Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 23

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Bad language and little bit of violence

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the YuYu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter XXIII

Kurama walked toward the gates of where all the participants of the tribunal were. During the few days it took for him to go to kitsune territory he felt several times Hiei trying to locate him and reach him to find out if he was okay, but youko's kept the locations of their territories secret so Kurama used simple warding spells to keep Hiei at bay. He didn't like deceiving his friend, but it was necessary according to kitsune law, and he hated it!

He looked around to see other Youko of different class and stature walking around, each with gold eyes. The tribunal was also known as the Golden Contest because all Youko with gold eyes participated, trying to out do each other to get the prize. Kurama thought that was stupid because the prize always goes to the one who was a Shippou, not any other tribes. Sighing he walked over to the roster.

"Name," asked a red Youko, not looking up at him. "And tribe."

"Youko Kurama of the Zoku Shippou."

The red Youko looked right up at Kurama and his eyes widen to saucers. Kurama smiled and took the pen the red Youko had in his hand and wrote his own name and tribe color on the roster.

"Have a nice day," he said placing the pen back on the table and taking his tent number. For fox demons they do things pretty orderly from time to time.

He was walking toward his tent when he heard something whoosh past his ear. Jumping back he reached in his hair and stole a quick look at what had been thrown at him. It was an ice spike as large as his arm and embedded in the ground. Smiling he put his rose back and look up in a tree where he saw the siluette of a kitsune and an animal.

"Was wondering when I would see you again," he said and the shadow laughed.

"Guess sooner was later," said a girl voice and the two figures jumped down. One was a girl with silver hair and gold eyes. Her white tunic was wrapped around her body like a toga with the skirt split up the sides of her legs. And sandals wrapped around her leg to her knees. Along her arms were wrist and arms bands and her hair was pulled into a pony tail with a blood red scarf. In her hand was a fan with icicle designs on it.

"Kimiko," said Kurama bowing to her. "May the light of our father shine on you. Where is our litter brother, Kaoru?"

"Last I've heard he was planning a raid with Koichi," said Kimiko, naming out their other litter brother. "And, Kur-chan, as much as I've missed you, we have to put aside blood kin at this time. You know that."

"Can't harm anything to get a little FYI on family," said Kurama. "Both of them together? Are they ever apart?"

"Not as far as I know of?" Kimiko went over the icicle and touched it. It glowed light blue and disappeared. "They are ichiranseisouseiji."

The animal, a wolf looking creature with silver fur and large enough to be a saber tooth tiger, gave a little bark at its owner and Kimiko smiled down at it.

"Oh, and Byakko misses you too."

Kurama smiled and petted the wolf as it rubbed its head against his hand. If wolves could, Byakko would be purring.

Suddenly Kurama looked and straight ahead at a kitsune walking toward Kurama with a purposeful stride. The kitsune, all gold in color and added gold eyes, were five in all, each ranging from different sizes and at two girls.

"Greetings, Kurama," said their leader. His hair was as long as Kurama's a looked as if spun gold. His gold eyes seemed to hold authority over all who looked at him. He wore gold armor and a tunic around his body for protection. The sight of this kitsune almost makes Kurama sick, if he hadn't endured it all the while he was growing up.

"Azumamaro," hissed Kurama. "We have no relation here. Get out of my face."

"Now, Kurama, is that anyway to treat your brother?"

"Half brother," countered Kimiko. "You're only a few hundred years younger then Kurama."

Azumamaro looked at Kimiko with slightly slinted eyes. She glared back at him, the sun glazed off her eyes to give them a venomous look.

"If you're thinking of beating Azumamaro-sama, you have to think twice," said a pretty girl looking right at Kimiko. Kurama turned to her.

"Ayako," he said. "I figured you had gotten over calling him that when you were two hundred."

"Why would I when he will be our next master."

"Only if he wins the Tribunal," said Kimiko pointing at Azumamaro. "Only if."

"Only if," agreed Azumamaro and turned to go, but he looked at Kurama one last time. "I'll see you in the Ring, Kurama. I will be victorious."

"Not if I win first."


The next day the Tribunal began. Kitsunes went into stands before they were called, and cheered who they bartered or wished to be victorious. Inari, King of all the Kitsune, sat upon his throne and watched the through interested eyes, for his children will be combating each other for the title. His silver hair was down with a gold circlet gracing his forehead

The announcer was a blue haired kitsune, a little nervous for her first time announcing a Tribunal and gulped at the massive crowd looking down at her to start.

"Hello," she started but her voice squeaked and she cleared it, trying again. "Hello, my name is Fujiko and I hope you'll have a good time!"

The crowd roared and Fujiko smiled. "And now for the first round!"

And the rounded began. Kitsune after kitsune were called and fought. Some won, some lost, and some ended in a tie. Kurama waited patiently for his turns and won them in a heartbeat. He watched his sister win her rounds and soon they had to defrost or ice the ring before the next fight. Soon it came to the semi-finals, which started the next day.

"I wish you luck, oniisan," said Kimiko and Kurama nodded.

"And I you, imouto," said Kurama and went to his tent.

Late that night Kurama woke to a feeling of wrongness. Sitting up he looked toward the tent flap and noticed a glow that wasn't coming form the fires ten feet from his tent. Plus it was really hot inside the fabricated place.

Thinking fast he grabbed a weed and made it into a dagger, slicing the fabric and climbed out. He looked up to find Azumamaro and his golden siblings. He growled at them as he pulled out his rose.

"Just a warning, Kurama han-onissan," said Azumamaro. "It'll happen to you, in the finals."

He then created a fire ball in his hand and threw it at Kurama. Kurama jumped aside and his tent exploded. Kurama covered his face from the heat and when he looked again, the golds were gone and Kimiko ran toward him. Waving her fan a blizzard put out the tent fire and she looked at Kurama.

"Him," she asked, know Kurama knew who she was talking about.

"Yes," said Kurama "It seems he's determined to win."

"Of course he is, what with the prize."

"The price is too high is what I think."

Kimiko smiled and patted her brother's shoulder.

"Come, niisan," she said. "You shall stay in my tent tonight."

Kurama nodded and let her lead him to her tent.


"All right!" yelled Fujiko when the second to last fight ended. "And the winner, by a ice burg, was Kimiko! Now she will be facing Kurama for the honor to proceed to the finals!"

The crowd screamed and yelled as Kurama jumped from his place in the stadium and walked up to the ring, standing directly in front of his sister, arms crossed the whole way there.

"So, brother, now we fight," said Kimiko.

"Yes," said Kurama. "Now we shall see if ice or plant is stronger."

"Begin!" yelled Fujiko and the two fights took out their weapons. Kimiko took out her fan and shot an amused smile at her brother. Kurama took out his rose and waited for his sister to attack first.

"Icicle Barrage!" she yelled waving her fan in a snapping motion. Millions of icicles flew toward him in a continuous assault.

"Rose Whip!" he yelled and blocked Kimiko's attack. When he was done he noticed she was gone and looked around for her. Looking around he suddenly had a feeling to look up and he did, seeing his sister floating on a snow flake and smirking at him.

"Ice Barrage!"

Again Kurama attempted to block the icicles but he felt something grab his Whip and prevent him to. He jumped out of the way in time before he was embedded by the razor sharp frosted objects. Looking at his sister he notices she had some scratch marks on her and she held fast to his Rose Whip, frosting it stiff.

`She went into her own ice storm,' he thought and gave a smirk. `She was always reckless.'

He gave a sharp tug at his whip and it flew from her hand, slicing her other hand and tore her fan in half.

"Hn," said Kurama with a sound that would have made Hiei proud. "Looks like I broke your toy."

"Looks like we had the same idea," said Kimiko pointing at Kurama's whip. It was frosted almost to the hilt and stiffer then a log. He wouldn't be able to use it and that had been his only rose. He jumped away as a large icicle landed where he was.

"Frozen Tempest!"

Kurama looked up to find large sharp snowflakes falling toward him and covered his head. Cloud and dust obscured his vision.

"Wow, people," said Fujiko with enthusiasm. "I bet Kurama didn't stand a chance with that assault! Let's wait for the smoke to clear to find out if he's down!"

When the smoke cleared they all saw a bamboo dome? The snowflakes were imbedded in the bamboos as the criss-crossed around their master and saved him from the attack.

The bamboos unwound themselves and revealed Kurama with a leaf sword wrapped around his hand, held tightly in his fist. Kimiko smiled and created a sword of ice, wrapping her fist around the handle.

"That was amazing!" yelled Fujiko. "I didn't even see it! Let's take a look at our instant replay, shall we?"

A screen appeared over the head of the crows and showed Kimiko throw the knife like snowflakes toward Kurama, who looked up in time to see them flying straight toward him. They saw Kurama throw his hands to the ground and suddenly bamboo stalks covered him and the snowflakes imbedded in the trunks before exploding.

"There you have it, guys!" said Fujiko. "Kurama threw up a shield in time to avoid the attack! Tall, dark, sexy, and smart! Is there anything this Youko can't do?!"

"Yeah," said Kimiko, "he can't win!" And she launched herself at Kurama, hoping to freeze the leaf sword on contact. She struck it and Kurama blocked his sister's attack. Kimiko sent her energy intot he sword to freeze the leaf, but is stayed green.

"What in hell . . ."

"Pine needle," said Kurama with a smug. "An evergreen."

"Damn it!" she cursed. "They're deciduous!"

"Yes," said Kurama and swung at her again. She dodged and tried to swing back but again Kurama blocked and he threw her off. She scrambled to her feet as Kurama stabbed down at her and swung again, catching his side. He hissed and knelt to the ground clutching his wound. She landed and looked over at her brother.

"Ready to give up?" she asked.

"Not likely," said Kurama and she felt something snake up her legs. Looking down she say a vine wind around her legs and suddenly she was off the ground.

"Hey," she yelled. "Hey! Lay off!" She tried to freeze the vines but the ice sizzled and melted on contact. "Oh no! A Salamander Plant!"

"Yeah," said Kurama standing up. "You're not going to do your ice tricks anymore."

"All right," she said and hung her head. "I concede."

"And the winner is Kurama!" yelled Fujiko. "He will be going to the final round, against Azumamaro in two days time! So be sure to wake early because it'll take a long time!"

Kurama looked up in the crowd and immediately spotted his half brother, up on the highest pier looking straight down at him. Azumamaro had been leaning on the rail during the battle and when Kurama looked up at him he straightened and gave the silver kitsune a mock salute, and left. Kurama let out a soft growl.

`Just wait, Azumamaro,' he thought. `Just wait.'


-Silver ( I know some people use "Gingi" for silver, but I'm an original person, so I used some originality. )

- Silver Tribe.

- Identical Twins (long word for something so short.)

-The name was not taken off of Byakko the Tiger from the Four Saint Beasts. It was given to the animal because the name fit its description. The actual meaning of it is "white (spiritual) fox." Through the animal is actually a wolf I liked the name to help describe the creature for its name and who owns it.

- I know a pair of twins whose name starts with the same letter and I thought I could add that for Kurama and his litter siblings. I did it for pure fun and humor.

Gomen for the long wait but battle scenes are not easy for me! I hope you won't hurt me or anything. I actually had fun with this chapter because I've been meaning to make a story with Kurama having a sister and found this as a perfect opportunity.

Thankies too . . .






Kariana Kusanagi

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darkest demon child

kuo yaten

Raging Phoenix




jus Kita




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fire and napalm