Zatch Bell Fan Fiction ❯ The mamodo that controls time and the hidden spell ❯ Megumi's visit ( Chapter 4 )

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Chapter 4: Megumi's visit

Kiyo sat at his desk, reading over the spell in green writing.
“Incarus…” he mumbled.
“Anxious to try that new spell out, Kiyo?” Zatch asked, “I wonder if I can grow really really big! You know, like Kanchomé!”
Kiyo gave a faint laugh.
“Trust me Zatch, you don't want to be like Kanchomé.”
Zatch laughed.

The two were watching T.V., when suddenly the doorbell rang. Zatch got up and pounced towards the door, followed by Kiyo. When he opened the door, he found Megumi and Tia standing on the other side.
“Hey guys!” Zatch shouted.
“Hey fellow Kind King contender,” Megumi said with a giggle.
“Kiyo, I told Megumi about your green spell, and we thought you could test it on us. Don't worry about hurting me, I can defend myself!” Tia said, sarcastically.
Kiyo grinned and nodded.
“Be right back!” he said.
Zatch went outside with the female pair. Kiyo soon followed behind with the spell book in his hand.
“Alright! Let's do this!” he said.
“Yeah!” Tia said, excitedly.
The two teams positioned themselves opposite of one another, opened their spell books, and prepared for battle.
“We'll start off!” Megumi said, “SAISU!”
Tia shot a, what seemed to be a blade of wind towards Zatch.
“RASHIELD!” Kiyo shouted at his turn.
The familiar stone wall with the electric symbol appeared, blocking the attack.
The two kept going back and forth, attacking and defending.
Finall y, Kiyo thought his adrenaline was pumped high enough to activate the spell he was longing for. He shouted another Rashield spell to defend off of Tia's incoming Saisu. Kiyo took a deep breath.
“INCARUS!” he yelled, with all the air in his lungs.
His spell book glowed, as it flipped through what seemed to be thousands of pages. Tia, Megumi, and Zatch stared in wonder. The book reached the end and closed, then exploded in a blinding green light. Kiyo used his other hand to cover his eyes, when suddenly it felt as if there was something in it. The light faded, and Kiyo looked in his hand. It appeared to be some kind of sword.
“What the!” he shouted, “This is ALL I get!”
He examined his new blade. It was a long silver one. With a handle glistening with gold, and also on the handle, was the same insignia that appeared on Zatch's Rashield spell. Kiyo glanced at the spell book, and discovered tons of new spells in green writing. He decided to read another.
The spell book, and the sword glowed the same red colour, as the blade exploded with lightning. Kiyo swung the blade forward, unleashing the attack. It seemed almost identical from the Zaker spell, but he unleashed it, not Zatch.
“I've heard of this in legend,” Tia said.
Kiyo's eyes lit up, along with Zatch.
“It was said that in the battle for king, if a human and a mamodo make a strong bond, and that the human becomes fearful of losing the mamodo, it is said that he mamodo may grant it's powers to the human. The human is given the ultimate gift, the Sword of the Mamodo King. Therefore the human can protect its friend,” she explained.
“You did that for me Zatch? You unlocked spells in your book so I can protect you?” Kiyo asked.
Zatch shook his head in confusion.
“I don't know…”
Tia nodded slowly.
“This is very rare…I heard that this hasn't happened in over 10 000 years…that's nearly ten battles!”
Kiyo eyed the sword carefully, and then nodded slowly.
“So what your saying is that, I'm so afraid of Zatch going back to the mamodo world that now I can prevent that from happening?” he asked.
Tia smiled.
“Well there's no use in this battle going on!” she shouted happily. “All hail the new Kind King!”
“What?” Zatch and Kiyo said simultaneously.
“The legend states that the human who holds the Sword of the Mamodo king may ultimately become victor of the great battle,” Tia explained.
Kiyo shook his head.
“Sorry to disappoint you Tia…but the battle isn't over yet. I know a lot of mamodo's who won't back down because I'm holding a sword. I know a lot of wannabe king's who won't stop after burning only one book. This battle will continue, and we will fight until the end. Zatch will protect me, and I will protect Zatch!”