Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Lost and Found ❯ Kin Kohana's Injuries/ Hidden Power ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kin Kohana: Lost and Found
Chapter 8
10 years later
“ Kin Kohana get out of the bed now.” Kurama was yelling at the kit through her door but still got no answered. She had never slept this long if anything she was up before Hiei and he. “ Between Kin Kohana and Hiei I don't know who's worse.” He said to himself going back to his room. “ HIEI!!!! GET UP!!” He yelled. He heard a few mumbled words. But finally came face to face with the fire demon. “ What.” He said bitterly. Which was expected since Hiei wasn't a morning person.
“ How long were you two training?” He asked. “ Just a little before the sun came up. I took her to the Makai that's why she's probably tired.” He said yawning. “ You WHAT!” Kurama said to him a little angry. Hiei looked at him. “ Your looking lovely today Kurama.” Hiei said to him trying to change the subject. Kurama pushed passed him. He ran over to Kin Kohana's door. He put his ear to the door and then picked the lock. He opened the door and looked at Kin Kohana. She was bandaged up. “ Hiei what happened to her?” Kurama asked. Hiei looked at him. “ WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER! WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!” He yelled at Hiei. Hiei looked at the ground. “ HIEI PLEASE TELL ME!” He yelled to him looking hurt. “ Yukina says she's gonna be all right. She fought a hard battle.” He said to him. Kurama walked over to the kit. He moved her hair from in front of her eyes. Though she was sleep she looked as if she was in pain.
“ HIEI! HOW COULD YOU TAKE HER THERE?! AFTER I SAID NO! HOW COULD?!” Kurama yelled at him. He was now holding the fox. “ I wasn't going to take her there. But she asked for me to take her there.” He said. “ SHE'S THIRTEEN YEARS OLD HIEI!! BE FOR REAL!!” He yelled at him. “ She isn't a little ningen Kurama.” Hiei said to him. Kurama looked at him. “ If it makes you feel better she finished off a S-Class youkai. She saved my life.” He told him. Kurama looked at him. Hiei showed him how he too was bandaged. Hiei walked over to them and put his hand on Kurama's shoulder. “ She's strong Fox. She's very strong and I've never seen a youko move as fast as I do.” He told him. Kurama looked at Hiei.
“ I know she isn't a ningen Hiei.” Kurama told him. “ But she is still young. I can't stand to see her sleeping in pain. I didn't want her to go there and you knew that.” He said to him. “ Kurama she really wanted to go.” He said to him. “ What if she had been killed Hiei? Heck I worry enough about you when you go there. Your strong and I know that but still I worry. I worry if your going to return or not. You probably could have taking care of that youkai by yourself. But because you took her you not only endangered her life but yours as well.” He said to him. Hiei nodded. “ I thought she was ready. She's just so strong Kurama. I wish you could see her in action. She's just like you if not better.” He said to him. Kurama looked at him. “ Heck she's even better than me.” He said to him. Kurama looked at her.
“ Better then you.” He said to Hiei. “ Yeah.” He said. “ If she were stronger than us Hiei she wouldn't be this hurt.” He said to him a little angry. “ She only got hurt cause she took the shot for me.” Hiei admitted. Kurama looked at him. “ I was about to get killed when out of no where she jumped in grabbed me and was hit by the blasted upon escaping. Crazy little fox. I must have cursed myself for taking her there. So I don't need you doing the same. Heck I even gave some of my life energy to keep her alive until Yukina could get to her.” He told him flatly. Kurama stared at Hiei then back at Kin Kohana. “ Your raising a very good kit there Kurama.” Hiei said to him. “ No..” Kurama began and laid her back down. He then walked over to Hiei and put his arms around his shoulders.
“ We're raising a very good kit. I'd never thought she'd turn out to be a mixture between the both of us.” He said to him. Hiei looked at him. “ So you've notice too.” He said to him. “ Yes Indeed I have.” Kurama said and stood by her window. “ Hiei.” He called. “ Hn.” He replied. “ I knew one day she would have to go to her real home. Just not now. I was afraid of what would happen to her. That's why I wouldn't let her go. She's has to of course go again. When she is 15. But I'm just not ready for this just yet.” He said to him. Hiei nodded at him. “ Come let's let her sleep.” Hiei said guiding Kurama out of her room.
4 days later
Kurama went up to check on Kin Kohana. She still laid in the bed. Sleeping really hard. “ I brought you some water. Maybe it will cool you down.” Kurama said to her. Kurama took the cloth and placed it on her head. She had been running a small temperature. She took in a breath of air upon feeling the coolness against her head and she let a little moan of pain escape her mouth. But still she didn't open her eyes. Kurama could feel tears welling up in his eyes. He touched her face and brush a few pieces of her mane out of her face. Her breathing was sorta uneven. Her face was dirty from the blast probably. Kurama took another cloth and washed her face. He moved her bang and shakily gave her a kiss on the forehead. Kurama grabbed her hand and looked at her. She was in so much pain right now. Kurama couldn't hold them anymore and he began to let his tears fall and he cried. He cried upon her chest.
Hiei stood at the door. He looked at the scene in front of him. “ How could I be so stupid.” He said to himself. He looked at the girl and he looked at Kurama. He'd never seen the fox this sad except of course before they got together. Kurama had loved this kit as if she were his own. Begging to keep her and heck a part of Hiei wanted her too. Now the kit who reminded him of Kurama was injured. In fact dying. He just couldn't bare to tell Kurama that. He couldn't tell him that the kit was going to die. Hiei let out a sigh. Kurama sat up. Hiei went downstairs as he knew the fox would come down there. He sat on the sofa and waited.
Kurama came downstairs and sat on his sofa next to Hiei his head hanging down. Hiei looked at him. Kurama stared at the table. Hiei couldn't say nothing and put his head down. He noticed Hana sitting over on the table. Kurama noticed it too and he picked it up. Kurama's body began to shake as tears took over him again. Hiei brought the fox's head to his shoulder and Kurama began to cry aloud. “ What's wrong with her Hiei? Why isn't she getting any better?” He said to him. Hiei said nothing. He just couldn't tell him that the kit was dying. “ Hiei.. There's something your not telling me.” Kurama said to him. Hiei got up and still didn't look at him.
“ Hiei..” Kurama said as Hiei sat on the window sill peering out. How could he possibly tell the fox that the little fox was dying. He didn't want to report that. Not to Kurama he just couldn't report that to him. “ Hiei.. Please.” Kurama said and touched him. Hiei turned around and looked into Kurama's eyes. The shine that was there was no longer there in fact his emerald green eyes just weren't as radiant as they once were. This hurt Hiei a lot. “ Hiei do you know what's really going on?” Kurama soft alto voice said to him. “ How can I say this to him. How can I tell my love that our kit is dying.” Hiei thought. He got down from the window sill.
“ Kurama... I'm sorry.” Hiei started. Kurama looked at him. “ If I hadn't been so careless and so blind she'd be all right. If only I'd listen to you and didn't take her there she'd be doing whatever that crazy little fox does.” He said to him. Kurama looked at him. “ But because I was stupid and not responsible. Just because I thought she could do it. Just because I believe she was ready for the Makai.” He said still not looking at Kurama. Hiei then punched the wall. “ She's dying Kurama and it's all because of me. I'm the reason Kin Kohana is up there dying a slow painful death because she saved me.” Hiei said to him. Kurama looked at Hiei. He had never seen the fire demon blame himself over someone else's death.
“ I'd do anything to get her back strong. If she would have just let me die...” He was saying. But Kurama stopped him. “ Hiei.. Don't say that.” He told him. Hiei looked at him. “ Why it's the truth fox. I'm the cause of her death and because of that I can never forgive myself.” He said. Kurama looked at him. “ Hiei please.” Kurama said. “ IF SHE DIES I'LL NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF!” He shouted at him. Kurama looked at Hiei and held him. The fire demon looked at him. “ Hiei try not to think of the bad.” He said to him nuzzling his neck. “ She's gonna make it. She has too. She just has too.” He told him.
Hiei looked at him and though his eyes were red from crying , they showed a hint of encouragement. “ If only that were true.” He said to the fox. “ Come with me.” Kurama said to him. Hiei followed Kurama upstairs and into Kin Kohana's room. Hiei couldn't look at her. “ Look at her.” Kurama said to him and Hiei did. She was bandaged up and her breathing was still uneven. Hiei went over to her. “ It's now or never. Let me see what's causing her death.” He thought. He took off the ward and put his hand on Kin Kohana's forehead. He closed his eyes and his jagen opened up. She took in a breath of air. Kurama looked at them.
Hiei was inside of Kin Kohana's head. He saw the thirteen year old. “ Hiei!” She yelled and ran over too him. “ Kin Kohana.” He said to her. “ I'm so glad your here.” She said hugging him. “ Where are we.” He asked her. “ I don't know but I have never felt this much chi before.” She said to him looking at her hands. He looked at them too. They were a mixture between green and black. “ Kin Kohana it's....” He said to her. She looked at him. “ It's you and Kurama. I have both of your strengths combined.” She said to him looking at her fist.
“ It's too much power for you.” He said. “ Non-sense I can take anything.” She said. She then grabbed her chest and started panting. “ That's too much power your dying. Let me help you please.” Hiei said to her. “ I'm fine.” She said grabbing her chest. “ Please let me help you control it.” He said to her. “ I said I'm fine.” She barked at him swatting at him with some type of a weapon. He jumped back. “ Kin Kohana there's no time to be stubborn. Think about Kurama. If you die he'll be upset and I could never forgive myself. Let me help you.” He said.
She nodded and Hiei grabbed her hand. “ Don't be afraid and don't fight it. You must not be afraid.” He told her. She stopped panting. “ Take a deep breath and just breath.” He told her and she began to take deep breath's and finally her breathing was okay. “ That's right Kin Kohana now concentrate on the chi. Make it become your own. Let it fuse with yours.” He told her. She concentrated on the chi and all of a sudden she let out a loud howl of pain as a blast occurred.
Hiei was thrown from off the bed. “ Hiei!” Kurama yelled and went over to him. Kin Kohana moved up and down on the bed rapidly. She was spitting up. “ Hiei! SHE'S HAVING A SEIZURE!” He yelled and try to calm her down. Her body bounced up once and stayed up in the air and then her body went limp. She was sweating really bad. “ Kin Kohana?” Kurama said. Noticing that the kit wasn't breathing at all. “ Hiei! She isn't breathing!” Kurama yelled in panic. Hiei looked at the ground. “ I tried to save her . But I killed her faster.” He thought to himself. “ Hiei what happened?” Kurama asked shrieking. He put his head to her heart and could hear it beating faint as her breathing started back up uneven and sometimes she wasn't even breathing. Kurama sank to the floor and covered his face. He was truly crying now. He cried so hard his body trembling.
“ She's Going to die!” He yelled. Hiei went over to him. “ Let her go fox.” Hiei said. “ NO!” He yelled and pushed Hiei off of him. Hiei was hurt. Kurama went over to her. Kurama turned into his Youko form. He put his hands over her chest and he was about to began to channel some of his energy into her. Hiei stopped him. “ No!” He told him. Kurama looked at him. “ If you channel your energy to her you'll kill her.” He told him. Kurama changed back to Suichi. He began to cry again. “ Hiei I won't let her die. I refuse to let her die.” He yelled at him.
Hiei went over to him and hugged him. “ If she's gonna die. We have to let her go.” Hiei said to him a little hurt. “ NO! You killed her Hiei. If she dies it's because you killed her.” He said to him in angry and he got up and ran to his room. Hiei looked at the ground. “ He's right.” He said and then looked back at Kin Kohana. “ If you die. It was because I helped kill you.” He said to her and then kissed her head. Then he flitter to the tree near Kurama's window. He saw Kurama on the bed he had cried himself to sleep. “ I'm sorry Kurama. I'm sorry Kin Kohana.” He said and went to sleep holding his tear gem.
The Next Morning
Kurama woke up. He felt for Hiei. But got no luck. He sat up and groan. He felt like crap and probably looked like it. He got up and went to his window. Hiei sat on his tree branch. The one that he and Kin Kohana loved so much. Kurama opened the window. “ Hiei.” He called in a hoarse voice. Hiei looked up. He had a few tear gems in his hands. Kurama gave him a sad smile. He'd been crying too. Maybe he was a little too hard on him. He thought. Hiei came over to Kurama. “ What are we going to do?” He asked him. Hiei shrugged his shoulders. Then they heard a beautiful voice singing a very beautiful song. Kurama looked at Hiei and they went to Kin Kohana's room.
There stood Kin Kohana in the middle of her room doing some sorta dance. Singing and she looked a little more mature as well as her body. Kurama looked at her and so did Hiei. When she was finish. “ Kin Kohana?” Kurama called her. “ Kurama? Hiei?” She called back but didn't look at them. “ YOUR ALIVE!” Kurama yelled and ran over to her and he hugged her. But she still didn't look at him. In fact she touched his face. “ Kin Kohana what's wrong?” Kurama asked. But she still felt his face. Almost like reading him. “ Kin Kohana?” Hiei asked her. She turned to him but didn't look at him. She touched his face and then she touched both of Kurama and Hiei's face reading them like a book. Her lips trembled and tears fell down her cheek. She hugged both of them. “ I'm alive.” She said to them. They looked at her. Kin Kohana stood up. She walked over to the mirror and she felt the mirror. “ I know what your thinking.” She said to them. They looked at her. She smiled and felt her reflection in the mirror. She felt her face and her long silver hair. “ What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?” She said repeating their thoughts. They looked at her in shock.. “ Well Truth is..” She began. She turned around and lifted her head. The once golden eyes were now silver. Kurama shook his head. Hiei didn't say anything. “ I'm blind.” She said to them.