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"Metamorphosis." Reviews/Comments [ 1272 ]
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 Reviewed By: snowluva420 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 15:33 PST
 Title: Cold Shower anyone??
Reviewed By: Sari15 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 14:51 PST
Oh my....that was just awkwardly delightful.....MUHAHAHHAHAHA Poor innocent...intrigued Kagome. LOLOL As embarressed as EITHER of them would be at getting caught, she was SO enjoying the show...with a very incharacter blush on her face.Poor Inu....he's so worried that what he was doing was 'wrong'. But Did I accurately get the impression that Kagome is now just wondering how to get that....instrument of manhood moving in her direction?? All I can imagine for the next few chapters is a very ashamed Inu...avoiding her at all costs...while our little innocent Kagome is scheming ways to get him to defile her....
 Reviewed By: ixchen [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 14:32 PST
awesome. i can't wait to see what happens next.
 Reviewed By: leelu821 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 14:28 PST
....wow. He's, um, really starting to, uh, fantasize about her...in detail. Lotttts of detail! LOL I was a little upset though because it wasn't real. But I laughed the whole time Kagome was fixed on his, uh...on him! LOL Knowing the both of them, they won't even look at each other for the next few weeks. HAHAH!
 Reviewed By: kougasprincess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 13:54 PST
Oh my... *sputters, makes a few incoherant comments* You know what would have been great? If Inuyasha had gone looking for Kagome and she was... erm... well, I'll let you be creative here. *giggles* That must have been an interesting sight! Oh yes, definately a train wreck! My friend Mary and I saw quite a few train wrecks last night when we were looking at some... erm... 'questionable' fanart. *giggles light a naughty schoolgirl* Very nice chapter! I think I giggled out loud a few times! This chapter came a day or two after the anime episode where Kagome sees it ALL. She may have said "Gross!" but I think everyone knows she thought "DAMNNN!" *giggles* I'm outta here now! Must write more for chapter five of Redemption. Inu and Kag fluff, oh my!
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 13:54 PST
A thousand blushes my dear! You don't seem to like it when I tell you how much I love it when you get naughty...but hell, I do. I can't believe you went there! Inu-Yasha and uhhh...ahem, self-love without getting sleazy. Christ, *I* can't even do that! Now I can't wait until the next chapter...oooh, you are so freaking evil!
 Title: It's me again...
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 13:37 PST
I love to read all the reviews after I post my own. I crack up at what people have to say or speculate...but the stubborn comments made by surreal life_inuyashalover are making me cross-eyed. (Sorry Sue) If I had an email for her/him, I would take this direct. ---- OMG!! There cannot be an official video (unreleased or not) because Rumiko Takahashi, the creator of InuYasha, is STILL MAKING the manga...I'm waiting for the latest chapters to be translated right now! She has NOT revealed how Naraku will be defeated (although she has dropped some mighty big hints along the way) Since I have not seen this video you are in posession of I cannot, in truth, say just what you have. But feel free to contact me and maybe we can resolve this. I'm a member of a trading group that has just branched out into fansubbing themselves and I know just by listening who the voice actors are. If it is authentic (which I sincerely doubt) I could let you know. You can reach me at darklessvasion at hotmail (dot) com / or at verizon (dot) net / or even at yahoo (dot) com (same name for all three) I have msn messenger (under the same name) and Icq #324498407 (which accepts AOL's aim as well) --please, PLEASE contact me and we'll this clear this up.
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 13:14 PST
I never, ever get enough of InuYasha's soft side. He hides it behind his gruff attitude and crude mouth...but when he goes all "sweet" you just want to cuddle the stuffing out of him. And then...BakaYasha strikes again! OMG, he didn't shake the vial and *gulp* has a "vile" dream, totally freaking Kagome out. Poor InuYasha...without the love, it's just empty sex. (Wow, not quite the lemon we were expecting...you and your plot twists, LoL) Now it's a toss-up as to who's mortified more: Kagome for witnessing the 'toxin dream' or InuYasha knowing that Kagome must have seen, if not an unwilling participant too. Hmm...new shade of "red" coming up Sue? ---- I have to share this with all my fellow Inu fans (with ecchi tendencies) A wonderfully 'wrong' picture of InuYasha and Kagome by the artist here at Mmorg called Alesyria. I absolutely love this picture and can't help but laugh. --- mediaminer (dot) org /fanart /view (dot) php /159501 ---just remove the spaces. I will leave the rest to you. *insert sinister snicker here*
 Reviewed By: Aitu-- not signed in  On: January 12, 2005 12:45 PST
hehehehehehehehhehe. Oh wow. Laughing, laughing. Mostly from that reviewer who pointed out your "mistake." Priceless. I think you should print that off and frame it! hehehehe. I can be such a bitch when I put my mind to it. (And is it bad if I have fun doing so?) Great chapter, as always. You did, however, trick me again. Every time I see the "lemon warning" disclaimer I get all excited that Kagome and Inuyasha are going to get together, haha. And it's usually other characters or now dreams. GAH! hehe Good way to keep on tricking me! =P Especially with the chapter title as "mates" I thought for sure this time it wasn't a trick, haha. Keep up the great work! I enjoyed it lots and lots. Bye bye now. --Aitu
 Reviewed By: firehairedpixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 12:05 PST
Damn. Damn damn damn. *faning self wildly* Whoo is it hot in here? And poor Kagome!! I think if her eyes could have bugged out of her head they would have!! Gods to walk in on that! Not that it wouldn't be an absolutely awesome sight to behold, mind you. But, wow, talk about your hentai situations! :-) And poor Yasha, now he's going to be all embarassed and defensive. I'm guessing that is going to make for a very awkward situation isn't it. Yup yup. LOL :-) And Sess and Kagura's kids sound so cute! And of course, any chapter where Jaken gets beat on is always a plus in my book. Baka worthless little toad. As always, looking forward to the next chapter. :-) Oh and don't let those baka people that can't spell, or have issues w/ your drawings get you down. I think your stories are wonderful, and extraordinarly well written. And spelling mistakes are not the end of the freaken world people!! I mean after all you are only human. Well, I am assuming you are, but you do have kids and a job, and you get a chapter out every day, sometimes more...maybe your not human? :-)
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 11:28 PST
Oh god... how hot was that?! Damn, I take it back-mokomoko-sama and Sesshy eat your heart out, Inuyasha just out done you 10 times over! (Damn girl, that was like one of the steamiest scenes you've written ten-fold!) The conclusion to this will be highly anticipated by this fangirl! No wonder Inuyasha refuses to tell Kagome how intense these dreams are... but he thinks they're wrong? lol, love his innocence. (I HAVE to include this! It is also driving me nuts too! Will surreal life_inuyashalover stop with the "The Final Resolution" hoax. Takahashi-san has NOT completed the Manga, how can they have animated the ending? Rumiko Takahashi writes the Manga and also gives her approval to the animators/anime (that INCLUDES the Movies, though NOT cannon and NOT Takahashi written they NEED her APPROVAL) This so-called ending does NOT exist! Please, by all means let us all know what is so wrong about Sues canon writings. I really am interested to know what she has done wrong and what is so out-of-place and untrue. Side note: Where did your friend get this "The Final Resolution" from? I want to contact the site owner and ask for their resource and/or demand they add a "Fanmade Ending" certificate. Who ever is claiming this as "official ending" is actually breaking many laws and isn't that still classed as plagiarism? ) My apologies Sue, this has nothing to do with your chap, but without a contact email it makes it harder to voice a reply.
 Reviewed By: myeerah [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 11:19 PST
*sniggers* It's just as well Kagome left the room. . . monk-in-pain is the least of the reds he would have turned. On the other hand, how could she avoid watching? Rowr!
 Reviewed By: parvatilotus [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 10:17 PST
O_O I think I am traumatised. Poor Inu, poor Kags! yes yes i feel pity for the girl who finds an extremely hot hanyou completely and totally aroused in his sleep calling her name.. *smacks her forehead* ....hmmm.... *scampers off* I think I'll go read it again... I might have... erm missed something... (btw i love it when Inuyasha gets all confused by the multiple voices in his head lol.. tres mignon!) ~Kat
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: January 12, 2005 09:57 PST
Ah, again you tease with the lemons. Heh. Typo? I'm completely amazed you manage to keep so many stories running and update so frequently. Have as many typos as you want. I can still figure it out. You actually have remarkably few goofs, especially considering the amount of writing you do.
 Reviewed By: LadyOrion(notsignedin)  On: January 12, 2005 00:49 PST
waaaa that was way too short!! damn baka lady making sango freak out...grrr poor kagome more more more more :D "orion
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