Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Has Changed ❯ Chapter 3: Kori ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
KS: Well, ummmmmm..... Hope you enjoy!!!! R&R!!!


What Has Changed
PG 13 (mostly for violence and Kori's anger issues)
Summary: When Kurama's attacked by a demon, it sends him flying back almost twenty years in the past (in his mind) and right into his true form: Yoko Kurama. Finding Kori, an old friend and partner, could help him, but harm her. How could she ever explain what has changed?
Note: The rest of the story will be told in Yoko's POV or Kori's POV. There will be occasional flasbacks.


Chapter 3: Kori

Yoko's POV

The words echoed in my head. How is it possible?

"How is what possible?" I asked her. I reached through the slight opening in the door to touch her, but she pulled back. "Kori, what are you doing? Come out here."

"No. This isn't happening," she muttered to herself. "He isn't here. You're alone, Kori. Alone."

She dissappeared and I opened the door wider, going in after her. "Kori? What is wrong with you?" I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me. Her face turned towards me her eyes weren't looking at straight at me, but I could tell she wasn't there in her mind.

"You're not real. You're not real," she repeated in a small voice. She reminded me of a frightened child, which was not like her at all. "Go away. Leave me alone."

"Kori..." I murmurred. "What's wrong? Where's Kuronue?" As much as he would never admit it, Kuro loved the kitsune like a sister. I found it very hard to believe that he would leave her alone in her current state....

Wait a second. That is not the Kori I left earlier, as a matter of fact, I never did leave her. She came with me and so did Kuronue... And then I woke up and I was with those humans... It couldn't have been more than a day... So why was Kori so different?

"Kori. Look at me." I cupped her chin and forced her to look up. "What's is going on here? Why won't you look at me?" She kept repeating those same words... You're not real. You're not real. Go away. Leave me alone. "Kori, why am I not real?"

"This isn't possible..." she murmurred again. "You're.. You've been dead... for the past sixteen years."


Kori's POV

Koenma grabbed my arm and pulled me into the next room, which actually happened to be the kitchen. I thought he had come to arrest me at first, but no. He just happens to bring a look a like Yoko, which I still am petrified by.

Wasn't his and Kuro's death enough? I was already a mess, but... I was even more of a mess now to put it lightly.

"What kind of a demented creature are you?" I snapped as soon as I regained my senses. "Get out of here and take that... that thing with you!"

"That thing happens to be your partner Yoko," Koenma stated.

"I have eyes, dumb ass," I growled. "But I buried my partner sixteen years ago. You've got an imposter on your hands."

"No, I assure you he is fully real, not an imposter what so ever," Koenma replied. "Let me tell you the story..."

Koenma went on for almost thirty minutes about how Yoko had slipt into Ningenkai, became a human baby, became a part of the Spirit Detective's team, the missions, leading straight into how I had to remind him of his past....

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," I snapped. "You want me to relive my past? From whenever the hell he remembers to his death?"

"Well, yes..."

That's it. He's dead.


Yoko's POV

I didn't realize we weren't alone until Koenma grabbed Kori and took her too the next room.

Dead? Did she just say I was DEAD?!

How was that even possible? I clearly remember her calling me a baka kitsune as we left the hideout earlier. I don't remember much after that... But I am alive.

Those three- Hiei, Yusuke, and Kuwabara, I believed they called themselves- looked over at me.

"You... ummm, never mentioned her before, Yoko," the orange haired one- Kuwabara, right?- said.

Why would I mention her to someone I never met? I was going to say that when Koenma and Kori reappeared.

Kori went from the frightened child to the pissed off kitsune in that short time. "Fine, but we are making this short," Kori stated.

"Yoko, you're dead, so's Kuronue, I'm alive and you have to go back with him," she stated, then turned to Koenma. "Happy?" Koenma's jaw only dropped to the floor.

"Kit," I stated. She turned to face me, her whole body tense. I had never said her nickname to anyone, but her and Kuronue of course. It was either that, or she was still in her delusional state of "You're not here" and she was scared that I had actually spoken. "What the hell are you talking?"

She let out a little groan, and ran into the next room. This time I went after her.

I grabbed her back into a hug, well it was a hug on my part, Kori was just trying to run. "Kori... Kori, please... Please, if that is true I want you to tell me about the past... And I want to stay here," I murmurred into her ear. I nuzzled her neck and she seemed to calm down, slightly. It was silent for a few minutes and I could hear them taking in the next room. Something about we have to remind him so he'll return back to normal.

"What is the last thing you remember?" came her voive.