Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's First Love ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I haven't ever owned the characters of Yu Yu Hakusho, nor do I think that will ever happen. I'm pretty much content with just writing fanfiction about them. Enjoy.

Chapter 11:

Thin rays of the sun's early morning light struggled to push their way through the blinds sheltering room 226 in the ICU ward of Tokyo Emergency Hospital; the select few that passed shining sparse light on the powder blue room. The walls were plain; they always were in hospitals it seemed - there were no pictures hanging on them, no elaborate border encircling the small space below the ceiling; the walls were just.. blue. Not that blue wasn't a lovely colour to paint a wall, mind you, but it didn't exactly make you want to get better in a hurry and venture off into the world again.

And with the small, white, unbearably sanitary hospital bed sitting in the center, it's almost like being stranded in the middle of an ocean. With the effects of the pain killers, it practically felt as though you were riding the placid waves; your body slowly rising and falling with its lulling rhythm. But then again, that was probably just the morphine talking.

The experience would be soothing, had it not been for the breathing tube so awkwardly residing in Shiro's throat. From her mouth the hideous hose protruded, traveling on down through the fissure between the bed and the cold steel nightstand, affixed to the respirator. That machine had proved itself irksome in the hours before, with its monotone droning and dreadfully robotic sounds. Why did it have to hum so loudly; so excruciatingly noisily that even the birds' incessant singing could not drown it out?

As she gingerly extended her arm, probing her hand around for the button that would alert the nurses of her impending plight, her wan limb bumped something sitting atop that cold, emotionless steel nightstand. She didn't recognize its feeling at first; its smooth, waxy surface, occasionally giving way to a pointed mass. Her slightly clammy fingers ran along the object, eventually coming to grasp it and bring it into view.

"A rose," she muttered, feeling the flower's delicate weight resting in her palm. "A single, red rose."

From the stem bloomed an elegant array of burgundy pedals, each as frail as a sliver of damp paper, yet independent of one another's support. And from the stem of that blossom so lovely, hung a small square of embroidered paper, bearing a solitary word in handsome, flowing scrawl: Goodbye.


`I had to do it,' Shuiichi told himself silently, his heart thumping painfully against the aching walls of chest. He could hear the blood rushing in his ears; he could feel that dull throbbing sensation coursing through his body.

Absentmindedly, he picked up a pen and began sketching the faint outline of a face in his biology notebook. The smooth, flowing blue pen lines intertwined gracefully, forming soft contours and delicate features. And there, centered in the paper, were the eyes; those entrancing, penetrating amethyst eyes.

`It was the RIGHT thing,' he reasoned, expecting that simple, black and white explanation would help to dispel the uncomfortable sense of numbness residing deep within his breast. Though, no matter how many times he reminded himself that no one was at fault; and that there was no true reprehensible party who caused this to happen, he still did not manage to ease the pain.

As the bell chimed through the school, resounding blandly in the dull brick corridors, the students began filing out of the rooms, merrily heading towards home. Watching as the other students dashed away, out through the small classroom door; a few shoving at one another to get out just seconds faster, Shuiichi gave a small sigh.

"Ready Kurama?" asked Yusuke, his hands jammed into the deep pockets of his bottle green pants. "The bus won't wait up. Not even for you."

The raven haired teen displayed his usual smile, waving his hand towards the open door. "So let's get a move on. Okay?"

Kuwabara stood by Yusuke's side, his arms crossed in front of his broad chest. "Give him some time Urameshi, I mean, he DID just break up with his girlfriend…"

"She wasn't my girlfriend," Shuiichi stated despondently. "She was just an unrequited love to which I would never have been able to lay claim to."

Giving a bemused blink, the blue-clad boy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? So what does that mean in english?"

"It means she didn't love him back, numbskull," the spirit detective interjected. "So now what? You back on the market?"

A small smile flickered on Shuiichi's features. "Actually, I think I'll return to my first love."

With those words, the vibrant red head got to his feet, departing from the desolate class room. His flowing hair trailed behind him, swinging slightly from side to side as he walked.

"And just what's that, huh Kurama?" the carrot-coloured hair boy inquired, following.

"Gardening, of course."


Appropriate ending, huh? ^-^

Sadly, this is the last chapter of my fanfic "Kurama's First Love". ;~; I'd like to give thanks to everyone who's been following this little story of mine, and offering critiques to my ever-changing work. I hope you've all enjoyed reading my story and have nice comments on what you've seen. Have a nice day, and perhaps there will be more fanfiction to come in the near future. :D

Kawaii Youko ^_~