InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A deal with a demon ❯ Chapter 37

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N:: Hey everyone! I just wanted to take a moment and thank you guys for all of your wonderful reviews! It definitely helps push me along and motivate me! Im trying my best to get these chapters out as fast as I can!

Just another note, this fic is rated R for a reason ;)

How had he ever been friends with the wolf? Spent time in his company? Fuck, at one point he had found him funny.

But now was a different story.

Now he was looking at his bitch like he wanted to devour her whole.

And she… she seemed to squirm under his intense gaze.

In his entire life, he had never had a rival. He had a feeling that was changing.

Sure, she had said she didn't want Koga when Ayame asked. But had she meant that? Was that the truth?

He didn't fucking care. He just wanted to get away from that damned asshole and take Kagome with him. He had half a mind to throw her over his shoulder and storm out.

But no. Nooo. They had to go out to lunch with the freaking wolves and spend the day together. All this nonsense about friends and getting to know Ayame and future plans.

Fuck that.

As far as he was concerned, until that flea bag stopped making bedroom eyes at his woman, he never wanted to see his ugly face again.

“Did that really happen?!” His companion laughed at his side.

She apparently had other ideas.

She apparently found Koga funny.

And Gods knows, she found him smart. After all, they were in the same fucking program together.

They had too much in common.

Inuyasha had never felt like this before. It was petty and below him. He was a fucking demon with wealth, status and good looks. Woman threw themselves at him feet. Woman begged, BEGGED! Him to sleep with them!

There was no way that he, Inuyasha Takahashi, was feeling jealous.

That's what he had told himself.

Even he couldn't believe that lie anymore.

And it pissed him off to no end.

“Why didn't you tell me you were like that in high school?” Kagome asked, drawing him out of his dark, self-centered thoughts.


“You were voted best hair? Really?” She scoffed at him.

The hanyou narrowed his eyes.

“I don't see whats so funny. I have great fucking hair.”

“Oh, Im not saying that you don't.” She waved her hand, dismissing his bad attitude. “Its just hard to see you in school spirit mode. You don't strike me as much of a participator.”

“Feh.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“See? I can only imagine-“

“Well, despite his bad attitude, he was pretty cheery back then.” Koga said. “He always had girls around him. He thought he was king of the school.”

“Who says I wasn't?” He asked, raising a brow.

“How lucky you are Kagome, to be his queen.” Ayame said, mocking him. Kagome let out a laugh.

“Why does this conversation feel like its only at my expense?”

“Because youre the one who isn't joining in, dog boy.” Kagome slapped him arm playfully.

“What were you like in high school?” Ayame asked.

“Hm. I was… busy.”

“Busy? What kind of answer is that?”

“That's what I was though.” She shrugged. “I worked, and I was on the student council, and I was captain of the archery club and-“

“Damn, did you sleep?” Koga murmured.

“When I had the time.” She laughed.

“It only makes you more amazing.” Koga flashed her a toothy smile.

Ayame bared her own fearsome teeth.

“Stop looking at her like that! Shes married Koga. And besides, Im your fiancé!”

“Like Hell!” He said, trying to shrug her off. “Besides, they are-“

“Shes right Koga, Inuyasha and I are married and Ayame-“

“Is a fucking nuisance.” Koga turned his nose up.

“Couldn't agree with you more. Its not like this is how I want to spend my day off.”

“Well excuse me. Its been so long since we all got together and-“

“I just spent all fucking day with you yesterday! That's enough for what, the next ten years at least, right?”

“Inuyasha!” Kagome knit her brows together. He was frustrated. How could she look so damn cute when she was yelling at him.

“Aside from that, I want to get to know your wife.” Ayame rested her chin on her hands and leaned forward. “I still cant believe it. If I didn't see it with my own eyes...”

“Don't trust everything-“

A swift kick from the hanyou made the wolf bite his tongue and sneer.

“I really didn't expect this. Let alone to like someone that you actually married. The last I heard you were still going around with that frosty bitch who-“

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes.

“Doesn't matter. All that matters is that you married Kagome and your in love, right?” She smiled sweetly.


Kagome felt her stomach drop. She tried her best to keep up the mask. The game. The lie.

She felt Inuyashas clawed fingers curl around her and squeeze her hand.

She smiled.

Sure, it may be a sham. It may be a marriage built on a lie, loveless and based on mutual needs. But…

But she liked him.

More than she was willing to admit.

She really, really liked her husband.


“Who knew you were such a snack hog.” Kagome said, as she leaned in to whisper in his ear.

“Feh. Im a demon. It only makes sense that I have a demon appetite.”

“Yeah, but you could still control yourself, and share.”

“You should know by now I don't share, woman.” He said, as he popped a piece of popcorn into her mouth. “Now shush.”

“Could you two stop flirting? Your making me nauseous.” Koga grunted.

“SH!” A noise came from somewhere in the theater.

True, they were being kind of rude.

But flirting? Her and Inuyasha?

Hm, it wasn't her typical way of doing it, that's for sure. Usually if she was flirting she would smile demurely, bat her eyes, bite her lip and shyly look up at him.

Who the hell was she kidding? Her flirting wasn't that calculated. Normally she just made a mess out of herself and for some reason, guys still wanted to date her.

Maybe this was flirting and she was so inexperienced she had no idea.

To answer Koga, Inuyasha took his arm, putting it around Kagome and pulled her in close.

It felt territorial.

And like an actual date.


She should play along, right?

Kagome leaned her head on Inuyashas chest, trying her best to focus on the movie. All she could hear was the beating of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest… her head swam from the way he smelled. Totally and completely man.

Inuyashas eye grew wide as his nostrils flared.

He leaned down, bringing his mouth to the shell of her ear. He felt her shiver from his hot breath.

“If you don't stop that, Im going to take you to the bathroom and-“

Kagome immediately shot her head up, her eye wide with shock. She bit her bottom lip in a worried, frustrated way. Inuyasha let gave a smug smile, showing a fang. He watched as she nodded obediently.

It was a good feeling, knowing that his woman wanted him.

And his demon was satisfied too.


Koga was sure to catch that scent. Normally, he wouldn't care who or what smelled the woman he was trying beds arousal. More than likely, he didn't know the bitches name, and it was a feeling of pride that he could turn a woman on.

But with Kagome, it was different.

The way she smelled, how sweet and intoxicating, so fucking sensual that it made his blood boil… he didn't want anyone to know that about her, certainly not a demon. He didn't want anyone to know what she looked like in heat. He wanted that to be private. Something only shared between the two of them.

But he couldn't help the part of him that felt pleased, knowing that Koga was aware of it.

The wolf would know now that Kagome wanted him. Was turned on by him. By the mere touch of him, she was aroused. She wanted to fuck him.

So for this once, and only this once, he felt satisfied with it.

Too bad they had to sit through this stupid movie. As if he could concentrate on anything other than the woman at his side.


Kagome walked up to her door with Inuyasha and waved, her other hand occupied holding his. Ayame and Koga drove off, the wolf happily on his way to bring his fiancé back to her home.

She was nowhere near the age she should marry. She was young and naïve, and had so much a head of her that she should accomplish before she settled down and tied the knot.

Kagome walked through the door, the hanyou following behind.

He looked down at her hand. He was not quite ready to let it go yet.

“Kagome…” He trailed off. She turned, and gave him a soft smile.

“Can.. we… we… I want…” He just wanted to hold her. He didn't want to let her go, send her off for the night. He felt an ache in his chest for her. He wanted to bring him to her and keep her close. It was a greediness that he was not used to. A selfishness that was eating him alive.

She walked over to him, and placed a delicate kiss on his lips.

She had kissed him.

It might have been the first time.

Every time something had happened, it was always the hanyou who made the advances.

But now she, she had made the first move.

He responded to her kiss, not roughly like he had in the past, but gently, full of passion. He heard the purse she carried in drop to the floor, then felt as she placed her hand on the hard plain of his stomach.

His demon rumbled, as he crushed her body against his. She let out a soft moan as he kissed down her neck, finding the spot that called to him.

Claim her. Claim her. Claim her.

He had to fight back the urge to sink his teeth into her creamy skin, branding her as his forever.

“Damn it Kagome, what the hell are you doing to me?” He breathed out, licking the juncture. She threw her head back, a needy moan escaping her lips.

He grasped her hips and lifted her, slightly amazed that she wrapped her thighs around him. Was this the same woman who had vowed she would never sleep with him? The same woman was demanding his kiss, her hands fisting though his silver locks.

Gods was he glad she changed her mind.

In the back of his mind he knew he couldnt sleep with her, not yet. Not until they talked about it. He was a lot of things, but he wouldn't take advantage of a woman.

He wouldn't take advantage of Kagome.

But that didn't mean he couldn't pleasure her. Couldn't bring her to the brink and push her gloriously over and over again.

Somehow, he had made it to his room, kicking his door open. He placed her down on the bed, gently, and climbed on top if her.

She looked gorgeous. Her face was flushed, her lips swollen from their activity. Her stormy eyes where hooded with lust. Desire. For him.

He bent down claiming her mouth once again, his tongue fighting for dominance. He wanted to dominate her in every sense.

He felt her blunt nails dig into his shoulders, leaving half moons in their wake. He growled as she bucked her hips against his, seeking to feel the friction of his manhood. He was happy to reciprocate.


Gods her voice was so sweet. Soft and breathy, erotic. How had he ever listened to anyone elses sighs before? How would anyone elses compare?

He trailed wet kisses down her chest, letting his claws run down her stomach. He felt the muscles tense in anticipation, as he lifted her shirt up, higher, finally over her head.

She sat up, as he silently demanded. She was before him, clad in her black lacey bra, and found herself lifting Inuyashas shirt as well. She felt the need to feel his skin, to feel his bare flesh against hers.

Swiftly, he removed his shirt and descended on her, deftly unhooking her bra. She bit her lip in embarrassment, waiting for him to follow through. He kissed her softly as he pulled it away from her body.

Looking at her bare chest, he let out a hungry growl. He looked every bit the predator that he was.

She unconsciously moved her hands to cover herself, feeling rather exposed.

“Don't.” He demanded. “You're so fucking beautiful Kagome.”

With his left hand he took her breast, squeezing, feeling its weight.

She was so soft and supple, so damned perfect she was driving him mad.

He took her perky nipple in his mouth greedily sucking, before licking and flicking the tip. She squirmed under him, her arousal filling the room. She was so responsive.

With his other hand he reached for her thigh, trailing his hand up closer, closer to her core, but never making contact. He wouldn't give in to her, not yet. Not until she begged.

Thank the Gods she had chosen to wear a skirt today.

He played with the band of her underwear, allowing his fingers to slip inside momentarily. Just enough to make her writhe below him.

“Inu.. Inuyasha…” She moaned.

“What is it you want, Kagome?” He asked, brushing his thumb over her. He could feel the outline of her through the thin cloth. It was damp from her juices.

“P-Please….” She tried to move against his hand.

“Please what?” He asked. “Tell me what it is you want.”

“T-touch me. Please.” She begged.

In an instant he was on her, kissing her until her head was spinning.

“Pleaseee…” She moaned.

Well, she had asked nicely.

He moved aside her panties, and delicately ran his fingers over her. He felt her shudder at the contact.

He couldn't say he wasn't doing the same.

She was so damned wet, so ready for him he was having trouble restraining himself. He spread her open, then placed one, two clawed digits inside.

“Ahh!” She was putty in his hands. She followed his movements, trying to match his skilled fingers. She let out incoherent words as he expertly pumped his fingers in and out, moving them in a slow, agonizing circle.

Gods, it wasn't enough.

Suddenly, his lips left hers, and so did his fingers. She felt his weight shift down her body.

Lower and lower, until he pulled at her skirt, bringing it over her hips. She lifted herself for easier access. All the at remained was the thin piece of black underwear. He hooked his thumbs into the sides of her panties and slowly pulled them down.

She watched as he removed his pants, the strain of his erection too much to take against the restrictive clothing, leaving him only in his boxers.

She was hungry to see more of him. She wanted to reach out and feel the last part of him hidden from her view.

Was… was it finally going to happen? Was she going to lose her virginity?

To her surprise, he lowered his head, diving between her thighs.

This was not something he normally did; Sure, he enjoyed the smell of a womans arousal, but smell and taste were vastly different. It wasn't sweet, often it had a sour flavor. And while he enjoyed the effect it had on his partners, he couldn't help but feel that the women were not clean enough. It just was not something that attracted him. His sense of smell was too strong for that. He was a demon after all. He could count on his hand the amount of times he had done this to a woman.

But Kagome was different. He was drawn to her core, dying to taste her. He was practically salivating to taste her nectar.

He heard the breath leave her body as she licked her. He circled her swollen nub, loving the way she cried from pleasure.

She tasted so fucking good. It felt selfish, like he was doing this for himself. He was getting high off the taste of her wet arousal. The more he greedily licked, the more came. He felt like he was in heaven.

He wanted more.

He wanted to hear her cry out from her release.

He wanted to give her one so good it would make her forget anyone who had been before him.

He brought back his hand, pumping his fingers in and out, in and out. He flicked at her pearl, growling in approval at her reactions. He could feel her tense up, her frantic rocking against him.

And when she came, she called out his name in broken syllables.

She struggled to catch her breath, and the hanyou smiled. It was he who had made her look this way, feel this way.

Now what the hell was he going to do?

He was so hard that it was actually hurting. Inuyasha wasn't going to ask her to reciprocate, and he knew that if he didn't take care of himself, his demon might boil over and do something regrettable.

He sat up, getting ready to go to the bathroom, when her hand shot out, stopping him.

“Kagome?” He asked. His voice was husky, full of hunger.

“Let me… please…” She brought her hand to his thigh, slowly, achingly slowly, crawling up to his erection.

“Kagome…” He said between clenched teeth. He felt as if in a daze as she worked his boxers down, releasing his cock.

She couldn't help but stare.

It was so much… larger than she had expected. Was this because he was a demon, or because he was just gifted in this department?

Kagome felt nervous. She knew her skills were nowhere on par with the other woman he slept with. She knew that she was out of practice, not nearly as erotic as the others he had taken to his bed.

But the way he seemed to react from the simple touch gave her courage.

She held him in her hand, slowly moving up and down, up and down. He growled, thrusting his hips forward as she pumped him, increasing her speed little by little.

She was surprised when she saw the bead of precum on his tip, more surprised still when she leaned down, licking it away.

“AH fuck! Kagome!” It had caught him off guard. It had sent a shock down to his core.

She licked her lips before she opened her mouth, welcoming him in.

He let out a roar that she had never heard before, as he struggled to keep control.

She felt so fucking good, her hot, wet mouth working up and down on his cock, her hand still pumping him diligently. Her tongue… Gods, her tongue. Had anything felt this good before? His hands her buried in her hair, the scent of her wafting up to his nose. She was getting turned on by doing this. It made his need all the greater.

“Kagome…” He mumbled out. Or at least he tried to. He wasn't sure they were speaking the same language anymore.

She looked up at him, running her tongue over his tip.

And he lost it.

He came hard and fast, and much quicker than he expected. He came with a growl and her name on his lips. His entire body was shaking, but she kept her mouth on him, slowly bobbing her head as he rode out his orgasm.

Fuck, she was incredible.

Kagome sat back, nibbling at her bottom lip, unsure of what to do, or what to say next. They… they had just done that. Now what?

As if reading her thoughts, he gathered her small body to him, placing kisses along her neck. More than ever, his demon was calling to him. From his release, his fangs had lengthened. This had never happened before. He ran them over the spot, just to tease himself, imagining what it would be like to actually claim her. Inuyasha sucked instead, bruising the area once again.

He had to leave some kind of mark on his bitch.

He pulled the blankets up over them, laying her down on her side. He laid beside her, pulling her body close, spooning her. Inuyasha placed a kiss at the base of her neck.

“Goodnight wench.”