Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ Shredded Confidence ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Finally, I’m back! I’m really sorry for the delay. I went on a cruise, caught the creepy NoroVirus (an actual sickness, not for comps.), got my comp. Practically blown up by viruses, and waited for Microsoft to send me help via. Mail. Many reviewers have been asking about romance. I promise you that it will speed up, but I’m desperately trying to keep Hiei in character and I hate it when he isn’t his usual self. If worst comes to worst, I’ll just have to grin and bear it, ne? Well, you’ve all been waiting very patiently, so I’ll quit rambling and get on with the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Yu Yu Hakusho, you, Kaomi, Tsunake, any submitted fighters, or these fights at all.


Kurama lifted one hand, then, brought it down sharply. The tiny vines lunged, wrapping around Haya’s arm. She cried out, cutting them furiously with one of her knives. With a violent shake, the plant drew her back. One huge vine gently took her from the tiny, squirming ones.

The flower quivered, then opened up. Haya let out a scream that was full of recognition; stating that she thought she was going to die. Thousands and thousands of massive teeth lined the seemingly harmless petals. The blue, drool covered tongue snaked out, licking her face curiously.

“No.” Kurama’s cool voice rang throughout the arena. The plant screeched in protest, vines lashing angrily. Kurama narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists. The monstrosity shrieked again and docilely closed its maw. The other huge vine rose up and began tenderly caressing Haya’s body.

The plant pulled her closer, pressing her frame against its “head.” An odd purring flowed from the beast as it held her close, caressing her like a lover. One might think it was a gesture of affection.

However, all but Kurama did not realize that with each “loving” stroke, millions of tiny needles were being injected into Haya’s body. She let out a cry of pain and the vine stroked her face. Her jaw suddenly snapped shut. With a massive shudder, she became limp.

“Paralysis.” Hiei smirked, folding his arms. Kurama lifted his hand again and the plant released her, creeping back down into the hell hole from which it came. Kurama turned away, clearly thinking it was over. The crowd boomed and Maomi ran forward.

“Fighter Haya is down!” she yelled into her microphone. “I will begin the count! One...Two...Three...Four...Five...Six...Seven...”

Perhaps it was her determination, or maybe she was infuriated that Kurama had subjected her to such treatment. Whatever it was, Haya rose to her feet, whipping out a bow.

“Haya is back up and ready for more! What an amazing fight!” Naomi cheered, along with the crowd.
With deadly accuracy, Haya let an arrow fly. Kurama spun, but not fast enough. The arrow grazed his leg, causing a deep gash. Haya had clearly used up most of her energy, but not all of it.

“Gotcha.” she grinned, preparing to release another arrow. Kurama didn’t give her a chance. He charged and attacked with a roundhouse kick.

It smashed into the side of her head. If Kurama had actually tried, her head would be rolling around on the grass. Luckily, he wasn’t and showed her mercy. Her eyes went white before she slumped to the ground, unconscious.

“And the winner is... Kurama!” Naomi cried after quite a long silence. A tension within the crowd broke and the arena went wild. Kurama casually jumped down from the platform. His neck was still slightly bleeding.

“Are you okay?” you asked him, eyeing his wounds curiously.

“I’m fine. Wounds like this are nothing compared to some of the others I’ve had.” he said, making you think about his fight with Karasu.

“The second fight of the first round is about to begin! Will each team please choose a fighter.” Maomi said cheerfully, twirling her microphone with one hand.

“I’m doing this one!” you said, stepping up to the ring before anyone could say otherwise.

“Okay, this fight is _(Your Name)_ VS Jenni!” Naomi shouted and the audience began to chant for Jenni. You let out a sigh, shifting into a fighting stance. Jenni said nothing, only drawing her katana.

“Begin!” the two referees said in unison.

Jenni lunged at you with unexpected swiftness. You barely managed to block her charge and then, she was attacking you again.

(Oh great!) You thought, a bit panicked. You slashed at her viciously, but she danced out of the way. She paused, considering, then attacked full force.

With a barely contained yelp, you blocked as best as you could. (This is insane! How the hell am I supposed to attack!) Suddenly, a thought came to you. (She looks like she’s trying to keep me busy!)

As soon as this occurred to you, sharp pain flared in your ribs. Jenni had thrust a dagger deep into your side. With a cry, you staggered back. Jenni pressed her advantage, slashing everywhere.

Suddenly, she tried to attack your legs, leaving her face unprotected. You created your katana and thrust. There was a shriek, but this time, it wasn’t from you. There was now a gaping hole in her left cheek. [God, Tsunake! I’m all up for pain, but I still can’t read that part without cringing!]

She stared at you furiously, then held out her hand. You braced yourself, ready to move. A numbness suddenly took over your legs. Looking down in horror, you saw that your legs had been encased in a thick sheet of ice. Swallowing hard, you looked up to see her eyes gleaming in triumph. The audience roared.

(Oh shi...) Was all you had time to think before she was attacking upon you. You screamed as huge slashed appeared all over your body. The entire arena began to sway. Your last thought was of Hiei before you sank into the cold, black darkness that awaited you.

~Hiei’s POV~

I saw _(Your Name)_ fall to the floor, her body all covered in wounds. She didn’t move from her place on the arena tile and Maomi ran forward and began to count.

“One...Two...Three...” I was barely aware of the counting. I wanted to run to _(Your Name)_, but my legs would not obey. Frozen on the spot, I watched. (Could she be dead?) I didn’t know if I could take it.

“Nine...Ten! The winner is Jenni!”

Tsunake and Kaomi dashed forward and pulled _(Your Name)_ up, checking for a pulse. I saw Kaomi smile and Tsunake looked towards me. _(Your Name)_ would be okay. They gently laid her down in the grass next to the arena. Her eyes opened slightly and she was conscious, but she appeared to be in a lot of pain. The Doutou Team would pay.

“The next fight is mine.” I stated with an expression that dared the others to object.

“Fine, but whether you win or lose, I get the fight after.” Tsunake claimed, looking very confident.

~Your POV~

Tsunake had chosen to fight after Hiei. Very painfully, you limped over to her, desperate to change her mind. “Don’t fight, Tsunake! It’s not as easy as it looks!” you gasped, shaking her by the shoulders. She slapped your hands away. “I’m going to fight and I’m not going to lose. Just because you are weak doesn’t mean that I am.” she spat, turning away from you. She looked as if she wouldn’t speak to you again. She was going to fight.

“Let the third fight of the first round begin!” Naomi shouted, turning your attention away from Tsunake. Hiei was already in the arena, beginning to fight with Rashika of the Doutou Team.


I hope it’s long enough for you... Good news, my comp. Is getting a little better, but don’t get your hopes up. Make sure to review. Also, in a review, tell me if you want me to give a preview of the next chapter at the end of each chapter. Well, until next time, sayoonara!