Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Lost and Found ❯ Make-up and Hiei's Final Decision ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kin Kohana: Lost and Found
Chapter 7
They approached the small lake. They got undressed and Kurama made sure to cover himself. They jumped into the lake. They began swimming under the water and Kurama was the first to come up for air. His silver hair glistening in the moonlight. Right after that Kin Kohana came up her silver hair also glistening in the moonlight. She splashed Kurama with some water. He turned and looked at her with a smile. He swam over to her. He splashed some water on her. A lot of water on her. Her hair draped over her face. Kurama started laughing at her.
She was so cute. She moved the hair from in front of her eyes. Her eyes were red. She was angry. Kurama looked at her. “ Are you angry with me?” He asked. “ No. My eyes are hurting.” She said yawning. He looked at her. “ That's enough for tonight. How bout we call it quits?” He said to her. She nodded and they got out of the lake. They began to shake themselves dry. Kurama put on his pants. He then wrapped Kin Kohana in his shirt. She fell asleep instantly. He walked back to the house. He grabbed a little gown he had made for her and put it on her. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and her little stuffed fox. He turned out her light and closed her door.
He sighed. That little swim felt so good and it was so refreshing. He walked to his room. He opened the door and there sat Hiei with a bouquet of red roses. Kurama looked shocked. “ Hiei how did you get in here?” He asked him. “ I was a thief once. Of course I know how to pick a lock.” He said offering the roses to him. Kurama took them. “ So I suppose you still think I'm a stupid sensitive fox.” He said to him. “ Yeah of course.” He said. Kurama looked at him. Had spending half the night out there done nothing good for him. “ But your my stupid sensitive fox.” He said. Kurama smiled at him. Hiei leaned up and kissed him.
“ Kurama I don't ever mean what I say. I never wanna make you angry. Only happy. I wanna make the both of you happy.” He said. “ But Hiei your suppose to be the adult. You know you should of took her outside for the training.” He said to him. Hiei walked over to him. He slowly pushed the fox onto the bed. He began to kiss his chest. “ I know fox. She just was so happy to see me. I was so happy to see her. I forgot about that. I just wanted to see her smile. See her happy.” He said to him. Kurama rubbed his spiky hair. Hiei bit his chest. Kurama in took a sharp breath. “ God fox your beautiful. You seem to get more and more beautiful each and every time I see you.” He said to him. Kurama flipped the script and was now on top of Hiei kissing him. “ Well I thank you. Your not bad yourself. In fact your very Hot.” He told him. Hiei smiled at him. “ I love you fox.” He said. “ I love you too Hiei.” He said and they began making love.
Kin Kohana woke up upon hearing Hiei and Kurama screaming. She sat up in her bed with her little fox. She jumped out the bed and landed gracefully. Her gown barely touching the ground as she was getting taller. She took it off and put on her battle gear. She grabbed her rose. She walked to Kurama's room. She walked straight and saw Yoko Kurama over Hiei and Hiei looked like he was in pain. “YOKO KURAMA STOP IT!” Kin Kohana yelled. Kurama looked at Hiei. “ PLEASE DON'T KILL HIEI! WE DIDN'T MEAN TO BREAK THE VASE!” She said. Hiei looked at him and Kurama begin to laugh. Hiei ended up joining in soon. “ HIEI! He's trying to kill you and you find it funny.” She said confused. She didn't know the two were making love. Kurama got off of Hiei and Hiei hurried up and put his clothes on. “ Thanks Kin Kohana you saved me.” Hiei said smirking at her though he was blushing. “ Let's get you back to bed.” He told her. She nodded. When they left. Kurama roared and howled with laughter.
“ Are you okay. He didn't hurt you did he?” She asked Hiei. “ Hn. No he didn't hurt me.” He said to her. “ So what was wrong. Your face showed pain.” She said. “ Oh nothing I had a terrible ache and Yoko was just trying to stop my pain. That's what he was doing. He wasn't trying to kill me.” Hiei said. “ Oh. You look so hurt though.” She said. “ Hn. I wasn't.” He said helping the little fox get undress and putting her gown back on her. He sat on her bed and grabbed her brush. “ Come I wanna brush your hair.” He said to her. Kin Kohana looked at him. Hiei never brushed her hair. But she hopped up on the bed and let Hiei brush her mane. “ Your hair is as pretty as Kurama's.” He said to her and then sniffed it. “ Smells like it too.” He said. The little fox held her stuffed fox close to her.
“ What's it's name?” He asked her. “ This is Hana. Kurama gave it to me.” She said to him. Hiei looked at it. “ Do you think she is beautiful like Kurama?” She asked him. Hiei looked down at the little fox. “ Beautiful like Kurama?” He asked her. “ I heard you tell Kurama each time you see him he gets more beautiful.” She said. Now Hiei was speechless. “ Where's that damn fox when you need him.” He thought. “ Will I become as beautiful as Kurama?” She asked. Hiei blushed. “ You will be as beautiful if not more beautiful then Kurama.” He said to her finally hugging her.
“ Damn she's just a kid your acting like she's Yusuke or that big oaf. She's not going to laugh because your being sensitive.” He thought. “ Do you love him Hiei?” She asked him. “ Yes I do. I love both of you.” He said to her and she smiled. Then she started to fall asleep and soon her breathing evened out. Hiei slipped out from underneath her. He covered her up and gave her Hana. He gave the sleeping fox a kiss on her forehead. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. It brought tears to his eyes. * Clink. Clink* He looked to the floor and there were two garnet tear gems on the floor. He picked them up and grabbed some strands of loose hair from Kin Kohana's brush. He made a necklace for her. He put the necklace in her hand. He closed up her hand and gave her a kiss on her forehead again before closing the door.
Hiei then went back to Kurama's room. Kurama sat up looking at Hiei he had finally stopped laughing and he was still in his Yoko form. “ She's a very curious fox isn't she.” He said to him. Hiei went over to him. “ Kurama close your eyes.” He said. Kurama looked at him but did as he was told. Hiei pulled a strand of his hair out and put the tear gem on it. He then place the necklace around Kurama's neck. Kurama opened his eyes and looked at the tear gem and then at Hiei. Hiei smiled at him. “ But...” He was saying. Hiei put a finger to his lips. Kurama stopped talking. He kissed his lips. “ A gift from me too you and Kin Kohana.” He said. “ Oh Hiei thank you.” He said. “ Now we are a real family.” He said to him. Kurama eyes got watery and a few tears fell. Hiei began to kiss his cheeks and tears away. “ Now let's sleep.” He said and they fell to sleep in each other's arms.