Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Split in two?!? ❯ Both Kurama's are loved. ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Here is omemore. I know i am a big disapointment. Man though my life is in a whirl. gomennasi. I would explain more but don't want to sound like a whinny baby. Here is the new chapter even if no one is reading it! Not that i blame anyone.
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Kurama slowly woke up. When he felt his arms move he was shocked at first. He then looked around where he was. It was a cave. How did heget here? Last thing he remebered was....oh...wait...hiei came and saved him.
As golden eyes looked aroun da small shadow moved towards him. a rough yet gently hand ran on his check. Rubyeyes so full of love looked in his golden ones.

" I was worried fox. Aishiteru Zutto" Hiei saidthen kissed him.

Kurama could hardly believe his demon was kissing him. Much less say he loved him. Maybe Hiei did love both sides of him?

Hiei slowly undressed the fox laying kisses all over his skin. Kurama moaned at this. It felt so great to be loved by his Koorime. Soon both demons were one and moans could be heard. When they both came down from that cloud it seemed as if things were normal. then a red-head came into the cave. He smiled at the two sated lovers. It was then the smallest of the three spoke.

' I love you both Kurama. For Human or demon you are my mate. before this happened i had not known. Now it is shown to be that both of you captivate me. Shiuchi with his kindness and his Playfulness. Youko with his skills and his sharp mind. Kurama is who you both are. I love both sides of you." he sai dthen fell asleep.

both Kurama's l;ooked at one another. THen with out talking th efox got dressed and they left. Yusuke and Kuwabara were outside th ecave sleeping. Both got far away and to th etemple not saying a word. The temple was huge and made of stone. Grey hard cold stone. For light inside was torches and nothing else. It looked abdonned and there was many plants and moss growing on and near it.
Determined to become one again they stepped forh. what awaited them no one knew.