Zatch Bell Fan Fiction ❯ The mamodo that controls time and the hidden spell ❯ Rematch - 2 on1 ( Chapter 5 )

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Chapter 5: Rematch - 2 on 1

Kiyo was practicing with the other green spells.
“SPINAGARU!” he roared.
The blade began to glow a red colour, a strange aura surrounded the sword. Suddenly, it felt as if there were a heat so intense it could burn through the skin. Kiyo let go of the sword suddenly, as he flinched from the rising heat.
The sword seemed as if it were floating in mid-air, and then slowly began to spin. Around and around it went, gaining more and more velocity. Finally, it was spinning so fast it seemed like a large glowing red circle below Kiyo's hand.
“Megumi, be ready, this might hurt…” He said, warning the pair.
He flung his arm forward, and the red glow flashed into yellow, as the red circle became a large disc made entirely of lightning. The disc flew towards Tia.
“MA SESHIELD!” Megumi shouted, defending her partner, but the sword pierced from the shield.
“JIKERDOR!” Kiyo yelled, launching Zatch's attack to freeze his attack's trajectory, protecting Tia. The bolt of lightning hit the disc, but nothing happened, it continued to spin and head for Tia.
“Tia get down!” Megumi shouted in panic, “SEOSHI!” she shouted in a second attempt to stop the disc. But once more it broke through the shield.
“Kiyo! Do Something!” Zatch yelled.
The disc was how headed straight for Tia's spell book. Megumi became petrified, and could not duck down.
“MOVE MEGUMI!” Kiyo roared, “MOVE NOW!”
“FOROSHI!” shouted a voice from behind them. Suddenly Megumi was moved aside, and avoided the disc. The disc then slowly stopped spinning as it became a sword again, and landed in Kiyo's hand.
“What was that?” Kiyo said in shock.
He turned to find Megumi, standing beside Hirosha, Suzy's mamodo. He then looked behind him to find Suzy with her spell book open.
“Suzy? You did that?” Zatch asked, who had also turned around.
“I didn't want that girl to get hurt, so I made Hirosha go into super fast mode and save her!” Suzy said with determination.
“Super fast mode?” Kiyo asked in confusion.
“Yeah! I can read more of this book now and when I say something, Hirosha moved really, really fast, like a fast forwarded movie!”
Kiyo eyed her suspiciously.
“She must have unlocked new spells…” He thought to himself.
Megumi was back to her senses. She picked up Tia, and ran over to where Suzy was standing.
“Thank you so much! I don't know how to repay you!” she said with gratitude.
“Heh…battle us, that should be enough,” Hirosha said, walking up to her, “Tia, I haven't seen you in a while…how about we make this reunion interesting…”
“Back off, Hirosha!” Tia snapped.
“No, Tia, we fight,” Zatch intervened.
Tia stared at him perplexed.
“Alright Zatch!” Kiyo said.
Hirosha took his stance in front of Suzy. Megumi, Tia, Zatch and Kiyo backed up.
“Both of you against me? No contest!” Hirosha said, “Suzy, are you prepared? Just think about what I told you…Kiyo wants me dead”
Kiyo's eyes opened wide.
“He must be making her think that so she stays angry…”
Suzy nodded, and clenched a fist. She opened the spell book. She looked up, with fire in her eyes.
“NOW!” Hirosha demanded.
“AKARUK!” Suzy yelled.
“Another new spell!” Kiyo thought.
Hirosha's eyes started to glow, as what seemed to be amber and dark yellow shaded lines appeared, and were entering into his mouth.
“Ki-Ki-Kiyo…I feel weak…” Zatch said, getting on one knee.
“M-Me-Me too…Megumi…” Tia followed.
Kiyo and Megumi looked at each other in panic, and flipped open their spell books.
But nothing happened.
It had appeared that the two mamodo's were aging. Wrinkles were appearing on their faces, and they could no longer stand. These strange yellow coloured lines were escaping from them, and Hirosha was feeding off of them. Hirosha then began to glow, and swiftly charged Zatch, striking him with fists consecutively.
Zatch tried to scream in pain, but fell to the ground.
“ZATCH!” Kiyo yelled.
Hirosha backed up, and exasperated. All those lines escaped from his mouth, and returned to Zatch and Tia; they returned to normal.
“Wow…that hurt,” Zatch said, putting his hand on his back as he got back up.
“I've never seen a spell like that!” Megumi said.
“Well now we know three of his spells,” Kiyo explained. “One of them freezes time, one of them fast forwards him in time, and the third allows him to somehow absorb mamodo youth, increasing his strength, but only for a short time.”
“SAISU!” It had appeared Megumi wasn't listening, and launched a spell of her own.
“SYNASHIELD!” Suzy yelled at her turn.
Hirosha put his hand out, and amber coloured circles emerged from it. They grew larger, the further then went, and three of them had gone over top of Tia's attack, stopping it entirely. The circles then contracted, and vanished, along with the attack.
“I have an idea,” Kiyo started, “We keep attacking, and when Suzy activates that speed spell again, we need to unleash our shield spells at the same time!”
Megumi nodded.
“CHRONOSHI!” Suzy shouted.
“This is not good!” Kiyo said.
The amber shaded fog rolled in, slowly freezing the birds in flight, the animals at play, and eventually Kiyo, Zatch, Megumi and Tia.
“Don't stop trying to fight him off!” Kiyo said, as he started to run away.
“Where are you going!” Zatch said.
“Trust me!” Kiyo replied.
He began to run far away, evading the time freezing fog. He then stopped when he thought he was at a safe distance.
“INCARUS!” he shouted.
The Sword of the Mamodo King appeared in his hand.
“THUNDURGA!” he shouted anew.
The Zaker look-a-like spell shot right through the fog, and hit Hirosha directly, causing all the mist to disappear. Kiyo ran back to join the others.
“Ugh…Weaklings…” Hirosha said, gritting his teeth, “Suzy, activate my-“ he stopped, “Send me into super fast mode!”
Suzy smiled and nodded.
“FOROSHI!” she yelled.
“NOW!” Kiyo roared.
Just as Kiyo predicted, Hirosha rammed right into the large wall the two had created. Kiyo was now very anxious to get this over with.
Zatch blasted Hirosha.
Tia blasted Hirosha.
“STOP IT!” Suzy cried.
Megumi could see Tia was now struggling, after using two consecutive spells.
“Kiyo we need to end this, their getting weaker,” she said.
“I know just the thing!” Kiyo said, anxiously.
His sword issued the intense heat that forced him to drop it, allowed it to spin freely. Kiyo then, in all his force, pointed directly at Hirosha. The spell activated as the lightning disc shot towards him, knocking him unconscious.
“NO! HIROSHA!” Suzy ran over to pick up her mamodo. Tears were in her eyes.
“This isn't over!”
She ran off, spell book in one hand, mamodo in the other. Kiyo and Megumi looked at each other, then at their mamodos. This had been a tough battle. Chapter 5: Rematch - 2 on 1

Kiyo was practicing with the other green spells.
“SPINAGARU!” he roared.
The blade began to glow a red colour, a strange aura surrounded the sword. Suddenly, it felt as if there were a heat so intense it could burn through the skin. Kiyo let go of the sword suddenly, as he flinched from the rising heat.
The sword seemed as if it were floating in mid-air, and then slowly began to spin. Around and around it went, gaining more and more velocity. Finally, it was spinning so fast it seemed like a large glowing red circle below Kiyo's hand.
“Megumi, be ready, this might hurt…” He said, warning the pair.
He flung his arm forward, and the red glow flashed into yellow, as the red circle became a large disc made entirely of lightning. The disc flew towards Tia.
“MA SESHIELD!” Megumi shouted, defending her partner, but the sword pierced from the shield.
“JIKERDOR!” Kiyo yelled, launching Zatch's attack to freeze his attack's trajectory, protecting Tia. The bolt of lightning hit the disc, but nothing happened, it continued to spin and head for Tia.
“Tia get down!” Megumi shouted in panic, “SEOSHI!” she shouted in a second attempt to stop the disc. But once more it broke through the shield.
“Kiyo! Do Something!” Zatch yelled.
The disc was how headed straight for Tia's spell book. Megumi became petrified, and could not duck down.
“MOVE MEGUMI!” Kiyo roared, “MOVE NOW!”
“FOROSHI!” shouted a voice from behind them. Suddenly Megumi was moved aside, and avoided the disc. The disc then slowly stopped spinning as it became a sword again, and landed in Kiyo's hand.
“What was that?” Kiyo said in shock.
He turned to find Megumi, standing beside Hirosha, Suzy's mamodo. He then looked behind him to find Suzy with her spell book open.
“Suzy? You did that?” Zatch asked, who had also turned around.
“I didn't want that girl to get hurt, so I made Hirosha go into super fast mode and save her!” Suzy said with determination.
“Super fast mode?” Kiyo asked in confusion.
“Yeah! I can read more of this book now and when I say something, Hirosha moved really, really fast, like a fast forwarded movie!”
Kiyo eyed her suspiciously.
“She must have unlocked new spells…” He thought to himself.
Megumi was back to her senses. She picked up Tia, and ran over to where Suzy was standing.
“Thank you so much! I don't know how to repay you!” she said with gratitude.
“Heh…battle us, that should be enough,” Hirosha said, walking up to her, “Tia, I haven't seen you in a while…how about we make this reunion interesting…”
“Back off, Hirosha!” Tia snapped.
“No, Tia, we fight,” Zatch intervened.
Tia stared at him perplexed.
“Alright Zatch!” Kiyo said.
Hirosha took his stance in front of Suzy. Megumi, Tia, Zatch and Kiyo backed up.
“Both of you against me? No contest!” Hirosha said, “Suzy, are you prepared? Just think about what I told you…Kiyo wants me dead”
Kiyo's eyes opened wide.
“He must be making her think that so she stays angry…”
Suzy nodded, and clenched a fist. She opened the spell book. She looked up, with fire in her eyes.
“NOW!” Hirosha demanded.
“AKARUK!” Suzy yelled.
“Another new spell!” Kiyo thought.
Hirosha's eyes started to glow, as what seemed to be amber and dark yellow shaded lines appeared, and were entering into his mouth.
“Ki-Ki-Kiyo…I feel weak…” Zatch said, getting on one knee.
“M-Me-Me too…Megumi…” Tia followed.
Kiyo and Megumi looked at each other in panic, and flipped open their spell books.
But nothing happened.
It had appeared that the two mamodo's were aging. Wrinkles were appearing on their faces, and they could no longer stand. These strange yellow coloured lines were escaping from them, and Hirosha was feeding off of them. Hirosha then began to glow, and swiftly charged Zatch, striking him with fists consecutively.
Zatch tried to scream in pain, but fell to the ground.
“ZATCH!” Kiyo yelled.
Hirosha backed up, and exasperated. All those lines escaped from his mouth, and returned to Zatch and Tia; they returned to normal.
“Wow…that hurt,” Zatch said, putting his hand on his back as he got back up.
“I've never seen a spell like that!” Megumi said.
“Well now we know three of his spells,” Kiyo explained. “One of them freezes time, one of them fast forwards him in time, and the third allows him to somehow absorb mamodo youth, increasing his strength, but only for a short time.”
“SAISU!” It had appeared Megumi wasn't listening, and launched a spell of her own.
“SYNASHIELD!” Suzy yelled at her turn.
Hirosha put his hand out, and amber coloured circles emerged from it. They grew larger, the further then went, and three of them had gone over top of Tia's attack, stopping it entirely. The circles then contracted, and vanished, along with the attack.
“I have an idea,” Kiyo started, “We keep attacking, and when Suzy activates that speed spell again, we need to unleash our shield spells at the same time!”
Megumi nodded.
“CHRONOSHI!” Suzy shouted.
“This is not good!” Kiyo said.
The amber shaded fog rolled in, slowly freezing the birds in flight, the animals at play, and eventually Kiyo, Zatch, Megumi and Tia.
“Don't stop trying to fight him off!” Kiyo said, as he started to run away.
“Where are you going!” Zatch said.
“Trust me!” Kiyo replied.
He began to run far away, evading the time freezing fog. He then stopped when he thought he was at a safe distance.
“INCARUS!” he shouted.
The Sword of the Mamodo King appeared in his hand.
“THUNDURGA!” he shouted anew.
The Zaker look-a-like spell shot right through the fog, and hit Hirosha directly, causing all the mist to disappear. Kiyo ran back to join the others.
“Ugh…Weaklings…” Hirosha said, gritting his teeth, “Suzy, activate my-“ he stopped, “Send me into super fast mode!”
Suzy smiled and nodded.
“FOROSHI!” she yelled.
“NOW!” Kiyo roared.
Just as Kiyo predicted, Hirosha rammed right into the large wall the two had created. Kiyo was now very anxious to get this over with.
Zatch blasted Hirosha.
Tia blasted Hirosha.
“STOP IT!” Suzy cried.
Megumi could see Tia was now struggling, after using two consecutive spells.
“Kiyo we need to end this, their getting weaker,” she said.
“I know just the thing!” Kiyo said, anxiously.
His sword issued the intense heat that forced him to drop it, allowed it to spin freely. Kiyo then, in all his force, pointed directly at Hirosha. The spell activated as the lightning disc shot towards him, knocking him unconscious.
“NO! HIROSHA!” Suzy ran over to pick up her mamodo. Tears were in her eyes.
“This isn't over!”
She ran off, spell book in one hand, mamodo in the other. Kiyo and Megumi looked at each other, then at their mamodos. This had been a tough battle.