Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 26

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.
Ryuusei no Solitude
By: Koritsune Dragonrider
Rating: PG-13
Warning: n/a
 Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the Yu*Yu Hakusho series.
Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and
Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!
Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter XX
Hiei jumped awake and grabbed the piece of limber that she was using as a pillow. A soft sound had awakened her and through her roommates were light sleepers she slept the lightest. Hardly any sound got past her and in the castle you couldn't help but be extra careful. She would wake up and watch a girl get dragged off by soldiers for “entertainment.” Her friend, Kanna, went more then once. When Hiei asked her she said it was their job, and they had to do it. Hiei wanted nothing from the soldiers so she became extra conscious.
She looked around the room, trying to find what had made the sound that woke her in the tiny room and the many huddled forms of her roommates. There was only one bed in the room and it was occupied by Tetsui, the only person allowed to sleep on it. Slight snores, grunts, and whimpers came from the other girls as they slept; other's having dreams and nightmares. Hiei would be able to overlook the other sounds so she knew something else woke her. Standing up she crept around the girls, making sure to not step on them. Some huddled together in corners or slept alone, curled against the cold damp drafts. Other's when it became too cold, lay in a dog pile on the floor, using each other as beds and pillows. Hiei, at time during the month of her stay, learned that or huddle with Kanna in a corner. It became necessary at times.
Hiei jumped at a sound and turned to find glaring yellow eyes look at her. The rest of the body was in the shadows so Hiei couldn't tell what it was till it spoke again.
“Mrrow,” said the thing and walked in the torch light glowing outside the room so Hiei could see the rest of its body. A beautiful calico with white splotches on its feet and nose, brown, black and orange covered its back and its brownish black tail whipped the air lazily.
Hiei sighed and petted the cat a little before turning around to return to her corner but stopped as another sound hit her ears. Loud, staggering footfall approached the servant's hall and resounded through the harems rooms. Drunken laughter echoed down the empty hall as whoever approached said some what not to whoever was with him. Mostly it was drunken talk on victories they had supposedly or which girl they got the night before. Hiei had a sick feeling she was the next.
Not wanting to be the next round of entertainment she ran out the door and down the hall, her sandals clacking on the rock floor. She heard sounds of pursuit after her and knew she had been discovered in her brief escape; probably think she was a thief or bandit. Rounding a corner she held her weapon up like a katana, intending to fight them when she sees them.
The staggering footsteps were getting louder and she had the shouting, Hiei suspected they had woken half the keep by then but she didn't care. She'd fight them all for a good night's rest.
Showing the shadows of the soldiers on the opposite wall she prepared to charge them hen she felt something grab her yukata from behind, pull her out of the hallway and into total darkness. A hand was placed forcefully over her mouth and a grinding sound told her a stone door was being shut.
Not wanting to be taken captive she bit her capture's hand and heard a soft grunt from the person, but he or she wouldn't let go till the footfalls and laughter faded in the distance. Hiei then felt the hand be taken away from her mouth and she lunged at the person, but the demon moved and Hiei crashed into the wall, making it fly open and her falling to the floor in the hallway.
As she held her head she looked up to see the demon approach her and saw it was Kanna in the torchlight, shadows playing around her face and she holding her injured hand.
“Was that really necessary,” asked Kanna and Hiei grunted.
“I could say the same,” said Hiei. “What were you doing in there?”
“Same as you, hiding from the soldiers.”
“But you said . . .”
“I know what I said, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.”
Hiei nodded and stood from the floor, with a little help from, Kanna, who closed the secret door and they started walking down the hall.
“Where did the passage come from anyway,” asked Hiei.
“They say the original lord of the castle, some two hundred and fifty years ago I think, built it to avoided enemies that snuck into the castle. The guy was foolishly smart.”
“He trusted too many people with the secret. One day a band of youkai approached on his doorstep and the lord gave them the hundred dollar tour, passages and all.”
“And the one leading them was Yomi,” said Hiei.
“No,” said Kanna shaking her head. “The leader of the band was a silver kitsune named Youko Kurama. Yomi was a part of the group but Kurama lead it.”
Hiei's chest twisted at the mention of the fox. Kurama had led the attack over the castle? Hiei could see him wanting the jewels and treasure of the place, but to completely take it over? That didn't sound like the Kurama she knew.
“What happened next?” asked Hiei wanting the truth out of the story.
“Well, things were quiet for a few weeks. The band had left, the lord went back to ruling and everything was well. But then, the attacked happened. It was small. Two fire demons throwing fire balls at the castle walls and roof tops as guards tried to stop them. Through they were only two attackers, to the guards it looked like a hundred were battling them.
It was a distraction. One of these passage ways led to a door outside and Youko Kurama used that one to get in. they took all they could carry and turned to leave. But the lord and a squadron of his guards found the bandits and battle. Youko Kurama beat the lord, but let him live and turned to walk away. What happened next was a mystery.
No one knew why, but Yomi, as soon as Kurama left, returned and killed the lord. He then proclaimed the house was his and started ruling here. And it has been this way.”
“How was it a mystery?” asked Hiei.
“No one knows if Kurama sent Yomi here to assassinate the lord and rewarded him with the castle, or if Yomi acted on his own free will. Everyone knew that a bandit is loyal to their leader till death, for a bandits life starts at the beginning, at birth. With their master taking them in and teaching them how to survive, why would they be disloyal? So everyone thinks it was the former.”
“No,” yelled Hiei and pushed Kanna against the wall. The thought that Kurama sent a creep like Yomi to kill a lord after letting him live wasn't the Kurama she knew. It didn't make sense to her on why Kurama would do that. It was like him.
Kanna stood there against the wall, staring at her roommate as Hiei tried to calm down from the outburst. Kanna had seen similar outburst come from the fire Koorime over the last month but the water demon didn't understand why Hiei would be mad over a story.
“How would you know, Hiei,” she asked. “How would you know if Kurama didn't kill the lord?”
“Because, I knew Kurama,” said Hiei in a harsh breathe. “The fox would never do something that low.”
“You know him? How . . .”
“I was his slave.”
“You were owned?”
Hiei nodded and sat on the floor. She didn't like the thought of being owned but Kurama did buy her at the auction and through the silver fox had tried to se her free, Hiei had a life dept to complete, even if it took the rest of her life.
But then, she wanted Kurama to rescue her, to be the first one she sees when she's out of place. To comfort her when she's down and be there for her when she needs him.
Hiei shook her head. What was she thinking?! She couldn't possibly have be feelings for the silver kitsune. He was just her friend. Right? Damn female body.
Something poking her arm jolted her out of her reverie and she looked up at Kanna.
“What?” she asked.
“You okay,” Kanna asked. “I've been saying your name for like a minute.”
“I'm fine.”
There was a pregnant pause as Kanna considered the fire Koorime's answer, then shrugged.
“Okay. Anyway, I was asking why you left Youko Kurama.”
“I didn't leave him,” said Hiei through gritted teeth. Remembering the day she was captured still boiled her temperature. “I was guarding his territory when the caught me.”
“Oh,” breathed Kanna and let the matter drop. They rounded a corner to their room when hands grabbed them and pulled them behind a tall statue of a serpentress. Hiei struggled with her capture as Kanna tried to bite the hand off of hers.
“Hey, take it easy,” said a rough voice in Hiei's ear and she looked up t find Koga holding her around the chest and Meko trying to not cry out from a bloody hand.
“Koga,” she said softly so it wouldn't echo down the hall. “And Meko.”
When she said the names Kanna stopped gnawing at the neko youkai's hand and let go. Meko gave a silent curse and cradled his hand.
“Kami-sama!” he hissed. “That's worse then my kitten sibling biting my tail!”
“Sorry, said Kanna. “What are you doing here?”
“We didn't want you caught,” said Koga. “They're choosing.”
“I thought they left,” said Hiei and Kanna shook her head.
“When they don't find who they want the first time, they choose another.”
“It's sick,” said Meko looking up from cleaning his hand.
“That's sick,” said Kanna. “It's not very hallucinogenic. My saliva was on her hand,”
“I have to clean it somehow.”
Kanna grabbed Meko's hand and pointed a finger over the bite mark and water sprayed like a spout from the finger on the hand like a fountain and washed the dirt, blood and spittle from his hand. Next she ripped a piece of her underskirt and wrapped it around his hand as a field dressing. Meko flexed his fist to test it and found it satisfactory.
“Thanks,” he said.
“Just basic first aid,” she said, “I don't have my healing degree yet.”
They started to laugh when the door to the harem room opened and the soldiers walked out, half dragging, half carrying a girl with black hair. Hiei suppressed a shudder on her upcoming fate.
“Coast is clear,” said Koga after a minute.
“Thanks for the help, guys,”said Kanna. “Good night!”
“G'night,” said Meko in a ningen Southern American accent and everyone chuckled. Hiei and Kanna crept back in the room and silently stepped over the other girls, sometimes stepping on a foot or an arm and they would freeze, but none of the girls awakened. They returned to Hiei's dank, cold corner and they both huddled together, Kanna spooning Hiei as the fire Koorime wrapped her arms around the water demon to keep body heat between them. Hiei even made a warm air around them to keep from catching cold.
“Hn,” whispered Kanna. “Indoor heater.” Then she grunted when Hiei hammed a finger in her liver. “Okay, okay. Good night.”
“Night,” said Hiei and closed her eyes. Her last thought was sitting under a tree with Kurama on a warm day, and when she fell sleep, the thought become a dream.
Gomen, gomen, GOMEN on the long update! Well, incase you haven't noticed I am a little busy in the story department. I hope you forgive me! I didn't mean to!
Thankies to . . .
Foxy Kurama
Black Fire Ryu
Dark Raven, Hiei's girl
Raging Pheonix
PV2 Day
Keda Jaganshi
ire and napalm