Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Jamie and The Blitz Team Meet the Blue Eagle ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Jamie and the Blitz Team Meet the Blue Eagle

Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids, I wish I did (don`t we all then we could continue the animated version, lol), but I don't


The day started out as usual; Leena was chasing Bit through the halls of the Tauros base.

"Bit I want that cookie back now!"

"No way, I saw it first, its mine" Bit said as he tried to both run and eat the cookie. Knowing that Leena was going to catch him eventually he made a run for the Liger Zero.

"BIT!" Yelled Leena as she started to catch up to him.

"I'm gonna kill you for eating that cookie!"

Bit jumped into the Liger and got out of the Tauros base as fast as he could, with Leena right behind him in her Gun Sniper.

"Leena, you really think your Gun Sniper is gonna catch my Liger?" Bit said with his usual cocky attitude.

"You just wait Bit Cloud...when I catch you I'm going to make you pay!" As you can tell, Leena was not too happy about Bit taking and eating her cookie, why else would she be chasing him down trying to kill him.


Meanwhile back at the Tauros base Jamie was planning out some strategies for their battle against the Wolves team. Doc Tauros was playing with his Zoids action figures as usual.

"C'mon Doc, we're supposed to be getting ready for the battle tomorrow, not playing with toys" Jamie said in his usual voice of reason, though Doc really wasn't paying full attention to him.

"There will be plenty of time to plan our strategy later. Just look at my blue Raynos toy...isn't it cool." Doc was talking in his usual excited tone, which he had always done when he was talking about things he liked.

Jamie fell over in his chair at the Docs remark. And decided there was no hope for getting anything done until Doc quit playing with the toys.

Jamie decided that he would go out and take the Raynos for a flight, even though he didn't usually do that, he just wanted to get away from the base for awhile.

"Doc I'm gonna take the Raynos out for awhile, I'll see ya later."

Doc Tauros was too busy playing with his toys to fully hear what Jamie said

"Fine, yeah, have fun Jamie"

Jamie looked at the Doc, sighed and walked to the hanger. There was the green Raynos, Jamie has only had it for about 2 years now, every since Doc traded his Pteras for it.

"Hey Raynos ready to go for a flight?" He didn't really expect the Raynos to answer him like the Liger does for Bit, but he just loves the Raynos.

"Well, I see the Liger and the Gun Sniper are gone...Bit must have taken another one of Leena's cookies." Jamie laughed at what he had just said, knowing that it's the same thing every day, either Leena takes something of Bits, or vice versa. Jamie hopped into his Raynos, and mobilized it. Soon he was off into the morning sky; he started out just doing a few barrel rolls, and such, until he noticed what appeared to be a wrecked zoid down below him.

"Wonder who that could be, looks like that Zoid had a pretty rough battle."

Jamie noticed a person lying beside the Zoid; he didn't see any sign of movement.

"Looks like whoever that is might be hurt."

Jamie took the Raynos down and landed, he hopped out and ran over to the person, and saw that it was a young girl, about his age, she was a very beautiful girl, and she had blonde hair, and she had suffered quite a few bumps and bruises. The Zoid she was flying was a blue Raynos, a very rare Raynos. Jamie wondered how she got shot down, and who would have just left her out there with injuries. Jamie started talking to the person to see if they could hear him.

"Hello, are you ok..." There was no response from the girl. Jamie had no choice but to carry the girl to the Raynos and get her back to the Tauros base, she was in desperate need of medical attention.

Jamie figured he could get Bit or someone to help him get her zoid later on. So Jamie headed back to the Tauros base, all of a sudden he saw a person appear on the screen in front of him. He looked like a back draft member, but his face was covered.

"You should have left her there you fool; now we'll have to take care of you too." The man said it in a low deep dark tone, which really worried Jamie, he couldn't risk a battle with anyone as long as he had the girl in he Raynos with him.

"Why did you do that too her?"

"You would have just left her there to die!" Jamie was furious that anyone would leave someone to die, he didn't even think the back draft would go that low as to let someone die like that.

"She mocked the back draft, and we couldn't allow that, now we will have to take care of both of you." The person disappeared from the screen, and Jamie began to look all around. He knew that eventually the back draft would come after them, he just didn't know when. Jamie made it back to the base, and went and got Doc Tauros who got to the hanger as quick as he could to help Jamie get the girl out of the Raynos and onto one of the beds.

"She looks pretty bad Doc...Is she?" Jamie asked in a worried tone, he couldn't tell if she was alive or now.

"She's alive, but just barely...all I can do is take care of her wounds, and then we can only hope that she survives." Doc was talking in his lower sensible tone, he could tell that Jamie was worried, not at just the fact the Back draft group left her there to die, but to see a fellow Raynos pilot hurt like that must have brought back memories of the accident he witnessed his father Oscar have. Even though his dad was still alive, Jamie always remembers that crash and how lucky he was to still have a dad. And now to see someone else hurt, it was more than he could handle for one day.

Bit and Leena finally made it back, and they came in and saw Doc Tauros and Jamie standing over the girl. Bit was the first to speak:

"What happened Doc, is that girl ok?"

"She's just barely alive...but I'm doing what I can for her"

"Jamie where did you find her?"

"In the canyon about 10 or 12 miles from here, her Raynos was pretty badly damaged, I saw her next to it, and got to her as soon as I could."

Brad has just woken up from his sleep, and noticed everyone standing around.

"Did I miss something?" Speaking in his usual tone.

"Jamie found this girl...she's hurt pretty bad, but Doc is trying to help her."


"Oh yeah...Bit, Brad...do you think you two could help me try to get her Raynos...I don't want to leave it out there, so no one tries to scavenge it for parts or anything?"

"Sure...I'll help." Bit had no trouble volunteering, but Brad did not answer right away.

Brad noticed the worried look on Jamie's face, and figured it was important to him, so he decided to help.

"All right...I'll help...but just exactly how are we going to get that thing back here?"

"I can lift it with my Raynos; it shouldn't be too heavy for it to carry."

"Ok, let's go." Brad was ready to do what they had to do so they could get back.

Leena stayed with Doc, and the girl. Meanwhile Jamie, Brad, and Bit went out in search of the blue Raynos, Jamie was hoping that it was still there. They arrived at the site and found the blue Raynos, it was still there and didn't seem like anyone had bothered it.

"Ok, Jamie, drop those lines down and we'll get it hooked up" Bit was hollering to Jamie, when all of a sudden a stormsworder came buzzing by, shooting at everyone in the area.

"HEY, watch where you're aiming!" Bit was hollering at the pilot of the stormsworder, even though he knew he couldn't hear him from the ground.

"Don't worry guys, this one is mine." Jamie sounded confident enough that he could take care of this Zoid, so he began the chase after it.


Back at the Tauros base, Leena and Doc Tauros were still keeping a watchful eye over the girl, hoping that at any minuet she would awaken. Just when they had about given up any hope she would ever awaken they saw her eyes fluttering.

"It looks like she's coming around...Leena get me that wet towel over there."

"Right, here it is dad."

Doc Tauros held the towel over the young girls' head. She finally had fully awakened and looked dazed, and had no idea where she was or what had happened.

"What happened?"

"Where am I?"

Doc explained to her that she was found by one of the Blitz team members, and that she had been hurt pretty badly, and that they went to retrieve her Zoid.

"Thank you for your kindness."

"What is your name?" Asked Leena smiling at the girl.

"My name is Jessie Fulton"

"Well Jessie, its nice to see that you are ok." Said Doc Tauros talking to the young girl in a friendly tone with a smile on his face.

"When can I meet the person who saved my life by bringing me here?"

"They'll be back soon; it will probably take them a little while to get your Raynos back here."

"Good, I was getting worried about my blue Raynos."

Doc Tauros' eyes widened and he turned to his excited childish attitude.

"You have a blue Raynos Zoid?"

She was shocked at the change in this mans attitude at the mention of what her zoid was.

"Yes...my father gave it to me...just before he died"

"I'm sorry to hear that he is gone" Doc's excited tone went away and he went back to his normal tone.

"It's just that the blue Raynos is one of a kind."

The girl had already known that her Raynos was one of a kind, and that it could outmaneuver almost any other zoid out there, and even other Raynos zoids.

"Then your father must have been the Blue Eagle..."

The girl almost turned white after she heard him mention her fathers nickname.

"Y-yes, but how did you know?"

"He was well known as the best air zoid pilot there was."

"I knew him, we used to fly together for awhile, along with the Wild Eagle (the original Wild Eagle, Jamie's' father, Oscar) and Dr. Leyon, until Leyon went nuts and got mad at me."

"You knew my father...I didn't think many people knew him, he kept mostly to himself."

"Yes, he always did, but when we were in a zoid battle he always came out of his seclusion, he never could turn down a good zoid battle."

She was still in shock that she had met someone that knew her father, but for the moment she was gladder to be alive.


Back outside at the site of the blue Raynos, more of the back draft group started showing up, there was three Raptors, and about 10 stormsworders. The back draft was just trying to run off the Blitz team members, so they could get the blue Raynos and take it back to their boss.

Bit and Brad would take care of the ground zoids, while Jamie took care of the airborne zoids.

"Ok Bit; let's take care of these guys."

"Right Brad, GO LIGER!!."

Jamie was still chasing after the first stormsworder that attacked them, as soon as they both hit mach 3 Jamie became the Wild Eagle. The cocky minded ace of the skies.

"All right, whoever you are, you are no match for the Wild Eagle"

"Yeah, sure kid, I'm gonna take care of you and that cocky attitude right now."

Jamie...err...Wild Eagle did a complete turn around loop up in the air and came up behind the stormsworder pilot.

"Well, there's not much to you is there...goodbye."

He launched a missile from the Raynos and it hit the stormsworder, knocking the wing off of it, and it fell to the ground. Bit and Brad had easily taken care of the three ground troops, but the Wild Eagle still had 10 other stormsworders besides the one he already taken down to take care of.

"One good sonic boom ought to take care of these boys."

He managed to do one sonic boom, which took down all but three of the stormsworder pilots. Brad was able to aim the Shadow Fox's cannon at one of the remaining three and shot it down, which left Wild Eagle with only 2 other zoids to take care of. This was no problem for him; he was able to hit both of them, though they managed to escape. After that Wild Eagle landed the Raynos.

"Well, there wasn't much to those so-called pilots was there, once again the Wild Eagle has taken a victory."

Jamie passes out, and Bit and Brad catch him before he falls to the ground. After a few minuets Jamie wakes back up and has no knowledge of what has taken place. They go back to hooking the lines from Jamie's' Raynos to the blue Raynos. From there they begin to head back to the Tauros base.


Gee, I think this fan fic came out pretty good, don't you? Not bad for only taking about 35 minuets to write. Well, I look forward to people reading this, and letting me know their opinions.

Billy "Gray Wolf" :::bows to the audience and leaves the stage:::