Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ruler of Makai ❯ Midnight Confessions ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Midnight Confessions
Kurama's room…
“Wake up sleepy head.” Youko chimed. “Ugh…what time is it, Youko?” Shuichi asked with tiredness laced in his voice. “By the position of the moon, I would say it's close enough to midnight.” Youko answered. “Alright then, just let me pull out some roses then we can go.” Shuichi said as he got up from the bed. “What are the roses for?” Youko asked out of curiosity. “It's for Keiko so she can get better and it should cheer her up. It's a human custom they do for friends.” Shuichi told Youko.
After the explanations Youko didn't ask anymore questions. Kurama walked over to a closet to pull out some comfortable clothes to walk around in. He pulled out a white Chinese shirt with gold clasps and loose slacks. He quickly dressed himself and walked across the room to the mirror. He picked up a brush and ran it through his hair to straighten out his bed-head. He straightened out his shirt and other wrinkled areas on his clothes. When he was done, he looked into the mirror again to see if anything was out of place.
Once he was satisfied with his appearance he reached into his hair and pulled out a couple of seeds. He held the seeds in the palm of his hand out in front of him. He closed his eyes in concentration. The seeds were lightly glowing and after a couple of minutes instead of seeds now in his hands were a dozen roses. He quickly checked each of them for any imperfection. After scanning over them he placed them in the crook of his left arm and walked towards the door.
He opened the door silently and scanned the hallway to see if there was anyone present. Sensing that no one was there, he silently closed the door behind him and slipped into the shadows. Using his old thieving skills he stealthily made his ways to Keiko's room in the opposite corridor.
Keiko's room…
After Yukina and the rest of the girls left, Keiko tried to get some rest, but failed to do so. The events that took place were starting to come back to her. The guilt of hurting her friends was over riding her senses. Keiko was on the brink of tears before she decided to distract herself by concentrating on going back to sleep. She tossed and turned for about half an hour on her bed trying to get comfortable.
Deciding that she wasn't going to be getting any sleep she sat up in her bed and looked around the room. To her the room may have been simply furnished, but it had a rich taste to it. The room was made of large slabs of stone put together. On the opposite end of the room was an enormous mirror connected to a wooden dresser. Even in the dimly lit room she could she intricate designs of leaves and shells carved into it. Aside from the drawer was a large wooden chest of the same design to the right of her bed. On the left of the bed was a chair and table facing towards the balcony. The balcony curtains were drawn aside so the soft moon light could shine into the room. Keiko smiled and thought, “Hmm, Akimotto must have done it since he knows how much I enjoy soaking in the moon light.”
Keiko threw the blankets off her body and slowly stood up. Once she was off the bed she grabbed onto one of the poles of the bed to steady her balance. Keiko was still a little shaky from the battle. As soon as she felt she was ready to move she slowly made her way over to the balcony. When Keiko reached the glass doors she gradually brought her hand to the doors gold handle and opened it to let in the night's cool breeze. Keiko pulled the chair at the table towards her and sat down facing the outside world.
As she slowly sank down into the chair her long loose nightgown fluttered around her. She curiously wondered where the majestic gown came from, but dismissed the thought thinking it wasn't too important. She looked down at the soft fabric and examined it as she ran her fingers on it. The texture felt extremely soft and it kept her warm enough to be outside. The material was kind of sheer, but not to the point where it was transparent like other nightgowns. Its length extended to the floor, but she could still walk easily in it. The design may have been plain, but Keiko enjoyed the feel and look of the gown.
Keiko leisurely turned her attention out into the night. She looked up into the midnight sky particularly at the silver moon. A gentle smile spread across her face and she closed her eyes loving the feel of the cool night breeze against her small body. As she opened her eyes her lips slowly started to set into a frown as she comprehended her earlier actions.
“What is wrong with me? Why did I lose control so easily like that? If it wasn't for Yukina I could have killed everybody in the room and enjoyed it too.” Keiko thought miserably. “I can't keep living in this wretched state. I must relinquish Shin's hold over me or else I might lose control again and who knows what I'll do next. Just looking into all of my friends eyes as they witness my other half was slowly tearing me apart. It was like as if I was betraying them by showing them my other self, especially Yukina. Shin is slowly being resurrected with very second that passes, but if I can locate his lair we can prevent it. Why can't I do such a simple task like this? Is he blocking me out? I hate feeling this useless!” Keiko cried as she drew up her knees so that they were under her chin. In her moment of despair Keiko didn't notice that she had a visitor in her room.
This was the position Kurama found Keiko in as he slipped past her door without making a sound. His breath hitched in his throat as he witnessed the site before him. All he could think of was how beautiful Keiko looked in her night gown. He thought she looked like a goddess that had descended from Heaven the way her auburn hair and night gown danced around her with the night breeze. Suddenly he grew concerned as he heard a tiny sniffle come from the fragile-frame of his desire. He quietly walked up to her hoping not to alarm her with his presence.
Keiko raised her sorrowful gaze to the dark sky. Tears were trailing down her pale face as she tilted her head upward. The tear drops landed on her night gown creating multiple tiny darkening circles on the fabric. She all of a sudden gasped out loud as she felt another presence in her room. She quickly twisted around in her chair to find Kurama standing about 5” away from her location with roses in his left arm. She quickly calmed herself down and slowly flashed him a bright smile.
Kurama thought he died and had gone to heaven when he saw Keiko send him her priceless smile. His throat became dry as he tried to say something to her. “You shouldn't be out here in your condition, Keiko.” Kurama said worriedly as walked up to her chair.
Keiko swiftly stood up and looked at Kurama like nothing was wrong with her. “Oh, I'm fine. It's not like I can't protect myself you know.” She replied, but Kurama didn't believe her. He could tell that she was still in pain by the look in her eyes.
“Keiko, you didn't know I was in your room until about 10 minutes after I had arrived. You should try to get some rest. It will do you some good. I brought you some flowers to help you feel better too.” Kurama told her.
Keiko huffed, but accepted the roses gratefully as he handed them towards her. She lifted the bouquet up to her nose and inhaled the sweet fragrance as her fluttered eyes closed. Keiko opened her eyes and smiled at Kurama as she placed the roses on the table next to her. “Thank you for the roses. They are very lovely and they smell wonderful too. I'll see if I can find a vase to put them in tomorrow morning. Why are you here so late at night, Kurama?” She asked.
“Um uhh, I just wanted to check up on you and to see if you were resting well.” Kurama said as he tried to hide his nervousness in his voice. Kurama was scolding himself for acting like a school boy. Youko was laughing in his head at what Kurama was going through.
“Don't lose your composure now,Shuichi.You don't want her to think poorly of you now do you?” Youko commentedsnidely. “Shut up, Youko you're not helping me at the moment.” Shuichi shoutedback. “But what a lame answer. You just wanted to check up on her? Can't you think of anything else to say?Maybe something more romantic or dashing to sweep her off her feet.” Youko growled. “Next, time I'll let you do this Youko. Let's see how you'll fair then.” Shuichi growled back. “Promise?” Youko asked smugly. Kurama ignored him and focused his attention back on Keiko.
“I thank you for your concern Kurama. It's very kind of you, but as you can see I am fine.” Keiko once again said insistently.
An uncomfortable silence settled in between them as they tried to think of something new to discuss. Kurama looked out the window to remote world, but Keiko was staring intently at him or more specifically at his nicely sculpted body. Her eyes wandered up and down his muscular frame. “Wow, he looks really sexy in that. I wonder…” Keiko blushed brightly as to where her train of thought was heading. Kurama looked back to Keiko as he sensed her embarrassment. He turned around in time catching the cute little blush on her face. Kurama smirked at what she could possibly be thinking.
“So what are you thinking about Keiko?” He asked as he slowly walked closer to her. The way he was walking towards her reminded Keiko of a predator.
Keiko looked up at his grinning face, but abruptly turned around. “Uh, nothing just things, that's all.” She quickly replied.
Kurama walked up to her back and leisurely brought up his arms to embrace her from behind. Keiko at first stiffened from the contact Kurama made with her body. Kurama noticed her change of mood, “I'm sorry Keiko if I'm making this uncomfortable for you. Excuse my rude boldness.” Kurama apologized as he started to pull back from Keiko's body, but a soft touch of her hand on his arm stopped him. Keiko turned around and leaned into his chest and replied, “No, it's alright. It's not your fault for my sudden mood change. It's just been a while since a male besides Akimotto and Kitsune held me like this.” A soft sigh escaped her lips as she told Kurama.
Kurama was quite happy with her reaction so far. He was afraid that when her body stiffened it meant that she had rejected him. Kurama gathered up his courage to tell her about his feelings. “Keiko, there is something I have wanted to tell you for a long time,” he felt Keiko nod her head for him to continue, “well, it seems that over the years being around you I have found myself growing to…admire you.” Kurama said hesitantly.
Keiko turned around in his embrace so that she was facing him and asked, “What do you mean when you say you have been admiring me, Kurama?” Keiko was heart was beating loudly in her chest as she contemplated his meaning. She was hoping he was going to tell her what she thought he was going to say.
“Well…” Kurama stuttered, “What I'm trying to say is that over the years I have found, myself secretly in love with you, but you being involved with Yusuke prevented me from saying anything. Your courage, beauty, and strength stood out to me like no other woman I have met. I would secretly follow you and such to keep you from harm.” Kurama tried to suppress a blush, but was doing a terrible job.
Keiko noticed the light pinkness on his cheeks and gave a small giggle. Kurama looked at her curiously, but before he could ask her what was so funny she answered him. “Kurama, you weren't the only one secretly in love. I, found myself wanting to be with you all the time too, but because I had to play the role of Yusuke's girlfriend, I was prevented from doing so too. You intrigued me to no end. You were like a treasure I wanted to unravel, but I had a duty to do before my own desires.” Keiko admitted with downcast eyes.
Kurama didn't know what to say at Keiko's confession. His heart felt like it was going to burst with her confession. “Did you just say…” but he didn't get to finish his question as he felt Keiko do something he didn't expect. Keiko interrupted him as she gave a soft sweet kiss on his lips silencing him. “Yes, Kurama you heard right. I'm in love with you too.”
Youko was howling in Kurama's mind with triumph. “Will you stop that this instant,Youko!” Shuichi commanded. “So when are you going to let meout Shuichi?” Youko asked smugly. Shuichi groaned. He was regretting he ever made that bet. “Not now Youko I'll let you out when the time is right.” Youko snorted, “Whatever,just make it soon.”Was all Youko said before he quieted down.
Keiko was wondering why Kurama all of a sudden became so silent, but she figured that he must be talking with Youko with the look in Kurama's eyes. She lightly tugged on Kurama's hand and brought him back to reality. Kurama eyes focused on her's once again and he gave an apologetic lop-sided grin.
“Keiko, if I may ask why with all of the secrets? We could have helped you immensely if you had told us of your dilemma.” Kurama asked softly not wanting to push her as he thought about what Akimotto said.
Keiko's arms abruptly dropped from his sides as her eyes once again became downcast. Kurama noticed that she was in deep thought as she debated on whether or not to tell him. Kurama brought his hand up to her face to lift up her chin and said, “You don't have to tell me now if you don't want to. I don't want to push you. That's why I'll give you some time to think about it, Keiko.”
Kurama was backing away from her until Keiko held onto his hand. “Wait,” Keiko said suddenly as she pulled him towards her bed so he could sit down, “it's not that I don't trust you, Kurama. I just have a lot on my mind to sort through that's all.” She gave him a sorrowful smile. Kurama reached for her face and kissed her on the cheek as an encouragement to continue. “I understand Keiko, but don't force yourself to do anything you're not ready for.” Kurama told her.
“No, I need to do this or else it'll keep coming back to haunt me. The reason I didn't tell you and the others earlier is because I knew you and the others weren't ready for the challenge. I placed myself my by Yusuke's side because with his desire to protect I knew that it would make him stronger. I didn't want any of you to be in danger or targeted with the knowledge of who I really was. Like the demon earlier who attacked me I'm still a wanted woman for Shin who still intends to get me back. I know he will stop at nothing until I'm at his disposal to fulfill his twisted deeds.” Keiko said in a hushed voice.
Kurama held her face between his hands and said, “You still could have told us, Keiko. We could have protected you better. Do you not trust us enough to tell us of something as insignificant as this?”
“Kurama, I am one of the strongest demons there are. My power rivals that of the three kings and Akimotto. I am sure I'm capable of taking care of myself.” She replied firmly, slightly insulted at Kurama's insinuation.
“Then what about what happened earlier tonight. You may be stronger then most of us, but there are times when you can be overwhelmed easily with your emotions. You must put whatever triggered you memories behind you, Keiko. It's your past; you can't change it, but you can shape the future for you and your loved ones. None of us blame you for what you did like Yukina said. Hiei, Raizen, and I are hardly saints ourselves, we all have our faults. We have to except it whether we like it or not.” Kurama informed her.
“I know, but it hurts knowing you guys saw the one part of me I wanted no one to know. I can see the innocent faces I slaughtered and every night it comes back to haunt me. I can't help but feel guilty for what I did and regret ever being born or in my case created.” She quietly replied as she sobbed into Kurama's chest.
Kurama placed his head on top of hers as he rubbed soothing circles on her back hoping to put her at ease. The distress radiating off of her tiny body was so great that he couldn't help but let a tear fall from his eyes at her pain.
“Maybe you should go back to sleep, Keiko. You'll feel a lot better in the morning with a goodnight's rest. Then we can get some things straighted out with the others.” Kurama suggested.
“I guess your right. Thanks for hearing me out, Kurama. You're a very gifted listener you know that?” Keiko said.
He gave a small laugh and replied, “It's no problem, Keiko. So I guess I have permission to court you then?”
Keiko giggled at him. “Yes, you have my permission to court me, but you'll have to talk with Akimotto too. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't object, but he just likes to be informed about events such as these.”
“Alright then have a good night's rest my little flower.” Kurama whispered as he leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead. He rose from the bed and gave a gentle squeeze to her hand as he was about to depart from her. Keiko blushed at the title and also whispered a goodbye.
Kurama walked to the doors, but before he left he turned around to look back at his intended mate-to-be. Keiko blew a kiss at him and winked. Kurama smirked at her antics and left her room closing the door behind him silently.
Keiko was giggling like a school girl. She couldn't believe that Kurama had just admitted to loving her. She climbed under the blankets and snuggled deep into it. She closed her eyes and sleep came quickly upon her. She dreamt of her now red-headed boyfriend flashing with gold eyes.
With Kurama…
Kurama couldn't help, but smile as he crept back to his chambers. His heart suddenly felt fuller, but at the same time lighter. As he moved silently in the shadow he failed to notice someone following him since he was on “cloud 9”.
“You might want to pay attention to where you're going or else some one will attack you, Kurama.” Akimotto stated as he announced his presence.
Kurama stiffened as he heard Akimotto's voice. Youko was mentally scolding him for making him look so bad. Kurama turned around slowly to look at the elder demon. Akimotto was staring him down as if he was caught doing something guilty.
“And if I may why are you out so late at night, Kurama?” He asked accusingly.
Kurama looked at him with a blank stare. “I was just visiting Keiko to see how she was doing.”
“Why didn't you wait until the morning like the others, or is there something I need to know, fox?” Akimotto asked further.
Kurama let out a sigh. I guess I better tell him too or else he'll probably send the other guys after me for even touching Keiko, and like I want that to happen.. “I went to tell Keiko of my…feelings for her and to check up on her to see how she was getting along with her injury.”
Akimotto eyes softened. “I see then. My apologies for being rude, so I take it you asked for her permission for you to court her?”
“Yes, she gave me her reply and it was a positive one. I suppose I would have to ask you to since you're like her father, Akimotto?” Kurama implied.
Akimotto responded with a small laugh. “Yes, I'll give you my permission also, but I must warn you Kurama,” Akimotto looked at him seriously, “she has gone through a great deal of pain in her life. If you are just leading her into a lie I'll hunt you down heir or not, understood?”
Kurama felt offended at his accusation and scoffed. “You need not worried. I would protect her with my life.”
“Alright then, I guess with all of this excitement that just happened why don't you go back to your chambers as planned and get some sleep also?” Akimotto said.
Kurama only nodded his head in agreement and silently continued walking to his chambers. Akimotto shifted his gaze to a nearby open window and let out a long sigh. He, like Keiko, enjoyed being in the presence of the moon. It also helped him to calm down his raging soul. “Kami, protect my daughter when I cannot. My time is near and she'll need the strength of her friends more then anything else. Please do not let her grieve of my passing, but shower upon a bright future of my sacrifice.”
“Akimotto why are you out here so late?” Raizen asked as he walked out from the adjacent hall.
“Not much, dear brother I was doing some thinking.” He replied. “You have changed quite a bit, Raizen. I can safely say it was for the better too.”
Raizen chuckled so now they were catching up on old times. “Well I guess I have. It's all thanks to her.” Raizen smiled.
“You still can't bring yourself to mention her name, huh? I'm glad that you have finally found peace. Raizen, how were you able to overcome your affliction?” Akimotto questioned.
“I can only say time, but I haven't fully overcome it. I don't know how, but I just did. It was a very difficult process. At one point I even attacked Yusuke because of my hunger.” Raizen admitted.
Akimotto walked up to his younger twin and placed a hand on his shoulder, “You overcame the strong cravings and that is an accomplishment most demons find difficult to defeat. Raizen, I'm proud of you. You have proven yourself worthy to be called a king. I have a favor I need to ask of you, brother.”
Raizen nodded his head. “My time is coming to an end. I need you to watch over my daughter and to take care of her. She will try anything to keep me alive, but that must not happen. Shin, is a strong demon and I'm like his counterpart if he captures me and transfer my life energy into his soul then he will be resurrected.”
“How is it possible?” Raizen exclaimed.
“As a child I knew of my fate. That was the reason why I disappeared in my youth because I didn't want you to get involved.” Akimotto replied seriously.
“I see. How did you become so strong and manage to survive without consuming human flesh?” Raizen questioned.
“I don't know. You could say I was blessed with my strength, and how I managed to survive without eating humans? That's Keiko's handiwork. She used some kind of magic and altered my feeding habit. I was lucky enough to have found her when I did.” Akimotto answered.
“Do you think Keiko will be willing to do that for me?” Raizen asked curiously.
“I'm sure she would if you ask her politely. After all she is technically now your niece.” Akimotto chuckled.
“You're right, but that would also mean Yusuke's your nephew you could say. Well, we might as well get as much sleep as we can now, huh?” Raizen stated as he walked to his room.
“I agree. I'll see you in the morning then.” Akimotto called after him.
Raizen stopped and turned around to Akimotto. “I'll watch your daughter that much I promise you, Akimotto, but you better figure out this plan on destroying this Shin person.”
Akimotto nodded his head and walked the opposite direction.
Kurama's room…
Kurama walked into his dark room and closed the door silently behind him. He slowly walked over to his balcony and opened it. Immediately the night bombarded him with the cold air. He listened to the night, but there was nothing that dared to stir. The stillness of the outside world was greatly appreciated by him. Kurama leaned on the frame of the door and let his mind wander.
“Well that was quite a surprise with Keiko accepting us with open arms.” Youko said. “Yes, it was a blessing.” Shuichi replied as a grin crossed over Kurama's face. “Speaking of which, your skills are greatly lacking if Akimotto was able to catch you like that.” Youko criticized. “Well he is older and more experienced then most people even for you.” Shuichi shot back. “Humph, I sayhe was just lucky. Perhaps he was watching us the whole time when we were talking with Keiko.” Youko wondered. “I wouldn't be surprised. He is very protective of Keiko.” Shuichi responded.Youko scoffed. “Protective seems to be an understatement. Anyway when will you let me out to see our soon to be mate?” “When she is ready to see you and has recovered properly.” Shuichi firmly replied. “That's fine with me. I want her to be able to participate fully with the activities I'm planninganyway.” Youko said. Kurama knew exactly what he meant.“Youko, don't do anything that will push her or drive her away. She may be a demon, but she still has to be treated gently.” “You doubt me? I have been around women longerthan you so don't you lecture me on how to treat a woman.” Kurama rolled his eyes at his demon half. “Yes, yes, I know. Let's not getinto thatnow, Youko.” Shuichi replied not wanting to hear anymore of Youko's comments on his `etiquette'. “Let's get some sleep now, Youko.” “Agreed.”
Youko silenced himself and receded deeper into Kurama's mind to get some rest. Kurama quickly changed into some comfortable sleeping pants and climbed into bed. He took off his shirt and threw it off to the side onto the chair near his bed. He lay down and drew the bed covers up to his chest and closed his eyes. Kurama fell asleep a few seconds later dreaming of his little flower in his arms.