Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ Pulled into Darkness ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I’m back! *the readers run away screaming* I can’t possibly smell that bad! *sniffs armpit and faints* @.@ .............Hi I’m Kaori_U’s alter ego. She’s passed out right now so I’ll typed the story! Oh, and by the way, this chapter contains a poem written by Tsunake herself! *Cheers come from nowhere and I look around, scared as hell* Er, this place is freaking me out!

<text> = telepathic talking.

Disclaimer: Kaori_U doesn’t own Yu Yu Hakusho, you, Kaomi, or Tsunake.


You and Tsunake stepped back inside, only to find that Yusuke and Kuwabara had eaten everything, so you went to your room. Tsunake stayed quiet and laid down on her mat. You and Kaomi looked at each other and quickly went to sleep as well.


After a hearty breakfast, you gathered outside for physical training with Yusuke and Kurama. You were definitely working up a sweat as you learned various blocks, punches, kicks, and stances. To your left, you could see that Kaomi looked completely bored. She had told you that she was good at martial arts, but you still couldn’t understand why she wasn’t challenged with the complex forms.

“I’m bored. Can’t we do something harder?” she said suddenly. You looked at her like she was crazy.

“Kurama, let’s take it up a few notches.” Yusuke grinned. Kurama, without warning, started to attack Kaomi. Instead of being surprised, Kaomi dodged quickly and gracefully. You and Tsunake just stared in awe as she dodged and performed attacks that were almost too fast to see. It lasted for about 15 minutes, but it finally ended with Kurama pinning Kaomi to the ground. They both stood up and rested.

“Wow...” you mumbled.

“Time for your mental training.” said Genkai, who was suddenly right next to you. She led the three of you to a large, bright room and had you sit down.

“Now, I’m going to reach into your minds and unblock the pathways that limit telepathy. After I’m done, you will be able to reach a person’s mind with proper focus. With enough practice, you will be doing it naturally.” she explained. You felt something similar to a slight tickle in the back of your head.

<I’m done.> you heard Genkai say in your mind.

“Wow! Really?” you asked, opening your eyes.
“See for yourself.” Genkai replied. You focused on Kaomi.

<Um... Can you hear me?>

<Oh my god, yes!>

You were so excited over your new ability that you didn’t notice Genkai leave. Even over dinner, you were having hidden conversations. You learned how to concentrate on changing the sound of your ‘voice’ to any sound that you wanted. You had a great time toying with Kuwabara. You used a low, male voice.

<I love you Kuwabara!> He gasped in his rice when he heard you. <Nothing is going to come between our love. I’ll have to get rid of Yukina.>

“Yukina!!” he screamed. He jumped out of his chair and grabbed her by the waist. Then, he threw her into a closet and stood in front of it, like a guard. Yukina’s shouts could be heard from inside. Hiei stood up, quite angry.

“Let her out at once, you fool!” he shouted, pointing his katana threateningly at Kuwabara.

Kuwabara hesitated, but finally gave in and opened the door, revealing a very flustered Yukina.

“What were you doing, Kazuma?!” she asked, stepping out of the closet.

“I was protecting you, I swear!” he answered.

“You’re horrible!” she whispered and she ran to her room, leaving a single tear gem on the floor. [Poor Yukina...]

You laughed hysterically on the inside, while at the same time, keeping your face neutral. You felt sorry for Yukina, but seeing Kuwabara so emotionally wounded was too perfect.

Nobody could really eat after that scene, so they all went to their rooms.

“I wonder what got into Kuwabara.” Kaomi said as the three of you stepped into the room.

“Do idiots need a reason to do something stupid?” Tsunake yawned.

“I guess not...”

You decided not to tell them what had really happened. After all, they might not find it funny. You curled up on your mat and just before you fell asleep, guilt settled in.


You and Kaomi woke up and your guilt had grown considerably. As you approached the front room, you heard Yusuke and Kuwabara laughing hysterically. When you finally saw them, you noticed your spiral notebook in Yusuke’s hands. They were reading your diary entries. [Ok, here’s the really scary part. If they didn’t have I last night and they have it now, that means that one of them was sneaking around in your room while you slept...*shudders* I hope it wasn’t Kuwabara...]

“Holy shit! Give that back!” you yelled, reaching desperately for your notebook. Yusuke held it out of your reach.

“But we’re not done with it yet.” he laughed as he handed the notebook to Kuwabara. He turned the page.

“What do we have here?” he said, showing the page to Yusuke. They both broke into another fit of laughter. Yusuke handed it back to you. They had been looking at your drawings of Hiei. A large blush shot up your face and you started to run back toward your room. As you turned a corner, you ran straight into Hiei.

The notebook flew out of you hands and now lay open on the floor. You quickly scrambled to pick it up and when you stood, you saw a light tint of pink in Hiei’s cheeks.

(Is he blushing?) You blinked and he disappeared. You carefully placed the notebook in a hidden spot in the room and you noticed that Tsunake was awake and staring at you from her mat.

“You should get up. Breakfast is already over.” you said.

“I don’t want to see those people again.”

“We have to train today.”

She sat up and stared at you for a moment, but then she stood. Both of you went down the hallway and outside.

“What’s wrong with you?” you asked her.

“I’m just a little depressed. Is that a crime?”

“Sorry. I’m not feeling too cheerful myself. You wouldn’t be either if you had gone through my morning. Could you tell me that poem of yours?”

She sighed and stayed silent for a moment.

“I stand alone, bathed in the dusty glow of the moon. The moon whispers mournfully, as does my heart. Will it never end? Will I be forced to stand alone, shunned by the rest. Inner demons battle one another, emotions rising to a fevered pitch. I cry out, but there is no one to hear me. All emotions are smothered before they can react. A wall of ice separates me from the rest. I am alone. Haunted by those who hate me. Anger swims around me, a burning red cloud of pain. Wounds are inflicted upon my fragile form, though none can see them. Thunder roars across the cool night sky. Lightning flashes twice. And then, the cooling rain falls. It envelopes me, the anger dissolving at its touch. I close my eyes and allow myself to be lost in the rain.” she finished.

A sharp pain exploded in your head. Memories of a life not quite yours flooded into your mind and appeared before your eyes.

All that you could see, hear, smell, or feel was fresh, warm blood. You knew of nothing but the death laid before you and it was overwhelming. You could hear pleading screams, but they only brought more blood. You let out a bloodcurdling scream as strong arms wrapped around you and you were pulled into endless darkness.


*grins evilly* I left you on a cliffy! I left you on a cliffy! So, how did you like Tsunake’s poem. That came straight from the poet herself, not a single word was changed. Make sure you review, because I like things like that. This story is going to get long...and I need tons of characters, so send a review with the name, description, personality, and powers of your character. I can pretty much guarantee that you character will be put in my story. I regret to say, that some may die though, for my writing purposes of course. I’m not trying to be mean. Now I’ve got to get some sleep, my Karate Tournament is tomorrow so, until next time, sayoonara!