Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The New Violet ❯ Angiush ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2: Anguish
“Sumire?” someone called out loudly from outside.
I slowly pulled away from Kurama's arms, for I instantly recognized that voice, “That's my mom…” I informed him.
“Sumire? Sumire?” the voice grew louder and louder… nearer and nearer…
“I really need to go…” I held his hand, grasping it tightly.
He silently nodded and let go of me.
I glanced at him. I wanted so much to be with him but that's not how it is now…
“Sumire?” it was mom again, her voice wailing on the empty corridors…
Our moment of love has come to its end…
“I love you…” I hugged him one last time and immediately ran outside to meet up with my mother. I didn't even think of looking back because if I did and I saw him again, things would have been different…
“Mom!” I called her and we left the ship together…
An opportunity… damn! And I just let it slip through my fingers… I clenched my fist as I sat there on the backseat, staring outside the window, seeing as the street lights lit up one by one for the sun had retreated once again and the quarter moon fast rising up to the heavens.
We were already almost home…
“What did you do there anyway?” Eteru wished to know.
“Yes… What took you so long?” my mom even added as she faced the back to look at me.
“Well… I saw something that reminded me of my friends back in Kyoto and I'm sorry that I wasn't able to keep track of time…” I lied and put on my most persuasive face.
If I had told them the truth, that I was kissing a boy… I'd be doomed. They're so over-protective!
Now I sit here before my Chemistry book and wonder how Kurama was doing. I looked out the window and watched as the rain poured swiftly onto my window and off it. The wind was very turbulent as well. It seemed that a terrible storm had arrived. Out of the blue, I heard a soft dripping sound… “Ahhh!” I screamed when I saw that at the far right corner of my room, rainwater was beginning to drip from the ceiling, to my favorite book about vampires. I lunged for the book hoping to save it from its soggy fate. Thank goodness, I had covered it with thick plastic.
I stared around my stupid and defective room. How I wished I were back to my old place but then again… “Mom! Dad!” I yelled out, in need of their assistance.
They came to my aid at once. Even Eteru came to my room out of his curiosity. “What is it?” asked Mom.
I didn't speak. I just pointed my index finger to the dripping water from the cream-colored ceiling.
“Not that again!” I heard my dad sigh, “I'll get a pail.” He even added.
“Sorry, honey, why don't you stay at the living room for awhile…” mom suggested.
I gathered my things and went out and left them to battle with the elements of the leaking ceiling themselves…
I had the radio on, to keep me from boredom. Somehow I got to think about Kurama again. It has been three days since the last time I last saw him and now its back to plain old studying. Everyday normal human life…
Suddenly breaking news interrupted the pop music, a typhoon had hit the Pacific and the Makai ships, three of the five said ships had sank.
I was in instant panic. I was terribly worried for Kurama's safety…
Days have come and gone… I have been utterly careless towards my studies. My parents were becoming anxious and even furious since I've always been a studious daughter but these days its either average or even worse a failing grade.
I was in my room watching TV one day, when a list of the survivors of the tragedy was flashed. My heart leapt when I saw Kurama's name. The advisory also informed that most of the survivors were currently at a nearby hotel in Osaka…
I hurried out of my room and headed straight to the front door.
“Sumire!” my dad called my attention. “Where are you going?” he asked taking his eyes off the newspaper that he was reading.
I'm just going to get some info about the ships that sank days ago…” was my answer.
“Oh that, those were the same liners we saw right?” he wondered.
“Yes, dad… please…” I pleaded “Mom…” I glanced at her as she placed my father's cup of coffee on the coffee table.
“Dad…” she said.
“Alright! Take care.” My father finally allowed me.
“Yes! Thanks!” I zoomed out of my home.
When I arrived at the said hotel, I was actually temporarily dazed at the serene setting of the elegant hotel only the crowd outside was already totally immense and noisy. To the humans this was just an ordinary ship tragedy and so they thought that those who had died were humans although that's not entirely true. I heard that there were some human passengers and members of the crew.
I had to fight my way through the crowd to get to the front entrance but the chubby stupid guard refused to let anybody in… not even me!
I had no choice but to use my powers. I summoned the strong winds to break the glass doors. That certainly caused shock and confusion so I easily got inside. I again marveled at the hotel because it was totally neat and beautiful but I immediately went up to the second floor before anyone noticed that I went in illegally…
As I walked on the wide hallway that was covered with wall-to-wall Persian carpets and soft lingering lights of electric lamps, I saw a familiar figure walking opposite to my direction…
“Kurama…” I said in relief that he wasn't hurt at all.
He forced a smile but I knew that he was totally distressed.
So we talked about what had happened but it only resulted in a misunderstanding over such a stupid subject that wasn't even worth arguing about…
“Damn!” I was back in my house. I deliberately pushed the door with all my might that it made a big `bang' sound and I even heard the wood snap.
I grabbed hold off the television remote and turned it on. I jumped on my bed and began to surf the channels, trying to take my mind off what had happened but…
I still couldn't believe what happened actually did happen…
That morning, before I left with Eteru to go to school, as we finished our breakfast. I heard on the radio that the remaining ships that were now fully repaired and another batch of brand new ones were going to set off for the journey to Makai.
Hah! I don't care… I even thought at that instant. I stood up and removed the paper tissue that I had placed on my lap to shield my maroon uniform from any food crumbs that might fall. “Come on Eteru, we'll be late…” I bid my brother to shake a leg.
That night someone called, someone I didn't expect to call me…
I was browsing through the magazine that I bought just awhile ago, reading my horoscope for the month when…
“Sumire?” my mother called from downstairs.
“What is it?” I loudened my voice so she'd hear me.
“Telephone!” was her reply.
I was baffled. As I came down, I pondered on who would call me. None of my friends knew my phone number… none of them here that is…
“Yes?” I opened the conversation.
“Sumire, its Botan.” The girl on the other end of the line croaked.
“Botan, why did you call?”
“Do you know that He is planning to go back to Makai—”
I cut her off; “If he wants to then let him!” the anger was still there.
“Stop that!” she commanded. “He isn't planning to return!”
I was stunned, “What?” that was all I could say.
“Sumire, Kurama isn't coming back…” Botan repeated slowly so that the words would sink in to me better…
“Why didn't he just tell this to me personally?”
“I don't know! He's leaving tomorrow and of course his mom doesn't know a thing.” Botan continued.
I couldn't say anything. I was all confused and shaken by her news.
“Aren't you going to stop him?”
“Stop him?” I echoed blankly.
“You're the only one capable of that…”
I was silent all over again. I could not even think straight. It's like when unexpectedly your whole world just comes tumbling and crashing down in a single moment…
“Am… I have to put the phone down. Koenma-sama is calling me!” the line went dead.
Immediately, without thinking I hit the plunger and punched 7 digits on the phone and it rang on the other end.
After about two rings…
“Hello?” came the over used greeting.
“Kurama, you're leaving?!” I hastily asked hinting that I was angry for he did even tell me…
“Yes… for good, I suppose.”
“I have no reason to stay…”
“No reason?!”
“None anymore…”
“What about Shiori?! Isn't she a reason?” I mentioned.
“Shiori… she'll do finely without me anyway…” he said with a bit of coldness in his tone.
“How can you say that?! You love her so much…” I pointed out vigorously thinking that I had found a way to make him stay.
“I do…” I heard him sigh.
“Exactly! So you have to stay… you can't just leave like that…” I found myself making him stay.
“Because people will be sad… especially Shiori…” and ME! I wanted to add but didn't dare.
“Shiori…” he echoed “I think so too.” He sounded sad.
“See… so you'll stay?!”
“Do you want me to stay?” came a question.
“Of course!!!” I said it all too automatically.
“Not in that way Sumire. Do YOU want ME to stay? Considering nothing but yourself…”
My heart melted away and a big bright smile materialized on my face. He wanted to know how I felt about this… maybe we could still fix things…
“Sumire! I need to use the telephone, honey!” I heard my mom say from right behind me.
“Yes. I really need to go…” I rapidly confessed. I put down the receiver without even bothering to listen to his reaction.
That night, as I lay awake on my bed, I couldn't sleep. I still wasn't sure if he was still planning to leave and I never meant my `yes' to sound so hurried or forced… I feel that it came out as if I just said it for the sake of saying it but I did mean it. I wanted him so much to stay but I couldn't just say it out rightly after our big fight the other day. I was the one who would be saddest if he left because I loved him the most…