Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unpaid Vengeance ❯ Sealed Lips ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Unpaid Vengeance

Part of the Relations series

Hiei: Yay!! It's over!!!

Me: Well, this one is….you don't really think the whole thing is over, do you?

Hiei: Oh! I was hoping for a vacation.

Me: Mmm…no.

Hiei: Hn.

Me: Just read the summary, k?

Hiei: Hn. Last chapter, Kiru, who had left the temple following the presumed return of her memory, showed up in the Makai, at Mukuro's fortress, and demanded to be shown where Ryudo was. The guards, fearing the icy look in her eyes, showed her the cell. She went in and terrified Ryudo. The guards ran off to the Ningenkai to tell Mukuro and me about her appearance, just missing the cries of agony. Then, hearing their story, I left to go after my lover.

Me: Enjoy! Standard disclaimers.

-Mukuro's Castle-


Even Hiei was shocked at the brutality in the cell Ryudo had previously occupied. Well…to be precise he was still there, but he was definitely dead. Every inch of the cell was painted in crimson; the walls were practically dripping blood, as well as the ceiling, and the floor was a puddle of red.

But what shocked him the most was the weapon used in this carnage- only a small dagger. It was lying in the center of the room, plunged into what remained of Ryudo, which was little more than a bloody pile of flesh and bone, unrecognizable to anyone.

From what Hiei had been able to gather from the youkai who were in and around the castle at the time, she had been seen walking in, then, about five minutes later, the guards had run out of the castle, followed about a minute later by a horrible screech. This screech lasted for about three minutes, causing everyone in the castle to get the heebie-jeebies. Most described it as the type of sound that makes your ears bleed; the kind of sound that comes only when someone is being killed- painfully. Hiei didn't doubt the latter- the scene most definitely looked very painful.

Most incredibly, everyone had vowed that Kiru walked out of that cell spotlessly clean. There wasn't a drop of blood to be found leading from the cell either. Hiei didn't think anyone was capable of doing that, but he saw it with his own eyes, he had to admit.

A little dazed, Hiei flitted off towards his home, where many had seen Kiru heading after the…incident. He arrived to see smoke curling gently from the chimney of the cottage, as well as a warm glow emanating from the windows. He walked towards the door and opened it gently, hoping to catch Kiru in whatever it was she was doing.

The door swung open and he stepped in to see her sitting on her favorite chair in the living room, where she always waited for him when he returned home from meetings with the rest of the Makai lords. In her hands was the book on Karma Sutra, carefully studying a page. She was wearing an outfit identical to the one she had worn the night of the attack.

She looked up at him with a smile, `Hiei! I'm so happy you're back. Was the meeting too terrible this time?'

Hiei's eyes narrowed, `What are you talking about? Are you all right? Why did you leave without waiting for me?'

She tilted her head to the side, `Leave where? I've been here all day long.' She grinned, `Now don't be silly, I found a new one in the book. Why don't we try it?'

Hiei stepped up to her and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. He studied her's- they held an odd emptiness, as well as an icy wall, one that he hadn't seen since he had first met her. `Kiru…don't hide from me. What did you remember that's affecting you so?'

She pulled away, `Hide? From you? I would never hide. Not from you.' She looked straight into his eyes. Her own still had that emptiness, but now they also held unshed tears, and pleaded for understanding.

Hiei pulled her into an embrace, smoothing her hair gently as she gave into her sobs. `I understand, koi. Just tell me when you're ready…promise?'

She nodded and burrowed deeper into his arms. Hiei grabbed her chin again, and kissed away her tears before capturing her lips in a sweet kiss, giving her the reassurance of his love to cling to.

-Ningenkai, three hours later-

Hiei stepped into the room and slid the door closed. The occupants of the room- Yukina, Kuwabara, Mukuro, Kurama, Yusuke, and Genkai- looked up at him, question held in their eyes.

`Okay,' Hiei said, `She's all right…for the most part. She's waiting outside, in the hallway.'

`For the most part?' Kurama asked, standing up and walking over towards him. `What's wrong?'

Hiei sighed and closed his eyes briefly, `She won't tell me what she remembers, and she refuses to acknowledge that anything has happened. She's acting as if it's still the day of the meeting.'

Mukuro stood up, `But why?'

Hiei shook his head, `I don't know, all I could get out of her was a promise to tell me what she remembered when she was ready.'

`Whatever it is must be pretty terrible to affect her that much,' Genkai said, `If she won't tell us, it means that its something she is guilty about.'

`Then we had better keep a good eye on her,' Kuwabara said.

`What? Why?' Yukina asked, her naivety showing through.

`Because,' Kurama said gently, `if she feels as if she's committed some horrible sin, she might…' He whispered the remaining words to her as not to upset Hiei.

Mukuro stepped forward, `We'll all keep an eye on her at the castle.'

Hiei nodded, `Yes, it will be better to keep her there.' He took a deep breath, I'm going to get her now, so remember, don't talk about it.'

Everyone nodded, and Hiei left, returning a few moments later accompanied by Kiru.

Kiru smiled, `Hello, everyone.' They were all speechless for a moment as they saw the empty look in her eyes.

`Oi, Ru-chan,' Mukuro said, `why don't you two stay with Kurama and me for a while? We'll even bring Yukina and have a girl's night in!'

Kiru looked at the two and nodded, `Sounds great.'

The three walked out, Mukuro looking at Hiei and Kurama briefly before following them to the portal.

Hiei and Kurama said their goodbyes and followed.

Hiei looked at his best friend. `I just hope she'll be alright…'


Me: Oh I couldn't resist just one more cliffhanger.

Hiei: Hn!

Me: He's just mad cause there's no vacation yet! Don't mind him and review!!

Hiei: Hn.