]
Xellos: I want to see it, if only to know what that scene of Snape fondling Harry and Ron’s heads is about.
Hiei: The hell?
Xellos: It’s a picture that Yuusuke-san showed me online.
Kurama: [smirks] What, Yuusuke, ran out of porn?
Yuusuke: [coughs]
Lina: So, business as usual?
Yuusuke: Well, if Karasu is so unoriginal that he has to borrow Randy’s bit, that’s just fine with me.
Kurama: [frowns] What *did* you say to piss him off?
Yuusuke: Oh, a little of this, a little of that…
Koenma: Should I be concerned?
Yuusuke: Well, he said the fic was about us.
Koenma: Oh dear.

>Title – Leave Right Now

Zelgadis: That’s what we’d like to do.

>By – Kaylbunny

Lina: [giggles] Aw, Zel, that’s almost like your pet name.
Zelgadis: [glares and flushes]
Xellos: Only *I* can call him Zel-bunny.
Lina: Not debating with that.
Xellos: [smiles]

>Fandom – Yu Yu Hakusho
>Pairing – Yuusuke/Koenma

Yuusuke: ‘Cause you know we’re the best pairing, yo.
Hiei: Keep telling yourself that.

>Disclaimer – I own nothing

Yuusuke: Not even clothes?
Kurama: Well then.
Hiei: Great, now the nudists are writing fanfiction…

>Notes – For Chrissy and Rose ^_^

Koenma: Those two!
Yuusuke: I smell a rat…
Kurama: Have you tried whistling?
Yuusuke: Yeah. Doesn’t work.
Kurama: Damn it.
Karasu: [chuckles deeply]
Kurama: [shivers] Asshole.
Hiei: [pets his hair worriedly]


Kurama: No comment?
Yuusuke: I don’t do lines.

>"Yuusuke, will you calm down?"

Yuusuke: No. I’m going to miss Severus Snape *touching* people. He doesn’t *touch* people. I refuse to calm down.
Kuwa: The apocalypse is nigh!
Kurama: That’s what Crowley and Aziraphale thought. Look what happened to them.
Yuusuke: [smiles] They held hands and ate at the Ritz afterwards?
Kurama: …

>"Calm down? How the hell can you expect me to do that?" the teen asked, pacing back and forth in Koenma's bedroom. He'd been doing so ever since Koenma had told him the news, and his foot prints were steadily working themselves into the carpet.

Hiei: Moon walking.
Koenma: He only does that if you get him drunk enough…
Yuusuke: What news?
Lina: [Koenma] I’m pregnant with your daddy’s baby!
Kurama: Today on Jerry Springer: Diminutive Junior Gods and the Servants Who Love Them.
Koenma: Hey! He’s not a *servant!*
Hiei: Fine. An employee you’re having an affair with.
Koenma: [huffs]
Yuusuke: And they say I watch too much TV…

>"I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of it now, it's not the first time you've heard it," the junior God told him.

Hiei: [Koenma] You knew they were going to change things again.
Kurama: [Yuusuke] But Hermione’s wearing a pink dress! It’s supposed to be blue!
Yuusuke: Oi. I’ll have you know that pink is an *evil* color, especially when Hermione’s wearing it.
Xellos: [smiles at Lina] I like pink!
Lina: [glares] Not a word, Xellos…
Zelgadis: [smirks] What’s the matter, Lina the Pink?
Lina: I never went to the ceremony! Technically that’s NOT my title.
Xellos: Well, Dragon Spooker has more of a ring to it.
Lina: [smacks him]
Koenma: [softly] Actually, Hermione doesn’t look bad in the pink dress…

>He was glad that no one would be able to hear their argument from outside; someone would come running in if they did and Koenma didn't know how his partner would react to any interference. He was mad enough as it was, any more and Koenma knew that Yuusuke would lash out.

Hiei: He didn’t want to spend the afternoon hiding the bodies.
Yuusuke: [snickers] Hey, Carrie!
Karasu’s voice: I assume you’re addressing me.
Yuusuke: Yeah, goldilocks. How is this supposed to be torture? I’m enjoying myself.
Karasu: [chuckles] Wait.
Yuusuke: [snorts] Whatever.

>"That was when I thought we could change this. How would you react, knowing that your boyfriend was engaged to some woman?"

Yuusuke: … Aw, crap.
Hiei: You spoke too soon, moron.
Yuusuke: [slouches] I know, I know…
Koenma: [squeezes his hand]
Yuusuke: [smiles and moves closer]

>"I don't know."
>"No, you don't, because I wouldn't do that to you. You know how much I went through with Keiko.

Yuusuke: You mean the slapping?
Kurama: I think the you-clone means how much the two of you went through together.
Yuusuke: [winces] Oh, right.
Kurama: [rolls his eyes]

>I left her, because of you. I changed my whole life, because of you.

Kurama: I’m speaking with dramatic pauses, because of you.
Yuusuke: [Kaworu] My life was meaningful, because of you. [kisses Koenma’s hand]
Koenma: [blushes]
Hiei: [smirks] Not letting Karasu get to you, huh?
Yuusuke: [smirks back] Not a chance in hell.
Kurama: [smiles warmly]
Hiei: [kisses Kurama’s cheek]

>I gave it all up because I thought I had some kind of future with you. Obviously, I was wrong."

Yuusuke: [himself] It happens. Not often, but it happens.
Hiei: [snorts]
Koenma: [rubs Yuusuke’s neck]
Yuusuke: [sighs contentedly] Lower…
Koenma: [blushes]
Others: [laugh]

>"Yuu-chan," Koenma sighed. It truly pained him to see his love like this, but he just didn't know how to placate him. Why couldn't he understand that Koenma had no other choice?

Kurama: I take it Enma’s forcing you to get married then.
Koenma: If I marry anyone, it’s going to be Yuu-chan.
Yuusuke: [frowns] But what if he disowns you again?
Koenma: [shrugs] I don’t care. I lived in the Ningenkai before. I’d survive.
Yuusuke: [puts an arm around his waist] Well, you wouldn’t be alone.
Koenma: [smiles] I know.

>"Oh save it, Koenma. That only sounds right when you're moaning it."

Yuusuke: [smirks slowly at Koenma]
Koenma: Yuu-chan…
Yuusuke: He did it! [laughs]
Koenma: [blinks]
Kurama: Don’t worry; we don’t understand him either.

>"Well what do you expect me to do? I have to produce a legitimate heir. You know that, my father told you so himself."

Yuusuke: [bites lip]
Koenma: [winces] Yuu-chan?
Yuusuke: [smiles] No help for it, I guess. [blinks] But hey, how did this girl know about that?
Kurama: Our lives are on the internet, and he has to ask?
Hiei: [snorts]
Yuusuke: [glares]

>Yuusuke hadn't reacted this badly back then, Koenma remembered. He'd simply shrugged it off, saying that they'd cross that path when they came to it. That was probably they went wrong.

Kurama: *Where* they went wrong.
Koenma: [shifts uncomfortably]

>He should have talked to Yuusuke about it then. They could have come up with some sort of plan. Anything but this pointless arguing.

Karasu’s voice: What’s the matter, Urameshi? All out of jokes?
Yuusuke: [doesn’t respond]
Koenma: [kisses him deeply]
Hiei: [watches them worriedly]
Lina: [softly] Are they okay?
Yuusuke: [clings to Koenma; sheepishly] Yeah, just trying to pull my foot out of my mouth…
Kuwa: Nice thing to call your boyfriend’s tongue.
Yuusuke: That’s NOT what I meant!
Koenma: [giggles]
Yuusuke: [smiles]
Hiei: Nice save, Kuwabara.
Kuwa: [smirks]

>"What do I expect you to do?" Yuusuke spat Koenma's words back at him.

Xellos: Acidy spit?
Kurama: No need to worry about a legitimate heir then. One’ll be bursting out of Koenma’s chest any moment now.
Yuusuke: [snorts]

>"Grow a fucking back-bone for once.

Kurama: [Yuusuke] You invertebrate.

>Stand up to your dad. Tell him to stick his legitimate heir up his ass!

Yuusuke: Rimming?
Koenma: Only if you wash first.
Yuusuke: [laughs]
Hiei: It’s cute how you humor him, Koenma.
Yuusuke: Oi!
Koenma: [kisses his cheek]

>Anything but what he's planning."
>"Please, Yuusuke, you're not listening to me," Koenma pleaded. It was taking all his control not to start shouting himself. "We can figure something out. I'm sure that--"

Hiei: Don’t be such a pussy, Koenma.
Koenma: Agreed.

>"What?" Yuusuke asked, cutting off whatever Koenma was about to say.

Yuusuke: Because frankly, my dear, he doesn’t give a damn.

>"That you getting married won't change anything?" He snorted, glaring at the junior God. "No, I’m sure your wife won't mind your gay lover coming to visit. I can cook us a meal while you fuck her. We could all share the same bed. Oh, and maybe we can get your child to call me Uncle Yuusuke, while we're at it."

Yuusuke: I’m sure I read a fanfic like that…
Kurama: Not surprising.
Xellos: I saw a Fullmetal Alchemist one sort of like that.
Koenma: So you *do* read yaoi.
Xellos: I thought we covered that.
Zelgadis: You kind of avoided answering.
Lina: He’s good at that.
Xellos: [smiles] One does one’s best.

>Koenma visibly winced, and Yuusuke couldn't bring himself to care. He wanted Koenma to know just how much he was hurting.

Lina: So he shot him.
Yuusuke: [blinks] Genkai showed you Kill Bill, didn’t she?
Lina: [giggles]
Koenma: I guess I would be the Bride then.
Yuusuke: You’d look better in the dress. Too bad I can’t play a flute though…

>He wanted to inflict his pain back ten-fold, because it was stronger than his guilt right then. He knew he wouldn't actually physically attack Koenma, but if words could do it then that was good enough.

Hiei: But punching just feels so much better.
Kurama: [snorts]

>"No Koenma, I’m listening to you perfectly. It's you who isn't listening.

Hiei: [Yuusuke] So put your hearing aid in.
Yuusuke: Oi! He’s not that old!
Koenma: [blushes] Er, well…
Yuusuke: He doesn’t need a hearing aid!
Hiei: So he tells you.
Yuusuke: [growls]
Hiei: Ohh, nice. Bet Koenma likes that.
Koenma: Hm? Sorry, couldn’t hear what you said.
Hiei: [surprised laughter]
Yuusuke: [smirks]

>If you loved me as much as you claim you did, you wouldn't be so willing to sleep with some whore just to please daddy."

Hiei: You’d be willing to sleep with *this* whore.
Yuusuke: Oi!
Koenma: Oh, more than willing.
Yuusuke: [leans against him, grumbling]

>"That isn't fair!" Koenma yelled, tears welling up behind his eyelids. "I've been disowned once, Yuusuke, I can't go through that again."

Kuwa: [Koenma] One more fast food job and I’ll go out of my mind!
Koenma: [mildly] Not that the stamping is much better. At least I’d have more time with Yuusuke.

>"Don't talk to me about fair, Koenma." Yuusuke seemed oddly calm. He wasn't shouting and his voice lacked the anger it had a minute ago, like he'd made some decision.

Kuwa: Uh oh.
Hiei: This doesn’t bode well.
Kuwa: I have nightmares about his decisions.
Kurama: Because usually it involves us and body secretions.
Kuwa: Yeah.
Yuusuke: Oh, I’m feeling the love, guys.
Xellos: [smiles innocently] What kind of secretions, Kurama-san?
Kurama: …

>His words now seemed heavy, as if all his pain were weighing them down.

Hiei: You featherweight.
Yuusuke: Oi. I can still take you on.
Hiei: Uh huh. Sure.
Yuusuke: Don’t know why I try anymore anyway. Most of the guys I wanna really fight always end up dying before I do.
Kuwa: You’re still harping over Sensui and Raizen?
Yuusuke: [grumbles]

>"Nothing in this whole relationship is fair.

Hiei: Well, if you think about it…
Yuusuke: Hey!
Kurama: He’s always buying stuff for you, but what can you possibly give a god that he couldn’t get himself?
Koenma: “A little girl.”
Others: …
Kuwa: Yeah, when they start quoting Overboard, you know they ain’t right.
Hiei: [snorts]
Yuusuke: [softly] Speaking of which…
Koenma: We *will* figure something out, Yuusuke. Even if I have to leave the Reikai again. It won’t end up like this. I promise.
Yuusuke: [smiles] Okay.

>I'm the one giving everything up while your father plans to marry you off. I'm the one who has to stand here, knowing that I can never truly be with the person I love. I can't give you a child, but I would give everything of myself just to know that you want me as much. I'm handing you myself on a silver platter, and you're just pushing it away.

Kurama: [waiter] Problem with your order, sir?
Hiei: [Koenma] There’s an apple in his mouth. I asked for a ball gag.
Zelgadis: … Ball gag?
Xellos: [whispers in his ear]
Zelgadis: [blushes] … Oh.

>"I can't change your mind, but I won't stand here and just watch you leave. I refuse to put myself through that. It's not worth it."

Yuusuke: And he put his on Koenma’s desk.
Koenma: [hums the end theme for the last episode of Utena]
Kurama: Yeah, because *everyone* is going to get that.
Yuusuke: [raspberries]

>"W-what are you saying?" Koenma's tears were flowing freely now.

Yuusuke: “Crightons don’t cry… often, or for very long.”
Hiei: He wishes he was as cool as Crichton.
Yuusuke: No, but I do wish I had his pants. Those are some sexy pants, I tell you.
Koenma: [snorts-giggles]
Yuusuke: Scorpius is so in love with John. I mean… gah.
Hiei: I liked Scorpius.
Kuwa: He’s got Vader’s bad ass attitude.
Yuusuke: [nods] And just when you think you’ve got him figured out, turns out he’s not really *that* evil and he wants to bring peace to the universe.
Kurama: How Treize.

>He could no longer hold them back and didn't care what he looked like.

Kurama: [Yuusuke] K-chan, your mascara is running.
Hiei: [Koenma] I DON’T CARE!

>He had a guess he knew exactly what Yuusuke was saying, and he didn't like it one bit.

Hiei: See? Koenma speaks Yuusuke-ese. Even in fanfics.
Koenma: [kisses Yuusuke’s cheek]
Yuusuke: [nuzzles closer]

>Yuusuke turned away, as if even looking at Koenma pained him.

Kuwa: That and Koenma was throwing sharp objects at him.

>He walked towards the door. "I can't stay here. I have to go. If you decide to get married, then this is good bye for good. If not, then you'll be able to find me."

Hiei: Nothing says love like a tracking device.
Yuusuke: At least I’m giving you a chance to say no.
Koenma: [licks Yuusuke’s neck]
Yuusuke: [grins]

>He pulled the handle down and opened the door before walking through it. Koenma wanted to run over, place himself between the door and Yuusuke and beg him to stay, hold on to the teen and never let go.

Zelgadis: Even when he had to go to the bathroom.
Hiei: Nothing says love like giving your boyfriend dysentery.

>But he couldn't move.

Kuwa: The Oni had glued him to his chair again.
Koenma: Our office antics do not comprise of Police Academy sequels, thank you.
Zelgadis: [smirks] What *do* they comprise of?
Koenma: …

>He was paralysed in his grief. He could do nothing but watch as his heart walked away.

Kurama: In Yuusuke’s firm grip.
Yuusuke: [snorts]

>Just before Yuusuke closed the door again, he turned around for one last look at his love. He smiled, a soft, wistful smile, and at that moment Koenma felt his heart break.

All: In Yuusuke’s firm grip.

>"Good bye, Koenma."

Yuusuke: [sings] Whenever, wherever, we’re meant to be together. I’ll be there and you’ll be near, and that’s the deal my dear…
Hiei: Question. What does that have to do with anything?
Yuusuke: [grins sheepishly] Doesn’t, I just had Shakira stuck in my head.
Hiei: … Right.

>The End.

Yuusuke: [takes Koenma’s hand and immediately leads him out of the theatre]
Zelgadis: Actually, that looks like a good idea.
Hiei: Same here.
Xellos: I rather liked that one.
Lina: [snorts] That doesn’t help us think you’re any saner, you know.
Xellos: [grins] But I don’t want you to think I’m sane.
Lina: [sighs]


The fic had, oddly enough, done them a service, as emotionally painful as it had been—it had touched both of them more than they had led on toward the end. Yuusuke was glad he and Koenma were finally talking about their situation nevertheless. The foreboding that had enveloped his heart since Koenma had told him Enma’s words—that Koenma would eventually have to provide a legitimate heir—was subsiding, even if the ideas they both had weren’t very good ones.

“Test-tube baby?”

Koenma snickered. “I don’t think my father would accept that as legitimate.”

“Well, is there some Makai potion I can take that can give me a womb or something?”

“… Have you been reading fanfics again?”

Yuusuke blushed and ducked his head, laying it on Koenma’s shoulder. The two of them rested alongside each other on the bed. It wasn’t as comfortable as Koenma’s large bed in Reikai, or even Yuusuke’s decidedly smaller one in his mother’s apartment, but it was functional.

“Clearly the only decision to make is to give up my right to the thrown,” Koenma murmured, his lips tangling with Yuusuke’s un-gelled hair.

Yuusuke shook his head. “No! You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your relationship with your father just because of us.”

“What relationship? I know I was joking when I said this before, but I honestly think the only reason he asked me and Botan to come back was so we could do our work.”

Yuusuke didn’t reply to that. The reason Koenma and Enma had such a rocky relationship now was his fault. If he hadn’t died and hadn't been reborn as part demon, then Koenma would never have gone against Enma’s wishes about his execution.

“Yuu-chan,” Koenma went on, “our relationship, this entire thing, has been the greatest time of my life and I don’t ever want it to end. From the moment we met, I knew you would make my life interesting, and you have. If you left me… I don’t think I could survive the sheer boredom.”

Yuusuke snickered. Then paused, thinking over Koenma’s words. “Have you always been attracted to me?”

Koenma blushed. “Erm.”

“So that’s why you were so quick to change!” Yuusuke sat up to look his boyfriend in the eye. “I thought it was kind of strange. One minute you were squirming with me because of Kurama and Hiei’s teasing, and the next you were hitting on me.”

“You were acting strangely,” Koenma murmured, not meeting his gaze. “I don’t know how long I’d liked you, but I realized my feelings for you after Sensui… Then they were teasing us, and you weren’t acting like you normally would. You honestly seemed bothered by it.”

“And you decided to take that as a sign that I liked you too?” Yuusuke asked, bewildered.

“Well, I knew you didn’t have a problem with homosexual relationships, so it couldn’t be that.”

“Heh.” Yuusuke laid his head back down. “Don’t decide tonight on what to do about the baby thing. I mean, we have a few years yet, right?”

Koenma shook his head. “I don’t want you to worry about this though. I want you to know that no matter what, I won’t leave you.”

Yuusuke kissed his neck. “And I won’t leave you. We’re gonna be okay, K-chan. We just have to get off this fucking satellite, and not get kidnapped ever again, then we’ll be set.”

Koenma snickered humorlessly.


Hiei had his eyes closed, facing toward the ceiling. Kurama watched him for a long moment.

“You can feel Yukina now, can’t you?”

Hiei nodded. “It’s been stronger since I told her… Kurama, something is about to happen.”

“Someone *else* is going to kidnap us?”

“No… I don’t even think it’s bad. But something is going to happen. Soon.”

Kurama’s eyes glinted, becoming sure, the weakness that had been on the edge of his senses being pushed to the back of his mind. “Then we’ll be ready for it.”

There won't be a mst next chapter, so expect it to be kinda short.