Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 16

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Bad language on Hiei's part!

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the Yu*Yu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 16

The next morning Hiei woke to the crack of the whip and the slaves master's yell for the slaves to wake up. All of them filed out and walked to the auction area, the guards keeping a close eye on her so she wouldn't run away again.

Suddenly one of the guards grabbed her and shoved her toward one of the tents.

"See the Healer," growled the guard. "Can't sell you in shreds."

Hiei growled but didn't say a word. Walking into the tent she saw a woman with silvery white hair tending to a patient who was screaming his lungs out. He screamed on last time as she rubbed a salve on his wound.

"Well, I said it would hurt and I didn't mean yesterday," snapped the Healer. The Healer looked up to see Hiei and scuffed. "They always send the good ones to me before the sell them. Well, get over here, little girl."

Hiei growled at being called a "little girl" and walked over to the Healer. The Healer pushed her on a chair and started cleaning her wounds rather roughly. Hiei hissed as the wash clothe scabbed her scabbed back and shoulders. Then groaned in pain as the salve was put on.

When it was done Hiei didn't sigh in relief. The pain was still there, intensely, all the salve did was get rid of the marks and bruises on her back. Hiei gently stood up and started to walk out.

"Hold it," said the Healer. "You can't be sold like that. Come, I have some clothes that will fit you."

The Healer led her to the back of the tent and pulled out a chipped trunk. Opening it up the Healer rummaged in it for a few minutes and pulled out a ragged robe. It wasn't badly tattered but it seemed to fit her.

"Put it on," growled the Healer and Hiei did. She hissed when the fabric touched her back where the scraps used to be and tied the belt. It was a little bigger then she was but it covered her where it counts. Nodding thanks to the Healer she walked out and toward the queue of slaves. She waited while the slave master auctioned off the demons and several ningens he's caught.

Ningen catching and selling was illegal in Makai but many demons didn't care. Sometimes they went into Ningenkai and captured kids or wary adults while others back were turned. Some demons got caught in the act but where called aliens or monsters. Other catch humans the easy way, waiting near known open portals and grab them before patrols come and take them back. They would sell them for slaves, meat, whatever they wanted.

The auction started and the ningens went first. Now all Hiei had to do was wait.


Kurama walked through the throng toward a seed stand, where he can replenish his supply of seeds and then some. The vendor there was a youko with brown hair and red eyes who also was trying to catch Kurama's eyes but Kurama didn't pay attention. He bought the seeds he need and left, not really caring where he was going. He had time to kill and the stupid thing was, he didn't know how to kill it.

Walking around he snuffed away the vendors asking him to buy potions, jewelry, books, women, or themselves. Kurama thought the last two was disgusting .he didn't like the idea of people selling others or their bodies to make some cash but everyone had to make a living, even if it was the lower of the low. He was a thief by nature but at least he didn't sell people, he sold stolen goods which was different.

He walked away from them and toward the auction area. He didn't have enough money for a slave but he might find something he was interested in. He watched them go through the usual slave, ningens they've caught, demons they've caught, and the like, none interested him.

He was about to leave when he heard the slave master call in a new slave. He could have left, he would have left, but he didn't. For some reason or another he stayed and looked at the last called up slave.

She had ebony black hair that shone blue at just the right angle and piercing red eyes. She was smaller then most demons but something about her was still captivating. The white robe around her was big but it didn't hide the strength of her in the tattered holes and rips. What got his attention wasn't her beautiful face but her fiery eyes. It seemed like her eyes were burning with an internal flame. She also looked familiar. They chained her to the platform by her hands, legs and neck. She growled as the crowd looked at her.

"And now," said the slave master, "I have a special treat for you. This beauty here is not only a Jaganshi," gasps and murmurs sound through the crowd, "but also a hermaphrodite." More gasps and some people were checking their change pockets. "She's a fire demon with excellent sword agility, so if you're looking for a soldier or bodyguard then train her right and she's good to go. Or if you're looking for pleasure, I can tell you she's ripe!" He pinched her butt cheek at the end of the sentence. She growled even louder and lunged at him as best as her chains allowed and slashed at him.

"Foul, pompous, mother-fucking, son of a bitch!" she yelled and some of the crowd gasped and others looked interested. Kurama chuckled. She had a lot of spunk, and spirit, to lunge at a slave master like that.

"And she has a rebellious nature but with some training that will go away," continued the slave master. "I'll start the bidding at one dollar! Do I have one dollar?"

"One dollar!" yelled a man and Kurama looked at him in rage. That guy was bidding for the hermaphrodite!

"I have one dollar! One dollar! Do I hear two?" yelled the slave master sounding like an auctioneer. Kurama couldn't believe how many people wanted the female. In less then five minutes fifty people bided for her, raising the price to fifty.

"I have sixty-five!" yelled the slaver. "Sixty-five! Do I hear seventy?"

"A hundred dollars," yelled a man and everyone turned toward him. A thousand dollars for the hermaphrodite!

"Two hundred!" yelled Kurama before he could register he had opened his mouth. What was he doing?! He didn't have two thousand dollars but for some reason he wanted this slave.

Everyone gasped at his price.

"Three thousand," yelled the man who bided before him. "That's my final offer."

"Three thousand one hundred!" yelled Kurama and everyone looked in shock. No one would bide that much for a slave! The slave master looked shocked at him before he remembered to call the bid.

"Three thousand one hundred going once! Three thousand one hundred going twice! Sold to the silver kitsune! You may pick up your slave as you see fit but tomorrow you lose ownership."

Kurama nodded and walked away. When he got far enough away, near the slave cages he groaned. Where was he going to get that kind of money?! He spent the rest of his money on seeds and his stash was weeks away!

"Maybe I could lose the ownership," he thought aloud.

"Then they'll kill me," hissed a voice and he looked around.

"Me," hissed the voice again. "The bitch you just bought!"

Kurama looked behind him and there he saw a crate that was big enough for a child. Scrunched inside was the fire demon he had just bought, looking at him with hateful eyes.

"What do you mean, `they'll kill you'," he asked.

"I was supposed to get them big bucks!" she growled. "Now you made their dreams come true and more up their asses! If you back out, they'll kill me!"

"I want to buy you but I don't have the money," growled Kurama. "And the area's warded, like all traveling markets. I can't use my youki to get you out."

"There is one." And something round and shiny flew from an opening in the crate and landed on the ground. "Use that."

Kurama picked up the object and turned in around between his fingers. It looked like a pearl, but ebony in color with red tints to it. Kurama could tell it was worth a lot more then he paid for the slave.

"Why are you giving me this?" he asked.

"I just wanna get out of here," hissed the girl. "I don't care if I'm your slave or bitch; just get me out of here!"

Kurama nodded and pocketed the pearl. Walking to the main tent, where all business was conducted, he went to the slave master and handed him the pearl.

"This should suffice," he said and walked out to get Hiei, grabbing the fire Koorimes thing along the way. The slave driver turned the pearl around in his hands, inspecting the pearl.

"How did . . ." He walked out to find Kurama leading Hiei away on a leash, as was custom for new slaves till they were trained. "Hey, wait!" yelled the slave master. Kurama stopped and turned around as the slaver caught up with them. "Where did you get this?"

"Does it matter where I got it?" asked Kurama coldly. "You got paid."

"This cost twice as much as what you paid me for her," yelled the slave driver. "You must have more of it."

"If I did I wouldn't tell you." He turned to leave.

"You're not going anywhere," said the slave master and his men surrounded Kurama and Hiei. Kurama looked coldly at the slaver.

"You can't use youki here," he said.

"That doesn't mean we can't fight." And the slavers rushed at them Hiei ducked down and kicked one between the legs before crawling away. The guard clutched his crotch and slumped to the ground. Kurama had jumped over the guards and grabbed Hiei's leash, yanking her to follow him.

"Ugh, watch it!" yelled Hiei as Kurama dragged them in a tent.

"You watch it, slave! Where did you get that pearl?"

"I, uh, made it." Hiei couldn't come up with a better excuse then that. She knew she could make the hiruiseki gems but never knew how with her fire ki. Somehow, Kurama wasn't really convinced.

"Where did you get it?"

"Can we talk about this later? There're fifty slavers looking for us and I think they'll want you to give them more of those tear gems."

"Wait that was a tear gem?" asked Kurama as Hiei looked around. Around them were piles of crates and boxes. Hiei tried to open one with his fingers.

"Damn," she growled. "I need something to pry it open, a knife or a . . ." She looked at her new master who had picked up a metal bar with bent edges, ". . . or a pry bar. Thank you!" Rudely grabbing the pry bar she jammed it between the bars and tried it open.

"What are you doing?" asked Kurama.

"Going to make something to get us out of here" Opening the box she found bullets and a black powder. Picking up a sack of the powder she opened it and sniffed. "Gunpowder," she said. She opened others to find rifles pullets, cartridges, knives, and other weapons. "Why are they selling ningen weapons?"

"Ten percent of the criminals in Ningenkai are demons," said Kurama. "While the weaklings think it to be violet and cruel criminals the demons see it as a kind of amusement park."

"Stupid," muttered Hiei and she went to a yellow metal canister. Prying open the lid it was filled with a black goo that stuck to Hiei's fingers as she touched it.

"Oil," she said, "and gasoline. Gunpowder, oil, and gasoline. These may come in handy."

"For what?" asked Kurama still confused at what Hiei was planning. The fire demon was looking along the floor for something.

"I know there're here," she muttered. "They always leave them lying around. Ah, here!" She grabbed a bundle of rags and set then aside as she grabbed cartridges and a knife.

"What are you doing, slave?" said Kurama.

"I have a name!" she yelled at him as she pried the cap of the cartridge with the knife. She dumped the powder in bowls next to her.

"Sorry, I didn't seem to catch it," snapped back Kurama. The slaver was right, this girl was rebellious!

"It's Hiei." She spread the rags flat and cut a circle in them with the knife, amazingly staying in line. She grabbed a ball of twine she found earlier and cut a foot long piece and used the knife to pierce holes along the edge of the clothe.

"Where did you learn to do this," asked Kurama.

"Growing up where I did you learn a trick or two," answered Hiei as she threaded the twine through the holes. "Check outside. See if anyone's coming." Kurama did to see no one coming. He peeked back to find Hiei making a small pouch with the rag and pouring some of the gunpowder in them, tying them tight.

Picking up what looked like wire she stuck it through the pouch and tied it around it, leaving a good two or three inch out. She made about six of them before looking around again.

"Now what do you need?" asked Kurama.

"Is it sunset?" asked Hiei as she looked in the rags again.

"Yeah, another ten minutes and it'll be full dark."

"Good, take a bath."


"Oil bath." Hiei pointed to the canister of oil. "You're silver color will stand out against the dark. Put as much oil as you can on yourself. And soak your clothes."

"Why should I listen to you, slave?"

"Because I can get us out of this alive! I may be a slave but this is my field! Just do as I say if you want to live."

Kurama growled and started tacking off his clothes, Hiei turned around so the kitsune can have some privacy. She took a steel nail that had come loose during the prying and struck it against a rock, creating a large and favorable spark. She turned around to see Kurama about to put his sash in the oil canister.

"Wait!" She grabbed the sash and looked at it. "Perfect!" She sat back in her spot.

"That's my sash!" protested Kurama.

"You can get another one." She cut the sash to about a foot long and used the other end to tie her hair back, as it fell down when she changed back. She first tied it around her forehead to hide her Jagan and then tied back her hair. Taking the foot long ribbon she folded it once and put a stone in the crease, making it into a sling. She swung it around a few times to check if it would work and was satisfied that it would.

"Okay," said Kurama and Hiei looked behind to find that Kurama was covered in the black oil and nodded. The once white clothing now hung sagging and black on the kitsune's body and the once silver hair was now grease and hard to see.

"It'll do," said Hiei. She grabbed some stones and put them in the pocket of her robe, hoping they didn't fall out. Kurama didn't say anything as the fire Koorime worked with what they had. Hiei tipped a gas tank over and dug a hole in the ground near the opening. She pried it open and oil spilled out.

"There are some crates behind here," she said. "Hide behind them."

Kurama did and Hiei joined him a minute later, dragging her foot in the dirt to make a deep line in the soil. A trail of oil followed and stopped at the end of the line. Grabbing some weeds, twigs and dried grass Hiei made a pile in the edge of the line and struck a rock on the knife she brought with her. It sparked but didn't strike the pile of kindling. Hiei tried again and the kindling smoked as the spark finally caught a dry grass.

"Let's go!" hissed Hiei as the smoke turned to fire and caught the oil. They ran as the oil fire followed the trail to the canisters, a second later the night sounded with the large explosion and pops and crackles as the ammunition was set aflame. Hiei grabbed a pouch of gunpowder and took out a box of matches she had found on the floor. Striking a match she held it to the wick and it sparked. She threw it to a group of demons and it exploded.

"Great idea," yelled Kurama over the explosions.

"How are you with a sling," yelled back Hiei.

"Fair." And Hiei handed him the foot long sash and the rocks.

"Let's get out of here," she said and they headed out. Some of the merchants were trying to put out the fire before they lost their whole stock and a lot were on looking.

"There they are," yelled the slaver pointing at the two escapees. Hiei took off the sash she was using as a head band and picked up a rock. Putting it in the sling she whirled it around her head and let go of one end and let it fly. It hit one in the head as another hit one in the chest, from Kurama's sling. Soon the demon slavers were being pelted with rocks and make-shift bombs. They ran away as the two ran away, Kurama finally feeling his youki returning. Hiei however wasn't fairing as well. Aside from the wards slowing her down and binding her ki the got hit bad in the explosion, her side bleeding in gushes as she tried to keep up with Kurama and carry her things. Kurama looked back to see her staggering and picked her up as she passed out.


-In the auctions I've went to, they've always started out like that. $1 means $100 and etc.

-I've been watching too much MacGyver shows. I thought of this while watching one of his shows.

I hope you liked! That was actually longer then I intended but I hope you like it just the same! To those who guess Kurama was going to buy Hiei, you were half right! Kurama bided but Hiei paid for her own way out! And I bet you weren't expecting the little adventure at the end? R&R plz! Are ya happy now?!

Thankies too . . .

darkest demon child




Dark Raven, Hiei's Girl


jus Kita again






Hiei's Shadow


The Chaotic Ones