Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Trapped between two girls. ❯ Let's fight! ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Every one landed upon their feet in the hall way just a few steps away from the room with all of the furniture. Kurama let go of Hiei's shoulder as Hiei dropped the bag onto the floor letting Heather topple out of it and skid across the floor a little bit on her side.


"Hn, take your own bags..." he muttered as Kitty walked over letting go of Kurama's hand and kneeled beside the little fox Heather.


'That was cruel...' Heather said to Kitty telepathecly as she rose to her feet a bit shakily and shook her head to clear it.


'You can say that again...' Kitty responded and rose to her feet glaring at Hiei a bit. Heather stood next to her before she walked over, bit the strap to her bag locking her jaws on it, and started to drag it down the hall towards her room.


'See you later Kitty...' She said and continued to struggle down the hall with the bag.


'She's too stubborn to just change back to her demon or human form...no matter how much easier it would be...' Kitty adjusted the strap of her bag and then looked at Hiei and Kurama.


"I'm going to go and unpack then probably find somethign to do, so if you need me then i'll be in that pink hell." Kitty stated and started to walk after Heather who was already almost to her room.


"You know, those two girls are rather interesting..." Kurama said looking down at Hiei.


"Hn, baka's is what I would call them." Was all Hiei said before he walked in thedirection of the way that the girls were going.


Kurama let out a sigh and walked after Hiei, 'He's just doesn't know them yet...' Kurama thought as they both walked into the room that they had left Yusuke and Kuwabara, only to find the both of them dead asleep on the couches.




Kitty walked into her room and threw her bag on the bed as she heard Heather nudge her door shut with her nose. She walked over, unzipped her bag, and then started to unpack everything.


'Hmm... i wonder if there is a cd player around here....' She thought in the middle of her unpacking and glaced around the room to find a silver CD player that was hooked up to two large speakers. 'You know, that just might work...' She then started to rumage through her bag.


'Luckily i rembered that this bag has some CD's...' (Me: well it does for this sake cause i..umm...said so! yeah that's right because i said so! ^^' ) Kitty grabbed out a small CD holder and started to flip through the CD's as she walked over to the CD player. She grabbed HIM Razorblade Romance and popped it in turning the music up as it started to pulse through the room. 'That's much better...' She though with a content sigh and then conitnued unpacking all of her belongings ignoring the bright pink colors that colored the room.


After about fifteen minutes of unpacking Kitty was finally completely done. She didn't even realize it until now that she had even started to sing along with the music during her activities and she was, infact, still singing.


'Well, now what to do...i could destroy this room, get rid of all of the pink...' She looked around for any clues of what to do other then destroy the room because she already knew that if she did the Koenma would have her head. There was nothing that she found appealing to her mind as she stopped singing so she decided to go and see if Heather was done her unpacking. When she knocked on Heather's door, however, the door slowly opened and it was pitch black in the room, no lights or nothing.


"Heather?" She called into the darkenss but there was no answer to her call. "Hey come on answer me!" She demanded and groped around the wall for a light switch. When her hand hit one she flipped the switch and the room was illuminated by light. Kitty looked around the room, it was the same room but Heathers bag was laying on the bed empty and there was a note beside it. She walked over and picked up the note while she began to read it.


'Hi who ever is reading this, went out training because i finished unpacking. need me then find me. BYE!



"Well, thanks for leaving me Heather." Kitty mumbled looking up from the note.


"Where did she go?" A familular voice asked from behind her asked making her tense. She turned around and looked at Kurama who was standing a few feet away from her eyeing the note.


"Training...so she won't be back anytime soon..." Kitty answered folding the note up and stuffing it into her pocket.


"That's interesting...it seems her and Hiei may have been thinking the same thing..."


"He went training too?" Kitty asked.


Kurama just nodded his head and looked at Kitty, "Are you unpacked now?"


"Maybe..." Kitty said as she walked past him and headed for the door out of the room.


'I guess i won't get a straight answer...' Kurama thought following after her. The both of them walked down the hall and to the left.


"Is there anything to do around here?" Kitty blurted out trying to keep an awkward silence from occuring. Kurama looked at her, "Not really anything that might appeal to you..."


"Try me..." She retorted looking over at him.


"Well you could read up on the history of spirit word." He said and instantly Kitty started to look un interesting.


"You know i think your right...there is nothing..." Kitty sighed in a bored matter and then stopped walking.


"Got some where, where we can train?" She asked. 'Oh wait...Hiei and Heather are using it...'


"Yes we have plenty of space to train." Kurama said with a small smile. 'I wonder how good she is at training...from the looks of that demon earlier she can't be all that weak...'


"Even though Heather and Hiei are training?" Kitty said as Kurama started to lead the way down an empty corridor.


"I don't think that they will mind if we join them..." Kurama responded as he opened the door and started to walk down a stair way. "I am sure that Yusuke and Kuwabara are already down there with them anyway. They seemed to have more energy after they awoke from their naps.


'Tehe the spirit detectives needed to take naps...' Kitty thought with a slight snicker as they both reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around. Every wall of the room was lined with a weapons from Spears to Katana's but they were about a yard off of the floor. In the center of the ring was a large square mat that had spots of blood on it, the blood was fresh and off to the side stood Yusuke and Kuwabara looking at the mat asthough they were trying to pinpoint something.


"Hello Yusuke, Kuwabara." Kurama greeted them with a slight head nod as he led Kitty up to them.


"Yeah...hey..." Yusuke mumbled still looking at the mat. Kitty looked at him and then reached over waving a hand infront of his face making him jump and take his to look at her. "Huh?"


"You were starring at nothing..." Kitty said looking at the mat.


"No we're trying to find Heather and the shrimp..." Kuwabara said as he glanced around the room then to Kurama and Kitty.


"I thought you said they were training..." Kitty said looking at Kurama.


"They are, their energy is in the room and the scent of blood is around..." Kurama stated looking at the mat just in time for Heather to stop moving and skid to a stop while ducking at the same time. She was clutching a sickle in her right hand but had one blade facing to the right and at the bottom of the weapon there was another blade only this one was facing the left. Hiei reapeared behind her with his back to her back a few feet away and kneeling down with his katana drawn and at his side. Both of them seemed to be panting from moving around so much and each of them had random scrapes and scratched on their skin and one more major wound on them. Heather had a gash in her arm and Hiei had one across his stomach with his shirt torn.


"You know I won't give up..." Heather said in between pants and gasps.


"Hn, that makes two of us." He retorted as he disapeared from view. Heather stayed in her stance and glanced around the room.


"Heather!" Kitty called out trying to get her friends attention. She looked over at her and smiled lightly.


"Ello!" she said waving but then was thrown forward into the wall just below the weapons.


"Wow..." Kuwabara said.


"That was lucky..." Yusuke finished his scentence as he looked at the blades slowly stop shaking and stay in their place on the wall.


"mhmm..." Kitty said as she looked at Hiei reapear in front of Heather with his sword over his head in a striking position.


"Your lucky Onna...if this were a real battle then you would be dead by now...Word of advice, never take your attention off of your opponent." And with that he sheathed his weapon and started to walk to the side lines with out another word.


"Your lucky onna if this were a real battle...yeah yeah yeah..." Heather mocked and slowly rose to her feet. Her arm that was wounded was shaking as she walked over and stood next to Hiei who was holding over his stomach. She set her weapon down next to the mat carefully.


"So...who's going to train next?" She asked and looked around at every one.


"I will...i'm bored..." Kitty mumbled and then started to walk for the ring. "I'll heal you when i'm done alright Heather?"


"Nope...i can heal myself...." She answered back and looked at the boys.


"I don't fight girls..." Kuwabara said.


Yusuke looked at him, "Guess you can't fight yourself then..."


Kuwabara glared at him. "Shut up Urameshi!" Kuwabara yelled at him and then two of them started to get into a shouting fight. Kurama took this opertunity and walked onto the mat opposite of Kitty. Heather looked at Hiei who has some blood going over his hands as the both of them sat down on the sidelines holding thier wounds.


"So you want to try me?" Kitty asked.


"Yes." Kurama said simply as he drew his rose whip and Kitty drew her spirit blades as they formed on her wrists.


"Okay...first one down looses, Okay?" She stated more then asked.


"Sounds alright with me." Kurama retorted and the both of them took fighting stances.