Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hope For Fox ❯ Hiei's cry for Kurama ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kurama was the first to wake up. Hiei was cuddled up next to him; his breathing was light, Hiei looked so innocent.

Kurama gently moved Hiei and covered him up with a blanket he brought with him. Kurama sighed, today was going to be a good day, the skies were clear only a few clouds littered across the light blue sky.

Kurama let out another sigh. The sky might have been clear but his brain was not. He had so many thoughts in there that it made his head hurt.

" Why? Why is this happening, and to Hiei of all people?" Kurama whispered not wanting to wake anyone up, he quickly lit the fire and started making breakfast.

The wonderful smell of the food got Hiei's attention, he opened his eyes, and looking next to him he did not see Kurama. He started to panic a bit until his eyes landed on the red head. Hiei jumped up and ran over to him clinging to his leg.

Kurama looked down, he could not help but smile when he saw the little demon. Hiei has grown so attacked to him over the last few days. Kurama guessed he just wanted him to protect him, so he never wanted to leave his side. Kurama crouched down and ruffled Hiei's hair smiling. " Are you hungry?"

Hiei nodded. He was very hungry and ready for a good meal. Kurama took some of the food off of the fire; since there were no plates here Kurama used a huge leaf. He handed it to the small fire demon. His smile soon turned into a frown we he noticed Hiei looked very sad. " Hiei? What's wrong?" Kurama asked worried.

Hiei looked into Kurama's eyes then back to the ground. " I am sorry Kurama." Hiei said, his voice higher and child-like.

Kurama did not understand where this sorrow Hiei was feeling came from. " Why are you sorry. You have done nothing wrong little one." Kurama answered gently.

Hiei's eyes were filled with tears. Hiei usually never cried but for some reason he just could not help it. " Because of me you have to fight that mean man!" Hiei yelled dropping his food and running into Kurama's arms sobbing.

Kurama hugged Hiei lifting him into his lap. He held the young Hiei in his arms tight. " No, no. It's not your fault little one. If it is anyone's fault it would be mine."

Hiei looked up at him. " Why is it your fault?" He sniffed. Kurama looked up into the sky. He really did not have an answer for that one. He only said it so Hiei would stop blaming his self for this whole thing. Kurama thought a little more. If it is anyone's fault it would be that evil man or also known as Hiei's father. Such evil. That demon has no right to even be called his father. Kurama held Hiei closer. " Lets say this Hiei. It is no ones fault. And if it is; it is that mean man." Kurama did not want to tell Hiei that was his father. He did not think Hiei would be ready in the form he is now. Hiei sighed and laid his head against Kurama's chest. " That man really was mean."

Kurama smiled and nodded. " He was."

Kuwabara was snoring; Yusuke finally had enough of it. He got up and started walking to Kurama and Hiei. " Morning guys." He said with a little nod and a smile to Hiei.

" Are you hungry Yusuke?" Kurama walked over to him holding some food. Yusuke took it with a smile. Hiei looked at Kurama. His eyes showed he wanted something. " What is wrong Hiei?" Kurama asked a bit puzzled. Hiei looked at the food on the ground that he dropped. Kurama smiled, " Oh I see. You want more food. All right I will get some more for you." He placed Hiei on a rock and went to the fire. Kurama brought Hiei back some of the hot food. " Eat up. We will be leaving soon." Kurama smiled as Hiei started feasting along with Yusuke.

Kuwabara was the last one to get up; he stretched and yawned like they had all day.

" Come on! We don't have all day!" Yusuke yelled impatiently.

Once Kuwabara finished eating they were on their way.

Kurama had Hiei on his shoulders; he seemed to be enjoying the ride, he grasped on to Kurama's red locks. Kurama would wince every now and then when he would get a hard tug on his hair when Hiei would try and get him to look at something.

Hiei suddenly fell silent, he lowered his head as if trying to hide, and his grasp on Kurama's hair was getting more and more tighter.

" Hey Hiei! Ow! Stop pulling my haaair! Ow!"

Kurama grabbed Hiei and brought him face to face. He was about to scold him for not listening when he saw the fear in his eyes. " He is here!" Hiei yelled shaking. He grabbed onto Kurama's shirt. " Don't let him take me! Please!" Kurama rubbed his back trying to find Hiei's father's ki.

" I found it! Show yourself!" Kurama's voice was mean, not his normal sweet voice. He handed Hiei to Yusuke. " Please watch him and make sure nothing happens to him."

Hiei's eyes were shaking. " Kurama!" He yelled his hands reaching out for him. " Kurama please don't leave me!"

Kurama walked off not looking back. "Hiei be brave. I promise I will return. But I have a feeling this will be the first of many fights."