Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ In Their Hands ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yay! I’m back and with another chapter! Guess what! The YYH crew is finally in the story and I have a feeling that I’m gonna stay far from writer’s block. Well, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho or you.


You woke up dazed, on a chair. You still couldn’t see. (Oh my god! I’m blind!..Wait...This was my dream!) You must of flinched slightly at this realization because you heard footsteps of multiple people come your way. This time, you weren’t gonna let them ignore you.

“Why did you kidnap me?!” you shouted.

“Don’t play dumb with us, _(your name)_. You know why you’re here.” a male voice answered back.

“No I fucking don’t you bast...” you yelled when you finally placed the voice in your mind. (It’s...No, it couldn’t be! That’s impossible!)

“You,” you said nodding your head in the direction of the voice. “What’s your name?”

His voice showed that he was startled that your mood had gone from angry to curious in a matter of seconds, but he quickly recovered. “Names won’t mean much. Let me show you.”

Once again, you saw the pinprick of white light. You suddenly realized that the light was coming from the blindfold being slowly removed in a bright room. At first, you could only see light and eventually, blurs of color. Slowly and steadily, your vision focused. You found yourself staring up at startling green eyes.

“Ku...Kurama?” you stuttered.

Kurama looked surprised and eyed you suspiciously. “How do you know my name?”

“I know all of you.” you said as you spotted Yusuke, Botan, Hiei, and Kuwabara standing behind Kurama. “You’re characters on Yu Yu Hakusho.”

Everyone eyed you for a moment, mentally debating whether you were high or not.

“What are you talking about?” Kurama said, breaking the akward silence.

“You’re all characters on the anime TV show, Yu Yu Hakusho.”

“Nothing like that exists. Hiei must have hit you harder than we realized.” Kurama said. You noticed a dull, throbbing pain in the back of your head where you had been hit in the airport. (So it was Hiei that grabbed me...But why?)
“Um...Why did you guys kidnap me?”

“You really don’t know?”

You shook your head feverishly.

He stared at you for a bit then said, “Uh, from this so-called Yu Yu Hakusho, did it tell you any Spirit World laws?”

You nodded.

“Can you think of any that you could have broken?”

You thought for a moment, then shook your head no, completely confused.

“Kurama, you’ve really gotta learn to be more straightforward.” Yusuke said, bumping past Kurama. He turned to you and said, “There’s this law that says demons can’t kill humans.”

“I know that.”

“But you just said that you didn’t break any of the laws!”

I didn’t break any. It says DEMONS can’t kill humans.”

“_(your name)_, you are a demon.” Yusuke said looking you straight in the eye. You looked at everyone and they were all looking at you. Except Hiei, of course. After staring at their faces for some time, you suddenly burst out laughing. You laughed so hard that you fell over, taking the chair with you because you were still tied to it.

(God, I have weird dreams! Me, a *laugh* demon!)

You quieted your laughter down and relaxed, looking around. You stared at everyone.

“Hn, stupid fool.” Hiei said from his position on the windowsill. (Hiei insulted me...) A small blush crept upon your face. Nobody saw the blush, but Kurama waved his hand in front of your face and you stopped mentally drooling over Hiei. You noticed that Koenma had entered the room and was standing directly in front of you.

You burst into another fit of laughter at seeing him in person. It wasn’t funny on the anime, but in real life, it was just too much. Koenma’s eye twitched and Yusuke suppressed a laugh beneath his hand.

You brought yourself under control and stared at him, waiting. He stared at you in aggravation for a while, then he finally spoke. “I have to run a few tests on you to determine your innocence.”

He took out a little box with lots of wires sticking out of it. He stuck the wires on you in various locations and pressed a few buttons. [Eww...Don’t think that way ppl!] A long print-out came out of the top of the box. “I’ll have to get this looked at.” he said waving the print-out. “I assume that you know what to do, Yusuke.” With that, he left the room. Yusuke untied you from the chair and stood you up. He nodded to the others as he took you out of the room and led you down a long hallway, then through another door. You came to an area filled with jail-like cells. He gently pushed you into one and locked you in.

“Wait! You’re just gonna leave me in here?!” you shouted, grabbing the cell bars.

“Sorry, but we’re still not sure if we can trust you yet.” he answered and walked away. There was a girl asleep, chained to the wall.

“Bastard,” you mumbled. “Leaving me in here with this freak.”

Suddenly, the girl lashed out at you, but was caught by the chains. You watched, scared as hell, as long claws and fangs grew from the girl. She stayed angrily trying to get a hold of you for an endless 10 minutes, without you moving an inch. Eventually, she settled down and sat, glaring at you in the dark. “Who are you?” she said, coming closer so you could see each other roughly.

“_(your name)_.” you said slowly, seeing the claws and fangs retract slowly. “Who are...you?”

“It’s a long story.”

“I’ve got time.”

She sighed then said, “Fine. First of all, my name’s Tsunake. I’m a reincarnation of a demon, at least, that’s what they’re telling me. I was arrested for killing a human, he was a classmate of mine. It’s kinda gory. I don’t know if you’d want to hear it.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I want to hear it.” you crossed your legs, not daring to interrupt what she was going to say next.

“There was this boy named Kujo. He was bugging me and I lost control. I lashed out and dug my claws into his neck and twisted it the right way to break it and paralyze him. He was still alive and I was still angry, so I ripped out his throat and held it in front of him so it was the last thing that he saw before he died. Then, I hung him by his exposed throat on a hook in my locker. I just closed the locker and walked away. I was doing fine until THEY caught me and put me in here. What about you?” she stepped into a patch of moonlight and you could see her clearly.

She had grey eyes with streaks of blue, as if a wild storm were happening within them. Long and bright, silver hair drifted lightly down her entire back. Her complete body was very slender and well toned. She had a face that could be beautiful, but it held hate lines and a scowl, almost as if she didn’t trust anyone.

“Well, like you, they tell me that I’m a reincarnation of a demon. I got mad at my stepfather, Michael, so I killed him in his sleep with a scalpel. I ran away and got in a plane, but Hiei caught me at an airport in Tokyo.” you said while she stared at you.

“Wow. You killed him in his sleep? He couldn’t even fight back.” She said as if you should be sad over a missed challenge. She stared at you, then shrugged and said, “Well, speaking of sleep. I’m gonna.”

She laid down on a worn-out cot and you noticed one behind you. You curled yourself up in its tattered covers and closed your eyes.


Once again, another chapter! Thank you all for your reviews, but more is always good. LOL!