Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ruler of Makai ❯ Fighting Encounter Pt.I ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fighting EncounterPt.I
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In a forest just outside of Raizen's Territory…
“I suggest you leave unless you want to die.” Hiei said with malice lacing his voice. He didn't like the situation they were in right now. He and the other guys had to protect the girls, but these three mysterious demons had something strange about the aura around them. It seemed like the three demons had a spell that hid their class rankings so that they couldn't determine their level.
“Yeah, unless you don't want me to blast your ass to the spirit world, leave now while I'm asking nicely. You don't know who you're dealing with.” Yusuke said. He was hoping that would scare them off so that they wouldn't have to fight. He didn't want one of the girls to get accidentally hurt.
“Oh, we know who we're dealing with. Like Hiei said every demon by now should know who all you are.” The demon in black replied with a smirk.
At that Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama became silent. “So you were the one who was spying on us.” Kurama said in a low and dangerous voice.
The man in black just nodded his head.
“What do you want with them?” Kuwabara shouted.
The man in the middle spoke. “My name is Kitsune, on my left is Shadow, and on my right is Phoenix. We only wish to challenge the three heirs.” He said.
“What if we refuse?” Hiei asked.
“That is not an option. If you win you'll be free to go, and if you lose you'll still be able to leave, but you'll be seeing us again real soon. Either way we will not harm your companions. You have our words.” Phoenix replied.
Shizuru looked at them and asked, “Is that really all you want?”
They nodded.
“What do you think Detective, Kitsune?” Hiei asked them.
“They seem like honorable demons. I say yes to their challenge.” Kurama replied.
“Alright then, let's kick some ass. I've wanted to fight someone new for a while now.” Yusuke thought with a grin.
“We accept. Are there any kind of rules?” Kurama asked.
“Yes, only 2 rules. First, you can only use weapons no energy attacks, but in Yusuke's case he can use his spirit gun. Second, the first to draw blood wins.” Kitsune said.
“That's it? Man, that ain't to hard to follow.” Kuwabara said.
Hiei smiled at this. “So who's going first because I wouldn't mind going.” He said.
“Fine, then I'll be your opponent.” replied the man who challenged Hiei. Shadow took of his cloak and threw it to the side. There before them stood an ancient dark demon, the kind that was thought to be extinct. Even for a male his appearance was quite stunning. He stood 6.9”, his eyes were so dark that it seemed like an endless pit, and his long hair that was pulled back to a low pony tail was the color of the night with thick bangs covering half his face. His clothing seemed to be made from the darkest material of silk. His shirt had no sleeves and was fairly loose that showed a good portion of his chest. Around his waist was a blood red sash and his pants were loose slacks that wouldn't restrict his movements.
Hiei and Shadow both stepped closer until they were facing each. Considering that Shadow was about 3' taller, the difference in height was quite noticeable. At that moment three additional women stepped out from behind the group. The woman in white erected a barrier around Hiei and Shadow.
“Hey, what the hell is going on and where did you three come from?” Yusuke shouted.
The woman looked at Yusuke and replied in a firm tone, “This ensures that no one on the outside can interfere or will be harmed.” Yusuke made a growling sound, but left it at that. Then all of them turned their attention back to the two demons in the barrier.
“Well then shall we get started?” Shadow asked with a smirk.
“Hn,” was all Hiei said.
Hiei pulled his katana out of its sheath and charged at Shadow. Shadow effortlessly dodged the blow. As he jumped out the way he moved so quickly that it was only a blur and landed behind Hiei. Hiei turned around and saw him, but it was too late. Shadow landed a punch directly in his face. The punch sent Hiei flying 30' across the barrier.
“Geez that guy's fast, even Hiei can't keep up with him.” Kuwabara exclaimed.
Yukina looked worriedly at Hiei hoping he was alright, but as she looked at the continuing battle she saw the woman dressed in white out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't help, but feel like she should know her from somewhere. She thought about it for a while, but still couldn't figure it out so she turned her attention back to the fight.
At this point Hiei looked like he was wearing out and he was only fighting for 5 minutes, but the opponent seemed ready for more. Hiei then made a dash towards Shadow and looked like he was ready to connect his fist with Shadow's face. Shadow saw this and was in a blocking position, but Hiei changed his maneuver at the last minute. Instead of trying to punch him Hiei grabbed Shadow's shoulder and threw him over his head. Then he ran after him intending to slash Shadow's back. Shadow saw this, but twisted his body so that the katana only managed to cut his shirt. Shadow landed on the opposite side of the barrier from Hiei. They were both staring each other down until Shadow extended his hand in front of him.
Shadow smirked. “I didn't think I would have to use this,” he said, “I guess you'll have the pleasure of meeting my shadow shuriken.”
At that a black shuriken materialized into his hand, and held it like he was about to let it loose.
“Hey, that's not a fair fight. You said only weapons, but that guy materialized that thing.” Kuwabara yelled.
At that the women in sea-gray answered in an annoyed tone, “That is perfectly legal his weapon would be like your leader using his spirit gun.”
“She's right Kuwabara. As long as he doesn't use some kind of energy blast it's all fair.” Genkai told him.
At that everybody's eyes turned back to the battle before them, but their worries only increased for Hiei.
Shadow threw the shuriken at Hiei. Hiei dodged it, but to his surprise the shuriken was still following him. He tried jumping from tree to tree, but it only sliced through them.
“Running away won't help you,” Shadow said with a grin, “it will continue on its path until it hits its target, and I would suggest you try not to block it.”
“Hn, that's what you think,” was all Hiei said.
Hiei started to run towards shadow. “If I can get it to just scratch him I win,” he thought. Shadow already knew what was going through his head, but still didn't move from his spot. Hiei quickly dashed in front to pretend to try to punch him, but he jumped over Shadow to let his own weapon hit him. At this Shadow still didn't move. Hiei turned to watch his victory, but to his shock it didn't happen. To everyone's shock, except for Shadow's companions, the shuriken passed through him without a scratch. The shuriken was now heading at Hiei, but he put his katana in front of him intending to block it, but instead it also passed through the katana and flew to the side of his face.
“Looks like I win the match.” Shadow said proudly with a smug look.
Hiei turned his angry eyes toward his opponent. “What do you mean?” he demanded.
“If you don't believe me then feel the right side of your cheek.” Shadow commanded.
To everyone's anticipation Hiei raised his hand to his cheek and touched it. When he pulled it back to take a look, he and everyone else was shocked. On his hand was smeared blood.
At that moment the barrier came down, and both opponents went back to their teams.
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On the Yusuke's side
“Man, what happened? You got whooped badly.” Kuwabara said.
“Thanks for stating the obvious baka!” Yusuke shot back.
Yukina walked up to Hiei and asked him, “Are you alright? I can heal you wounds for you if you want.”
Hiei replied, “No, it's not something I can't handle. I'll be fine.”
“I wonder after watching that battle will the other three newcomers want to fight,” Shizuru wondered out loud.
“They can't! They said they only wanted the heirs of the kings!” Boton added in quickly.
Genkai agreed. “She's right I don't think they're the type to go back on their words.”
“Right, then I'll go next, seems like this is going to be lots of fun.” Yusuke said as he cracked his knuckles.
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On Vixen's side…
“Are you alright?” Mist asked Shadow.
Shadow just laughed and answered, “Of course I'm okay. Did you really think he could actually hurt me?”
“Alright then who wants to fight Yusuke?” Vixen asked Phoenix and Kitsune.
“I'll take him on.” Phoenix replied.
Vixen nodded her head. “Okay then, be careful Yusuke is pretty much known for doing reckless things as we all know.” She said.
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Back to the battle field…
“So which one of you guys is going to fight me?” Yusuke shouted.
Phoenix stepped forward. “I'll be your opponent, boy.” Phoenix replied in a confident tone. He threw his cloaked over to Violent, which she caught. Phoenix was 6.9', with orange eyes, and bright red spiked hair with two pointed bangs over his eyes. His shirt was two silk materials that made an X over his chest, on his waist was a gold sash, and his pants were loose slacks that bundled around his ankles.
“Then let us begin. Both challengers enter the battle field.” Vixen commanded.
As Vixen called for Yusuke and Phoenix, Kurama couldn't help but notice how she reminded him of somebody. He thought about it for a while, but still couldn't put his finger on it. That's when Youko decided to come in.
“Don't think about her to much,” he said, “we have to worry about our battle and think about Kitsune. It's best to try to figure out his abilities and use it to our advantage.” “It really wouldn't matter since we don't know the first thing about him. I mean wedon't even know what he looks likeand what kind of weapon he'll be using.” Shuichi said in an exasperated tone. “That may be true, but look into his aura closer.” Youko demanded.
At that Kurama looked intently at the silver figure. Then he noticed something.
Youkois he a lightening kitsune?” he asked. “That's right genius. Now let's work our way around this to make use of it.” Youko said. “Hmm...,” was all Shuichi said.
As soon as Yusuke and Phoenix met in the middle of the battle field Vixen erected the barrier around them. They continued to stare at each other waiting for one or the other to make the first move.
“Hey, question, are you related to someone named Suzaku?” Yusuke asked curiously.
Phoenix shook his head and answered, “No, Suzaku was a demon.”
“What does that mean you're not a demon?” Yusuke asked in surprise.
At that Phoenix leapt at him. “Enough talk, that's for me to know and you to find out, but now is the time to fight!” Phoenix shouted.
Phoenix dashed towards Yusuke and sent a punch at him. Yusuke didn't see Phoenix movements because he couldn't keep up with his speed, but only managed to see the attack and brought up his arms at the last minute to block. Phoenix's kick landed on its target and it sent Yusuke flying. Before Yusuke could hit the ground he did a back flip and landed on his feet. He propelled himself back at Phoenix with his arm ready to punch him. Phoenix only stood his ground. When Yusuke was about to land a punch Phoenix moved his head to the side and grabbed Yusuke's arm and flipped him to the ground. Yusuke landed on his back, but before he could react Phoenix did a full force punch assault on him. Phoenix was punching Yusuke so hard continuously that you could hear some bones cracking and that Yusuke's body was creating a crater. At this Yusuke gathered his strength, grabbed both of Phoenix's arms, and kicked him to the other side of the barrier. Phoenix landed on the other side on his feet, but didn't seem to be fazed.
“Oh crap, even Urameshi can't keep up with him. What are these guys?” Kuwabara exclaimed.
“They seem to be very strong S class demons of some sort, but Phoenix isn't a demon.” Kurama said.
The others looked at him with an obvious question written on their faces. “Then what is he Kurama?” Boton asked curiously.
Before Kurama could answer Hiei did. “I would say he's an actually Phoenix only in a humanoid form.” Was Hiei reply, and Kurama nodded his head in agreement as he looked at the other team.
“Well they figured out a little bit about Phoenix.” Violet said as she looked at Vixen.
Vixen just shrugged her shoulders and said, “They may have figured it out, but that won't help them anyway.”
All of their attention was drawn back to the field when they heard a loud cry.
Yusuke made a mad dash towards Phoenix and started to throw punches and kicks at him, but Phoenix dodged all of them effortlessly. When Yusuke saw that it was no use he jumped back, but when he did this he lost sight of Phoenix. He landed and looked around for Phoenix, but to Yusuke's shock he appeared in front of him, kneed him in the stomach, and jumped back. When Phoenix was far enough from Yusuke he just stared down at Yusuke clutching his stomach in pain.
“Is that all you've got? I was expecting more from the detective of Spirit world and heir of Raizen.” Phoenix said as he raised an eyebrow.
Yusuke was breathing pretty heavily as he slowly staggered to his feet. “You haven't seen anything yet.” Yusuke said as he pointed his index finger at him. “LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE THIS, SPIRIT GUN!”