Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 15

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: R

Warning: Violence in this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the Yu*Yu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 15

Hiei woke to his head rocking and tumbling as he felt something underneath him. He groaned and opened his eyes but all he could see was pitch black except for a few slivers of light coming through the cracked boards. He hears a shuffle, a rattle of chains and a thud and knew he wasn't alone in this dark wagon. He heard a baby crying and someone softly cooing it to sleep. Hushed whispers surrounded him.

"Hey," he said trying to get someone's attention. "Who's there?"

"He's awake," said a hushed voice. It sounded like a young girl.

"I know that, Takai," said another. It sounded like a boy.

"Well, we should help him!"

"They did crack him good on the head. Keiko, help me out."

"Okay. Takai, take care of the little one." He heard some more scuffling and felt gentle hands softly touch his face. He flinched away and backed against the boards. Whoever touched him stopped and he sensed that he or she just sat there.

"They really riled him up," said the male voice.

"He's just scared, Yusuke," said Keiko. "It's okay, friend. We're not going to hurt you."

"I don't need friends!" growled Hiei.

"Whoa! Hey, cool it! We're just trying to help," said Yusuke. "You can either accept our offer or die from massive concussion and flake out on why you got that Jagan."

"Hwo do you . . ."

"Heard the slavers talking," said Takai. She sounded younger then Yusuke and Keiko but don't at a loss of a courage tone. `Said you were going to fetch a nice price."

Hiei placed a hand to his head to feel the ward around it. To him it didn't feel like the slight bump was there. It felt flat and smooth.

"I can . . . I can't feel it! It's gone!"

"No it's not," said Yusuke. "It's still there. The just warded it so you can't use it. Sort of like putting it to sleep."

"Will you let me see your head now," asked Keiko and Hiei nodded, forgetting it was pitch black. Obviously she could see in the dark because he felt her soft hands gently examine his head. He hissed when she touched the lump and she gave a heavy sigh.

"You have a concussion," she said, "but it's only a minor one. However you could still become a vegetable if you don't stay awake.

"Tell us about yourself," said Yusuke.

"My name is Hiei," he said a little slurry because of his head injury. "I'm a fire youkai. Odd job mercenary."

"We've heard of you," said Keiko. "You're the one who killed the lord on her first gig, but Hiei's a girl!"

"Hermaphrodite" said Hiei and Keiko "ah"ed. "Was resting when caught."

"What'd you get the Jagan for?" asked Yusuke.

"Find my sister," he said. "She's lost."

"It must have been painful," said Keiko, "getting the Jagan."

"I could handle it. I'm tired."

"Oh no," said Keiko slapping his face to keep him awake. "Stay awake! Stay awake till they get you to a healer."

"They can't sell you half dead," said Takai.

"What about you," asked Hiei trying to stay awake like they wanted. He needed to concentrate on something.

"Well, you do need to focus on something," said Keiko. "Me and Yusuke are thieves and we were going to meet some friends till someone tripped a trap!" Yusuke gave a nervous chuckle. "Yusuke's a Toushin and I'm a nature demon. Takai and Leta, the little one, are wind demons. Their village was attacked and they were captured."

"I want mommy," said a tiny scared voice and Takai shushed her. "Where's mommy?"

"In a better place now, little sister," said Takai and Hiei felt a pang in his chest. Keiko didn't say they were sisters. Thinking of the two little demons clinging to each other in the corner made him miss Yukina. He sniffled as his nose started to run and his eyes became blurry. Damn it! He won't cry! He won't!

He felt a hand gently pat his back and knew it was Yusuke. The Toushin kept his hand comfortley on the fire Koorime's shoulder for a second and removed it. Hiei wondered why as Yusuke shuffled back to Keiko, his chain clinging the way he went.

"I guess you can sleep now," said Keiko, "but try to wake up."

"Hn," said Hiei and closed his eyes. He had horrible dreams of Yukina being captured again and his mother's death. A flash of silver nearly blinded him and he saw a silver kitsune with gold eyes before he woke up. Well, that meant he was okay but what woke him up? The caravan was still moving and it was sunset outside. Hiei felt something snuggle against him and looked down at his side. Through what little light was left he saw a young girl, maybe two years old, snuggled against him. She had white blue hair and her eyes were closed. They opened when he looked at her and he saw that her eyes were blue.

"My name's Leta," she said. "You looked lonely."

"I'm used to being alone," he said. "My name's Hiei."

"I know," said Leta. "I heard you a sister talking. You have a sister?"

"I do," said Hiei feeling another pang at the mention of Yukina.

"What's she like?" Hiei couldn't help but like the girl. She was so sweet and innocent, like his sister. He felt protective toward Leta and vowed to get her out. She didn't deserve they were about to go in.

"She's pretty," he said. "And kind, nice and she's my best friend."

"My sister's my best friend too," said Leta "She tried to save me from the slavers when they killed our parents. Where are your parents?"

"Dead. My father died before I was born and my mother died a year ago."

"We're on the same cloud as my parents would say," said Leta and she started to cry. Hiei looked at her as the moon rose and stars shown. He didn't cry when he found out that Hina died but he did feel sorrow and grief. He held the little girl as she cried herself back to sleep beside him. It was then he felt no wards on her.

"No wards," he whispered.

"She's still young," said Takai and Hiei heard her shuffle toward them. "She hasn't developed her powers yet."

"That means she can get these off us," said Yusuke who was still awake too. After all, who could sleep while ridding with slavers.

"Yes," said Keiko, "they wouldn't affect her."

"Leta," said Hiei gently shaking her. " Leta, wake up."

Leta groaned in a high pitched sound and opened her eyes. "Hai, Hiei-san?"

"Can you get the wards off us," asked Hiei and Leta looked confused, through what they could see.

"Wards," she said. "What wards?"

"Here." Hiei took her hands and guided them to the ward covering his Jagan. He felt her feel the fabric as she tried to see what it was. "That's a ward. Can you take it off?"

"I can try," she said and grabbed the fabric and gave it a hard tug. It took a few tries but it finally ripped and came off. Everyone gasped as it opened and it spread its blue light through the cabin.

Awake, he asked as he felt the Jagan wake up.

What happened? it asked sounding a little groggy to Hiei.

We got caught, idiot, said Hiei. I'm going to try and escape and help them too.

Hiei looked around the cabin and saw everyone looking at his Jagan, squinting over the bright light it made. Hiei dimmed the light and they came closer to him. He saw Toushin next to a nature girl and knew they were Yusuke and Keiko. A girl that looked similar to Leta sat next to him and knew that was Takai.

"Wow," said Takai.

"Let's finish up," said Hiei and Leta took the rest of the wards off Hiei and moved to her sister. They had the paper wards off but the shackles were warded too. Hiei shuffled up to Keiko and took the chain connected to the wall.

"Shield your eyes," he said and they all did. There was a bright flash, and a snapping sound and Keiko felt the chain fall off her ankle. She looked down to see the chain in pieces and a red weld around her leg. She was free!

Hiei moved to do the same to the others and to him. Leta gave a small squeal when hers came off but didn't utter a sound.

"Now let's get outta here!" yelled Yusuke leveling his hand at a wall. "Rei Gun!" And the blast exploded the wall and anything else in its path. Keiko jumped out and faced a group of demons heading their way.

"Earth Shake!" she yelled and the ground started trembling. The demons fell down on top of each other and Keiko threw a boulder at them. "Rock Throw!" The demons became smashed and Takai jumped out to join the fray.

"Try this on for size!" she yelled "Hurricane Gale!"

A twister fell down on the demons and blew them away. Yusuke and Hiei were punching demons left and right to clear the way. Hiei stopped for a minute when he heard a humming noise and looked over to find one of the demons powering up a gun like machine. He winced and ran to the others.

"Stun canon!" he yelled. "Everybody down!"

They dropped to the ground and Hiei shielded Leta and Takai as the canon went off over their heads. They jumped back up and ran. Hiei heard it power up again and shoved Leta to Takai.

"Go!" he yelled and the shot went off with and electric zap. Hiei's body seemed to freeze up and his mind shut down. The last thing he saw were the others running away, Leta looking right at him tears running down her face in a waterfall and stretching her arms toward him, her mouth opened to a silent wail. Then he blacked out.

He woke up to find himself tied up and a prisoner again. He groaned as his head ached. He turned on his side and felt something soft under him, he looked down. In the dim light he found he was a she again! She groaned and laid back down.

Suddenly the door opened and she hissed as the light hit her eyes and she shut them. She heard a deep chuckle and looked up to see a human like demon with black hair and eyes stand in the doorway.

"A hermaphrodite," chuckled the demon. "As well as a Jaganshi. A high price indeed."

"Let me go!" screamed Hiei and the demon chuckled again.

"You tried to escape. Unfortunately we didn't catch your companions but we got back the one worth the most."

"So you're going to kill me?" Hiei wanted to growl, claw and kick the demon but could since she was tied.

"Not now," said the demon walking in and closing the door. "You have to be punished."

"You can't harm me," growled Hiei. "I'll be worth less with scratches on me."

"We got Healers to fix those up." The demon brought down a cat-of-nine-tails whip and cracked it experimentally in the air. "Turn around."

Hiei struggled to her feet and faced the wall opposite her. She was in for it now. Well, it won't be so bad, she had worse when caught by the commissioner of the Koorime City. Oh, they whipped you there too, but with icicles across your back that stuck to the next century. She was just glad the others got away. She gave them enough time for that. And she hopes Takai and Leta will be okay on their own now.


Hiei winced when the whip cracked across her back but she didn't make a sound. Like she said, she had worse then this. But it didn't stop it from hurting.


Again Hiei winced but didn't utter a sound as the whip crashed upon her back, sending lightning pain through it, ripping open her shirt and skin. She winced again when it hit her upper neck, cutting some of the hair off her scalp. The whip cracked ten more times before he stopped it and chuffed it on the back of her head. She gasped and fell to the floor, curling into a ball in hope to chase the pain away. The slaver master looked down at her and chuckled.

"Think you're so good? Well, just wait till someone buys you and you want be thinking that anymore."

The demon laughed as he walked out. Hiei just curled there wishing to be back home in the Koorime City, even if she isn't wanted there anymore. She felt a tear roll down her cheek and drop with a "ping" on the floor. She picked it up and clutched tightly to it, like an anchor to get to shore. She will get out.


Ouch, tough break for Hiei. Hope this chapter was good! And one, 1, more chapter! Happy?!

Thankies to . . .




darkest demon child


Lady Anubis




Hiei's Shadow