Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Taking Care Of Yoko ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
KS: If people actually read this then okay, here it goes- Taking Care of Yoko is quite poular and it is going to be finished soon, I hope. So I might make a sequel where Kori turns into a baby, and as revenge, Yoko has to take care of her and suffer the pain Kori went through. Or I might even make stories about the other characters turning into little kids. So this was truly pointless, I just thought you would like to know. Anyway here's the next chapter and please review!!!

Also, the question to be answered- Where the hell is Hiei? I fully intended for him to be in my story, unfortunatley, me and my slowly fading brain forgot to add him. See I stopped writing this story for a few months, and when I saw how much people really wanted to see the next chapter I actually forgot that I hadn't put Hiei in it. Me big idiot. Anyway, I'll probably right about him turning into a child soon. And he'll definetly be in it, because he's my favorite charather. Right after Yoko/Kurama. And I'm going to try to had him to this chapter.


Something was laying on Kori and it was not that comfortable. Then she could feel a warm breath on her neck and her eyes instantly snapped open. She took in the surroundings of her old room and everything came rushing back. Having to take care of Yoko, traveling to Makai, Yuske and Kuwabara taking pictures, the flashing light, the failed atempt to revert Yoko back to his normal age, and the five year old Yoko falling asleep on her and refusing to budge.

It was now offical: Her life had went to another place of hell, worse than the one she was at originally.

Kori gave a small groan and pushed the kid off of her, which woke him up and caused him to poke her, repeating the phrase: "Why'd you do that?" What in the three worlds had she done to deserve this??


"Hiei?" Yuske asked, suprisingly, as he opened the door. "What the hell are you doing here? How the hell did you find us?"

"Hiei?" Kuwabara asked, as he walked towards the door. "You mean the shrimp actually came here?"

Hiei was, indeed, at the front door. In the year that had passed since they last saw him, his appearance had not change much. He still had gravity-defying black hair with a white starburst (AN: I think thats what you call it...), crimson red eyes, and he was still wearing that black cloak. But he seemed to grow a few inches.

"Baka," Hiei stated to Kuwabara, and the replied to Yuske's questions. "I sensed that you were back in Makai. What are you doing back here? And in this place?"

"Well... What do you mean in this place?" Yuske asked.

"Nevermind. Just answer the question, Detective."

"Well, you see..." Yuske repeated the whole long story and at the end Kuwabara ended with, "I don't think Kurama like us anymore."

"Well, of course not," Hiei stated. Yuske and Kuwabara gave him questioning looks. "Yoko Kurama doesn't know you. He never met you. You only met Kurama's human side. When he returned into his Yoko form, he forgot everyone that he met in his human life. He only remembers his demon life, and probably not much."

"Ohhh," Yuske and Kuwabara said, and then Kuwabara replied, "I don't get it."


"Why do you keep hitting you head on the table?" Yoko asked.

"Because I'm trying to kill myself," came Kori's reply.

"But I don't want you to kill youself."

Kori raise her head. "And why not?"

"I'd be sad and I couldn't make you smile." Kori just stared at the small fox. He was joking, right?


"KORI!!!! GET OUT HERE!!! WE MIGHT BE ABLE TO CHANGE YOKO BACK TO NORMAL!" came Yuske's voice inturrupting her sentence.

"Back to normal? I don't think he ever was normal."
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