Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thinking Of You ❯ Wasn't Dinner Fun? ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Thoughts Of You

Thoughts Of You

You probably shouldn't have toasted the back of the waitress' pants after she asked you if you wanted the children's menu. Even though it was funny, and she probably deserved it, it probably wasn't a good idea. And you shouldn't have melted the bottom of her shoe so that it stuck to the ground, when she said you were my little brother. Maybe one of these times I'll warn the waiter. But then again, I like having dinner and a show. This waitress was especially dense, she never caught on that you weren't a child. Oh well.

I decided that I would take you to one of my favorite places in the Ningenkai, a forest preserve. It would be the perfect ending to the perfect day. We would sleep under the stars, and maybe I'd get lucky. Maybe I'd confess to you and you'd return my feelings. But that was wishful thinking. You slept the trip there. As I pulled into a parking space I looked at you. You looked so peaceful, and adorable. I couldn't help myself (again); I kissed your forehead like I did before I bought us those swimming trunks.

"Hiei, wake up," I said quietly. I brushed your cheek with my hand. You made a noise and shifted in your sleep.

"Hiei wake up," I said louder. You still didn't wake. I sighed.

"Hiei, wake up! We're there," I said once again. I shook your shoulder. You sat up. Our heads banged together. You groaned. I rubbed my forehead.

"Sorry," you muttered. I opened my door, got out, and closed it. I opened the door behind mine and pulled out some stuff. You hadn't gotten out yet. I walked to your side of the car. You opened the door and hit your head comin out. I hid a snigger. You muttered something under your breath.

"Come on Hiei," I said. I grabbed hold of your arm and leaned slightly on you. You started.

"Get off of me you baka fox!" you hissed. "People are looking! They'll see us!"

Well, he didn't say it was because he didn't want me to hang on to him. "They probably think I'm your girlfriend anyway," I replied. You growled. I smiled back and leaned a bit more. We started drifting in the direction I was leaning. I laughed and pulled you into the Ranger station/ gift shop. I walked up and down the aisles, picking up various items. You looked at me quizzically.

"What're you doing?" you asked. I smiled.

"Picking up various things we might need for spending the night outside. Example: blanket. It could get cold out there. I thought you might like a pillow, and we need a flashlight, it's getting dark," I replied. You cocked your head to the side. I smiled. You flinched. I shrugged. We walked to the counter so I could pay for my things.

"Hello," the woman behind the counter said. I smiled and place my things on the counter. She winked at you.

"Hello," I answered. She smiled as she rang up my things.

"Sleeping on the preserve?"

"Yes we are. It'll be the perfect ending to the perfect day, since he's leaving me tomorrow."

"You're such a romantic. That'll be $56."

"Here you go."

"I hope you get lucky, young woman."

A blush crept over my face as she said that. I don't think you knew what that meant. I smiled, snagged the stuff and you pulled me out.

"Follow me," I purred in your ear. I ran towards the trees. You followed, but once you hit the top of the hill you stopped. I kept going, knowing full well what a gorgeous view it was. I turned to see you gazing in my direction, but over my head. I smiled and kept going. If you weren't careful you'd lose me. I certainly didn't want that. It would ruin my perfectly planned evening.

"Come on Hiei!" I shouted to you. You looked stunning on top of that hill, outlined against the sunset. "If you don't hurry you might lose me!"

I turned and ran into the trees. I gracefully glided in between them. The sun barely filtered through here. It gave a mysterious air, and a romantic feel. I couldn't wait. The anticipation was making my whole body tingle. I raced through the trees. You were catching up to me. I came to a halt as the trees gave way to the perfect view. I craggy cliff overlooking the forest set against the sunset. You came to rest at my side. You stared out in wonder. I don't think you thought anything like this was possible in the Ningenkai. I gazed at you lovingly.

"What do you think Hiei?" I asked, enrapt in your presence, with you. You stared into my eyes, I into yours. "Do you like it?"

I felt my body doing something incredibly stupid, it was leaning towards yours. I was going to kiss you whether I like it or not. You blushed and turned your head. My lips brushed your cheek. Damnit! Your blush spread, could that mean you felt for me? You cleared your throat and moved towards the cliff. I sighed. Maybe not.


"It is the perfect ending to a good day," you replied. I let out the breath I hadn't known I was holding. I moved to a rock and covered it in the blanket. We sit together, side by side, and watch the sunset. As the light fades into darkness, and the stars shine bright I turn to you.

"Good night Hiei," I whisper and curl up on the blanket.

"Good night Kurama," you reply and lie down. I enter the sweetest of dreams, where you and I live together in love forever.

I know it's short. But it really was all I had to do for this chapter. I'll update again and soon. Hope you like my story. And thought I've said it a million times, please review, and thanks for the one you've given.