Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Past and the Heart ❯ Yusuke's trick and Aiko's Past ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I looked up and saw Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara standing there with Chu and the other people I met before. They were smiling and so was Touya. Touya got up and walked towards them.

"Hey nice work there Touya," Yusuke said patting him on the back.

"Nice work," I quoted angrily.

"Yeah, we figured you would do something like this when you found out about Muruko and so instead of running into a demon that would like really go the whole nine yards with you we got one to act it," Yusuke said.

"So everything here was a joke?!" I shouted in rage.

"Yup pretty much," Yusuke said smiling.

I ran towards him and punched him in the face. I continued beating him up and cursing at him. I then grabbed Yusuke's bruised and bloody face by the collar of his shirt.


"Because you may have not listened."

I turned my head and saw Hiei standing under the shadows of the trees. He looked at me and started walking towards me. I dropped Yusuke and turned around fully to see him eye to eye…to eye. He stood in front of me and smiled at me but I looked away. After running off and kissing Touya and jumping to conclusions about him and Muruko I felt as if I may have lost him forever.

"Hiei, I…"

Hiei grabbed my face making me look at him and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed him back as tears slowly came down my face. We parted and Hiei just smiled at me. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"I forgive you," he whispered in my ear.

I smiled and we then parted remembering that everyone was watching. I let go and looked at Touya. I walked over to him.

"So you didn't love me and it's ok to be friends right?" I asked him.

I know I didn't act like how I would normally act. I was being nice, friendly, and open. I guess being in love really changed people. Touya smiled at me.

"No, I wasn't really in love with you but I can see why Hiei cares about you a lot," he said to me smiling.

"Oh really?" I asked smiling slyly.

"You're a great kisser," he said laughing, "but also a smart and caring young woman."

I felt Hiei wrap his arms around me.

"Of course she is. She is the daughter of Kamui and Sakura Himura (at this point I would like to say that yes this is referring to Kenshin Himura from Rurouni Kenshin)," he stated.

They all gasped. I looked at them oddly.

"They are my parents…so what?" I asked.

I heard a rustling in the bushes and a woman came from out the bushes. She was tall with red hair and her face was half human, half machine.

"So you are Aiko Himura," the woman said looking at me.

I nodded.

"Yes that was my full name, but how do you know?" I asked.

"I'm Muruko, and way before I joined this establishment in Makai your father worked there," she said smiling at me, "Your father was searching Makai for humans and found your mother wounded on the ground. He felt pity for her because she was just a human and therefore treated her wounds. They soon fell in love, married with your mother's last name, and had you."

Muruko had said a lot of things about my parents that day. They were very much in love and my father had stolen a map from a gang of bandits, namely the one Hiei was from. He stole it because they were going to use it to break into the human world and kidnap humans, mostly women, for their own purposes.

"So my father and mother tried to save the human world?" I asked.

Muruko nodded.

"Your mother talked him into doing it. She was from the human world and wanted to protect like her ancestor," she said.

"My ancestor?" I questioned.

"Yes I've done my history on the human world. Back in the late 1800s or so in Japan had gone through a revolution outlawing swords. Your ancestor during the war though was named the Hitokiri Battousai or `Man Slayer' but after the war he was gone for ten years. When he returned his name was Kenshin Himura (see it all comes together). He was now a rurouni though or a wanderer. He soon settled in Kyoto though and well I heard that he saved all of Japan from a mad man by the name of Shishio Makoto. Your family is truly a great one," she added.

I felt myself blush. I never really knew that much about my family. All I really knew was that my last name was Himura, that's it. I felt Hiei still holding me and I felt his lips curl up on my neck.

"That could also explain why you are suck a good swordswomen," he said.

I looked back at him through the corner of my eye.

"Maybe," I replied.

Everything about my past was suddenly clearing up but still foggy. I had found out about my parents, my ancestors, and the reason why I disliked killing. The `Man Slayer' became a rurouni and stopped killing to repent for his acts in the war and all the people he had killed. I didn't kill because of that reason. My ancestors killed thousands of people and the thought of taking a life was disgusting and dishonorable. I sighed smiling as I felt Hiei's grip loosen around my waist. I looked back at him.

"We had better go back to the human world, your families might be worried," he said looking at Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara.

"Yes, my mother might be worried about me because of my sudden leave," Kurama said.

"Yeah Sis might be mad at me for not telling or for not bringing her along," Kuwabara added scratching the back of his head while staring out.

"Well you know my mom. Won't care as long as I come back within two months or if Keiko brings it up," Yusuke said.

"Yes but Aiko might want to rest at her home and get some work done," Hiei said.

"Work? AH I FORGOT TO TELL HIM!!" I shouted.

I had forgotten to tell my boss at my job that I had to go here. It's been two days and since he acted like my father he would probably be worried about me.

"Forgot to tell who what?" Kurama asked.

"I forgot to tell my boss about me coming here and I didn't say how long I would be here either," I said.

"So what?" Yusuke asked.

"Well my boss kind of acts like my father in a way and so he might be worried about me," I said.

"So then I suggest we leave now and we might be able to make it to your house before nightfall," Hiei said walking out.