Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ From The Clique ❯ The Angry Phone Call And Plotting Of Revenge ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If I did I would be a lot richer.
Chapter 4: The Angry Phone Call And Plotting Of Revenge
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*
“Hi Ami,” said Maya's angry voice.
“Hey Maya. What's up?” Ami replied.
“What's up. WHAT'S UP! Is that all you are going to say to me when I caught you out with Shuichi! Not only did I see you out with him on a date, but you were also kissing him! I thought you were my friend! I can't believe you!” Screamed Maya.
“Hold on let me explain,” Ami said in a fake worried voice.
“NO! You are no longer my friend! You have messed with the wrong person Ami! You will regret it!” Maya screamed as she hung up.
She heard the dial tone of the phone so she set it down on its receiver.
`Operation Maya is finally complete. I can't believe how easy that was.'
Ami got off her bed, changed into her pajamas, and went to bed.
~ The Next Morning ~
Ami woke up to the buzz of her alarm clock.
“Ami! Wake up or your gonna be late for school!” her mom screamed at her.
“I'm awake!” Ami groggily yelled back.
She got dressed and headed down stairs to go to school. Ami quickly walked out the door while saying, “Bye Mom!” behind her.
~ On the Street ~
Ami looked and saw Shuichi walking calmly toward her.
“Hey Ami,” he said.
“Hey,” she replied.
`He is cute' Ami thought.
“Uh, Ami... I had a great time last night,” he said.
“Me too Shuichi,” she said staring into his emerald eyes.
`She is staring in my eyes' Shuichi thought.
“Uh…yeah...about that kiss,” he nervously said.
In the distance they heard the warning bell ring.
“Sorry, can't talk now. Gotta go. But we can talk later,” She said as she walked away. Right before she walked away she brushed his hand with hers like a promise that they could talk later.
Ami ran down the sidewalk so she wouldn't be late for first period. As soon as she got to her locker, guess who was waiting for her.
“Well, good morning Ami,” Maya said in a vicious tone.
“Good morning,” Ami calmly said.
“I don't know what you did to get Shuichi to go out with you, but I will find out and I will get you back,” Maya threatened.
“Is that a threat you are willing to follow through on Maya?” she mockingly asked.
“It certainly is,” Maya spat at her as she stalked off down the hallway.
`I will get that back stabber back if it the last thing I do' Maya thought.
~ Lunch Room ~
“Hey Ami! Over here!” screamed Shuichi.
Ami walked over to Shuichi and sat down across the table from him.
“Hey. How's it going?” she politely said.
“Good. About last night....”
“Can I say something first?” Ami asked.
“Of course, go ahead.” Shuichi politely answered.
“I had a lot of fun last night. Maybe we could do it again sometime? But for real next time?” she questioned.
“Sure,” he replied.
“What were gonna say?”
“Nothing. It wasn't that important.”
“Oh. Ok.”
~ After School ~
Ami was walking down the street to the mall when she suddenly bumped into someone.
“Oh. I'm sorry.” Ami said as she looked up.
Standing there was Shuichi, Yusuke, a shorter guy with black hair standing straight up, and another guy with orange hair and a goofy face.
“Hello Ami,” said Shuichi.
“Hey Shuichi, Yusuke,” Ami replied as Yusuke nodded back at her.
“This is Hiei,” Shuichi said pointing at the shorter one, “and this is Kuwabara,” he said pointing at the one with the orange hair.
“Hi,” Ami said.
“Hn,” replied Hiei.
“I am the great Kazuuma Kuwabara...” the one with the goofy face said as he bent down on one knee holding Ami's hand.
`Is he holding my hand' Ami thought as a vein popped from her forehead.
“EWWWWWWWWWWW! EWW!EWW!EWW!EWW!” Ami screamed as she wiped off her hand on her shirt.
“Don't ever grab my hand again!” she screamed at him while smacking him on the face, causing him to fall over.
“Haa! Kuwabara got hit, AGAIN!” Yusuke said in between laughs.
“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up Yurameshi.” Kuwabara said.
“So where are you going Ami?” Shuichi asked.
“To the mall,” Ami replied.
“Ok. Hope you have fun. See you later,” Yusuke said as he hurried along the others.
`That was strange. I better follow them to find out what is going on' Ami thought.
~ Somewhere In The Woods ~
`Are they ever going to stop' Ami thought just as they stopped in a small clearing.
“Kurama,” Hiei said.
“Yes Hiei,” Shuichi/Kurama replied.
“I think that onna followed us,” Hiei said just as Botan popped out of nowhere.
“Who? Ami?” Yusuke said.
“Come out from behind that tree,” Hiei calmly said.
Just after he said that Shuichi/Kurama heard a noise and saw Ami come out from behind the tree.
Ami came out from behind the tree and everyone stared at her.
“What are you doing here Ami?” Shuichi/Kurama asked.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here? And why did Hiei just call you Kurama?” Ami asked very confused.
“Ok. Well, Koenma has another mission for you guys if you would go through the portal,” the girl floating on an oar cheerfully said.
“Who are you? Why are you floating? And what portal?” Ami asked as a portal suddenly appeared in front of us.
“This is confusing,” Ami said.
“Come with us and everything will be explained,” Shuichi/Kurama said as he picked Ami up bridal style and carried her through the portal after everyone else.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*
~ TBC ~
Well that's the end of my fourth chapter. Sorry it was shorter than usual. School is killing me. I will call Shuichi/Kurama Kurama from now on.
Next Chapter: Maya's Payback Plan