Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Murders ❯ The Fight ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiya. Author here. It's finally here, the moment you have hopefully been waiting for: the next chapter. It is finally finished. Hope you all enjoy it! A bit of a warning, it's kinda graphic at parts and there's another weird Yusuke scene.

Winter Murders

"You don't have to do this Kurama," Yusuke said. He was trying to stall, trying to get Kurama to talk things through. He was trying to get out of this fight.

It was that simple, Yusuke didn't want to fight Kurama. Kurama was one of his best friends. He didn't want to lose that friendship. He didn't want to lose him. He looked at the kitsune. He was past all reason. Emotion had long ago seized his mind and had pushed him over the edge. All Kurama wanted was to have Hiei back. He would go to any extreme, he would brave any peril, and he would do anything just to have the love of his life back. Yusuke understood that, he really did, but… they had a mission. Yusuke wanted to save Hiei, but experience had taught him that Hiei could take care of himself. They could rescue him a bit later. Hiei would be fine. But those Ningens wouldn't be.

"Yes I do," Kurama replied. Yusuke flinched. He knew he was going to get a good speech about love. He deserved it.

"You don't understand Yusuke. Hiei is my life. I can't survive without him!" Kurama yelled. He was beyond frustrated, he was mad. Why would Yusuke not want to save Hiei?

"I do understand! But Hiei can survive on his own! He'll be fine for a day or two!" Yusuke shouted back. Kurama growled. A sharp, pointed branch grew out of the ground and went through Yusuke's foot. Yusuke cried out.

"I can't live without him! I can't survive without knowing if he is alive, or alright! I need him by my side Damnit!" Kurama shouted to the pained Yusuke. The branch curved and went through Yusuke's foot again. Yusuke cried out once more. He bent down to pry the branch out.

"Yusuke! Kurama!" Kuwa shouted. Both ignored him. "Damnit listen to me!" Yusuke continued to pull at the branch as Kurama flinched at Yusuke's pig-headedness.

"The problem isn't what you think it is!" Kuwa shouted. Death turned her head to him, curious. "The problem is here! It's right in our midst, turning us against each other. It's tearing us apart! Can't you see?! We're slowly coming apart at the seams. Kurama and Hiei, Kurama and Yusuke, me and everyone, Genkai's all by herself… can't you see who it is?! Can't you see the only one not affected is *mrph*"

Death covered Kuwa's mouth with an ice sheet, telling herself she should have shut him up sooner. She glanced at the other two. They didn't seem to have heard anything. Good. All she would have to do is get rid of him. All was still going as planned. They would never know what hit them until it was over.

Kurama blinked. Death? He had known, but how could she be affecting him and Yusuke so much?

Yusuke growled and shot the damned branch with his spirit gun.

"I don't care who's at fault! This is personal now!" Yusuke shouted. He once again pointed his spirit gun at Kurama. Kurama sighed. He would have to see this fight through to the end…


"What should we do?"

"Torture him."

"Physically or mentally?"

"… Mentally."

"Yes madam, but how?"

"You see him watching those two?"


"The youko is his lover. Convince him that he dies if the outcome is otherwise."

"Yes madam."

"Convince him that his friend, the other one, is his most hated enemy."

"Yes madam."

"That should depress him. Then he will be a bit destructive, not only to himself, but to others. Stay away when that happens. His power may be trapped inside right now, but that doesn't mean a thing when he's mad. Keep a sharp look on him."

"So you want us to tamper with a Jaganshi's mind."

"His Jagan isn't in use and there is nothing he can do about it."

"The second the wards are gone he will know."

"The wards won't come off."

"Not by us, no."

"And they won't come off by these fools. One of them is going to die, or get seriously injured. It will be Yusuke, the black haired boy. The youko Kurama will make us go searching for your visitor. We'll find you, of course. I will take Kurama and we will go to the main body. Yusuke and the oaf tied by the tree with my ward over his mouth will go to the visitor. He will destroy Yusuke. The oaf will be long gone by then."

"Excellent plan madam."

"I am a goddess after all."

"Indeed you are madam."

"See you soon."

"Yes madam."


"Farewell madam."


Kuwa struggled against his bonds and tried to break through the ice. Neither worked. He watched in complete horror as Yusuke once again pointed his gun at Kurama. Kuwa knew that both were to stubborn to pull out of the race. He hoped that they had figured out what he had been trying to say.

Yusuke couldn't stand it. He didn't want to fight Kurama. He didn't want to hurt his friend. He didn't want to abandon one either. But he had no choice. They had a mission. Hiei would be able to manage for a day or two. For all they knew he was free and coming back to them. He didn't want to hurt one of the people he cared for just because he was emotionally distraught. He would get his way.

Kurama was past all common sense once again. He stared at Yusuke. Yusuke in turn swayed on his feet, suddenly dizzy and fell to the ground. Kurama smirked and took advantage of his adversary's momentary weakness.

Yusuke couldn't see. He knelt on the ground, fearing that he might be blind and that Kurama, in a fit of rage, might kill him. A blinding light flashed for a brief moment. He looked about himself. Kuwa, Genkai, and Death were gone. It was just Kurama and himself. He swallowed nervously. The youko turned human smiled at him. He had changed back into his human form. Yusuke noted that he was just wearing a pair of skin tight jeans.

"What's going on?" Yusuke asked. Kurama smiled a bit mysteriously. Yusuke wasn't so sure that this was reality.

"Where's Kuwa, and Genkai and Death?" he asked. Kurama walked over to his side and covered his mouth with a finger. Yusuke gulped.

"Shh baby, they don't matter," Kurama purred in his ear. Yusuke fell to the ground, a bit bewildered.

"This isn't reality," Yusuke told himself.

"Who's to say it isn't?" Kurama said. He gracefully sat next to Yusuke and wrapped his slender arms about Yusuke. Yusuke looked at the youko, stunned.

"It can't be. I'm about to fight you," Yusuke said. Kurama smiled evilly.

"I have no idea of what kind of fight you have in mind, but the one I'm thinking of doesn't involve weapons," Kurama cooed seductively. Yusuke jumped out of his friends grip.

"This isn't real," Yusuke repeated.

"This isn't The Wizard of Oz, Yusuke. You can't just click your heels and repeat "there's no place like home" and get free. This is in your mind. These are the thoughts you fight to keep in the back of your head," Death's voice issued forth from Kurama's lips. Yusuke continued to back up since Kurama was crawling after him.

"I do not think these things!" Yusuke shouted back. Kurama sneered at him.

"Sure you don't," he replied. Vines sprouted from the ground and bound his ankles and wrists, tying him to the ground. Kurama crawled over his struggling body.

"You can't tell me you never wanted him," Death cooed from Kurama's body. Kurama's face smirked and began chewing on Yusuke's neck. Yusuke moaned as he felt that coupled with Kurama's hands taking off his shirt.

"I can't do this! I won't!" Yusuke shouted feebly. The Kurama ignored him and stripped him to the waist. Yusuke couldn't stand it. Kurama bit down on one of his nipples. Yusuke cried out.


Yusuke was again pointedly ignored. He felt the vines on his ankles racing up his legs towards his pants zipper. He struggled, but stopped when he felt the friction. The Kurama stopped to smirk at him and wallow in Yusuke's pain.

"How do you like it Yusuke?" he cackled. Yusuke panted as the Kurama sat on his hips. "Do you want it hard? Or soft?"

Yusuke pulled at his wrist bindings.

"Tisk tisk Yusuke. I thought you were smarter than that. I will hold you down for eternity, or until I get what I want. You will die Yusuke, or you will crack. You will crack from this, or you will die by one of your friend's hands. I'll let you decide. Which will it be?" Death spoke. She appeared to the right. The Kurama clone shifted. Yusuke moaned.

"I'd rather die than do this," Yusuke said.

"So mote it be," Death replied.

Another flash of light blinded Yusuke, and he could feel himself tied down. He felt a sudden burst of anger.

"God damn it!" he shouted. Kurama was slightly surprised; Yusuke had been prone for the last five minutes at least. Yusuke strained and finally broke free from his bonds. He stood up, once again facing Kurama.

"We still don't have to do this," Yusuke said one last time. Kurama shook his head in agreement.

"If you agree that we must rescue Hiei, we have no reason to fight," Kurama replied. Yusuke sighed.

"If that's the way it must be, then it shall be. Prepare yourself," Yusuke said. His heart hurt, as did his head. "I never wanted to fight you."

"Nor I you," Kurama replied. He reached into his hair and pulled out a black rose. "Rose Whip."

This whip was different from his normal whip. It had larger spikes, and it was longer. Yusuke had no doubt that it would be more dangerous.


Hiei watched as they once again got ready to fight.

"Come on Kurama," Hiei whispered, not noticing that he was bending towards the crystal.

"Be careful," one of the guards cautioned him. Hiei whirled to face them. "If you touch it, it will go blank and you will be unable to se anything for a few seconds."

Hiei growled, but noted that. He gazed back at the crystal.


Yusuke thought for a moment, and then blurred to Kurama's right. The youko smirked and disappeared. Neither knew where the other was going. Yusuke stood for a split second and felt the whip graze his back. He cursed silently and blurred over to a different location. Kurama stood in the center of the clearing.

"Bring it on Yusuke, or can't you fight me?" Kurama taunted. Yusuke smirked and appeared on the Youko's left. He punched with his right. Kurama blocked. Yusuke began pelting him with punches, none were to avail though, and the youko blocked them all. Yusuke noted that this strategy was getting him no where. He threw in a kick. Youko grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground, or tried. Yusuke twisted in mid-air to kick at the Youko's face with his other foot. It hit. Youko flew a few yards back. He shook his head.

"Just reminding you that this is your fault," Yusuke said. Youko snarled.

"It's your damn fault!" he shouted back. Vines sprouted from the ground and charged towards Yusuke.

"Is that all you've got?" Yusuke taunted as he dodged them.

"I wouldn't underestimate them, or me Yusuke," Youko said. More vines sprouted and rushed towards Yusuke, he was on the run.

"Petals and thorns," Youko whispered. He stood still while Yusuke ran. Yusuke decided on random to take the offensive while still on the defensive. He rushed towards Youko, without noticing the petals. The attack commenced as Yusuke approached.

"Shimatta!" Yusuke cried out as they began to hit him. A light bulb appeared and he turned and ran.


Yusuke must be desperate if he's running, Hiei thought. He watched as Yusuke turned tail and back tracked to the vines. The vines!


The vines once again surged towards the running youth. Yusuke smirked and dodged them, the petals following cutting them to shreds. Youko growled some yards off. Yusuke turned again, seeing the vines leveled and the petals gone. But he himself was not so well off. His arms and leg were cut and he hurt. Those damned petals were fucking sharp. He charged Youko again. Youko smiled, but before he could pull out a rose, Yusuke was once again punching and kicking his way into the offensive. He was planning something and Youko could tell. He was getting ready to fire a blast from the spirit gun.

Yusuke finally planted a punch on the Youko, sending him back. Youko clutched at his stomach, but had to continue blocking as Yusuke kept on the offensive. This was going to be a fight they'd both remember.

Yusuke ground Youko into the ground, hard. He could almost hear Hiei screaming at him. He shook his head. Foliage sprouted up from the ground, making it hard to see. This was what he had been waiting for. Yusuke spotted Youko getting up from the ground. He gathered his energy to his finger and aimed.

"Spirit Gun!" he shouted. Youko cursed. The blast headed straight for him, giving him no time to dodge. The blast hit home, sending the youko through a few trees. Yusuke sighed and put his hands on his knees. That had taken a bit from him. He looked up to find the Youko, but saw nothing. He gulped, this was a bad sign. In fact, he couldn't see anything.

"That hurt Yusuke," he heard Youko say. Yusuke tried to pinpoint the voice but found that it just confused him. "It was also very foolish."

Yusuke looked up at the plants. They weren't looking so friendly.

"Do you know what this is?" Youko asked, his voice moving from place to place. Yusuke shuddered; he didn't think he'd want to know. "It's a plant I picked up in the Makai in my early years. It's called Misery. It isn't the friendliest plant. Even when not grown under my power it has its… vices. Misery, even in it's smallest, seedling stage, feeds on the flesh of demons. I know what you're thinking. But you are half demon, are you not? They should like feeding on your flesh; it has a lot of power. The stronger the better."

Yusuke shuddered. One of the stalks near him shuddered and bent. He could see the head of the plant lowering itself towards him. He stared in disbelief, awe and fear. The plant almost looked like a Venus Fly trap that had combined itself with a shark. The bud looked at him, beady red eyes starring at him and seeing lunch. Yusuke gulped. The plant smiled at him. Yusuke ran.

"Don't worry Yusuke, they love a good chase," Youko said. He laughed evilly. Yusuke cursed himself for choosing to fight the Youko, instead of agreeing with him. He dodged as a stalk crashed down in front of him, he dashed to the right. He was determined to find the Youko and give him another taste of his spirit gun, and this time he wouldn't hold back. Another stalk crashed down to his right. There were only a few of them, this was a good sign. A figure appeared before him.

"Rose Whiplash!" Youko cried out. Yusuke swore. He felt the whip hit him straight on the first stroke of the pattern. He blurred. He stood behind the unknowing kitsune.

"Spirit Gun!" he shouted. Youko turned just in time to see the blast hit him. He cried out as the blast blew him away. All the Misery lunged in on Yusuke.


"Kurama noooo!!!!!" Hiei cried out. He tripped over something and touched the crystal. "Shit!"

Hiei fidgeted nervously. He wouldn't know what happened until the damned thing turned back on.


Kurama shook his head. He hurt so bad. He looked down at himself. He was cut, bruised, burnt slightly, and bleeding. He looked to see Yusuke. The said spirit detective was lying unconscious, but alive, in the clearing. The Misery had been frozen. Death walked from her position at Yusuke's side to him.

"I figured when it closed in on him and nearly devoured him that you didn't want him dead. I let them beat him up for a while, but then saved him at the last moment," she said. Kurama nodded his thanks. Sometimes Youko got out of hand, but it seemed to him that the Misery was the only way to beat Yusuke. Even when Yusuke's heart wasn't in a fight he was a hard opponent to defeat.

"We will begin the search for Hiei the moment he comes to," Kurama announced. The bonds fell away from Kuwa and Genkai, who had come to some time during the fight. Kuwa nodded his thanks, but seemed subdued. Genkai just nodded at Kurama. Kurama walked over to Yusuke.


Hiei stared at the crystal in absolute horror. Kurama was dead. He saw Yusuke's blast tear his beloved to bits. He watched as the plant disappeared and Yusuke was left nearly unharmed. Hiei's heart shattered into a million pieces. His "Friend" had killed his beloved. He watched as Yusuke walked over to the scorch mark that had been Kurama and step on it.

"Don't mess with me," was what he said. Hiei snapped. He whirled about to bash up some of his guards, but they were gone. Hiei screamed and began to destroy the room he was in.

Notes: I know, I talked before the chapter started, but whatever. I hope you liked this installment. I am truly sorry it took so long to get out. I love hearing from you so, R&R. I'd like to hear what you have to say.