Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shita and Kurama's little love song. ❯ Suki's death ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two guys are hurting her and kissing her. “ Let go of me.” Shita screamed kicking one guy what it hurts.
“ You bitch!” the other guy said. He throws her against a tree, because she started to fight back.
Right before she passes out she heard a voice " You stay away from her!" Then every thing goes black.
" Shita are you okay?" Shita looks up to see her older brother, Suki.
" I'm fine, how are...." She sees gun shot wounds and all kinds of other wounds. " Suki, what happen? You're bleeding way to much!"
" Shita, do you think you could carry me to my bedroom. I can't walk and I've lost to much blood." Suki said.
“Yes I can.” Shita said not being able to take her eyes of the wounds.
Shita carried her brother home. When they get home, no one is there. So Shita goes right to her brother's room and set him on the bed, and then she leaves to go get some medic things to help him, when he grabs your arm. " Stay.... Shita" Suki begged.
" But...Okay Suki" Shita stay there with him and soon enough the both of you fall asleep. Shita fall asleep on his chest listening to his heartbeat and his breathing.
Shita wakes a few hours later, and notice something is wrong. " Suki.... SUKI!! Oh, god no!" She shakes him to try to wake him up, and then she put her head on his chest.
" Suki, how.... HITOMI!" Shita call for her sister, and she ran into the room.
" Shita what's the matter and why does your school uniform have blood all...Oh, Suki. What happen.”? Hitomi said shocked at the sight.
" I-I ran from school, because the kids were being mean to me, and I came this forest." Shita said.
" You mean the forest near the outskirts of Mikai, with all the scary stories." Hitomi said.
" Yes, and these guys started to kiss me and every thing and then I pass out." Shita start to cry, because her brother who was always there for her just died.
" Oh, Shita I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Her sister hugged her tightly.
The next day was Suki's funeral and Shita cried the whole time. At the end she cried some more and Kurama hugged her, and she knew that if Suki wasn't there Kurama would be, the same with her other brothers and sisters.