Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ The photo ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


By: Fire_Child

Standard Disclaimers apply(but Raya Hinato is mine steal her charicter and be severly punished)
Miyuki was gathering her things as the bell rang. She was nearly out the door when her friend Ayume caught her. "Hey Miyuki, the gangs going to the arcade. Do you wanna come?"
"No," she replied, "todays the day I go hang with Ms. Hinato."
Ayume shrugged, "whatever." Miyuki watched her friend catch up with the group before she headed off. At least twice a week Miyuki went to Raya Hinato's house. It started as a community service requirment for school but now Miyuki just went for fun. Raya Hinato was at least in her late 90s. Miyuki knew little of her past due to the fact Ms. Hinato rarely spoke of it and Miyuki didn't bother to ask. Ms. Hinato lived in an old temple on the outskirts of town. when Miyuki first attemped to climb the steps the first time she visited it had nearly taken an hour. She often wondered how an old woman get up and down so many stairs. When Miyuki reached the top of the stairs she was greeted bu the site of Ms. Hinato pulling weeds in the temple garden, in black no less. "Ms. Hinato, it's boiling out here and your wearing black. Are you asking for heat stroke?"
"Hello Miyuki, and I'll be fine, if Enma wanted my soul he'd have takin it already." Ms. Hinato grinned. Even though she was in her 90s Ms. Hinato acted like she was young but Miyuki had seen her eyes. Sometimes they would hold a great saddness and Ms. Hinato would sorta phase out at times. "How about I go make some tea before we start today?" inquired the old woman, already heading inside.
"Sure," Miyuki replied, "I'll help you."

After having some tea, Miyuki grabbed a rag and a bucket from under the sink and proceeded to the next room on the cleaning list. Ms. Hinato had alrady disappeared to another room to clean. Miyuki stopped in front of a black door, yes this was the next room to clean. After several tries the door finally opened to reveal a room with black walls with silver dragons painted on them. On the far wall two swords hanged, they looked like they hadn't been touched in years. The bed had a black comfiter and black silk sheets. A thin layer of dust covered the entire room making Miyuki sneeze. "Well better get started."

Miyuki cleaded off the funerture and hung the bedding to air out. She was dusting off the nightstand when she knowtice a box in the corner. Curiousity getting the best of her, Miyuki picked the box up. It was a wooden chest with the name 'Hiei' carved into the top. Miyuki opened the box to find a picture and a black gem necklace. Miyuki swiped the dust off the photo to reveal a group photo of four guys and three girls. A girl with light brown wearing a red sundress was holding what looked like a blue stuffed bird with bunny ears. A boy with black, greased hair, wearing a green jumpsuit had his arm around her shoulders. Next to the boy was another boy with red hair and green eyes who was trying to stop a boy with orange hair in a blue jumpsuit from giving people bunny ears. A girl in a light blue kimono with sea green hair was laughing at him. Finally, was a girl with and hazel green eyes with her arms draped around a guy with black spiky hair with a white starburst in the middle. The girl was leaning her head on his shoulder with a big smile on her face. The guys red eyes were turned to her in suprize but seemed to enjoy the embrace.

Miyuki sat the picture aside to inspect the necklace. It was a black stone with swirls of silver on a plain chain. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She had to ask Ms. Hinato about it. Miyuki ran down the hallway where Ms. Hinato was cleaning the other rooms. "Ms. Hinato, Ms.Hinato," she yelled.
"What's all the fuss," Ms. Hinato asked while emerging form the other room.
"Look what I found," Miyuki said handing her the photo and necklace.
"Where...Where did you get this?"
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