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"Purity 2: Defiance" Reviews/Comments [ 423 ]
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 Title: Toga!!!
Reviewed By: FullmetalArchivist [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 06, 2004 08:51 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Aww, Toga! He saved her! I take it she believed his line about climbing the tree? Poor guy! Afraid of what his father would say yet unwilling to give up his dream! Terrific! You've once more brought an OC to life with a brilliance unmatched! Can't wait for more! =Diane=
 Reviewed By: angelica incarnate (ia apparently NOT ALLOWEED TO SIGN IN)  On: December 06, 2004 02:56 CST
lolol, w00t Toga! Do that youkai thang!! Ah, the keyboard should be taken away from me late at night. Great chapter Sue, the conversation between mother and daughter was my favorite part. LoL, but the sweetness between Toga and Sierra was as enjoyable as ever.
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 05, 2004 23:26 CST
Uh huh...Training...hmm. Well, if you'll buy that...I have some ocean-front property in arizona... LOL! Quick on his feet and quick thinking however quetionable the answer may be. When reflexes and instincts take over and you're left with trying to come up with a plausible explanation...you can always ask for more pie.
 Title: Tell Her!
Reviewed By: nymphminxgoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 05, 2004 22:23 CST
Tell her Toga. Tell her. Tell her. Tell her. Tell her Tell her. Tell her. Tell her. Tell her.
 Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 05, 2004 21:18 CST
Ah, those Q&A's definitly left me laughing. Especially the "Who's your daddy?" and the one about God is now looking up at you, Sue, hehehehe. That's great-- absolutly priceless! Maybe you should get that quote framed and hang it on your wall as a daily reminder, te he he. I saw that someone else mentioned this but will Sierra's biological father be demon and for some reason all her demon stuff is hidden and since she's been raised by humans she has all of the human qualities that Toga has wanted in a demon mate--which, at the same time, will please Sexxhoumaru??? Or am I getting too far ahead of myself. Just a thought. te he. PS- I still absolutly adore this story-- keep it coming! I'll be waiting! Take care.. have the hoard of children left yet? hope so! Bye bye now. ---Aitu
 Reviewed By: Shadow_Within (i logged in last time)  On: December 05, 2004 21:14 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
oohh!! toga!! He's gotta tell her soon before she gets to angry about him not trusting her! Just venting, ignore. Whens the wedding coming up!!!!! Well I suppose she needs to find out about his Youkai background first...
 Title: i'm jelous of sierra...
Reviewed By: Kyonarai [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 05, 2004 16:50 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
ok, this is so unfair, SHE GOT TO TOUCH THE FLUFF! *crys* *sniff* i want to touch the fluff! oh well, GREAT STORY! so when are you going to update??? please hurry, i'm going crazy here!! i'm still jelous of sierra though, my dream is to pet sesshomaru's fluff, but i'm sure toga's black fluff would be just as nice... *starts fantisizing about fluff* *drools* ok i had better stop! update soon!!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: Shadow_Within [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2004 23:14 CST
*shudder* The dad thing is like my worst nightmare. I still hold a grudge against my biological father. Anyways I Halloween thing was funny but this hedging the truth isn't good for there relationship, in the long run. I can't wait for the Wedding! (his sisters) It'll be so funny when everyone meets! Sierra will meets the highly acclaimed Inuyasha! (wait a minute... I already told you this in the email. i think... Jeez i'm getting old already, forgetting things. I'm already dyslexic, whats next...)
 Title: daddy dearest?
Reviewed By: chichiwvu [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2004 21:08 CST
and i quote, "He'd never be her daddy" LOL I don't know why i just thought this was hilarious.. of course her biological father won't be 'her daddy' Toga is! :P *sigh* I laugh at the stupidest things...
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2004 19:43 CST
Uh oh...who could Sierra's biological father be? This could be good...or not. There is a million-and-one scenarios that could emerge from that alone. Aww, she went running to Toga for comfort...and he grabs the FLUFF and shares it with her. Extreme WAFF'age here. Just a bit of agnst, but sweet. Sierra going to the wedding...hmm...still a little ways off and anything could happen in the meantime. I'm not going to speculate and will abide patiently for your enlightenment. Great chapter, as always.
 Title: Mokomoko-sama
Reviewed By: RadioNmyHead... not logged in  On: December 03, 2004 16:09 CST
Haha, the promise of protection is just great! So doglike... I can just see my deceased old, small, and above all stupid cocker spaniel trying to protect us from a bigger, livelier, and much brighter lab who just sidestepped my poor bewildered dog. Good intentions, truly pathetic dog. Toga, on the other hand... haha. And how happy am I that Mokomoko-sama made an appearance? Hahaha.
 Title: market them?? oh mercy, I can't breathe.....
Reviewed By: angelica incarnate [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2004 15:31 CST
She was cuddling his fluff!! I'm SO jealous! But...they're just so cute together I can't stay that way, lol. I think it's brave of him to give his vow of protection even when he knows how angry daddy will be. I can't wait to see who Sierra's father is...I bet we'll be meeting him, even if Sierra doesn't know that yet!
 Reviewed By: BloodyKitsune(Stupid Mediaminer.....)  On: December 03, 2004 14:53 CST
lol, 'the FLUFF!!!' huh? lol...... nice way of putting it, makes you wonder what'll happen when they meet the father....
 Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2004 14:28 CST
Yey--- the tail! Who doesn't love the tail-- even though it's not a tail, hehehe. hehehehehe, just got your e-mail Sue =P Honest, I didn't even sign in.. In fact, I pretty much almost never do, but for some reason, MM.org likes to sign me in sporadically. If you or you know of anyone who can explain this phenomenon of me being "signed in," please, let me know, haha. Yey, yey, the wedding is getting closer! So I guess the biggest question I still "will Toga bring Sierra with????" If I were a betting person, which I am, I would say Sierra's going to the wedding. It only seems right that if Toga goes with to meet her biological father he would feel the need to be reciprocal and take her to meet his family. But what do I know, I'm not the one writing the story. hahaha If you really wanted to, you could write everything opposite of what I say. That would be kinda funny too. love love love this story! Keep up the ggggggggggrrreeeeat! work. Sorry, I felt the need to impersonate Tony the tiger--- it wont/might happen again, hehe. bye bye now! ----Aitu (SIGNED IN WITHOUT SIGNING IN)
 Title: Aww, Toga!
Reviewed By: FullmetalArchivist [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2004 13:40 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Toga … This boy is … something else! I sense an underlying sadness, as though he doesn't really like going against his father. This is interesting. I love the dynamic with his "Uncle Yasha". Are we going to see more of the actual family interaction instead of just on the phone? I love Aiko and can't wait to see her relationship with her big brother. I hope she'll at least get to pop in and say hi! Those twins… good Lord, what happened with those two? They're just shockingly bad, aren't they? Stands to reason, if they discovered early on that they were so cute… Poor Kagome… she has no idea, does she? Great job! Sierra is priceless, Toga is a dream… Perhaps he is a bit 'too good' at this point, but then, he's not had a real reason to be 'bad' has he? The fluffy snugglies abound! Great Job! =Diane=
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