Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thinking Of You ❯ Yesterday ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thinking of You

I sigh. You had been so happy. Even though I had hated the thought of spending a day with them, when I came back for you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

We were at an amusement park first. You, me, and them. I still couldn't believe that they were there. It's not like they care about me. And yet, here they were. You were smiling when Yusuke offered to buy tickets for everybody. And even I cracked a tiny smile when Keiko smacked him across the face saying they couldn't afford it, not with the baby on the way. Yusuke rubbed his cheek and declared that he would at least pay for me. But you stepped in and said that you would.

"Aw come on Kurama. I can at least buy him a ticket," Yusuke argued back. You just smiled and shook your head. Gods did your hair drive me crazy.

"No Yusuke, this is my responsibility. I want to buy it for him, and he is my best friend," you countered. Yusuke looked at me and I glared right back.

"Uh uh Kurama. I've made up my mind and I'm paying for Hiei's ticket," Yusuke proclaimed. And once again got smacked by Keiko.

"Just let him buy it Kurama," Keiko said. "Kuwabara, Yukina and Shizuru have already gone in. We'll be here all night if this doesn't end now."

"She's got a point," I said, startling all three of them. I gave them a glare that proclaimed "what?" "You know as well as I know that Yusuke has the head and brain of a very stubborn and stupid beast. He will never give in."

They all stared at me in amazement. I don't think they had heard that many words come out of my mouth, ever. At least not in a single sentence. You gave me yet another dazzling smile and nodded your head.

"If that is what you want Yusuke. But I pay for all other expenses," you told him. He nodded in agreement.

"I just wanted to pay for his ticket. Not be his chauffer. That's your job. And I most certainly don't want to take over that," Yusuke said. Then received not only a smack from Keiko but a swift kick in the knee from me. You laughed and headed into the park.

"Let's get this over with," I said to Yusuke before heading after you.

"Hey! Wait up Hiei!" Yusuke said. He and Keiko were not very far behind me so I paused long enough for them to catch up. I was happy for them, I really was. But I didn't want to lose you in the throng of nigens. Yusuke paid for Keiko, I, and himself. He did have to explain to the man that I really was over 17 and could be admitted to the park. Once inside I was deafened by the lights, and noise. I wobbled on my feet and you appeared behind me in case I would fall. My senses were in overload.

"So," the idiot Kuwabara blurted," What should we do first?"

"I say we go on the Zipper," Yusuke said. He had the hugest grin on his face. I didn't like the sound of this ride.

"Yeah, the Zipper," Kuwabara said. He looked at my sister and I nearly hurled. "What do you think Yukina?"

"Whatever you want is fine by me Kazuma," she said. I could feel my breakfast come up my throat. You gently put your hand on my back.

"Let's go then!" he proclaimed to the world. He started off in a northerly direction with Yukina's hand in his. Yusuke and Keiko not far behind.

"Are you going on Kurama?" Shizuru asked you. She had stars in her eyes. I knew that look; it was the look all Ningen females give you. The one with lust in their eyes. You looked down at me and I met your gaze, only getting slightly dizzy.

"Only if Hiei goes on," you replied. I looked to the ground more than a little uncomfortable.

"What do you think Hiei?" Shizuru asked as we started after the rest of the group. I looked at her with a puzzled look. She pointed off in the distance to a ride that had started up. It had little cages that Ningens sat in that spun along with the whole ride that moved. It didn't look like something done for pleasure, but more for torture.

"I don't know…" I replied. Shizuru looked me in the face.

"Don't tell me you're afraid," she intoned. I glared at her.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it doesn't look that safe is all," I muttered. She took me by the arm and dragged me into the line for the ride, right behind Yusuke. "I'll ride with Yusuke, and you will ride with Kurama. Enjoy!"

I glared at her as she and Yusuke got in their cage. The thing started up again and I gulped. I could do a lot of things, but this didn't seem like one I would do ever again. It stopped to let out a Ningen couple. I climbed in with you right behind me. You squeezed right up to me and reached across my lap to reach the other half of the safety strap. Then it started up. I really can't remember what happened after that for the life of me. All I know was that we ended up clinging to each other because neither of us quite enjoyed it.

I stepped off the ride with a new respect for Ningens that ride these things constantly. You look in just as bad of shape as me. Your hair was a tangled mess. I brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear and off your face.

"Aw, how cute," Yusuke blurted. I glared at him as you blushed. "How about we do it again?"

"No!" both of us proclaimed at the same time. All of them laughed.

"Alright, we will go on this ride again and others like it and will meet up with you again in, say, a half hour at this spot," Yukina reasoned. I love her so much, and at times like this it's hard for me not to tell her who I am.

"That sounds good," you told them. You look at me happily. As if you had wanted us to be alone. "We will meet you here in two hours. That way we can get together for lunch and you can go on more of your rides."

"Sounds good," Yusuke said. He wrapped his arm around Keiko's waist. "See you in two hours."

They left us. You nudged me. I glared back.

"Come on. We'll go play some games and go on safer rides," you told me. I followed as you lead me to one of the many stands for games.

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ two hours later~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~

I had won one too many games. You were now holding six rather large stuffed animals, and I had four fish. We walked back to where we were to meet the idiots, and my sister. They laughed as they caught sight of us. I glowered in their general direction, and you gave them the brightest smile you could produce.

"Look what Hiei won for me!" you happily called out to them. I blushed intensely. Only because it was so true.

"Ha ha shrimp!" Kuwabara laughed. I would've killed him, but I was holding four fish and my sister was there.

"Stupid fox," I growled. I started waling away when you grabbed me, how I'll never know.

"I was only teasing!" you said. You pleaded with your eyes for me to stay. I shuffled my feet and muttered something incoherent. You gave me a hug. I yelped and jumped out of your grasp. They laughed again.

"You know what we could do after lunch?" Keiko said to the group as we headed to one of the many vendors. "We spotted a Karaoke tent off by one of the exits. We could do that!"

Yusuke and Kuwabara groaned. I turned to you to ask what it was, but decided not to when I saw that mischievous look in your eyes. I backed up slowly to where Kuwabara and Yusuke were standing.

"That's a great idea!" you exclaimed. The three of us rolled our eyes and made for our escape. Only to be surrounded by Yukina, Shizuru, Keiko and you. I had a very bad feeling about this.