Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Trifled Bonds ❯ Trifled Bonds - Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Yu Yu Hakusho. I don't even know WHY this stupid disclaimer thing is so damn important. It's not like no one knows Yu Yu Hakusho isn't own by me.


All right, not much to say. I've seen every single episode of Yu Yu Hakusho already, so I know what I'm writing. I just hope they're in character. From now on, most chapters will have a recommended fic. There are some fics out there that just aren't worth missing. ^^; Agreed? Also, not every fanfic will be a Yu Yu Hakusho one that I'm recommending. So, I'll provide the anime and a summary if I feel like writing one.

Okay, I have a fanfiction by the name of Shadowed Enigma. I'm thinking of replacing that one with this one since I wanted to desperately change the fanfic's storyline.


Title:Something Wicked This Way Comes by Rione26

Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho

Summary: Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke have been sent to Hogwarts undercover to solve a case. But instead of going as students, they're there as professors. Things get really interesting when a trip to the Makai is planned and Kurama goes Youko.

Trifled Bonds - Chapter 1


* * * * *

He went through the school day in a daze. Copying the notes written on the blackboards automatically, almost robotic, and responding to all the greetings and questions he received daily with a strained and forced smile. He was acting rather mechanically, his thoughts focused on nothing but a certain feeling at hand.

The more perceptive students realized rather quickly their idol was distracted. By what though? They didn't know, but knew better than to question Minamino Shuichi. They knew that somehow, Minamino-san would overcome whatever obstacle stood in his way. And also, most of them were just too shy to approach him. After all, he was the most praised and intelligent person in the school.

* * * * *

Now, Kurama had been getting a nagging feeling tugging at his being for the majority of the day. It didn't feel like the desperate tugging he receives when his friends were in danger. Through the mental link he shared with Hiei, he knew the fire demon was also feeling the insistent pulling on his nerves. He made a mental note to discuss this with the fire demon later. Knowing him, Hiei would come and meet him soon, probably today.

The school day finally ended. Before he even left the confines of the school building, he felt a familiar youki approaching him at top speed. As usual though, girls and even a few males crowded him so he couldn't reach the demon. Politely, he said his good-byes and weaved through them expertly, evading wandering hands while doing so.

* * * * *

It's been a week since he's seen the fox. He knew Kurama would want to talk to him about the tugs they've both been receiving. He mentally snorted from his perch from atop a tree as he saw the normal crowd of girls who surrounded the youko, showering attention and praise at him as if he were a god. It disgusted him, not that humans didn't disgust him to begin with. There were only a few that were tolerable.

"Feh, stupid humans…"he muttered, fully aware that the kitsune was now leaning against the tree he was currently perched in.

"Indeed?" was the amused reply. "I'm part human too, you know. Are you implying I'm stupid as well?"

"Hn. You know what I mean." Hiei resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he stared expressionlessly up into the branches, feeling the redhead's eyes on him, watching with mirth.

"Come on down and walk beside me. It makes me feel rather odd talking to a tree." Kurama smiled as the fire demon complied with a grunt and jumped down with ease, landing beside him with a snort. If it were anyone else, they would've been missing a few limbs.

The walk home was short and uneventful, just companionable silence.

* * * * *

Hiei paused at the door and was ready to flit into the tree by the house and go through the window until Kurama placed a hand on his shoulder. The redhead smiled down at his confused friend.

"You're coming with me through the front door."

"What?" Hiei growled as he glowered at the smiling redhead. He knew fully well that his glowering, glaring, and threats didn't affect his…friend, but it made himself feel better.

"I want you to meet my mother and little brother." Kurama's smile widened as did Hiei's eyes.

"You're joking," Hiei deadpanned with narrowed eyes.

"No joke. I really want you to meet them. Perhaps you can stay for dinner." Kurama knew he was going to refuse when Hiei stiffened under his palm. He mentally sighed as he resolved to use the one thing he knew the fire demon could never refuse; the puppy dog face. "Please?" he pleaded with both voice and and puppy dogface, eyes round, innocent, and pleading.

Hiei mentally cursed as Kurama used his ace. He already had a hard enough time refusing the redhead anything as it was. Right when he was about to refuse some stupid human dinner thing, he just HAD to use that expression and his resolve crumbled. Inwardly sighing, he glared at the beaming redhead.

Kurama smiled victoriously. He knew he won the battle before it even began. Fishing his keys out of his pocket, he opened the door. Once inside, they took of their shoes, although it took a little bit of convincing for Hiei. However, the sword was determined to stay as Hiei would not part with it.

"Okaa-san! I'm home!" Kurama called out. Footsteps could be heard as his mother appeared with a spoon in one hand and an apron adorning her figure.

"Welcome home Shuichi." She smiled warmly at her son and enveloped him in a hug. "How was your day at school?"

"It was fine, Okaa-san" he replied with a smile as he returned the hug.

Letting go, Shiori stood back and finally took notice of the short black figure beside her son. "And who's your friend?" she asked, smiling at the boy.

"Oh! That's right. Mother, meet Hiei, one of my close friends. Hiei, this is my mother."

"Nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

Hiei raised a brow but curtly nodded in acknowledgement. He knew he couldn't be too rude to the woman or Kurama would throw a fit; something he did not want to deal with anytime soon.

* * * * *

Shiori had heard the door open, so knew her elder son was home from school. Putting some kitchen utensils away, she only held the spoon she was using to stir soup with. Wiping her hands on her apron, she moved towards the living room when she heard her son.

"Okaa-san! I'm home!"

Entering the living room, I welcomed him back with a smile and hug like I always do. I soon realized my son wasn't alone. He had a young boy dressed in black with him. He's never brought anyone over before so inwardly, I was relatively surprised but didn't show it. I didn't want to worry my son anymore. He worries enough as it is. He has his schoolwork, fan girls, and fan boys to worry about. He doesn't need a mother to add to the list. He's already always taking care of me after that particular illness.

My son introduced me to the boy. So this was the friend my son spoke of so often. He looked like what my son described him to be. Taking a closer look at him, immediately, I knew the boy wasn't a very social person. Even after what Shuichi told me, It was hard to believe someone can be that antisocial. At first, I was sure the boy couldn't be over twelve until he looked up to study me as I did him. I was surprised when I caught his eyes. They were a ruby red, which was odd, but what really caught my attention was the age and experience, telling me he was not as young as he seemed. Those scarlet eyes also portrayed loneliness, so instantly I smiled warmly at him. I could not tell what he was thinking, but he nodded as if saying 'hello' in his own way. I was proud of my son for befriending him.

His eyes were similar to my Shuichi's in a way. Whenever I look at his eyes, I could never tell what he was thinking or how he was feeling. They were always guarded by a brightness and calm that only my Shuichi could possess. Added to that, they also held ages of experience and knowledge. His eyes always made him seem older than he looked.

Speaking of my son, I knew from the beginning, he was special. As I looked over at him reprimanding the smaller, scowling boy for being so rude, I realized how lucky I was. He was intelligent, tall, handsome, polite, kind, helpful, and caring. His feminine features, he obviously inherited from me. His eyes and hair color were traits he received from his father. What more could a mother ask for?

Whenever I look at him, I always feel extremely happy and grateful to whoever blessed me with such a wonderful young man for a son. I know other mothers feel proud of their children too, but Shuichi stands above them all. Those girls he always has around him is proof, but I wonder why he never pays attention to them. They're all very pretty girls. Maybe he has someone in mind already, but whom…?

* * * * *

"Ah! Nii-san is home!" I thought out loud, running out of the room to greet him. Ever since my tou-san and kaa-san got married, I've had an older brother. Of course, it was hard to adjust to since I was always the only son, but eventually I warmed up to him. He's a really nice older brother too. When I first saw nii-san return home from school, I remember being so surprised at seeing a whole flock of fan girls surrounding him. I was a little jealous, but proud. I had a popular older brother, and smart too!

Nii-san is a little weird I guess. He hangs out with the oddest people. One time I saw him talking with the famed Urameshi Yusuke when I was coming home from buying some eggs for kaa-san. I was scared for my brother. I mean, why would a perfect student be hanging out with a delinquent. I suppose I wasn't being nice, but Nii-san wasn't safe. Trying to remember how I never was able to sneak up on Nii-san, I hid behind some bushes, going as close as possible to hear what they were saying while staying hidden. They really weren't talking about much. However, I was kind of surprised Urameshi allows his girlfriend to yell at him. My brother chuckled.

I was in shock. My brother just LAUGHED at the feared Urameshi Yusuke! I was panicking. What if something happened to him?! Kaa-san would be devastated! However, I was in for another surprise.

"Yusuke, you're unbelievable. Why not try to talk to her sometime?" I heard my brother ask him.

"Uh… I've never been great with words, ya know!"

My brother chuckled again. "Yes, I suppose you're right. You never were great with words. Your fists usually do your speaking, so your conversational skills are probably close to non-existent."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!"

Now, I was really scared. If I had to, I would go out there to protect my brother. In fact, I was ready to, although I was really scared for my physical health as well.

"You know what I mean, Yusuke-kun."

Urameshi glared at my brother. I froze when I got a look at his face. That's the glare people last see before they meet darkness! At least that's what my friends told me. I was left dumbfounded when my brother just laughed. He laughed! I couldn't believe my ears. Didn't he know he could get beaten up?!

"Alright! Stop laughing! I'll make it up to her! I won't leave her at the movies again! No matter how much I hate chick flicks!"

"But really, you need to try to get along better with Keiko."

"I get it! I hate it when Keiko tells you everything. You always yell at me" Yusuke replied dejectedly.

"I do not yell at you. You just need to learn how to treat a girl," my brother told him sharply.

"Tch. Yeah, yeah. I'll try. Sorry, sheesh!"

"Yusuke, you have to say that to Keiko. Good luck. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow. Meet me outside my school tomorrow. We need to do some planning with the others."

"Gotcha. I'll be there. Thanks, by the way."

"You're welcome. Don't be late, or else…"

Was my brother threatening him?! I was about to get up and jump out there incase Urameshi decided to knock some sense into Nii-san.

"Okay, okay! I'll be there! No need to give me that look! Even Hiei shrinks under that! I promise! Last time, I was stuck with my mom, remember?"

"Alright, I believe you. Be. On. Time." Then my brother left.

I heard Urameshi sigh in relief, then leave as well, muttering something I couldn't hear since I wasn't close enough. I was definitely astounded, surprised, shocked! My brother could talk to Urameshi Yusuke, laugh at him, scold him, and tell him what to do! But I didn't really understand how my brother had such power to do so. He doesn't seem strong. He looks…well, girly. He's too nice and caring, too. Those were some traits I figured a guy like Urameshi would take advantage of, but obviously, Nii-san wasn't as weak as he seemed.

Coming back out of that random flashback, I ran down the stairs and skidded to a halt beside kaa-san. I blinked. There was a boy in black with what looked like a sword strapped to his waist.

"Nii-san! Welcome back!"

"Thank you, Shuichi-kun" he smiled at me. "This is one of my close friends; Hiei" he gestured towards Hiei who scowled in my direction. I had the urge to flee at the moment. His eyes looked so cold and dangerous. My eyes wandered to the sheathed sword at his waist and I idly wondered if he could use it.

"Hiei! Be nice!" my brother scolded. Surprisingly, he stopped scowling and actually nodded at me after shooting my brother a glare in which my nii-san answered with a smile. 'My nii-san doesn't seem scared of anything' I found myself thinking.

"Hiei, this is my brother Shuichi." The dark boy simply stared at me this time, making me self-conscious and fidgety. I mean, who wouldn't? Although he was short, he looked muscular. AND he has a sword strapped to his waist! Eyeing the sword a bit uncomfortably, I replied with a shaky "he…llo…"

"Hiei, I told you to leave the sword. Now you've scared my ototo-kun." My brother glared down at the boy. I fidgeted when my name was mentioned and the dark boy shot me a glare, which was squashed by my brother's stare.

"Hn. Where was I to leave it?" Hiei retorted, slightly annoyed.

"I don't know and I don't care. People don't usually carry around swords anyway."

"I do. How else am I supposed to protect myself?"

"Like you need to protect yourself here."

What does here mean? Maybe this Hiei was involved with a gang. Gang?! What if Nii-san was involved in one?! Then again, that would be stupid. He's a perfect student, with perfect manners. What was I thinking?

"I need to train later, fox. I can't leave my katana if I am to train."

Train? So he did know how to use it. Oh my god! Why is nii-san befriending such dangerous people?! And what's with fox?

"Fine. You can keep that katana with you. Just don't use it in here."


I found myself speaking. "Nii-san, why did he call you fox?"

Nii-san looked over at me with slightly widened eyes. He probably forgot about us when arguing with Hiei. "Oh, it's a nickname. It indicates I'm as quick and sly as a fox."

"Oh, I see." Well, it's true. Nii-san has always been quick with the mind and he's athletic. He's practically perfect. That's why he's my role model. I want to be just like him when I'm older. I want to enter the same high school and petition for a blue uniform. Although the uniform looks great on nii-san, it would look horrible on me. I just don't go with red. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Kaa-san's voice.

"Well then, Shuichi, Hiei, Shuu-kun, have fun while I go and finish up dinner. I'll call you when it's done." Kaa-san left. Now, I was standing here with nii-san and Hiei.

Nii-san turned to me and smiled that warm smile of his. No wonder girls fell at his feet. If he weren't male and my nii-san, I would have a crush on him. He just has that charm. "Shuu-chan, why don't we go upstairs to my room?"

I nodded and followed them upstairs to Nii-san's room.

* * * * *

Once upstairs, Hiei immediately took a seat on the windowsill and stared out into the tree by it. Shuichi stared at him oddly before taking a seat on Kurama's bed before resuming his staring at the expressionless boy.

"Shuu-kun, how was school?"

Kicked out of his stupor, he blinked and looked across the room to his brother seated at his desk with paperwork out, most likely doing his homework. "It was okay. Ne, nii-san, I heard Urameshi Yusuke beat up more people!"

Kurama stopped what he was doing and swiveled in his chair, facing his younger brother with a quirked brow. "Really? Is he? Hmn… How'd you find out?"

"Some of my friends told me. They said Urameshi almost sent them to the hospital!" Shuichi replied with much excitement.

"Oh? Ne Hiei, how do you think Keiko will react to this news?"

"Hn." The solemn boy didn't look his way, contenting himself with staring into the green leaves on the branches of the tree by the window.

"Not much to say, as usual." Shaking his head, the redhead returned his attention to his brother. "Shuu-kun, those could be rumors."

"Demo…I go to the same school as Urameshi and I've even seen him fight sometimes. Although it is true he didn't send any to the hospital. He just knocked them around then out."

Kurama felt a sweatdrop roll down the side of his head. "Souka… Well, Yusuke always has been more violent."

"Hn." Hiei almost sounded amused.

"Do you know Urameshi, nii-san?"

"Yes, I do. He isn't all that bad even though he is rash. Did you want to know anything else?" Kurama asked with a knowing look in his eyes.

"How'd you know I wanted to ask you something, nii-san?" Shuichi asked with relative surprise laced into his voice.

"I know these things" the redhead replied with a smile.

"Well, yeah. I wanted to know how you met Urameshi. I've seen you talking to him a few times."

"We met under strange circumstances, let's say. Hiei and I were involved in a little…fight with him. Although I did not engage in combat with him, we did have our differences. Eventually, we became friends" Kurama replied, supplying as little as possible. 'It is true we had our differences and we were involved in a little fight…' Kurama inwardly smirked. "Isn't that right, Hiei?"


"So my nii-san knows the famed Urameshi?! Wow!! That's so cool!"

"Uh, Shuu-kun, how is it cool?" Kurama asked, fighting another sweatdrop.

"Oh, it just is. Do you think you can invite Urameshi over?!"

"I suppose I can. How about tomorrow, you tell Yusuke that I told him to come over?"

"ME talk to URAMESHI? … I'm scared."

"It's alright. He won't hit you. He'll just threaten you a bit before lightening up and probably following you back here."

"If you're sure, nii-san."

"I am. Tell him if he hurts you, he'll deal with me."

"But nii-san, how are you going to deal with Urameshi? You've never learned to fight." Shuichi paused and thought it over. "Have you?"

"No, I have not learned to fight." 'At least not in this life' "But I can handle Yusuke-kun."

"Are you sure, nii-san? I don't want you to get hurt."

Kurama laughed lightly. Hiei shivered in reaction to his tinkling laughter. "I won't get hurt. Plus, Hiei will be here as well, wont you Hiei?"



"Okay! I'll invite him over then!" Shuichi exclaimed excitedly, slightly bouncing on the bed.

"Alright, now out with you. I have some homework to do." 'And some things to discuss with a certain demon by my window.'

"Okay, nii-san! See you at dinner!" With a click of the door, the younger Shuichi was gone.

Kurama turned serious eyes to the still demon on the windowsill. "Okay, Hiei. You're here for a reason today and I believe we have something discuss. I'm aware that you've been feeling mental pulls as I have."

"Hn. I came here to see if you knew what the hell they are."

"Well, I have a hunch." Kurama stood and walked over to stand by Hiei, staring out the window as well.

Hiei looked up at the standing youko, waiting.

"I've read from some texts I've acquired in my days as a youko that might explain it. Within those texts, it is said that our subconscious knows when we should pursue our soul mate or soul mates because one of us realizes the bond is there. But when that happens, it can also mean that someone is trying to trifle with fate and destroy a red line."

"Soul mates?" Ruby eyes narrowed.

"That is correct. In rare occasions, a person has two red strings tied to two different people. Those are called tri-bonds."

"Which means someone can be screwing with our fates right now?"

"That is a possibility. However, know that I did not read the entire text. And if I did, I don't remember the rest."

"Which means that the explanation you just provided was half theory."

"Correct. So, don't rely on what I say."

"For now, I will. I hate to admit this, but you're rarely ever wrong on any matter."

* * * * *

Dinner went on without much trouble despite some usual glaring on Hiei's part and gentle scolding from Kurama. Shuichi asked questions and Shiori smiled warmly. Everyone had a peaceful dinner with the exception of Hiei accidentally knocking over his glass of water and spilling some beans on the floor due to his lack of knowledge on eating utensils. Peace wasn't going to last forever though. Especially not when Yusuke and company was

involved. Wherever they went, chaos and disorder was sure to follow.

* * * * *

Phew, I'm finally done! Chapter 2 will most likely be shorter unless I have enough energy to keep writing. Keep in mind that I'm working on four different fanfics and I will be relatively lazy. Added to fanfiction, I'm also now a staff member on an anime site and I'm in charge of the Yu Yu Hakusho section, so things are hectic for me. I will try to write at least ONE page per day. I hope that satisfies those who read this. Rest assured that there WILL be Hiei/Kurama moments. I'm still thinking on the mental tug explanation since it definitely needs something added to it. I apologize if my writing is amateurish as well. ~~;