Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Murders ❯ Explanations ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Winter Murders

The guys stepped out from behind the door that had protected them from the blast. All of them were thoroughly confused. No one knew what was going on. Who was this Alexi girl? When had Death talked to her? What was going on?

Yusuke looked at the blackened snow, it was covered in blood. Yusuke felt a tear run down his left cheek, but he knew that it was for the best. He looked around for Alexi; he found her twenty yards off hugging her knees. Yusuke went to her.

"Hi," he said.

"Hello," she replied. Yusuke touched her shoulder.

"You know," she said softly. "It was going to happen sooner or later, and I'm kind of glad it happened before it would have been impossible for me to do. Nothing lasts between two from "The Chosen Few"."

Alexi stood up. Yusuke stood with her. She made her way over to the group.

"Hi! I'm Alexi!" she exclaimed. The guys stared at her.


"So you and Death were friends?" Kurama asked Alexi. The group had moved back into Xania's lab, not the actual lab lab, but inside the building. The Tantei were sitting in a circle with ASH and Alexi.

"Yup," Alexi said, she reached over and snagged the bag of potato chips Kuwa was munching on. "Pretty close too."

Yusuke shook his head as he watched her stuff her face. Kuwa started flinching and tried to take the bag back, but Alexi just moved to the other side of Kurama, putting herself between the fox and the fire demon.

"Tell us about yourself," Kurama prompted as Hiei stood and pushed her over so he could sit next to Kurama.

"Alrighty then," Alexi said. She put down the bag of potato chips, Kuwa snagged them.

"I met Death way back in High School," Alexi said. "I was a sophomore then. Only 16. I didn't know anything about anything, at least where the "Chosen" were concerned. Death had come to the Ningenkai to find and destroy the human "Chosen." She discovered me after school one day. I was taking my usual rout through the forest next to my school to get home. She sensed my ki and came after me. I was the only human that had had a ki apparently. She jumped in front of me, scaring the heck out of me. I screamed and tried to run. I tripped over an uprooted root. Fell flat on my face, it wasn't fun. Death walked over to me and pulled out her katana. There was nothing I could think of doing. I couldn't even think. I just watched as she pressed her blade to my throat.

"'Who are you?' she asked.

"'My name is Alexi,' I replied. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"'Alexi huh? Are you one of "The Chosen Few?' she asked.

"'"Chosen" what?'

"'"Chosen few"'


"'Do you have any idea what I'm saying?'


"She shook her head and sheathed her sword in the back of her neck. I thought for a moment that she had a sheath there, but she turned and showed me that she didn't. It scared the crap out of me. She knelt down before me and tore off my right sleeve, there was nothing there. She tore off my left sleeve, nothing. She ripped off my left pant leg, nothing again. Then she tore off my right pant leg. There was the symbol, all glowing and crap.

"'You are one of us,' she said. I flinched; I had a feeling that it wasn't a good thing.


"'That means that I need to kill you.'

"'What?!?! Why??!'

"'Because you are one of us. That is why you must die.'

"'That's not much of a reason.'

"She blinked at me, like she was stunned.

"'You really know nothing about us. About "The Chosen Few."'

"She told me about us. She told me that we killed each other off to gain each other's powers to reach the ultimate goal of which no one was certain. She told me that one of each species of demon, and one human was blessed with abnormal strength in the weapon of that demons breed. Death was an Ice demoness; she was the most powerful, or at least one of the most powerful. Each was master of their "Art", or type of attack. No one knows how many there are, but there are a lot of them. She told me that I would be among the most targeted ones because I was the one human chosen. She said that there would be more after her to come and kill me. She said she wasn't going to be the one to do it though. She told me I reminded her of someone she used to know."

"Sylvia…" Yusuke mumbled, but no one heard.

"She said that she would help me train to be strong," Alexi continued. "She did train me. She taught me everything I know. I am forever in gratitude for that.

"'You will owe me a favor some day in the future,' she told me as we shook on the deal. `It won't be easy to do, but I will have no other but you do it.'

Kurama gasped.

"She knew even then how everything would happen. She knew this would be the way it would end," he whispered. Hiei looked at him strangely.

Alexi sighed. "A week ago, or something, she called me from the cell I had bought for her, so she could keep in touch with me. We had become good friends by then, as you can well imagine. She asked me to meet her in the forest we had met in my sophomore year. I met her there at the specified time. She greeted me solemnly. I couldn't help but wonder why she was so solemn.

"'Alexi, I need you to fulfill your end of our deal," she said.

"'What is it you wish me to do?' I asked.

"'I need you to kill me.'

"I stood there in shock, unable to take in what she had said, unable to reply.

"'Not now, mind you. I need you to kill me in a few days or so. I will call you a few days before so that you can reach Xania's lab… castle… thing.'

"'Xania's the one you're "working" for, right?'

"'Correct. My time is soon to be over in this world, and I don't want my power to end up in the hands of the one who is to be your greatest opponent.'

"'"Greatest opponent?"'

"'Yes. I will only tell you that his name is Makoto, and that he will hunt down and kill all the "Chosen" he can find in order to get their powers. All of us are in the worlds now, and he will make his move to gain them all. I want you to beat him; I will be the first of many. You have to kill me; I do not want to die at the hands of another. You are my only friend in the worlds. I never thought I could have a friend, let alone one as wonderful as you.'

"She closed the distance between us and wrapped her arms around me. I felt the love she felt for me in that hug.

"'Please do this for me. I have to die, and I don't want to make that evil creature anymore powerful than he is. Besides…' she paused and put a finger below my chin, lifting it so she could look into my eyes. `Besides, my power will help you in the times to come. Once I am dead, be it by your hand or another's, they will come for you. They will try to kill you. They never tried when I was with you, for I scare everyone, and Makoto wants to kill me himself. You will need my power when I am gone.'

"She held onto me, and I to her.

"'As you wish,' I told her.

"'Thank you.'"

The guys looked at Alexi with sympathy. It must have been hard for her to kill off her friend. Selene hugged Kuwa, Hypatia stared off into the distance, and Angua just sat next to Kurama.

"'I got the call a few days ago and made my way to Xania's thing here. It wasn't too hard to find. I got here and called out to her. She answered and came down. Then she attacked. And I killed her… I killed her! … I KILLED her!!..." Alexi broke down to tears. Hiei shifted uncomfortably next to her. Hypatia looked at the girl and then put her arms around her. She held her close and pet her hair as the girl moved into hysterics and finally cried herself to sleep.

"I felt sorry for her…" Hypatia said softly. She continued to stroke the girl's hair. "She seemed to be in so much pain. She suffered so much."

Yusuke just looked at Hypatia, from the way she acted; you wouldn't think she would do something like that. He nodded his thanks to her and looked about the fire at his mismatched "team."

"Now what, oh brilliant leader of ours?" Genkai asked. Yusuke sneered at her.

"We need to decide what we're going to do with the stooges here," Yusuke said. "They can't be exposed to anything bad, but they need to be strong…"

Yusuke looked around the fire, but his eyes kept comin back to one person.

"Kurama!" Yusuke said, startling the kitsune who wasn't really paying attention since Hiei was messing with his hair.

"What?" the kitsune asked.

"You take them in," Yusuke proclaimed. Kurama face faulted.

"I can take in all three of them!!" he shouted. Hypatia motioned for him to be quiet; he put a hand over his mouth.

"Sure you can. We'll all help pay for expenses and stuff. What's the problem?" Yusuke asked.

"One: I don't have enough room. Two: Hiei's moving in. Three: Hiei's moving in with me. Four: What would `Kasaan think? Five: Hiei's moving in with me… into the same room… and such. Six: Hiei's moving in." Kurama said. He was about to continue but Yusuke cut him off.

"I get the point, Hiei's moving in," Yusuke said in a deadpan voice.

"I can take in one though," Kurama said. He nodded in Angua's direction. She was sneaking chips out of Kuwa's bag when he wasn't looking.

"Then what are we going to do with the other two?" Yusuke asked.

"I'll take them in," Genkai said. "They will be able to learn from both Yukina and I, and you four idiots could come over at anytime and corrupt them."

"Hey!" Kuwa exclaimed in between mouthfuls. Angua and he had started a competition: who could eat the most chips in the shortest period of time. Angua was winning.

"Alright. Then that's settled. We'll start home in the morning," Yusuke said and laid back. "Someone put out the fire."


"Which one shall we snatch milord?"

"What are the colors of their hair?"

"Red, black, and blonde."

"Their ages?"

"They appear to be 16, 17, and 18."

"Which age goes with which hair color?"

"Blonde-16, black-18, and red-17."

"I see, and their names?"

"Hypatia, Angua, and Selene."

"Which is Selene?"

"The blonde sir."


"The red head."

"I presume then that Angua is the one with black?"

"Yes sir."

"Bring me the blonde; she will most likely fetch the best price."

"Yes sir."

"Blondes are somewhat unusual in these parts, I hear."

"Indeed they are sir."

"She will fetch a very nice price. Such a good age."

"Nice and young, but not too young."

"Indeed. Fetch her for me."

"Yes sir."


"What about the others?"

"I don't think we should risk it."

"But what about the beautiful red headed boy sir?"

"He is Youko Kurama; we do not wish to mess with him."

"Yes sir."

"Fetch me the blonde."


The night was dark. There was no sound in Xania's home. There wasn't even the sound of the wind. There was no sound.

The tired group of youkai and humans was scattered about the room. Some were in twos, like Hiei and Kurama, and Hypatia and Alexi. Others were alone, like Angua and Genkai. Kuwa had somehow managed to get in between Yusuke and Selene, both of whom were clinging to him. Kuwa felt trapped, but he couldn't do anything to get them off. He eventually fell asleep. The man-stealers waited for him to sleep.

They were not just man-stealers, they were slave-traders. They worked for "the Man" and were paid good money to kidnap people whom he thought would be suitable "toys" for wealthy demons, or humans. They were cheap most of the time, selling themselves out for a meal, but they were good at their jobs. They were good at taking people in the dead of night, without a sound. They figured this would be a piece of cake.

They found their targeted victim, the girl Selene. A turn of good luck had her unlatch herself from Kuwa and have her roll to her other side. The first stealer inched away from the wall he had been melding with and placed a gag in her mouth. He moved back to the wall, his part in this mission done. A second snatcher tied together her hands and feet. The third and fourth lifted her gently from the ground. The first opened and portal and the other three and their prize went in. He followed soon after.


"What do you think sir?"

"Do you approve?"

"Mmph! Mmph!"

"She has some spunk in her, I like that."

"Yes sir."

"Do we have a buyer sir?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure we can find on willing to pay our price for this lovely beauty."


"What shall we do with her now sir?"

"Put her in our guest room, and clothe her in appropriate clothing. The buyers like their women scantily dressed and their men buff."

"Yes sir."

"Put her in the blue silk."

"Yes sir."

"And in my private chamber, I think I will personally break her in."

"Yes sir."


Yusuke yawned and stretched. He looked to his left and saw Kuwa in close proximity to himself and kicked the baka far away.

"What'd you do that for Urameshi?! You were the one clinging to me!!" Kuwa growled in outrage.

"Figment of your imagination," Yusuke replied. Yusuke looked about the room and counted up all the people. "Guys… where's Selene?"

Spaz: I hope you guys know the only reason I call this a spaz is because it is one, right? Well, I'm sorry I'm a week late but stuff came up, you're lucky I got to this today. Well, I hope you liked this and if it gets dark or something it's probably b/c of the stuff I'm watching, example I saw The Passion yesterday. … Yeah. ASH might just be dark. (Good movie though, really bloody…) Hope you liked this!