Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Rape. Shounan ai

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the Yu*Yu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 2

Youko Kurama walked down the street as he tried to locate the tavern in which he would meet his employer. Hence tried, Kurama couldn't find the place worth a darn! But it wasn't his fault; it was his dang sidekick, one of four anyway.

"Kuwabara, where did you say the employer was," said Yusuke. The Toushin looked at his best friend.

"The guy said it was Olganath," said the Nekojin. Kuwabara's furry ears were an odd assortment on his head with his short orange hair but he refused to grow his hair. His tan-haired sister scuffed behind him.

"There's your problem," she said. "There's not such place as Olganath."

"Kuwabara," growled Kurama and Kuwabara backed away slowly.

"I'm sorry!" said the cat demon. "Miss interpreted words?"

"I didn't know he knew such a word," said Yusuke.

"That's it!" Kuwabara tackled Yusuke and they rolled around on the street, Kurama and Shizuru just watched as Keiko yelled at them.

"Yusuke, stop!" yelled the nature demon.

"Leave'em be," said Shizuru. "They'll stop in their own time."

Keiko sighed and watched her boyfriend wrestle with Kuwabara, who was currently in a headlock. Kuwabara cursed and kept trying to free himself but it was clear that the Toushin was stronger then the cat demon. Yusuke snickered as his friend tried to break free of Yusuke's strong lock but couldn't.

"Give it up!" yelled Yusuke.

"Get the hell off me!" yelled Kuwabara.

"Say it!"


Yusuke let go of Kuwabara and straightened his black vest. Kuwabara grumbled as he untwisted the knot in his tail. Shizuru chuckled at her brother and Keiko yelled at Yusuke for fighting a comrade. Kurama was trying to not kill his gang.

"What are we going to do now," he yelled and half the street turned to them but he paid them no head. "We have probably lost another employer due to Kuwabara's imcomitance. That's the last time I send you out to look for an employer."

"Come on, Kurama," said the Nekojin. "Give me another chance."

"I've been giving you chances for the past hundred years!" yelled back the youko. "When are you going to get it right?"

"Uh . . ."

"We can go to my parent's cave again," said Keiko. "Wait until we get another contact."

"We might as well," said Kurama. "But that doesn't explain how we're going to feed our stomach in the next couple of months."

"We can always get rid of Kuwabara," said Yusuke.

"Yusuke! How can you say that about your friend!" yelled Keiko. She formed a boulder and smashed it on Yusuke's head, knocking the youkai out. Kuwabara grabbed his friend's vest and threw him over his shoulder. They walked out of town and headed to Keiko's parents cave where they were warmly greeted and feed till they were stuffed. Kurama was still fuming over Kuwabara's blunder as he went to bed that night. The next morning they left to go to their hideout and plan for a much needed raid. As always they decided to make Kuwabara the decoy as the others stole as much as they could carry.

"Why am I always the decoy?!" asked Kuwabara.

"Because that's all you're good for," said Shizuru. Kuwabara growled at his sister but she just ignored it as they went over their plans on how they would raid the vault. That night they silently went to the castle where they were raiding and waited for when the time was right.

"Okay Kuwabara," said Kurama, "go!"

The Nekojin ran into the castle, making sure the guards saw him, and led them away from his friends toward the other side of the castle.

"Get him!' yelled one guard.

"Intruder!" yelled another. Soon about fifty guards were following the cat demon. Kuwabara ran and zigzagged through the halls and jumped out a window as the guards looked for him in confusion. Meanwhile Kurama and the others were running through the halls toward the vault, Shizuru in front so she could warn them if there was a guard coming. At a corner she suddenly stopped and Keiko almost collided with her.

"What's wrong, Shizuru," she asked.

"Guard, and no weakling either." She pointed around the corner and Yusuke cracked his knuckles.

"Leave it to me," he said and walked out. He approached the guard and tapped the monster's shoulder. "Excuse me, but we're planning to raid this place and I don't suppose you know where the money is kept do you?"

The guard growled and raises its club but Yusuke punched it out and kicked it aside.

"You said it was strong, Shizuru," said Yusuke and Keiko pointed behind the Toushin's shoulder. Yusuke yelped when the supposedly unconscious guard grabbed the demon's hair and lifted him up.

"I'll skin you alive!" yelled the demon.

"Dude, haven't you heard of mouth wash!" yelled Yusuke and pointed his finger at the demon. "Rei Gun!" the demon's head exploded and greenish yellow blood spilled on Yusuke. "Eeeeeew!"

"Come on, Toushin," said Kurama and ran past the gore on the floor. They ran to wear the vault was and Kurama looked at the lock. Taking a leaf from his hair he jimmied the lock in a nanosecond and opened the door. Inside were mounds of gold, silver, jewels and other pretty little things a thief would like to have. Keiko pulled out large pouches and handed them around so they could fill them with the money. Soon they had full bags and they quickly left. Halfway through the halls they come to a sudden halt in front of a horde of guards.

"Keiko," said Kurama and she nodded. Leveling her hands to the ground it suddenly shook and a large crack formed straight at the demons. None of them had time to run as every single demon fell through the hole and Keiko closed it, ceasing the earthquake. They ran out ad met Kuwabara at the tree line away from the castle.

"How much did you get?" he asked.

"A lot," said Kurama. "Let's move before they find us."

They ran out of the castle's vicinity and into the forest.


A little excitement there eh? Hope you like. And I'm still continuing!

Thankies to


Dark Raven, Hiei's Girl
