Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Return to Me ❯ What is Lost, Now is Found ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Return to Me 5
Author's Notes: Takes place nine months after Return to Paradise. The children that have been born are Yuusuke and Keiko's twins Tama (the girl) and Sento (the boy), Kurama and Botan's twins Iris (the girl) and Ivy (the boy), and Kuwabara and Yukina's twins Snow (the girl) and Sword (the boy). Basically this story will focus around Sakyo and Shizuru. Don't worry everyone else will have some part in this.
Hiei burst into the room and the first thing he noticed was that Shizuru was on the floor bleeding and that Sakyo was not the only male in the room. There were two other males one of them was holding a smoking gun and he was smirking in satisfaction. Neither of the males noticed that Hiei and Kuwabara had arrived on the scene.

"Looks like I win brother," he said smiling as he turned around to face an angry Hiei and an even angrier Kuwabara.

"Wrong," growled Kuwabara. "You loose."

Before the males could react Kuwabara slammed his fist through both their chests, destroying their hearts; he stood there for several minutes staring at the blood on his hands. Before looking up and staring at the blood dripping from his hands. He looked up as the others burst into the room and stared down at the floor before staring at Kuwabara.

"What happened?" asked Kurama as Hinigashi ran forward to heal Shizuru.

"Ask him?" growled Kuwabara glaring at Sakyo who was holding a whimpering Shizuru.

"What happened?" asked Catterina moving into the room.

"This does not concern you!" snapped Kuwabara.

"Wrong!" shouted Catterina. "Anything that deals with a member of the Black Black Club concerns the Reikai! Now Sakyo tell me what happened now!"

"Shizuru was having trouble deciding whether or not to give up her family for me or to give up me for her family. I was having similar dilemmas so I told her to sleep it over for awhile. Then a few minutes ago my brother and his twit walked in tried to shoot me but Shizuru got in the way."

"What will you do now?" asked Catterina to Sakyo.

"What do you mean my lady?" asked Sakyo standing up and placing Shizuru on the bed.

"I mean," said Catterina rolling her eyes. "What will you do now that you two actually admitted that you two are in love?"

"I don't know," admitted Sakyo.

"I have a proposition for you," said Catterina.

"Lady Catterina," said Hinigashi. "Shouldn't you be discussing this with Lord Koenma?"

"I'll do that later," said Catterina waving her hand.

"What do you propose lady?"

"I propose that instead of using your operation to sell demon slaves you will use it to help us the alliance between the three worlds in this up coming war against Hell. If you accept it can help your case in court."

"I have no other choice that will allow me near Shizuru and allow us both to be happy at the same time," said Sakyo slowly kneeling before Catterina and taking her hand pressing his lips to it. "I will accept your proposition."

"Good," said Catterina. "Because if you hurt her I will kill you."

"That goes for the rest of us," said Yuusuke standing behind the Lady of Reikai cracking his knuckles.

"You are all invited to stay at my home for the night," said Sakyo smiling softly.

"We accept your offer," said Catterina.

"You however," said Kuwabara. "Will sleep in another room aside from here since my sister is asleep."

"Kuwabara," growled Shizuru seating up. "I can defend my own honor thank you!"

"You should be lying down!" said Sakyo and Kuwabara together.

"Shut up both of you," said Shizuru ignoring them. "I am not going to hurt myself, Hinigashi healed me just fine."

"Shizuru," said Sakyo walking over to her. "We need to talk."

Before Shizuru could ask him what about Kurone burst into the room through the window looking slightly out of breathe.

"Lord Hiei," he said striding over to the Fire Demon. "You must get home now."

"Why?!" demanded Hiei his eyes flashing. "What is wrong?! Is Panthera alright?!"

"She is fine my lord," said Kurone. "It is just that she is currently in labor."

Before Kurone could say another word Hiei broke into a run back to his home, Kurama, Kurone, Yuusuke, Kuwabara, and Hinigashi not far behind; with Catterina escorting Shizuru and Sakyo.
Hiei burst into the palace and was greeted with a flurry of demons male and female rushing around preparing for the arrival of the newest members of the royal family. He sought out and found Flareics directing the mayhem in the palace.

"How is she?!" he demanded walking over to the king.

"She just went into labor an hour ago," said the king looking at the younger fire demon briefly. "Raven and the other women are with her right now."

"Right," said Catterina. "Hinigashi! Come! Shizuru stay here and help Flareics and the others keep order."

That said Catterina and Hinigashi hurried upstairs to the bedchamber to help Raven bring the twins into the world. The entire palace eventually quieted down after an hour and the servants began to issue out messages to tell the other members that someone was about to be born. Meanwhile the members of the Reikai Tentai were seating in a circle with Koenma, Sakyo and Shizuru watching the children that had been born earlier. Pretty soon the entire palace was filled with demons, humans, and various members of the Reikai awaiting the news. Hours went by and finally Raven and Catterina came down the steps carrying a bundle each.

"Well?" asked Hiei getting to his feet.

"You have a boy," smiled Raven holding out her bundle.

"And a girl," said Catterina holding out her bundle.

Hiei couldn't help but smile in pride his children looked beautiful and healthy. His daughter had hair the color of snow and bangs the color of coal; her eyes were read as blood. Her brother had hair the color of coal and bangs that were white as snow; his eyes were the same shade of silver has his mother's. He smiled and looked around him at the other children of the Reikai Tentai.

The children of Kurama and Botan their daughter, Iris, had golden eyes and her hair was silver with blue bangs, their son, Ivy, had purple eyes and his hair was blue with silver bangs. They both had fox ears although Iris had ears of silver; while her brother's were blue. They both had silver fox tails as well. The oracle said that they would be able to control plants and see death itself. Yuusuke and Keiko's twins were exactly like their parents Tama had her father's dark eyes and her mother's brown hair and her brother, Sento, had his mother's eyes and his father's black hair. Kuwabara and Yukina's children were as beautiful as their mother and as temperamental as their father Snow had the orange hair of her father and the red eyes of her mother; while her brother Sword had green hair like his mother and dark eyes like his father.

"What are you going to call them?" asked Kurama smiling over Hiei's shoulder at the children he now held.

"Panthera wants the daughter to be named Neige," said Raven softly.

"Very well," said Hiei softly. "They will be called Neige and Fuego."

"That sounds wonderful," smiled Catterina.

"WHAT?!" shouted Shizuru from the other room.

"What?!" demanded Flareics striding into the room to see Sakyo on his knee before Shizuru.

"You can't be serious," whispered Shizuru.

"I am serious," whispered Sakyo. "Very serious."

"What?" asked Kuwabara storming into the room.

"Sakyo just asked me to marry him," said Shizuru softly.

"What?!" asked Kuwabara softly. "What did you say?"

"I haven't answered him."

"Well what are you waiting for?!" demanded Catterina. "Give him an answer!"

"Sakyo," said Shizuru softly as the rest of the females came down leaving Panthera to sleep. "I accept your proposal."

"Here! Here!" shouted Kuwabara as the entire palace celebrated the engagement and the birth of the twins.
A week later___________________________________________________
It was a beautiful day and the Temple Grounds were filled with people from all three worlds to celebrate the wedding between Shizuru and Sakyo. This was to be a day in history since this meant that with the appearance of demons that they approved of Sakyo and accepted his repentance to help them win the war in sixteen years time. Sakyo and Shizuru were standing in a field of flowers surrounded by members of the three worlds before Raven.

"Do you Sakyo take Shizuru to be your wife?"

"Hai," smiled Sakyo. "I do."

"Do you Shizuru take Sakyo to be your husband?"

"I do," blushed Shizuru behind her lacey white veil.

"Do you vow to love one another till time's end?"

"Yes," said the two of them together.

"Swear to this vow by the powers of elements and the four corners."

"To this we swear before fire, water, wind, earth, and spirit. To this we swear before the watchtowers of the north, watchtowers of the south, watchtowers of the east, and watchtowers of the west. To this we swear before all here," chanted Shizuru and Sakyo.

"This union is a wonderful moment for all here, may it bring you unity and love," smiled Raven. "Kiss each other and live forever in peace and love."

Sakyo and Shizuru kissed each other and the entire clearing burst into cheers and thus began a new era in which great warriors would be born and a great war would decide the fate of all three worlds.

A uthor's Notes: Well this story is done and the next new one I will write will be a one shot, I hope. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this story and don't forget to review. Oh by the way check out my new Yu Yu Hakusho A/U "Shades of Gray" please.