Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thinking Of You ❯ The Interview ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thinking of You

"Hello, my name is Naomi Takari from the channel 32 news, do you two mind if we interview you?" she asked.

I scowled at her. You turned on a beautifully dazzling smile. I shielded my eyes. You laughed at me. The reporter laughed with you.

"If you wouldn't mind, we'd just like to ask you a few questions," she continued after calming down. I look at you and meet your gaze. You shrug.

"I guess, but I can't guarantee answers if we don't like the question," you reply. She shook her head of full black hair.

"You don't have to answer anything you don't want to," she said. I looked at you. It seemed fair enough to us. You nod your assent. I nod also, more just to answer her stupid questions and leave than anything.

"How long have you known each other?" she began.

"Uh, for four years, or so," you answer. I nod my head in agreement. I'll just let you do all the talking. That way I won't have to speak. I'll just smile, as unnatural as it is, and nod.

"Oh, what are your names?" she said, a bit flustered. She smiled at us in apology.

"My name is Minamino Kurama," you reply. It almost sounds like a female name. She looks at me.

"My name is Dragonflame Hiei," I tell her. I smile inwardly at my own cleverness. Dragonflame, it's truer than it sounds. I chuckle slightly as the thought of this reporter being eaten by the Black Dragon enters my mind. You nudge me, as if knowing what I am thinking.

"How old exactly are you two?" she continues. I cringe. Gotta think of an age and quick. You save me the trouble.

"We are both sixteen," you answer. I sigh.

"And you've know each other four years?" she asks, incredulously.

"Approximately," you answer.

"Wow. What exactly happened this morning?"

"Hiei fell off the cliff," you reply simply. She laughs.

"I meant what events lead up to the events this morning?"

"Uh, we fell asleep on a cliff overlooking the forest last night," you began. I could tell this would take awhile. I rolled my eyes. "When I woke up he was diving head-first over the cliff after something that fell over. I grabbed his feet; I didn't want to loose him."

Your arm tightened around my shoulders. I looked up into your face. She directed her question to me, "Could you fill in the gaps Hiei?"

"Uh, I woke up and realized I would have to leave Kurama, and I realized I didn't want to. Something rolled over the cliff as Kurama woke up and I went after it, it meant a lot to me," I said nonchalantly. I was to busy starring into your eyes to care much about anything else.

"That's different. What exactly passed between you two as you were dangling on the edge of life and death?"

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^Flash Back ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~

"Kurama?" I call nervously.

"Hang on Hiei. I won't ever let you go," you call down. I can feel your feet slipping. They have no traction to grab onto. You will soon fall with me.

"Kurama," I call. "Let me go. I won't let you die with me. Especially if it's for me."

You growl in return. "I won't give you up this easy. Death is something I can never reclaim you from. I will not lose the person I…."

I gasp, I have no idea what you were about to say, but I had a pretty good idea. You love me! All this time I had been hiding it, you had been hiding it too. I felt the fool.

"I won't lose the person I love!" you shout. I think you're shouting more to the gods then to me. "You've had a horrible life Hiei. It may be selfish of me, but don't you deserve to know love?"

"But I already do," I say. "I love you."

Your grip increases on my ankles, and I can hear the gasp you take. You start pulling.

"Kurama, let me go," I say to you. "It will do neither of us any good if both of us die."

"At least I'll die with you, and have died trying," you manage through clenched teeth. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you die."

Your feet slip.

"Kurama?" you haven't said a word in minutes. I can't help but feel that the Forbidden Child has a curse upon his head that has extended to yours.

"Let me go Kurama," I tell you for the umpteenth time.

"I will not," You shout. "You deserve happiness as much as the rest of us! Why it is fate never allows you the chance to try? You nearly have no feelings left!"

"I had none `til I met you, and I hid behind that mask for as long as I could, not wanting to be rejected. I am the Forbidden Child; it made perfect sense to me."

"I've had a hard life Kurama. You know I have. Any feelings I had had been scared the second I was thrown out. It took me a long time to build walls to protect myself with. It protected what feelings I developed. Then you came along and everything started to change. I wanted to open up and let you in. But now it's too late. Let me go."

"I won't let you go," you said. A crystalline tear fell.

"I won't have you die for me!" I shouted as loud as I could. You looked down at me. I looked up at you. Something passed between us.

My eyes filled with tears as your feet slip again. I can't stand it. I don't want you to die. I want you to be happy. And if that means I have to die for that to happen, so be it.

"You don't have to do this," I tell you. You smile.

"Don't keep those tears welled up," you say.

"I don't cry!" I shouted. Emotion. I'm showing emotion. Emotion is weak.

"Showing emotion is the first step to letting someone in, especially if you're already this far along already! I can help you! Let me!"

"You don't need to hide from me! I know what it's like!" you shout.

You know what it's like? I doubt that. No one knows what it's like. What it's like to be me.

"Do you think it is easy to go around lying and hiding your feelings to the people who you care about most? I experience that all the time. I know you know what it's like, not to experience feeling, but to have it and not show it is harder then repressing it! I thought love conquered all, but if you want to die that bad, I guess it doesn't."

"I can't tell my mother what, or who I am! Up until now I couldn't tell you I loved you! I can't tell anyone anything!"

You're shivering you're so wracked with emotion. I give up. I no longer want to fight this losing battle. Soft tinkling sounds echo as tear gems fall as I give in to the emotion I deprived myself of all these years.

We are perfect for each other. It shows clearly. There is such perfect harmony echoing through the emotion turmoil.

"Life really does cheat you," you whisper.

"I don't want to die, not with out spending all of the time I can with you by my side," I tell you. A sad smile spreads across your face.

"Well, as a technicality, you're doing that right now, itoshii," you say. I laugh.

"Ai Shiteru Kurama."

"Ai Shiteru Hiei."

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^End of Flash Back ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~

"What we couldn't say before," I replied hazily. "What our pride and fear held back."

"Wow," she breathed. It seemed she was moved by the total devotion she saw while she was looking at us. You bent down and kissed me lightly on the lips. I sigh. This was heaven, being with you made it heaven. "What happened once you heard the rescuers coming?"

"Hope," you said. "The hope that we would survive this, that we might get the chance to make this relationship happen. The hope that I might get the chance to love the one who loved me. The chance to make it all happen. The fear that we might fall."

You are clearly saying this more to me than her. She is starting to tear up, as am I. It truly is amazing that you are keeping up the female act. I marvel at you. You are truly perfect.

"What about you Hiei?" she asked. She was choked up.

"It was a haze for me. All I truly remember is that they pulled me up, and there Kurama was," I said.

The reporter wiped her eye. "What are your plans now?"

"We are going to continue this relationship," you said. "Hiei is my life now, as I am his."

The reporter broke down. I stared at her. She must be an empath. I look at you. Your eyes are glazed over by the love you feel for me. I shiver. It really is moving, how much you love me.

"Thank you," she nods and walked away with her crew. We head towards your car. I shrug slightly.

"They'll be milking that sob story for a month," you say. I chuckle. "Seriously."

"I know that, I just don't care. The only thing I'm worried about is what your mother and your step-father will think of that when they see it," I reply. You curse quietly. I burst out laughing. "Forget them did you?"

You send me a death glare. I keep laughing. You shake your head. We reach your car moments later. I attempt to shrug your arm off my shoulder, but you spin me around and pin my back to your car. You kiss me fervently. I sigh into it. I could get used to this sort of thing. You move away. I duck out of your grasp and move to the passenger side of the car. You press a button and the doors unlock. I open the door and step in, as do you.

"What are you going to tell her at lunch tomorrow?" I ask. You turn the car on. The parking lot is empty.

"I don't know," you reply. You turn onto the street and head back to our apartment. I like the sound of that… our.

We climb into the elevator and you press the button that indicates our floor. You face me with a predatory smile on your face. I shrink against the wall. You pin me to it and begin kissing me all over the place. I'm gasping for air as we reach the floor. You back off and pull me out of the elevator, anxious to finish what you had started in the apartment. I just follow you. My head is spinning from your feverish kisses in the elevator. You open the door and shove me in, quickly shutting the door behind you. I back away until we reach the living room. You tackle me to the floor.

Bring! The phone sounds. You decidedly ignore it. I barely hear it over the sound of blood rushing through my pounding ears.

Bring! It sounds again. You sigh and move to pick it up. I groan.

"I'll be back in a sec," you assure me. I sit up from my position of lying on my back. "Hello Shuiichi Minamino speaking… Hello Yusuke!"

I roll my eyes.

"Turn on channel 12? Ok…" you nod at me and I crawl over to the TV and turn it on. I change the channel to 12.

"What we couldn't say before," I replied hazily. "What our pride and fear held back."

"Wow," she breathed. You bent down and kissed me lightly on the lips. I sigh. "What happened once you heard the rescuers coming?"

"Hope," you said. "The hope that we would survive this, that we might get the chance to make this relationship happen. The hope that I might get the chance to love the one who loved me. The chance to make it all happen. The fear that we might fall."

Our interview blared out at us from the TV. I stared in shock. You made a startled noise and told Yusuke you'd call him back later. You dialed your mother's house. I hoped you'd reach her before your step-father saw it.

"Hello? Mother? It's Shuiichi. Is Hatanaka-san watching the news on channel 12?... No?... good. If you want to you can watch it… It's an interview Hiei and I just did… Yeah I know… Don't worry mother… Alright… see you tomorrow… Love you… Bye," you hung the phone up. I looked at you. You smiled that smile again. I knew what was coming. I let you jump me.