Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei And the Umbrella ❯ Disaster At the Store ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kurama walked into his room only to see it a disaster. " Hiei! What happened'?! He scolded. Hiei only shrugged not giving a response. Kurama looked at the mess once again and walked over to the burnt floor. " You know. Next time you plan on destroying my things. Please do it outside and away from my school report. Kurama looked at the charred papers that were once his report. " Hiei". Kurama sighed and looked at the smaller demon. " You made this mess. You are going to clean it up. Then! You are going to go to the store with me and help me get the food. Hiei looked at Kurama with a `what-makes-you-think-I-am-going-to-go' look. Kurama glared at Hiei. " I believe you will go". Hiei's only response was "hn". Kurama held his hand up revealing Hiei katana. " Go or you do not get this back". Hiei felt helpless. How on earth did he even get it? That fox is sneaky. Hiei growled in defeat. Hiei's eyes widen as he was lifted off the ground by the collar of his coat. "K-kurama! What the heck do you think you are doing"? Hiei hissed threw gritted teeth. " We need to go now, and I do not want your complaining to stall us". Kurama walked out of his room to the door and left, Hiei and all.

Finally getting to the store threw the crowd and all of Hiei's complaints. Kurama went down the first isle getting the things he needed. Kurama had his back to Hiei and did not see him putting different things in. What the heck is all this? Hiei thought picking up a item from the cart. Seaweed? " Kurama"? Kurama still had his back to Hiei looking for the right item. " Why did you get seaweed"? Kurama turned around to look at the small fire demon. " It is for the sushi. You need seeweed to make the kind we are". Kurama explained. Kurama glanced at the cart. Toothpaste? When did I get this? Kurama shrugged and continue getting the things he needed. Hiei had put the toothpaste in while Kurama was not looking. Not that Hiei knew what it was. But he was just bored and started putting things in. Kurama left the isle walking to the frozen food section. To only notice, that Hiei was not with him. When he checked the isle he was just at the little fire demon was not there. " Hiei"? Kurama called Where could be be? Suddenly the fire alarms started going off and the sprinkler system came on. A female screamed yelling " Fire"! But everyone already knew and were rushing out of the store. " Oh dear". I believe I know who made the fire. With a sigh Kurama walked over to where the fire was. Well there was only smoke now. When Kurama got there he found a very mad Hiei. " Is something wrong"? Hiei looked at Kurama and nodded. Please let this be a good answer. " A lady came up to me". Hiei paused making everything more `dramatic'. Kurama only waited for the answer. Hiei looked at Kurama and sighed. " She came up to me and thought I was a child and pinched my cheek and asking if I knew where my `mommy and daddy were". Kurama could not help but smile trying to hold in his laughter. Finally Kurama burst out laughing. Hiei glared at Kurama who had tears in his eyes from laughing too hard. " Shut up! You stupid fox"! Kurama got a hold of his self, brushed off his clothes and cleared his throat. " Well. Um Lets go". Hiei was already walking away mad mumbling to his self. Kurama only caught a couple of the words which were " That stupid fox, and I hate humans". Kurama smiled and followed after the annoyed demon.


Ok I going to make another chapter it will be called. " Hiei, toothpaste, and hot tea."

Please review.