Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Day She Found Out ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Refer to disclaimer in Chapter 1. I'm not gonna rewrite it . . .

Meanwhile, in the row right in front of them . . .

"Well, hello again! Who knew that we're to be seated right next to each other! Well, now that we're on the plane, you really don't need to be wearing your sunglasses, you know," she greeted.

"Um . . . um . . . I know, but I think they're, like, like so cool and everything! I just want to keep them on!" he replied, extremely Valley Girl. Hiei turned around to prevent Kurama from seeing that he was cracking up. Botan, Yuusuke, and Kuwabara had also heard Kurama's reply and were laughing like an idiotic trio. Kurama was about to turn around and say something to the three when the captain of the plane made an announcement on the PA system.

"This is your captain speaking. We will be taxiing on the runway in a couple of minutes, so would all passengers take their seats and buckle up their seat belts? The safety video will be shown at this present moment."

"Yuusuke, what is the purpose of this video?" Botan asked.

"The point is to show you the safety procedures in case the plane needs to make an emergency landing, and where all of the emergency exits are. Of course, with the four of us here, there's no need to worry."

"I hope so, but I think we ought to be more worried about Kurama. He seems to be pretty nervous up there sitting next to his mother," she whispered in reply.

"I don't think Hiei will try to do anything to make it any worse than it already is," Yuusuke replied, desperately hoping that he is right. "We're going down the runway. Here, it's a piece of gum. It'll help prevent your ears from popping."

"It's alright. I'm used to this from flying on my oar. Maybe you should give it to Hiei or Kurama."

"Psst, Hiei, chew this and your ears won't pop when the plane takes off. Just don't swallow it or it'll take seven years for your stomach to digest it," Yuusuke whispered, giving the gum to Hiei. Hiei put it in his mouth and chewed it. They all sat back as the plane took off. However, about twenty minutes after the plane took off . . .

"Onechan, are we there yet?" Hiei asked in his little kid voice. He had spit out the gum earlier and put it in the airsick bag.

"No, we're not," Kurama replied, grinding his teeth.

Ten minutes later . . .

"Onechan, are we there yet?"


Five minutes later . . .

"Onechan, are we there yet?"

"No." Kurama was now extremely annoyed with Hiei.

Three minutes later . . .

"Onechan, are-"

"NO!" Kurama yelled. He then took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "Why don't we play a little game? Why don't you choose?"

"Okay, let's play with . . . Let's play with Puu!" Hiei exclaimed. Kurama did not reply, but gave Hiei an extremely poisonous look over his sunglasses. Hiei replied with a big smile that was extremely uncharacteristic of his usual moody and antisocial self.

"Puu!" Kurama proceeded to do as Hiei requested, but was giving both Puu and Hiei extremely poisonous looks.

'Hiei, the first chance I get, I'm gonna kill you,' he thought as he unenthusiastically played with Puu.

"You know, that's not very nice, onechan," Hiei replied. He'd used his jagan to read Kurama's mind. Just then, Kurama's mother got up to go to the restroom. The minute she was out of sight, Kurama started to try to strangle Hiei. Botan, Yuusuke, and Kuwabara sweatdropped once they figured out what was happening.

"You know, you're being a huge pain in the butt! Since you're so willing to play the younger brother, why don't you listen to your 'onechan' and behave! Otherwise-" Before Kurama could proceed any further, his mother returned to her seat. Kurama backed off at once and tried to ignore Hiei for a while.

Three hours later . . .

"Onechan, I need to go potty!" Hiei exclaimed.

"Go by yourself!"

"But I'm afraid to go on my own! Please stand outside and hold Puu for me, onechan!" Hiei replied while giving Kurama puppy eyes. Botan and Yuusuke could not help but burst out laughing when Hiei said this. Kuwabara had fallen asleep in his seat, missing what was happening. Kurama gave Hiei another poisonous look before getting up to accompany Hiei to the restroom. Once they were there, Hiei happily handed Kurama Puu and went in. He came out five minutes later and said, "You know, you're just asking for this. This is fun! I ought to do this to you more often!"

"Oh really, am I? So let me get this straight. You're doing this just to . . ."

"I'm doing this to get back at you for making me give that flower to the ticket lady. Now, if you don't continue, I'll blow your cover!" Hiei gleefully finished.

"Oh great. You know, I never thought you'd be the type to pull something like this on me. It seems more like Botan or Yuusuke to do this."

"True, but neither of them are short enough or look young enough to try it! Now give me back Puu and we'll return to our seats." Kurama complies and returns to his seat next to his mother.

"You know, you're a lot like my son," Shiori said as Kurama sat down. "He's always this nice and friendly. He also has red hair, like yours. It'd be nice if you could meet him. His name's Shuuichi and he was in his first year of high school last year. He got straight A's and-oh I'm so proud of him!" At that, Kurama looked away as though he was embarrassed, because in truth, he was. "Oh, I'm sorry to keep on blabbering like that, it's just that you remind me of him."

"It's alright," Kurama replied, unsure of what to say. `It's okay because I am your son. I wish I can tell you that, but it would only cause you unnecessary worry. But then again, I hope she's not onto me,' he silently added.

"Awww, that's so sweet, onechan," Hiei said. He'd been using his jagan to read Kurama's mind, yet again. Kurama shot him another poisonous look. Behind him, Yuusuke and Botan were trying to wake Kuwabara up for lunch.

"Hiei-chan," Botan said as she saw Hiei give her a poisonous glare, "Hiei, would you like to help us wake up Kuwabara-kun?" Hiei nods like a little kid in reply. "Well get out of your seat and bring Puu with you, okay?" Hiei unbuckles his seat belt and walks over next to Kuwabara.

"What do you want me to do?"

"It really doesn't matter what you do, as long as you wake up Kuwabara without destroying the plane."

"Okay." Hiei slaps Kuwabara's cheeks a couple of times, hard.

"What's going on?" Kuwabara demanded as the pain registered in his brain. "Hiei, you really didn't have to slap me that hard, did you?" Hiei only smiled sweetly and nods, since Shiori was watching. Kurama, figuring that he really didn't want to look bad, decides to give Hiei a little discipline. He was playing the role of Hiei's older sister, after all.

"Hiei, how many times have I told you not to slap people hard in the cheeks to get them to wake up? There are other methods, you know. Now apologize to Kuwabara-kun and sit down here this instant!" Hiei appeared to think for a moment before replying.

"No! I refuse!"

"Hiei . . ." Kurama hissed as he gave Hiei an extremely menacing look and looked as though he was about ready to turn into a youko. Hiei sees this look and returns to his seat.

"No, it's okay," Kuwabara said, realizing just how tense things are between Hiei and Kurama.

"You're one tough sister, Kurama," Hiei says in a low voice as he sat down again.

"Of course. You're being one tough little brother," Kurama replied in a tone that his mother would not hear. In a louder voice, he then said, "I wonder what they're serving for lunch today. I hope it's good."

"Oh, don't you worry, first class is usually a little better than your regular airplane food. There's a menu in the seat pocket in front of you, so choose from there," Shiori replied. "You know, I've been talking to you for so long and I'm afraid I didn't catch your name! My name is Minamino Shiori."

"As you know, this is my little brother Hiei. I'm- I'm Sakura, Kurama Sakura, Minamino-san," Kurama answered, glad that he didn't slip. Everyone sweatdropped at Kurama's creativity.

"Sakura! What a beautiful name! If I ever had a daughter, I'd name her that! Sakura are so beautiful when they're in full bloom!"

"Th-thank you, Minamino-san," Kurama replied. Just then, the stewardess stopped to take Botan's, Yuusuke's, and Kuwabara's orders. "Let's see, what shall I have . . ."

"Ooooooh . . . I'll have chicken, onechan! Chicken, chicken, chicken!" Hiei exclaimed as he looked down his menu.

"Puu, puu, puu!" Puu said, as Yuusuke got his food and started eating.

"Does that stuffed animal speak?" Shiori asked, surprised.

"Well, you know, it's, uh, it's one of those where you squeeze it and it squeaks, only in this case, it puus," Kurama replied, sweatdropping.

"What would you have for lunch?" the stewardess asked.

"Um, he will have the chicken. I'll have the grilled chicken salad, thanks."

"I'll have the beef, thank you." A few minutes later, their food was served.

A couple of minutes later . . .

"This food is bad! It tastes even worse than my mom's cooking!" Yuusuke exclaimed after eating for about five minutes. "Botan, if you want my food, be my guest!" Yuusuke dumps his food into her tray.

"Yuusuke, if you don't want your food, don't put it on my tray! Keep it on your own stupid tray!" she yelled in response.

Not long after that . . .

"Oh my, what is going on with your friends back there, Kurama?" Shiori asks as she wonders about the shouting in the row behind her. Suddenly, a piece of food lands on Kurama's salad. Kurama sweatdrops as he realized what was happening behind him. His intuition proved to be right when he turned around to see if he was right. Yuusuke, Botan, and Kuwabara were in the middle of a food fight, all three covered with food.

"I suggest that you not look to see, mo-Minamino-san," Kurama replied, glad that he caught himself before he completely slipped. He was relieved when she didn't seem to notice.

Several hours later . . .

"This is your captain speaking, we will now be starting the in-flight movie. There are headphones in the seat pocket in front of you." Kurama saw this as an opportunity to distract himself from his current problem and decided to watch it. To his dismay, the main character of the movie had the same problem he had. The minute he figured it out, he took off the headphones and decided to try and sleep. However, he changed his mind when he realized that he might sleep talk and therefore, in effect, blow his cover. So he sat there for the duration of the movie, sweating nonstop and afraid that he was going to slip up at any given moment. Hiei had fallen asleep not long after lunch, and the other three were sleeping as well, tired from their food fight. Puu was asleep as well, curled up on Hiei's lap.

After the movie ended . . .

"Wow, that was such a good movie!" Shiori said as she took off her headphones. "Did you see it, Kurama?"

"Um, no. I find this type to be too boring for me. I've always preferred samurai movies, fantasy movies, or martial arts movies," he replied.

"I hate to keep on referring to Shuuichi, my son, but he likes the same kinds of movies that you do! Why don't you come visit me? I'm sure my son would love to meet you! You do live in Tokyo, don't you?"

"Yeah, sure, of course I'd love to meet him," Kurama replied, completely unsure of what to do if he had to meet himself.

"Now, here's my address, phone number, and my son's email address," she said as she wrote it all down on a sheet of paper.

"Thank you," Kurama replied, getting even more nervous than before. He checked his watch. Only six more hours to go, he told himself.

"Onechan, I need to go potty. Can you come with me?" Hiei said as he woke up.

"Again? I'm pretty sure that there are no monsters in the restroom on this plane. Why don't you go on your own? I'll hold Puu here for you until you get back, okay?" Kurama answered in his best older sister tone while giving Hiei poisonous looks, yet again.

"No! Hiei wants Sakura to come with him!"

"Must I?"


"Fine. Excuse me, Minamino-san."

"You know, I think Kurama's holding out pretty well. Besides, who knew Hiei could act so well? It's so cute watching those two play brother and sister," Botan said as Kurama got up, yet again to take Hiei to the restroom.

"Yeah, but that's only because he has to. Besides, I'm pretty sure Kurama's about ready to kill Hiei for this," Kuwabara said as he noticed Kurama just seething in anger.

"True, but still, like Botan said, it's still kinda cute."

"Urameshi, did you just say that?"


"Wow, the great delinquent Urameshi thinks that something's cute!"

On Kurama and Hiei's way back to their seats . . .

"Hiei, how much longer are you going to keep up this act?" Kurama asked.

"Oh, at least until the end of the plane ride, that's for sure!"

"Oh great . . . As if trying to keep on fooling my mother isn't enough . . ."

"Hey, at least I'm helping! She'd never guess it was you if I continue calling you my sister!" Hiei said with a laugh. "Thanks for coming with me, oneechan!"

Several hours later . . .

Kurama once again looked at his watch. Another three hours and I can stop fooling my mother, he thought.

"Oneechan, are we there yet?" Hiei asked, attempting to annoy Kurama, yet again.

"No, Hiei, we're not, now why don't you listen to your headphones for a little while to pass the time?"

"No! How much longer, oneechan?"

"About three hours, Hiei," Kurama said, getting annoyed once again.

A couple of minutes later . . .

"Oneechan, has it been three hours yet? Hiei wants to be there already!"

"Here, why don't you listen to my CD player instead? Choose a CD," Kurama said, hoping that this would keep Hiei quiet for a while.

"No! Hiei wants oneechan to play with Puu!"

"Again?" Kurama asked with gritted teeth and an extremely poisonous look. Hiei only closes his eyes and smiles a big smile, ignoring the poisonous look that Kurama was giving him. "Alright . . ."

"You know, I think Hiei's getting a kick out of this," Yuusuke said to Botan as he eavesdropped on the pair.

"Yuusuke! You shouldn't be eavesdropping!" Botan reprimanded while smacking him on the head. "I do agree with you, though. Hiei's gonna be in trouble with Kurama once he's off the plane."

"This is your captain speaking, due to turbulence, dinner will be served half an hour late. I suggest that all passengers remain seated at this time."

"You know, Botan, we never did finish that food fight," Yuusuke started to say.

"Yes, and you'll be the one to be defeated this time! Kuwabara-kun, are you with me?" Botan asked.

"Of course!"

Half an hour later . . .

Hiei and Kurama are attempting to calmly eat dinner as a food fight raged behind them. Puu was in a very excited state, but was currently being held down by Hiei, who was 'pretending' to feed it.

"I wonder how much longer those three idiots are going to continue this food fight," Kurama said in an annoyed tone of voice and a vein popping on his forehead. "I've just about had enough of this!" Just then, a piece of food comes flying over his head and lands on his tray. "That's it! This is a declaration of war!" He then reached into his ponytail for a seed and drops it onto the floor. This goes unnoticed by Shiori, who was busily eating. Kurama then allowed the plant to grow an extremely thin stalk until it peeked just over the edge of Yuusuke's tray table. The three of them notice this, and stopped their food fight. The three watched in awe as a bud formed and bloomed into a pink flower right in front of them.

"Wow, what a pretty flower!" Botan exclaimed as she saw it bloom. "Yuusuke, is it just me or are you getting a little drowsy as well?"

"You know, now that you mention it, so am I . . . oyasumi . . ."

"Urameshi, you're right . . . wake me up when we're there . . ."

"Good, that should hold those three for the rest of the plane trip," Kurama mused as he allowed the plant to wilt and crumple into dust.

Fifteen minutes until landing . . .

I guess I should wake up those three now, Kurama thought as he reached into his ponytail for another seed. Shiori was off at the restroom at this point, so she didn't even know about this. Kurama did the same thing, only this time, he had it grow three branches and bloom two inches from their faces. They all woke up the minute the plant disappeared.

"What-what happened? I remember we were having a food fight, and then, and then a pink flower came out of nowhere and then I got all sleepy," Botan said as she woke up.

"It's probably Kurama," Yuusuke quietly said.

Meanwhile . . .

"Glad that the ride's over?" Hiei asked as Kurama just as he was telling himself that it was only fifteen minutes more. Just then, Shiori came back.

"Hiei, we're almost there, so buckle up and we'll be landing in a little bit," Kurama said in his best older sister voice.

"Okay! Hiei can't wait to play at the beach!" Hiei exclaimed in reply.

"This is the captain speaking. We're now arriving at our destination. The time will be three in the afternoon when we land and there's not a cloud in the sky. Temperatures are in the eighties and the humidity is at about 75%. Would the crew please prepare for landing?"

Ten minutes later . . .

"Well, I hope you have fun here with your friends, Kurama. I hope I'll you'll visit me when you return to Tokyo!" Shiori said as she got off the plane.

"Okay, so now what?" Yuusuke asked as he came up behind Kurama.

"We're going to go to baggage claim to get our luggage. Then we'll need to check into our resort hotel and start our investigation," Botan instructed.

"Yes and I'm going to change once we get there!" Kurama said.

"Um, that's not a good idea, Kurama. There's only one hotel on this island."

"What?! You mean I'm stuck wearing this until we leave?!"

"Yes, unless we're going out at night to investigate." Kurama's face turns blue with shock. "You know, it's not that bad! Some of us actually like to wear dresses!"

"Easy for you to say, you're a girl," Kurama replied miserably.

"Hey, at least your mom didn't figure it out, right?" Yuusuke said as he realized how much Kurama hated this.

"You're right."

"Come on! Let's go get our stuff!" They managed to find the baggage claim without incident. However, they noticed something was wrong right away.

"Is it just me, or am I sensing a lot of youkai here?" Kuwabara said as he stopped to wait for his suitcase to come out of the claim.

"Kuwabara-kun's right. I'm getting a reading on this as well, Yuusuke," Botan confirmed. "We should be very careful about giving ourselves be given away."

"Let's just get our stuff, okay? I really want to change out of this. Besides, if they do decide to try and attack us, there's the four of us to take care of them," Kurama said, desperately hoping that they won't. Fortunately, they didn't, and the five of them picked up their luggage without incident.

"Okay, so where's the resort?" Kurama asked, "I'm really tired from the plane ride, and I don't think it's just jet lag."

"Um . . . according to the map the Koenma gave me, it should be the building next to the airport. We should leave from exit 66 and it should be no more than six blocks away," Botan replied.

"I guess this place is full of youkai. Just hearing the number 6 so many times is starting to get on my nerves," Yuusuke stated. "Come on, I really don't want to stay here any longer, so let's just check into our rooms."

~ To be Continued~

Kurama no Miko2003: So, here we have it, the end of the plane ride. What other horrors are in store for Kurama when they actually begin their mission?

Kurama and Hiei: @_@

Kurama no Miko2003: What's with those two?

Yuusuke: I think they can't believe they just did that.

Kurama no Miko2003: Oh? Was it that bad?

Botan: Of course not! But I think they're a bit traumatized as well . . .

Kurama no Miko2003: *smacks Kurama and Hiei in the back of the head with a fan*

Kurama and Hiei: @_@

Kurama no Miko2003: Now I can't tell if it's because I smacked them or if they're traumatized. Oh well . . . they'll be fine by the next chapter . . . I'll make sure of that! Ja ne, minna-san!