Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unbridled Desire ❯ The Promise ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Title: The Promise
Author: Ryukotsusei
Theme(s): 35. Forget-me-not ; memory ; photo
Pairing/Characters: Hiei/Keiko Yukimura
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: HetLemon, slight yaoibut nothing graphic, language, character death.
Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi Rumiko and Yu Yu Hahusko belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. I make no claims of ownership to either series, nor do I make any profit off of this fan fiction.
Summary: Slight IY-YYH xover. When the unthinkable comes to pass, Hiei finds himself bound to watch over Keiko in Yusuke's absence. Pairings: Hiei/Keiko, mentions of Hiei/Yusuke.
The Promise.
It had always been a given that Yusuke would meet his end tragically, most likely at a young age with the kind of life he led. Hiei had accepted this, as had all of the others but that hadn't lessened the intense pain that his passing had caused when it happened. Just as he knew that he was likely to meet the same ill fated end, though the circumstances were likely to be different behind it. Hiei wasn't deluding himself into believing that he would die of old age unlike the others, he fully accepted what he was and what his life entailed. That was why the last wish of his old friend had surprised him so greatly. Any one of the others would be better suited to the task, yet Yusuke had come to him just before his fight in the last Makai Tournament. Even though that had been three years ago he could still see the man standing in front of him, his voice clear as day.
"Hey Hiei, can I ask you something?"
In that moment the Toushin looked so forlorn it had startled him for a moment, his eyes narrowed in concern. Usually when the man wanted to know something he didn't bother with the niceties of asking, it was one of the things Hiei had liked about him. He was blunt and to the point, unlike so many other humans he'd had the misfortune of coming across. "Speak your mind Yusuke, it's not like you to hesitate."
"You live like I do... Hell, maybe even a bit worse than me I dunno. Anyone of us could die out there today or even tomorrow, the power I feel from some of the others is worse than the last Tournament."
Somehow he wasn't surprised that Yusuke felt the power surge coming off of the newcomers. He'd felt it, Mukuro had as well and neither of them believed their chances of winning this thing were that high. It would likely go to one of the newcomers, though that wouldn't stop them from trying. "Someone worried about death has no business participating in the Tournaments Yusuke, you know that. However since you're so familiar with the concept of dying I seriously doubt that's where you are going with this."
"Hehyou're right." Yusuke turned to stare out the window then up at the crimson sky that was so unlike the one in the Ningenkai. So much was waiting for him back home but the pull of demon realm was just too much to ignore anymore. Keiko had begged him not to come this year, her instincts telling her that something would go terribly wrong but he hadn't listened. Now he wondered if perhaps he should have. "It's not death I fear, it's what I'll leave behind. Do you ever wonder? If you were to fall tomorrow, do you wonder who would look after Yukina and protect her?"
Now they were getting to the heart of the matter and Hiei couldn't say he was surprised. With the double life that Yusuke led he'd come to learn much about how the former detective thought and felt about the human girl in the Ningenkai. Frequently he wondered if the woman suspected just what went on between them while Yusuke was away but if Keiko did she'd given no signs of it. "Plans have already been made in that case Yusuke. She's to be given the choice of returning to the island with an escort or, if she chooses to remain in the Ningenkai then Kurama will look after her in my stead." The possibility of asking Yusuke to look after his sister had never been an option for Hiei knew the Toushin well and if something were to happen to him in battle Hiei had no doubts that Yusuke would be following him shortly. The anger that would consume him wouldn't allow him to stop until either his opponent was dead, or he was.
"I'm not surprised somehow. He'll be a good choice." There was no jealousy in Yusuke's voice, there being no cause for it. Truthfully if anyone had a right to be jealous it was Hiei but the apparition seemed to understand that he needed both him and Keiko. Now, as he turned to stare at one of only two people who understood him Yusuke could only hope that Hiei see how important this was to him. "I need to ask a favor of you. Because frankly, you're the only one I trust with this."
A sigh of resignation escaped him as a hand settled on his shoulder. There was no escaping what was coming, he'd known it as soon as the question of his plans had been asked. "I don't know that what you are asking for is wise Yusuke. Keiko's a resilient girl, she wouldn't need me looking after her and she probably wouldn't accept it anyway." Besides, could he handle looking after the person who had taken so much of Yusuke's time away from him if something were to happen to him?
"She's not as resilient as you think Hiei." A sigh, knowing that he was asking something that was nearly impossible. The only thing on his side was that there was a slight respect for the girl in question and that if his dream was to come to pass, they'd have one more thing in common. Grief. "You should have seen her before I left, she said she knew that if I walked out the door I wouldn't be coming back. I should have listened but it's too late to back out now."
He had turned then, glaring into Yusuke's eyes. "If you knew then why did you come?The terms were set forth before the Tournament officially began, you didn't have to commit yourself. Are you so anxious to die?" Fury gripped him then, was the life he lead so terrible that he wanted to end it so soon? The pain over that thought was too much to bear. No! There had to be something else behind this line of thinking!
"No! Dammit Hiei, listen to me. I didn't realize, I just brushed it off as her over reacting when I shouldn't have." Gods only knew it was the truth, he hadn't had the dream until last night and they were already in the second day of the fights. Perhaps he was just being nervy and overreacting like he'd accused Keiko of doing, perhaps not. The last thing he wanted to do was leave either of them alone. "I didn't know until I felt them and then, last night. Hell, it might not even happen the way I'm thinking but if it does, I'm ready for it. But I need to know that the both of you will be okay. Promise me Hiei, if I go out there and the worst happens you'll take care of Keiko for me."
The urge to resist the Toushin's embrace was strong but Hiei forced it down as he swallowed hard. If he could he would have forced Yusuke to withdraw from the Tournament but it was no longer an option. The current ruler had seen to that after the fiasco of the first and second Tournaments, any who entered were bound to compete until they were eliminated. To attempt withdrawing before hand was a death sentence, unless whoever was crowned King saw fit to reverse the decision before it was carried out. Either way it seemed as if his lover's fate was sealed if what Yusuke had said was true.. "I don't like it, when you go out there you damned well better give it your all or I swear not even Koenma will protect you from my anger." The words were unnecessary, Yusuke wouldn't just lay down and die for anyone but he felt the need to say them anyway. Slowly his hand came to rest upon the hands resting up his chest. "I'll do it but only because I'm in the same position you are, only with Yukina." Had Kurama refused his request to watch over his sister Hiei hadn't been sure just what he would have done.
Yes, the day was still clear in his mind even though it was the one day Hiei would rather forget. Yusuke's death had been a gruesome event, one he'd been unable to prevent. Sheer desperation had him moving faster than he'd ever thought possible to reach the arena that Yusuke had been assigned to but it still wasn't enough. The final blow had been given, the match declared over and Yusuke's limp body lay in the dirt, covered in blood, sweat and dust. There was no time to get him to the infirmary and even though Kurama was almost upon them even the kitsune wouldn't be enough to save the Toushin. As he had cradled Yusuke's head in his lap, the man's final words had nearly torn his heart out. Half of him had expected the Toushin to ask him to tell Keiko that he loved her but those weren't the words that crossed his lips. At least not for the girl anyway. In all of their years together the affection had never been expressed verbally, there had never been a need. But then in those final moments they'd finally been shared.
"I love you Hiei.. I'm.. sorry I couldn't stay longer."
It was oh so tempting to accept Kurama's offer of telling Keiko what had happened but it was a responsibility that Hiei couldn't delegate to anyone else. Still, he'd remained firm in his belief that she would take it well. She'd always seemed to be resilient, bouncing back from things that would make most humans run screaming in fear. When she'd opened the door though and saw him standing there without Yusuke in tow, he had begun to doubt. Perhaps it was the way that he'd told her, or perhaps it was in the way that Yusuke had left to begin with but whatever the reason was, Keiko's anger had come to the surface.
"Why! Why didn't you stop him?"
If only he would have had an answer to that back then. Even now the only answer he could come up with was unacceptable for the both of them, he should have known that eventually Yusuke's luck would run out and instead he encouraged him to go seeking more power. Keiko had every right to hate him but what was surprising was that she didn't, at least not anymore.
"I trusted you to always take care of him! Dammit why weren't you there for him this time? Did he mean so little to you?"
Keiko's words had stunned him, she'd known all along that he had been Yusuke's lover. At that moment in time though he'd had other things to worry about. The woman stood before him, tears of anger and pain streaming down her cheeks as she yelled at him. He could have left at any time but had refrained, knowing he deserved everything she had to say to him. A hand snapped out, catching him across the side of face. Any other time he would have retaliated quickly but that time he'd let it slide. When her hand had come back for a second strike he'd caught her wrist firmly, his own pain reflecting in his eyes as he had stared up at her. "You are not the only one who has lost someone. Remember that."
She'd collapsed against him then, her hands finding purchase in the soft black robe he always wore. All the fight fled as she sobbed her heartbreak into his chest, dealing with Yusuke's death for the third time was just too much. She couldn't take anymore and in that instant it felt as if her whole world had just shattered around her. Only after her tears had been spent and she lay exhausted against him did Hiei attempt to pull away. The grief she harbored was as great as his own and it had pulled at his control, urging him to share in it to relieve some of the ache. But crying was something that was foreignto him and he wasn't going to start indulging in it, no matter how Yusuke's passing had pained him.
The plan had been to remain for a few days to make sure she was alright and then return to the Makai. It would have been simple for Hiei to watch over the woman just as he did Yukina with the Jagan. However it was Kurama that had pointed out the flaws in his plan, much to his dismay. Unlike his sister, Keiko didn't have a male suitor to check in on her every day or so and eventually she'd get over her period of mourning. When that happened no doubt she'd continue on with her life, perhaps seeking out the company of others. That idea in itself isn't what bothered the apparition, it was the fact that until Keiko was back on her feet she could be seen as vulnerable and easily taken advantage of. That was something that he couldn't prevent if he was in the Makai.
While he wouldn't begrudge the girl a relationship if she found someone that she wanted one with, Hiei wasn't going to sit back and watch someone that would hurt her take Yusuke's place either. If that were to happen the apparition could only imagine the sheer hell that Yusuke would put him through when the time came for them to meet once again. To that end he had remained in the Ningenkai watching over her, even though Keiko had eventually overcome her grief. Now Hiei wasn't sure why he was still there, force of habit perhaps or maybe something more he just wasn't willing to admit to. Either way he found himself overlooking the small restraunt that Keiko had disappeared into when he'd declined the invitation to join her.
The ward over the Jagan came off easily once he was secured in a tree where no one would see him. He wasn't adverse to eaves dropping on occasion, especially since the woman had been reluctant to go in without him. It was almost as if she were dreading the encounter with her friends which baffled him, she hadn't had problems with it up until about three months ago. Now she was attempting to come up with excuses to the other female on why she couldn't attend their gatherings and Hiei wanted to know why.
It was times like this that Keiko wished Hiei wouldn't be quite so antisocial. Granted, she still didn't understand why he was continuing to stick around but she wasn't about to complain. Like it or not she'd come to enjoy his company whenever he decided to grace her with his presence. Instead she was forced to endure the well meaning but misplaced attempts of her friends to get her to move on with her life. Only one of them seemed to understand that she was looking for something special in someone that couldn't be found in most people. Only a few people she knew of had it and none of them could be called normal. Hell, two of them couldn't even be called human. "Sorry I'm late. Where did..."
"Oh she's in the bathroom, I should be mad at you. You haven't answered your phone at all in the past three days." Ayumi mock glared at her friend, though anyone who cared to listen could hear the amusement in her voice. She was very well aware that Keiko had been avoiding her but she was nothing if not persistent. Closing herself up in the house as she'd been doing certainly wasn't good and Ayame was determined to get Keiko to lighten up a bit.
The temptation was strong to lash out at the woman sitting across from her but for the moment Keiko refrained, barely managing to keep her tone polite. "I'm sorry, I've just been terribly busy at the shop. You know how it goes." It was a blatant lie, in fact even though she'd taken to helping her parents out full time at the shop since Yusuke had died these passed two weeks she'd been given off. Even her parents thought she'd been working too hard and needed to take some time to herself. What would have surprised them all was hearing that she'd spent it at home, with Hiei. Then again she didn't want to stun her parents either by telling them a single guy was practically living at her house. When had that happened anyway? She couldn't quite recall when it had started.
"Well, work is completely understandable. When I called your father mentioned something about a vacation, I'm guessing you'll be taking it soon then?" Of course Ayumi knew just when it had started, Keiko's family had been all too happy to part with the information but she wasn't going to publicly call her on the lie. However her comment left Keiko completely aware that she did indeed know that she wasn't fooled.
"Of course, but you know how business goes. Just because they give me the time off doesn't mean I won't suddenly be called back in." Now that she knew just how helpful her family had been Keiko was going to have a talk with them about informing everyone of her schedule. Now that Ayumi had her cornered there was little that was going to get her out of this one. Her gaze was wistful as she looked out the window, wishing she could be out there and away from the meddling of her friend. She hadn't approved of Yusuke when he was around and now, she seemed more determined than ever to set her up with a guy she worked with. The idea of going out on another date with him made her cringe.
Ayumi took a sip of her soda as if carefully considering her words before smiling slightly. Even if she hurried to cancel her vacation, Keiko was still free for the evening and Tomo had been inquiring about the girl the last time she'd seen him. Apparantly Keiko had left a decent impression on the guy and he was looking forward to seeing her again however he couldn't reach her either. "Well, let's not borrow trouble before it comes right? Just in case though, you might as well take advantage of your time off while you can. Tomo's been asking about you, one date and you've already captured the guys heart. You've landed quite a catch there, why don't you give him a call tonight? I'm sure he's available."
"Oh my God Ayumi, don't tell me you're at it again." Having just walked up to hear what sounded like a bad repetition of a car salesman routine, Kagome's eyes were already rolling. If it wasn't bad enough that she'd been foisting Houjo off on her during their school years, now she'd come to find that Keiko was being similarly tortured. "Give it a rest would you? If Keiko's not interested then she's not interested." Being one of the few people that Keiko would pick up the phone for, she was very well aware of just what the woman's feelings were on the subject and why. Being completely sympathetic to her situation had Kagome putting her foot down where Keiko would not.
Not being one to be thwarted easily, Ayumi frowned up at her old friend. Just because Kagome liked to dwell on what had happened in the past didn't mean everyone else did. Besides, look where trailing after the bad boy type had gotten her? Alone and with a broken heart. There were days she still didn't think that Kagome was over it but it was no longer her problem. She'd made it more than clear she didn't want anyone butting into her life any longer. "Now Kagome, these are entirely different circumstances. Now that Keiko knows what happens when you pick a boyfriend who likes to fight, I doubt she'd want someone like that again." Everyone had heard that Yusuke Urameshi had been killed, rumor had it that it was in some violent gang war which wouldn't surprise anyone. Kagome's on the other hand apparently couldn't make up his mind, or at least that's what they thought. The dark haired girl refused to confirm or deny the speculation, saying instead that it was none of their business. "Your ex just dumped you. We tried telling you, but you wouldn't listen."
"I think that's more than enough Ayumi. Like it or not, I don't care for Tomo. He's a nice enough guy but he's not my type. Secondly, even if I was interested in him, which I am not, I'm not available anyway. And lastly, you shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about! Unlike some people in this room I actually know what happened between Kagome and her ex-boyfriend and frankly you have no right to judge." She'd been fully prepared to ignore what Ayumi had said about her, knowing that she'd never approved of Yusuke in the first place. But Kagome had become a good friend over the last couple of years, though it had taken some time to get the girl to open up and with good reason. With the secrets the girl kept, most people would have committed her to a mental hospital believing her to be insane. Knowing what she did, even if Kagome didn't show it Keiko was painfully aware of just how sensitive the priestess was to those cutting words. She wouldn't stand by and let Ayumi say such things to her.
Ayumi sat their stunned as Keiko vented her anger and frustration. Shame filled her for speaking so harshly, it'd become a bad habit they'd fallen into in the past when speaking of the two timing boyfriend and it had been entirely too easy to do so again. Only now as Kagome walked out of the building did Ayumi find her voice. "Kagome wait!" Had this been the time that she pushed the bounds of their friendship too far?
"Leave her alone, you've done enough." Quickly Keiko grabbed her purse and pulled herself out of the chair, leaving Ayumi to sit there alone at the table. Kagome had already made it outside which wasn't surprising given the circumstances. Walking through the doors, she quickly caught sight of the shorter girl and hurried to catch up to her. "Are you alright?" There was no telling just how Kagome would react to what had been said, tears or anger was equally likely at this point.
It took a moment for her to calm down enough to actually speak without snapping. Keiko didn't deserve her anger and she wasn't about to subject her to it. "Yeah, sorry about that. I had to leave otherwise I was going to deck her one." Most likely when she got home there would be a message waiting for her on the answering machine from Ayumi, apologizing for what she had said but at the moment Kagome didn't want to hear it. Briefly she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as they walked down the street with no particular destination in mind. "So, if you don't mind me asking. What did you mean by not available? Is there someone you're interested in or was it just to get her off your back?"
Keiko did laugh then, her flash of bad temper dissipating. Kagome would be the first to know out of anyone if there where some Earth shattering changes going on in her life. "Well, a little of both actually." As she spoke her gaze darted about for any sign of Hiei, he'd been there earlier but there was every possibility he'd left after she entered the building. He hadn't said that he'd wait for her after all. The slow spark of attraction had set in and she didn't want to alert it to him in case it was a passing thing. So far he hadn't shown much inclination that he was interested in her and she didn't want to fan the flames of the small crush and then have him destroy any hopes. Hell, she wasn't even sure if he was interested in women, he had been with Yusuke after all.
"What are you looking for?" The way Keiko's eyes were darting about made it clear that she was worried about someone over hearing and it set Kagome on edge as well. Her own gaze cast about, trying to find just what it was the woman was searching for. A flash of black caught her eye and her aura reached out to confirm it. "It's just Hiei, though why he's.... oh." Her head snapped around to stare at the brunette in surprise. Was it possible that Hiei was the one she was interested in? "You mean..." At the girl's slight blush and how her eyes darted over towards the apparition in question, she had her suspicions confirmed. "Oh my."
"Not so loud." If there was one thing that could be counted on it was that Hiei had excellent hearing in addition to the handy skill of reading lips. Keiko wasn't quite ready to reveal the fact that she found him attractive although Kagome already knew that. One night of alcohol had them discussing the physical attributes of the men they associated with frequently and they both had to agree that Hiei was one of the better looking ones. It was his surly attitude that tended to ruin things, though she'd been around him for so long she'd become used to it.
Kagome nodded briefly while contemplating the problem her friend had found herself in. With all secrets being gone between them she knew exactly what Hiei was and just who he'd been sleeping with. That was one of the few things she didn't understand about Keiko, how she could have known for so long and accepted it but the girl said that Hiei could give Yusuke what she could not, a taste of his homeland and a assistance in containing his newly awoken demonic instincts. The fact that there was some form of affection between them had made it difficult to accept at first but eventually Keiko had come to terms with her own feelings. For that Kagome admired her, she doubted it was something that she could have done. "So what are you going to do about it?"
"I wish I knew." Beating around the bush certainly wasn't a way to earn respect from the short demon much less anything else yet Keiko wasn't sure that she could outright admit that she might like him as something more than a friend. Besides, it didn't explain just what her feelings were anyway. Could it be just because he'd become her shadow almost? When questioned as to why he had stuck around, the apparition had merely replied because he wanted to. The man was confusing if nothing else and Keiko was at a loss to figure him out. "I don't even know if he.. goes that way. You know?"
"You could always kiss him and find out." A giggle escaped her then, picturing her friend trying just that. When Keiko wanted something Kagome knew that she'd be assertive in taking it. The way the apparition hovered around her it wouldn't have surprised Kagome if he did like Keiko on some level. Of course if she was wrong and Keiko did try it, she'd have one pissed off friend to deal with. The blush covering the girl's face was enough to let her know that Keiko didn't find the idea all that objectionable. At least she wasn't protesting the idea yet.
"You can't be serious!" Keiko couldn't imagine Hiei's reaction if she were to try such a thing. Would he wipe his mouth in disgust or just push her away with a stunned look? As much as she'd like to find out just how he tasted, it wasn't likely to be something she'd risk attempting. Glancing sidelong at her giggling friend, Keiko rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you are trying to give me advice on how to get a man. You still haven't gotten up the guts to approach Koenma."
"And it won't happen either, I refuse to get involved with a man who's more in love with his paperwork than me." Kagome toyed with a lock of her hair as they drew closer to the house. In her opinion she was far better off alone anyway, she had friends so why bother trying to hook up with a guy. It spared her the pain of getting hurt in the end. Relationships worked for some people, but she believed that hers were doomed to failure from the start. "Seriously Keiko, I think you should try it. He hangs around you for a reason, the worst he could do is tell you he's not interested." They were coming up on the apartment complex where they both lived now much to Kagome's relief, right now she wanted nothing more than to sit back and relax for a few minutes while trying not to think of a certain demigod.
Briefly Keiko glanced over her shoulder once more, wondering if Hiei was listening to their every word. It wouldn't surprise her somehow since they knew he was there. In that case if she were to try and he wasn't interested, she'd never get close to him. If he didn't move away, then she had a chance. Suddenly the prospect of going home didn't sound so boring. As much as she liked hanging around Kagome, finding out what Hiei's motives were sounded like it could be more fun. "I think you might be right. I mean, if he's not interested he'd just make sure I couldn't get close enough to kiss him right?"
"That's the spirit." Kagome moved even closer to the woman as they walked up the stairs, thankfully their apartments were on the same floor even if Keiko's was several doors down. "You'll let me know how it goes right?" Neither of them were strangers to sex and both had their own ideas on how the different men would be in bed. It would be interesting to see how their thoughts on Hiei would measure up. Kagome stopped in front of her door and unlocked it as she waited for an answer.
Keiko laughed then and began to walk away but was unable to resist throwing a taunt over her shoulder. "Sure I will, just as soon as you pull that binky out of Koenma's mouth and find out just what kind of skills he has with that tongue of his!" When she heard the outraged gasp from her friend, Keiko hurried on to her own door. A quick test of the knob proved that it was open, meaning that Hiei had already gone inside. It was lucky for her, Kagome was making her way down the hall after her. "Gotta go bye! Laughing at the expression on the priestesses face, Keiko slipped into the open door and shut it behind her, throwing the lock in place. "Oh she's going to kill me."
"Keep taunting her over that strange obsession she has for Koenma and she just might." Personally he couldn't see any reason for the girl to be lusting over the junior ruler of the Reikai but then again, he wasn't in her head which was something he found to be a bit of a blessing. After hearing about the inu hanyou that had captured her affections so many times it had come as a shock to him to learn that she'd go for someone of Koenma's type. It wasn't his concern though, frankly he found the entire idea amusing. It was doubtful that the prince even knew how to use what he'd been born with and Kagome would have to be the one to show him how it was done.
Stepping away from the door, Keiko laughed albeit a bit nervously. "So you heard that huh?" She slipped her shoes off before heading further into the apartment, never taking her eyes off of the apparition. He'd certainly made himself comfortable on the couch since he'd arrived. Already the cloak was off along with the black shirt he had been wearing earlier that morning. It was almost as if he were waiting on her, could that have been what he'd been doing all along?
Hiei rolled his own eyes then, he'd been doing his best to ignore their conversation from the moment they'd left the restraunt. He really hadn't wanted to listen to them commiserate over lost loves. Once they started his own memories had a tendency of surfacing and he hadn't been up for another round of seeing Yusuke dying in his arms once more. "I think the entire building now knows that she wants his head buried between her legs Keiko. You weren't exactly quiet if that's what you were after."
The sarcastic comment was just so like him that Keiko had to shake her head. They hadn't been all that loud after all and he was more than likely exaggerating so he wouldn't have to admit he'd been listening in on their conversation. Slowly she sat down on the couch, a slight smile on her face. For a moment she remained silent, trying to bolster her courage once again before it fled completely. It was now or never, if he'd been listening then Hiei knew exactly what was coming. "No, I'm after something today but that wasn't it."
One thin eyebrow raised in question at that particular statement, Hiei's attention more than captured. The look on Keiko's face was odd, a rare combination of hesitation and excitement and he couldn't help but wonder just what the hell she was talking about. Clearly though she wasn't going to elaborate on her words and for a moment he was cursing not paying attention to the conversation that had happened earlier. Just what had those two been talking about and why had she eliminated the distance that had been between them on the couch?
Warm hands came to rest on his chest as he turned to fully look at her. "Keiko?" The word was uncertain, wondering just what was going through her head. Generally she avoided touching him which was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand it helped him to control his growing desire for her but on the other it merely fanned the flames, wanting someone that hadn't shown any desire towards him. Now she was leaning towards him, her lips hovering above his own for mere moments allowing their breath to mingle.
The tension was nearly unbearable as she stared into his eyes, waiting to see if he'd push her away. Instead he remained motionless as she continued to close the distance between them, sealing her lips to his own. Keiko's eyes drifted closed as she savored the moment, but it wasn't long before she realized that he'd remained still against her. Slowly she pulled away from him, unable to look him in the eyes as she did so. Had he not wanted her to kiss him? Was he trying to be considerate for a change and not reject her in the manner that would be used on any other woman? More than likely she'd just made a mistake and overstepped the bounds of their friendship. "I'm sorry, it... won't happen again."
When she began to pull away from him it yanked Hiei from his disbelief over what had just happened. He'd known she had healed from the loss of her first love but that didn't mean the girl wanted to pursue a relationship with someone in just as much danger. Or was it she was only looking for a quick fuck to take the edge off? Had it been another female Hiei wouldn't have had a problem if that was the motivation behind it but given who Keiko was, he wouldn't allow her to use him that way. Before she could pull completely away from him Hiei had grabbed one of her wrists firmly and pulled the woman back to the couch. The look of surprise on Keiko's face was nearly laughable had it not been for the situation they'd found themselves in. With great effort he stripped all emotion from both his face and voice. "What were you trying to accomplish?"
"Nothing, just forget it happened." Now she felt like a complete and total idiot, she was probably lucky he hadn't decided to take her head off for touching him like that. The flat tone of his voice told her he was far from amused, at this rate Hiei would probably never let her near him again. How could she have been so stupid? If she could have fled for her bedroom she would have but the grip he maintained on her wrist prevented her from leaving. "Do you mind letting me go? I'm rather tired right now."
"The sun has not yet begun to descend, you're making excuses. I never thought you would be one to run from a situation of your own making Keiko. Now tell me the truth, what were you trying to accomplish?" While the scent arousal tinged the air it wasn't overwhelming which would have been an indication that anyone would have done for her at the moment. She wasn't that type of girl besides. "You're not the type to use sex to get what you want and I doubt you're looking for a cheap thrill. So why?" He didn't want to consider the possibility that she might actually care for him. Every reason she could have for wanting a normal human for a mate was the same reasons he had tried to use to keep himself from becoming too attached.
What could she say to that? That she thought she liked him? Keiko nearly laughed at the absurdity of it all. Hiei wouldn't go for an "I think" and she couldn't blame him for that. Keiko gave a pointed look at the hand that still held her in place but as expected it went ignored. She wasn't going to leave until she'd given him an answer. Sighing heavily she looked up at the apparition once more, knowing there was no way she was getting out of this. "Look, I just wanted to alright. I like you and I've been wanting to for a while. It seemed like the thing to do at the time but you know... Just forget it."
Shock filled him with hearing the confession and it caused him to release her wrist. However before he could question her any further, Keiko had gotten up off the couch and walked quickly, pausing only to look over her shoulder at him once before disappearing into the bedroom and closing the door. A look of longing and disappointment had filled her eyes causing Hiei to wonder, just how far did her feelings run? She hadn't said it had gone any further than interest but did that really mean anything? She'd taken his response as a rejection, she wouldn't have admitted to anything beyond that if that was the case. Would he allow himself to take what she'd offered to him? He'd already established with himself that his feelings could quickly deepen into something more, he'd been holding himself back from allowing it to go further.
'But if she wants this as well...' The thought made him shake his head, what had happened shouldn't have been a possibility and yet it was. Perhaps Yusuke had known this would happen and that had been why he'd been chosen. Maybe it was meant to be and he was fighting for nothing, in any case Hiei was tired of the struggle and the urge to give in was strong. With determination he stood and moved towards the closed door, one way or another he was going to see this through. Without bothering to knock the apparition opened the door, revealing the girl inside. To the average person it looked as if Keiko was asleep already but he knew better than to be deceived by appearances. She was far too tense and her breathing far too rapid, the woman had known he was there as soon as the door opened.
Keiko really didn't want to face Hiei and his questions, not after the embarrassment she'd just suffered. Praying he would leave, she kept her eyes shut hoping that the apparition would believe she'd managed to fall asleep already. Truthfully that's what she'd intended on doing anyway when she'd undressed and thrown an over sized t-shirt on before laying down on the bed and hugging her pillow. Now though all thoughts of sleep had fled as she felt the mattress dip beneath Hiei's weight. 'What is he doing?' The thought crashed down over her as he laid down behind her, moving in until his chest was firmly against her back with his arm wrapped around her waist.
For now Hiei ignored the way the shirt exposed nearly all of her legs and concentrated on the way she felt pressed up against him. The girl had gone stiff for several moments after he'd settled in behind her but had relaxed quickly enough as he inhaled deeply, taking in her scent. It was a position he'd found he greatly enjoyed as silky chestnut colored hair slipped away from her neck, exposing the delicate skin. Slowly he nibbled on a sensitive spot, causing the girl's breathing to quicken signaling her enjoyment. Even now she was so very responsive, something he would take great pleasure in exploring.
A pleased sigh escaped her lips as Hiei continued to tease her skin. Keiko wasn't sure what had brought this on but she wasn't about to complain, what he was doing was far too enjoyable for her to protest now. Perhaps she'd misinterpreted his response or she'd managed to startle him somehow. What mattered was he'd come after her and his actions let her know that at the very least he found her desirable. Slender fingers traced along the edges of her ribs through the thin cotton of her shirt. The contact wasn't enough though, she wanted more of him. Slowly her hand came up to rest on his before guiding it lower towards the hem of her shirt, urging him to touch the bare skin beneath.
It was surprising that Keiko would be so bold but Hiei knew the girl didn't have any problems about going after what she wanted. In the end he'd give her exactly what she needed, but first he wanted to torment her a bit first. His fingers lingered around the edge of her panties, tracing the path from the inside of her thigh to over her hip, enjoying the smoothness of her skin and the way she parted her legs slightly inviting him to go even further.
For a moment Keiko wondered if she'd gone too far when his hand paused but the thought disappeared when it returned to cup her center, fingers sliding along the damp fabric of her panties. "Hiei please." Hiei's touches were quickly fanning the flames of her desire and it was tempting to turn over and show him just how she wanted him to take her however when she went to move his hand did as well, settling on her hip and holding her in place.
"Just wait." There was no way Hiei was going to allow her to take the lead this time. Perhaps in the future but for now he called the shots. Only once Keiko lay compliant once more did he begin touching her again, this time his fingers trailing up to a hardened nipple. The caresses were brief and teasing, causing Keiko to growl in frustration as she tried pressing up against his hand. When Keiko found that she was being thwarted once again, she pushed herself up on one arm and with the other hand yanked the shirt over her head, baring her breasts to his view.
Keiko nearly smirked as the apparition pulled her back towards the bed and leaned over her, his eyes traveling over her nearly nude body. His crimson eyes darkened even further as they lingered over her breasts and his head lowered to take a taut nipple into his mouth. Sharp teeth scraped over the delicate skin causing a delicate mix of pain and pleasure. Her fingers tangled in his spiky hair, pulling him closer as her other hand went to the waistband of her panties. There was no doubt in her mind that the apparition would take her, he was still pressed up against her and his erection was throbbing against her hip letting her know just how strongly he desired her. Feverishly she tried to tug the material down without moving away from the demon who was lapping at her nipple while tugging on its twin with skilled fingers.
Sensing her impatience Hiei decided to help her with the offending material, a tearing sound filling the room as the fabric gave way beneath his claws. Once he'd thrown the ruined garment to the floor his fingers slid between her soaked folds, testing her readiness for him. Wetness coated his finger as he slid it into her tight sheath, pumping it slowly. Soft moans escaped from her lips and filled the room as he continued to touch her, his own body aching at the thought of being buried deep inside of her. Moving up slightly he looked into her pleasure glazed eyes, seeing just how far gone she was. Roughly he found himself tugged down against the woman with her lips on his, demanding entrance to his mouth. It would seem she was tired of playing, her tongue brushed up against his forcefully.
It was clear to him what Keiko was doing, challenging him into making a move. If she wanted it, he was damned sure going to give it to her. Quickly he pulled away from her, his hands going to his pants and freeing the belts around his waist. Roughly he pushed the material down his legs, kicking them off of the bed and on to the floor as he came to rest once more beside her. When Keiko positioned herself on her back, Hiei merely shook his head and placed his hand on her waist.
Roughly the apparition pushed Keiko over onto her side, positioning himself behind her again with his thick length rubbing against her backside. Did he intend on taking her like this? Already his mouth had found her neck once more, though there was nothing gentle about the bite. While it didn't break the skin it would definitely leave a mark for later. "Ah! Don't stop!" The hold tightened as Hiei lifted one of her legs, draping it over his arm as his length slid along her soaked folds, coating it with her essence and brushing up against the tiny bundle of nerves that begged for attention. How much longer was he going to tease her? Would he make her plead with him to fuck her?
The way she was squirming against him was going to make him lose control. Each time Hiei had fantasized about taking her it had always been roughly, burying himself deep within her body and fucking her so hard that her screams of pleasure could even be heard in the Reikai. But he'd never thought he'd actually be given the chance to actually take her. Unable to hold back any longer Hiei began forcing his cock into her, grunting at how tight she was around him. Only once he was fully seated within her did the apparition pull back, pausing for only a moment before he drove into her once more.
The way he filled her was exquisite, his length causing the pleasurable ache to intensify as he moved within her. Keiko's eyes slid shut, body trembling on the brink of release. She needed more, she wanted him to lose control and take her completely. Of its own accord her hand found his hip, urging him to fuck her harder. Abruptly she found herself pushed over onto her stomach with her hands pinned over her head. The apparition's heavy breathing ghosted over her skin as he pulled back slightly and she couldn't help but wonder what he was up to now. A whine escaped her when his cock left her body, leaving an emptiness behind she was desperate to have filled once more.
Slowly Hiei ran his hands down her back while he tried to regain control of his body. As much as he wanted to give her what she needed, he wasn't ready to abandon all control just yet. They'd have plenty of time for that later, though by the looks of things Keiko was two seconds away from jumping him and taking what she wanted however when he trailed his fingers across her backside and down the inside of her thighs she paused to enjoy the caress. Slowly he spread her legs and positioned himself between them, the tip of his erection teasing her opening. In one smooth movement he'd buried himself to the hilt once more and came to rest above her, his arms holding most of his weight. The strokes were slow and deep as he moved within her.
"More.. please, I need to cum!" The fire was back and burning hotter than ever as he continued moving above her and Keiko was nearly sobbing, the tension was unbearable as he held her on the razors edge of release. Yet still he seemed to take sadistic pleasure in tormenting her further. Warm lips pressed a kiss to her temple as his hand caressed her side in reassurance.
"Oh you will. But can you blame me?" Hiei drove deeper into her, pulling a gasp from the woman beneath him. "Why would I want this to end so soon?" It wouldn't take much for his own climax to overwhelm him with her walls clinging to him so tightly, hugging his erection like a vise. "Don't you know how good you feel? I could fuck you for hours like this, neither of us getting any rest. Would you like that Keiko?"
"Yes.. oh god yes.." Another deep thrust combined with his whispered words had the tension breaking, her release slamming into her hard. Pleasure coursed through her body as Hiei began driving into her faster, every thrust prolonging the sensations that overwhelmed her. The apparition's movements were near frantic now as he strove for his own release, his harsh moans of pleasure mixing with her own. Warmth spread through her as his cock pulsed deep within her body, filling her with his essence.
His arms nearly gave out with the force of his climax but tenaciously he held on, panting heavily with the exertion. Only once it was over did he lowly he rolled the both of them to their sides, wrapping his arms around Keiko's waist and holding her close. Later he knew they would have to talk about just what this new development meant for their relationship but for now he was content to remain holding her.
Keiko looked up as her cell phone rang, who would be calling her now? Reaching over to the nightstand she picked up the small phone and looking at the caller id before laughing and putting it back on the table. Not giving the noisy device a second look she turned in Hiei's arms and gave him a soft kiss, ignoring the questioning look he was giving her. No doubt he wanted to know just who it was that would cause her to laugh and pitch the phone away. "It's Kagome, I'm betting she wants to know if I went for it or not."
"I'm positive that was her knocking on the door fifteen minutes ago as well." He had to chuckle when she blushed, completely unsurprised that she hadn't been aware of their visitor. No doubt the girl was going to give Keiko hell looking for details later, it was almost guaranteed that she'd heard exactly what was going on. Finally the phone stopped ringing and he hoped that for the moment the Priestess had given up.
"I'm sure I'll hear about it later." At the moment Keiko really wasn't inclined to indulge in her friend's need for details, especially considering that Hiei had just pushed her back against the bed and was settling himself comfortably between her legs. Slender fingers threaded through her hair as the apparition leaned down to kiss her once more, clearly intending on resuming their earlier activities. Just before he reached his goal however the phone began ringing again, making the both of them growl in displeasure. "If I don't answer it she'll just keep calling."
Before Keiko could grab the phone Hiei snatched it off of the nightstand and flipped it open, more than fed up with the nonsense. "Unless you're wanting to listen to us fuck I suggest you quit calling." Not waiting to hear the girl's response he shut the phone and flung it through the open bedroom door. He wasn't going to allow the foolishness continue. Turning his attention to the girl pinned beneath him, Hiei smirked at her expression of disbelief. She'd quickly learn that when they were together he wouldn't tolerate any interruptions. "Now where were we?"
The end.