Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Just a guardian...or not? ❯ A game called love ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5- A game called love

*That night in Yusuke's kitchen…*

"___, you seem a little down today?" You heard a voice say to you.

You looked up and saw Botan eyeing you. Everyone seemed to be finishing up his or her food, but you only had a few bites.

"Oooh, I'm fine. I'm just not hungry right now." You said looking at your cold food.

"Haha, I guess it's not the same without Hiei cussing at you, eh?" Yusuke laughed.

You shot an angry glance at him. He quickly stopped laughing and continued finishing his food. You stood up abruptly and went up stairs. Everyone frowned at Yusuke.



As you walked through the hall, you stopped by Hiei's room. You walked in and closed the door behind you. You started walking slowly towards Hiei's bed. He was still a asleep…or not.

"…Hiei." You said in a low whisper. Then you said it a little louder. "Hiei.

Hiei was probably asleep then. You exited his room for a while and came back with a blanket and a pillow. For some reason, you couldn't feel safe if Hiei wasn't in the same room with you, even if he wasn't awake. You threw your pillow on the floor. Lying down, you pulled your blanket up to your chin.

"Good night, Hiei." You said.

No answer. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.


You woke up and rubbed your eyes. As your eyes started to focus, you saw a black figure in front of you. It was Hiei, he was wrapping thin strips of cloth around his hands.

"You didn't have to sleep there like that." Hiei said in a low voice.

You really didn't know what to say at first.

"I…I didn't feel very safe in a room all by myself." You answered.

Apparently, Hiei was smirking now.

"Coward." He said passing you. You started to glare at him.

"What did you say?!"

You calmed down a little and stared at Hiei curiously. This started bothering him.

"What are you looking at?" Hiei said disgusted.

"Last night…I thought…"

"Yes? What did you think?" Hiei said.

"Let me guess, `I thought wrong?'."

There was a long silence. You two stared at each other, looking like you were each expecting an answer form the other person. Hiei turned and started for the door. You grabbed his hand, and he looked at you.

"What do you want?" Hiei said almost close to shouting.

"Last night…that kiss couldn't have meant nothing to you." You said sternly to Hiei.

"Look, you were the one who kissed me-"

"You kissed me back!" You shouted. Hiei closed the door behind him so no one could hear you. "If you hate me so much, then why did you kiss me back?"

Hiei was silent. He couldn't talk at all. You stared at him waiting for an answer. He finally had the strength to stare right back at you.

"Wait. I think I have the right to ask you first. Why did you kiss me?"

You suddenly turned a shade of pink.

"I don't know. I guess I was just sorry for you." You said looking away.

Hiei chuckled.

"Yea, sure. Whatever." Hiei said. "It makes me wonder how come you had the strength to kiss me last night, and not even have the courage to tell me why."

That was it. Hiei got you. You didn't think of what to say back to him. He was ready to go back outside when you grabbed Hiei roughly by his collar and forced his lips to yours. Hiei's eyes were wide open, but then he started to close his eyes. For a good 60 seconds, you two lip-locked. You finally released him and wiped his bottom lip with your index finger. You smirked as you saw the look on his face. Finally, he had nothing to say.

"…Who's the coward now?"

He was speechless for a few seconds, so you brushed passed him smiling a bit. Then you felt a full grip on your arm. Ironically, Hiei was smirking right back at you.

"No matter what situation I'm in, I never back down from a fight." Hiei said.

Your smile broadened even more.

"Alright then…You're on." You said slyly.

Then Botan appeared through the doorway. She seemed to be panting and out of breath.

"Emergency meeting at Koenma's office. Hurry up and get there as soon as possible!" Botan said shortly, and then she was gone.

Hiei glanced at you for a second, and started walking out the room to the hall with out looking back. He left you standing there, thinking to yourself. You started putting on your pants, your shirt, and your jacket. As soon as you were ready, you walked out. You seemed to be the last one to leave because the room was totally empty. You ran outside the apartment and frantically looked around for a portal.

"There it is."

You ran to it and stepped inside. In less than a second, you were in Koenma's office. Everyone was staring at you when you appeared. Koenma was right in front of you holding the Blood Ruby. He held it out for you to hold.

"____. Say `I wish Genkai was alive'." Koenma said as he started smearing blood on the ruby.

You looked into the dark red ruby and repeated his words.

"I wish Genkai was alive."

Suddenly, the blood that was on the ruby started slipping onto the floor all by it's self. Slowly, starting at the bottom, it started forming a figure. Everyone watched closely, as the blood started to form and an aged woman appeared in front of you.

"Genkai, you're back!" Botan said cheerfully.

"Welcome back, Genkai."

"This is our newest member of our team." Koenma explained. "Her name is ____. She is a wolf demon."

"____, eh? Wolf demon…" The old woman said.

"Yes. I've heard stories about you Genkai." You answered.

"So you have?" Genkai said raising an eyebrow.

She dusted off her clothes and faced Koenma.

"So, is my temple still in order the way I wanted it to be?"

"Ah, yes. I have already opened a portal leading straight to it. Might need a little dusting and fixing up though." He turned to Yusuke and pointed his index finger at him. "Yusuke. You and the others go and fix up the place."

"Ahh, alright." Yusuke whined.

"I can see you haven't changed a bit Yusuke." Genkai said walking past him to the portal to her temple.

"What? Why you old hag…"

"Come on everyone! Get a move on." Koenma interrupted.

*Genkai's temple*

"____, You go straighten out those plants in the back of the temple. There are weeds growing there. Yusuke…why don't you clean the outside shrines. Kurama, you and Kuwabara go inside and clean up the inside."

Everyone nodded and started walking to the places they were supposed to clean. The only one left was Hiei.

"And what am I supposed to do?" Hiei said.

"Hiei, impressive. I would expect you to be lying in a tree right now." Genkai said as Hiei's clenched his fists. "Just go do something useful."


Picking weeds from a garden was hard work. The thing was about Genkai's garden, was that it was mostly all weeds. It started getting really hot in the garden, and you were sweating. Then you hear someone's footsteps nearby. You stopped picking and looked up. No one was around. You continued again, but then you heard footsteps again. This time you stood up and started walking around trying to listen for the footsteps. You started walking towards the temple onto the wooden walkway surrounding it. You turned a corner and all at once something grabbed you. You looked up to see Hiei viciously smirking at you. For once, you felt fear as he pinned you to the wall with both arms. His lips smacked against yours. At first it was rough, but then it became deeper and deeper. You looked at him wide-eyed and he let go of your wrists. He wiped your mouth with his index finger.

"We're tied."

You stood there for atleast five minutes as he walked away behind the corner.

Treena: so how was that? Yea, I no…it was a short chappy…but I hab a life!…so, I'm sorry if I don't update fast or whatever…

Read and review pleez!