Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's First Love ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I still don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, never have, never will. =___=

Chapter 9:

The ancient door creaked open, swaying heavily on its hinges as the fire koorime entered. Hiei glanced around, his eyes narrowed to slits, his Jagan glowing slightly beneath his head band.

`Demon,' Hiei observed, the scent reaching him long before the sight of the apparitions standing before him. His hand instinctively went to his katana, which rest safely at his hip. He took several steps, arriving in plain view of the silver-haired youkaiis.

Shiro looked at him, a twinkle of malicious delight in her violet eyes. "Looks like there will be a party here after all."

Hiei rolled his eyes at the girl's joke; not having time to give a care what she had said. His eyes darted to the tallest of the three, and with a small blink, recognition dawned on him.

"Kurama?" he questioned the fox, his grip on the handle of his katana loosening a fraction.

With a devious smirk and a casual nod from the golden-eyed creature, Hiei closed his eyes, letting out a small, contented sigh. "I should have known," he commented, almost to himself.

Shiro let out a curt `humph' as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "As nice as I find reunions, I haven't the desire to sit through one," she said pointedly.

Hiei rolled his eyes yet again, muttering under his break something that sounded rather like `women'.

"Shall we simply cut to the chase and fight you now or shall I allow the both of you to dangle a while longer?" she asked, as though this was suddenly the highlight of her life.

"Fight," Hiei simply replied, unsheathing his silvery blade and raising it into an offensive position in one quick flourish of the hand. His deep red eyes fixed themselves upon her face in concentration. The anticipation usually prior to the fights always thrilled him inwardly. He fought back a slight smile that was tugging at the corners of his lips.

With his usual speed, formerly challenged by none, he darted at the girl. His katana remained poised as it hurtled towards its target; the lean torso of the demon. So began the barrage of blows, which would only be perpetuated by Shiro's incessant dodging.


For hours it seemed the battle had raged on, one attacking, the other; evading. Both fighters, having displayed amazing endurance and stamina; were now locked in an all out stare-down to end all stare-downs. Exhausted and haggard Hiei stood, his chest rising and falling heavily with each labored breath. The tip of his katana now rested on the tile floor, which, due to the fight, was now chipped and severely damaged. The lid of one of his eyes slid down a bit, covering the glazed over surface dully reflecting

Shiro's image.

The pale demon stood a small ways from Hiei, clutching a stitch in her side. Her habitually sleek silver hair hung idly in her face, a few pieces plastered to her forehead by the sweat constantly pulsating from her body. A thin stream of blood trickled down her cheek, a drop condensing at her jaw and slowly, almost reluctantly, dropping to the white floor. A soft raspy sound in her pant could be heard; a relic from her newly punctured lung.

"You've proven - to be a worthy - adversary - after all," she managed with an arduous wince. "Better than I would - have imagined."

"I could almost say the same for you," Hiei remarked, a slightly deranged smile lighting his face; an almost triumphant one in fact. His cocky manner, previously hidden, now openly displayed itself, and with relish.

Impervious to his characteristically arrogant mannerisms, Shiro held a stolid gaze. "Shall we - finish this?" she inquired, wiping several beads of sweat from her brow.

With a resolute nod, he hoisted his katana into the air, a crimson smudge on the side. "Of course; to the death."

Yoko Kurama, who had until this point, been a spectator, entered their ring of battle. His hand caught Hiei's wrist as he forced the katana down. "No more, you've done enough."

With a perplexed blink, Hiei's eyes met with the aristocratic assassin before him. "What?"

"I'll handle her, you find the others," he told him in a distinctly commanding undertone.

Hiei nodded. "Right," he mumbled to the other boy, sheathing his scarlet stained katana and leaving.

With the fiery koorime out of sight, Kurama's face softened as his human side regained control of his body. Slowly, vibrant red hair replaced the silver, green eyes glittered like shimmering orbs of light and he was now, almost sadly, tailless.

Shiro turned her eyes upon him, studying him as a bird studies its prey. "Couldn't let - him finish me - could you?" she asked, spitting out a small bit of blood, aiming to hit him. However, he stepped to the side, avoiding it. "You're pathetic."

"You seem bitter," the red head commented with a half smile.

She narrowed her eyes to slits, shaking her head. "Well, what're - you w-waiting for? I thought - you said you'd - take care of me? F-finish me off."

"It's true, I did tell Hiei that I'd take care of you," he remarked, stepping towards her. "And that is just what I shall do."

He pulled a cloth from his pocket and began wiping the blood from her face, with an expression of kindness in his eyes, despite the hostility growing within her.

With a deep, throaty growl, Shiro struck out at Kurama, knocking him backwards onto the once white floor.


Late update again, woo, go me. I'm sorry about this one as well.

On the flip side, a bit of angst in this one I think. ^-^ Had a bit of fun writing it, and I'm sure my English teacher would be proud *rolls eyes* I used stupid vocabulary words in it. Well aren't I spiffyspadoodle? XD

Leave me some nice comments!!

Kawaii Youko ^_~