Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Junior ❯ Comfort ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Junior II

Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho does not belong to me and I make no money from this work of fanfiction at all.

"Hey- Ko- uh, Zoutou?"

Koenma Daioh, son of Enma Daioh, but known before his first death as Zoutou woke up to a voice repeatedly trying to get him to wake up. Flinching at the bright light of the room he was in, the Prince looked around, and tried to scowl at his detective.

"What's wrong, Yuusuke?"

Yuusuke raised an eyebrow. "Don't you remember?"

"Remember-" Koenma muttered, then clutched his head and whimpered at the pain lacing his body when he moved. "Yuusuke, the point of the drinking was to NOT remember?"

"Uh, right," Yuusuke rolled his eyes. Playing nursemaid to an emotionally wrecked demi-god was not his thing. "So, um, do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I don't," Zoutou muttered, wanting to get away. However, the phantom pain of his soul's wounds screamed when he tried to get up. Having gone through this literally seven hundred times before, all he could do was wait it out. And remember- oh gods, he would remember… The familiar tears welled up before he could stop them.

"Want more to drink?" the Reikai Tentai tried to come up with SOMETHING he could do- watching anyone just cry like that was horrible. He had brought Zoutou back to his mom's apartment and put him into his room, propping him up with pillows until he could wake Zoutou up.

"Yes," was the terse reply. The pain was making the young god look like an old man, and Yuusuke ran to get his mother's stash.

This left Zoutou staring after him, shuddering to breath at the remembered pain of shattered ribs and punctured lungs. Yet no matter how badly his body hurt, his heart cried out for Ketsui.



// "You want me to work for you?" Zoutou blinked, gazing up at the massive form of Enma Daioh.

His answer was a giant rumble.

Needless to say, Zoutou's first meeting with his true father was not going well. He'd been immediately told that he would work for the Reikai in Administration. Granted, Zoutou had learned a great deal about managing from his stepfather and brothers, but this?

Screwing up his courage, he faced the giant. "What do I get out of it?"

There was a deep thunderclap at that, but Zoutou stood his ground. He'd just lost everything that mattered to him, his love and his life. What did he have to fear now?

"If you do not work for me," Enma Daioh stated with the weight of the ages, "I will send this human to Space, never to be reincarnated or find peace." Gesturing, Ketsui appeared, and Zoutou gasped, reaching for him.

"If you do," and here the Judge of the Afterlife paused. "If you do, he will be sent back to life. He will live out his life without memory of you, be judged and reincarnated according to his actions."

"I've got no real choice, huh?" Zoutou said under his breath. "I'll do it."

Enma waved his hand, and Ketsui disappeared, and Zoutou felt part of his spirit die again.

"Then lets get to work, Koenma."


Yuusuke wondered why he had stopped when he'd heard Koenma whisper that name, but shook his head, bringing back in the bottle and some aspirin. He didn't know if the stuff would help, but it was better than nothing, right?

Golden eyes fixed on him, and Yuusuke stopped again, wondering why he felt like there was something he was missing here. The sight of him looking so pathetic just wasn't right. Waving the bottle in front of him, Zoutou grabbed it greedily and started to gulp, nearly snatching off Yuusuke's hand.

"Watch it!"

He didn't get an answer, just loud gulping, then a loud cough. "What is this stuff?"

"Whiskey. Most people sip it," Yuusuke said, bemused.

"Oh," Koenma mumbled, then dropped his head back into the pillows. "I'm sorry you had to see this Yuusuke… I just couldn't stay in the office…" The tears were very close to the surface, but being suppressed. Barely.

"Think you could take a bath?" Yuusuke asked awkwardly. "I mean, you are really a mess right now and… baths help you relax?"

Golden eyes looked at his face with the barest bit of human, barely open due to being blackened and bruised. However… the wounds weren't quite as bad as he had thought. He thought.

"I don't think I can get up," Yuusuke's patient whined, and the dark haired delinquent rolled his eyes, and, more gently than he would have admitted, pulled him to his feet.

"What the hell happened to you, man?" Yuusuke asked again, sighing.

"Could you quit asking?"

"Not really. I'm the one whose gonna get his ass smacked by your dad for sticking my neck out. Not like you'd do the same-"

Yuusuke would have expected more tears, or silence, or an angry protest. What he did not expect was to be pushed into a wall, golden eyes blazing bright with rage, giving the godling momentary strength.

"I did all I could for him! He tried to save me but I was able to give him another life! I protected him! I did my father's stupid job for him when he threatened him! What else do you want from me? I was never a fighter, never strong enough! I do what I have to! Dad would sink the damned island of Japan if he thought it was necessary!"

Trembling, bloody hands fisted in Yuusuke's shirt, pinning him to a wall, and the demi-demon could only blink stupidly. Who was 'he', what had Koenma done for him and he didn't realize Enma was THAT big an asshole...

"What happened to you?" Yuusuke said for the third time, this time wrapping his arms around the shaking god. Koenma nearly collapsed against him, and mumbled something.


"Yuusuke... You think I'm pathetic already. Don't make it worse."

This did not make the Reikai Tentai happy to hear. "You get hurt like this once a year, and have been crying all day. I doubt there is much you could to make my opinion of you lower."

Zoutou sighed at the left-handed reassurance. "Nice to know I've hit bottom." They started on their way to the bathroom again.

"Cough it up, short stuff."


Zoutou had needed help, getting his clothing off and scrubbing off the blood before sinking into the hot water. Under normal circumstances, this would be no problem... However, the way Yuusuke was staring at him, his wounds, he felt a sudden bout of surprising shyness.

No one had stared at him like that since, well, Ketsui.

Yuusuke's staring had nothing to do with lust or perversion- he was shocked. The clothing, once it was off Koenma, had returned to its former state of cleanness, the blood disappearing like it had never been. He'd seen those wounds before... Yuusuke bit his lip.

"You were beaten, and- and-"

Zoutou froze, before continuing to sink into the hot water, breathing raggedly. Dragging the word out, he whispered what Yuusuke wouldn't say. "Raped."

"That wasn't the worst part," Zoutou sighed, as if in a dream. "It was seeing him killed in front of me, knowing that the man I had called father wanted to get rid of his mistake and killed Ketsui for no reason at all."

Yuusuke didn't say anything, just raised an eyebrow. The name, Ketsui, seemed familiar but damned if he knew why.

"They found us... and beat me while making him watch, then got down to 'punishing' me by what we had done together... Then he got so mad he fought them off, even though I think he had a concussion. Then he was cut open... Then his guts just sort of spilled out... I couldn't get to him in time. Then they fi- finished with me." He stuttered the last, shuddering. He tossed water over his face, and Yuusuke saw the wounds change- they became a worse for a moment, then faded. He blinked.

"Wait a minute-" as it occurred to him. "Who is was this Ketsui guy?"

"He was my lover," Koenma sighed softly, sinking even further into the hot water.

This left the Spirit Detective gaping. Wearing a child form often as he did, Yuusuke had never, could never, possibly, it was impossible, he just never thought that... You just don't think of a toddler being gay.

Of course that toddler was over seven hundred years older than he was and had plainly been through hell at some point. His whole life, he'd been taught it was something to be reviled... not in so many words, of course. It was a Bad Thing. Disgusting, unnatural...

Yeah, and those people who claimed to be better had done THIS to a guy who couldn't fight back. Someone who had been... Yuusuke frowned. He was confused again. A vague image in the back of his mind tried to surface but there wasn't enough of it to really compute.

"I'm," he swallowed. "I'm sorry Zoutou."

"Thank you, Yuusuke," Zoutou answered, and his face stopped stinging so much. The aches along his backside, his ribs and lungs, lessened. The emotional turmoil... was eased...

"I think you're right about talking helping... I don't feel like I'm going to die now," Zoutou spoke in amazement. Then he tried to get out of the tub.

Yuusuke was treated to a new way to swear. Seven hundred years of practice will give a person a large vocabulary and a great imagination. He was fairly sure Zoutou didn't repeat himself.

"I guess you ARE feeling better," muttered the teen. Grabbing a towel and getting rather wet himself, he helped Koenma out of the tub and they staggered to his room, for some fresh clothes.

"What was Ketsui like?"

Koenma was trying to struggle into a t-shirt and boxers of Yuusuke's, he turned to him and smiled- something that made the wounds fade a little more.

"I met him when I was about five..."

The tale that Zoutou spun was one of nostalgia, polished with love and age, but with enough quirks for Yuusuke to believe that Zoutou had seen this guy without hero worship. It was a story of two children, best friends... and one day, when asking what it was like to kiss a girl, tried kissing each other. Then they had promptly freaked out- left, and nearly stopped their friendship. That was, until they kissed again, and did more than kissing...

Yuusuke chuckled softly. Koenma was a pretty good storyteller, and he felt like he was starting to drift off. Of course, the fact that they had started trading back and forth the whiskey bottle might have had something to do with it.

The stories got a little more lurid the more they drank- but Yuusuke noticed how much healing seemed to take place as Zoutou spoke.

"He was a pretty good father, too," Zoutou slurred out. "I'm glad he was sent back to life..."

"Huh? You never mentioned that," Yuusuke tried to say, didn't quite come out right though.

"Yeah... I got a deal with Dad that if I worked for him Ketsui would get to live. Catch was, he would forget about me," the telltale sniffles were back. "I just wish... I could have told him I loved him, said goodbye..."

"Damn, man... you control most of the Afterlife, couldn't you have found his soul?"

"No... Dad messed up the paperwork. I have no idea who he is now. Probably a good thing though," Zoutou hiccuped. "He'd probably be ashamed to see me like this."

"I think... if he loved you like you loved him... He'd wanna... uh... find you? Is that the end of the bottle?"

"End of the third bottle."

"Oooohhh... I think he'd like to see how you were doin' though, Zou-chan. I mean, after all that... You helped him keep living. You did that for me and that was nice..." Yuusuke rambled for a bit, trying to get his thoughts together, but his only answer was a faint snore.

"Hmm, Zou, you could never hold yer liquor," Yuusuke slurred, then stretched- and fell over asleep.


Yuusuke's mother had apparently decided to spend the night with someone, or was so drunk she couldn't make it home. Whatever had happened, she wasn't there, and nothing had interrupted the quiet as the two drunk boys slept off their drinking.

This left Zoutou wondering why he had awakened. It was pitch black, silent as death, and pleasantly warm. The only smells were whiskey, Yuusuke, and himself.

Then the gentle sensation stole over his face again, and blinking, Zoutou caught the hand that was stroking his cheek.

"Who's there?" he called hoarsely. The hand in his was rough, oddly familiar in strength and size.

"I missed you, Zou," murmured the voice in dark, using his old nickname.

"... Ket-chan?"

"Hai." The hand Zoutou had captured freed itself, calloused fingers ghosting over his face again, then his lips. "I didn't completely forget you... I knew something was missing." The voice became closer, hot air rushing past his ear. Zoutou sat up, and he was pulled against a strong chest, and he inhaled in surprise.


"More or less... I am so glad I found you again, Zou," said the disembodied voice, and Zoutou could see Ketsui in his minds eye, brown eyes, black hair and smirking with that infuriating attitude of his. Why hadn't he seen it sooner?

"You're not supposed to remember," Zoutou whispered softly, while at the same time wrapping his arms around him and holding him as tightly as he could.

"I know," rushed past his ear, and a light kiss was placed on it. Shivering, Zoutou tilted his head, the person he couldn't see sucking the flesh there, then feathering it with kisses.

"I missed you... I remember how you liked this," Ketsui said softly, hands pulling off his shirt, and kissing along his collar bone. Zoutou shivered. Pulling the golden eyed bishounen's hand to his mouth, Yuusuke kissed his wrist, then lathed his palm, causing Zoutou to shudder all over.

Oh yes, this is definitely Ketsui, he thought, eyes closing, though in the dark he couldn't tell. All he could do was feel, his own hands trying to grope back, catching Ketsui's boxers, and pressing a hand to his groin.

"Impatient as always," chuckled the voice, and a hot mouth was scalding its way down his throat to his nipples, shucking his boxers at the same time while pumping a hand over Zoutou's erection.

"I've- ahh!- been- oh, there please!- celibate for the past seven hu-UUHH!-undred years!" Zoutou panted, arching into those sandpaper hands. He dug his fingers into the shoulders with a death grip, leaving bloody half-moons behind. Groaning he fell backwards, the mouth moving down over his belly..

"Please please please please please..."

He could feel the smirk against his navel, while the tongue slid in and out, then Yuusuke swallowed his erection whole.


A laugh around his manhood made his squirm from the vibration as Ketsui sucked, tugging lightly up from the base and off him.

"You are still as sadistic as always," Zoutou gasped, and the heat radiating of Ketsui was gone, and a muffled curse was heard as he stumbled away. Zoutou had no idea where he was going, until Ketsui came back, was caught and his mouth thoroughly molested. A sound of something being popped open, then squirted was faintly heard.

"Mmmmm," Zoutou tried to say, but his mouth was not his own, as he was still being kissed. His legs were caught under the knees, pushing him up as his entrance was circled lightly with a slick finger. Zoutou made a questioning noise.

"I like to keep this stuff around," said the voice, more Yuusuke then Ketsui that time. "Its lotion. Non-scented... It'll keep you from hurting."

Zoutou laughed softly, enjoying the feel of those fingers. "You always were," he sighed, and consciously made himself relax," rather vain."

"And you were spoiled."

"You're still beautiful," Zoutou said softly, then hissing through his teeth as Yuusuke's fingers probed inwards, searching for his prostate.

"I still love spoiling you."


The sound of his lover writhing in pleasure beneath him, panting, made it nearly impossible to go slowly. Positioning himself at Koenma's opening, he pushed in, gritting his teeth.

"You... weren't kidding... about the celibacy thing were you?" Ketsui groaned, head tossed back as he started to push back and forth. Zoutou didn't answer, just keened, grabbing Ketsui's arms and bruising them.

The pace increased furiously, Ketsui pounding into Zoutou's willing body, rolling around until Zoutou was on top, Yuusuke still keeping up his frantic pace.

"God, more, please... keep going, you won't hurt me..."

"You- dammit, Zou-" Yuusuke jerked his hips sharply, once twice, and came into Zoutou- who was howling his own completion.

Then both slumped, Zoutou falling over him, exhausted, with Yuusuke pulling him close and whispering sweet things.

"I love you Zou-chan."

"I love you... too..."


Morning arrived all too soon, and Koenma blinked at the sunlight. Then he tried to move- and the ache in his ass made him wince, but he smiled because of what caused it.

Looking down at Yuusuke, he wondered if part of him had always known. That was why he'd agreed to bring him back to life even though he would have failed his first test. Then he bit his lip.

He couldn't let Ketsui's memories completely resurface- as much as he wanted to have him back. If his father found out... He had no idea what he'd do. Besides- it wasn't fair to Yuusuke. Ketsui had been a different person, a different life. When you were reborn, you were a blank slate. If Yuusuke ever did develop feelings for him, it would be done the right way. Not like this.

Sighing, Zoutou kissed Yuusuke on the forehead, and used his powers to cloud the memories of what had happened last night, not completely taking them away. They were dreams now, not memories. Odd, bizarre, but forgotten and unimportant in the morning.

"Ketsui, Yuusuke... Goodbye. I hope you find life and love, like we couldn't before."

With that, Koenma, Junior Lord of the Spirit World, got his clothes together, left a note of apology saying he needed to get to work, and disappeared to his office, to tackle the backlog of work from the night before.

To be continued!