Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ghost Of The Past ❯ Electric Ending ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Three

There’s good news and bad news. Good news is that Hiei got the potion and has shown very little signs of getting worse or better. At least he’s not getting worse. We inject the potion into him every hour, seeing as it burns up in his skin within making a full cycle. Its clearly working, seeing as he stopped getting steadily worse.

The bad news is that as soon as Yoko smelt me, he didn’t leave. He’s been fallowing me everywhere heckling me to give him his winnings. Pervert…

“Stay out of here Yoko! This is a sick room!” I yelled and slammed the door in his face.

I sighed in relief as I heard him walk away from me for the first time in days. Then I turned around to find red orbs staring at me. “Oh my! Yukina you scared me.” I held a hand over my beating heart. “For a second I though…”

“Thought what?” Yukina asked as she collected the tear gems around her.

“Nothing..” I mumbled and sat down opposite of her.

“I let Ivy take a break, she showed me how to these.” Yukina pointed to the machines. “And what happens with each noise. She was really tired so I told her I’d wake her up in an hour. I hope that’s ok.”

“It is, I was bored anyways. Let Ivy sleep as long as she needs. I can go longer than her.” I picked up a stethoscope and checked his pulse. “It seems there isn’t too much of an improvement. But that can also be found as a good thing.”

“I think he almost woke up earlier, he grunted.” Yukina reached out to touch his hand but had to pull back to catch a tear.

“You care a lot for someone you don’t really know.” I looked down. I need to keep control of my tongue.

“I have a brother that I’ve been looking for. Its been a long time and when I came here, I had to give up for a while. I found many friends here but Hiei was different.” Yukina sighed. “It was almost like I had found the protective brother I had been searching for.”

“I feel like I’m going to be sick..” I mumbled. “Yukina, your brother might be closer than you think.”

“As much as I want to find him, I’m very content with the people around me and the friends I have.” Yukina smiled. “And I’m very glad to include you as one of them.”

“Even though I wish he was dead?“ The smile she gave me makes me want to tell her the truth. I kept my mouth shut though. Hopefully I wont say anything… Man I wish there was a filter from my brain to my mouth.

“How do you know Hiei?” Yukina asked.

“Many years ago I use to be partnered with him and this other man as thieves. We had to make money some how and that was the easiest way.” I sighed, thankful for the subject change. “The three of us were very good. We were also…mercenaries. Killers for higher.” I hesitated telling her that but she just nodded.

“We stopped many years ago after a riff came between us.” I glared down at
Hiei. “Last week was the first time I’d seen him in years.”

“I’m sure what ever happened he had a good reason for.” Yukina smiled. “And he always seems to make up for it in his own way.”

“I’m sure…” I glared down at Hiei.

“I must go and start dinner but I’ll be back later.” Yukina stood and left.

I let out a long sigh and looked down at Hiei. He looked tense even while sleeping. Then again the prospect of dieing would make anyone tense, even if they didn’t know it. I reached my hand out to touch him, like I did many years ago when he was sick, but I quickly pulled my hand back. I guess I don’t hate him as much as I thought.

“Evil bastard.” I glared down at Hiei. “Evil Evil bastard.”

“Who is?” I looked up to see Yoko in the doorway.

“Out.” I hissed.

“Look I just want to talk.” He held his hands up in defense.

“Then you sit where Yukina did.” I glared at him.

“How about I sit next to you. I promise not to touch!” He said quickly. “I just don’t want to talk over a sick person.”

“Fine but no touching.” I eyed him wearily as he sat next to me. “What?”
“What ever happened to us? We use to be ok with each other.” Yoko smirked. “Cards once a week and you always kept our hide out a secret. You were so cute when you were younger.”

“Pedophile.” I growled. “I was only 16 and then that poker bet…”

“And you lost.” Yoko pointed out. “But I am willing to forget the bet.”

“What do you want?”

“Your friend Ivy is human but she’s-”

“No.” I snapped. “She doesn’t know anything about demon customs and she has a life in front of her.”

“From the smell of her and the amount of drugs she’s taking she seems to not have much life left. Why not let her have the time of her life first?” Yoko smirked.

“Your sick.” I huffed. “I liked Kurama much better.”

“Kurama can be in on this too.” Yoko reached out for me and a growl came out. But it wasn’t from either of us. I looked down to see red orbs staring up, and this time they weren’t Yukina’s.

“So he’s awake!” Yoko smiled. “Your lucky, it seems like your old friend is trying to come to your rescue.” He stood, his tail swishing behind him. “Don’t worry you’re beloved Kurama will be back soon.” He smiled and walked out the room.

Hiei looked up at me, a slightly surprised look on his face, along with one of disgust. “What…” he croaked out and then started to cough a bit.

“Don’t talk, its amazing your even alive so don’t strain your body with anything but breathing.” I stood and went over to the left wall, knocking hard on it. I heard a small bang back. “He’s awake!” I yelled threw the wall. “Get some water for him to drink.” I heard foot steps pound on the floor and rush down the hall.

I turned back and looked at the fire demon. He was trying to sit up and I quickly ran over to him. “Oh no, didn’t you hear me?!” I easily pushed him onto his back. “No straining which means that no matter how big you ego is you have to listen to me for once in your cursed life.” I huffed and sat down next to him. “Nod for yes or no like a normal dummy can do, ok?”

He growled low. “Oh bite me.” I glared at him. “Do you remember how you got hurt?” he nodded yes. “Well the knife was covered in Shadow Poison. You almost froze to death internally. Actually we don’t even know if your going to stop freezing. But your awake which makes you the second person to ever do that. And you talked which made you the first person to do so that must inflate your ego even more.” his eyes narrowed at me.

Hiei still had a bit of confusion on his face. “Do you remember who I am?” He nodded up and down then back and forth. Ivy rushed in with a pitcher of water and a glass.

“I figured that I shouldn’t tell anyone just yet. We’d have mass panic and we need to check him out first.” She placed the pitcher and glass where we had kept all our food. She poured a bit of water into the glass. “Oh I didn’t think that he might need a straw. Sorry Kummy.”

“Its alright, you just woke up.” I took the glass from her. “A straw would just deflate his ego.”

“Kummy?” Hiei croaked then shot up. “Kumiko!”

“Now you remember me.” I sighed and handed him the water. “Drink then lay back down.” I stood. “Ivy, take his vitals and some blood so we can check the poison.”

“Where are you going?” Ivy asked.

“I’m going to inform everyone that he’s awake and tell them they need to stay out of here.” I looked down at Hiei, who had finished up the water. “Except Yukina, seeing as she is family.”

“Miko if you do what I think your going to do I’ll decapitate you.” Hiei growled, his voice very scratchy.

“Decapitation? I thought your style was more of pushing someone off a clif or… I don’t know. Setting someone on fire?!” I snapped at him. He looked away from me, nothing readable on his face. “Thought so.”

“Kummy, is it safe for me to do this?” Ivy asked.

“Look at it this way if he hurts you in anyway, I’ll decapitate his second head.” I shrugged and left Ivy laughing.

I quickly walked down the hallway into the living room. Before I could even say anything to them a rush of buttons sounded and I heard Ivy yell down the hall. “He’s going into arrest!”

“Get the AEG ready!” I yelled and ran back to the room.


AN: Thanks for reading! I’d like to know if you guys like it or though so if you get the time, can you review?