InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Darkness Fades to Dawn ❯ Misery ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The four protectors of the jewel sat cautiously eying the mysterious woman before them. She was seated beside Shippo, still mostly covered by her baggy clothing. Shippo noticed the tension in the air as they sat silently regarding each other. Kagome seemed to be the least unnerved by her strange appearance. Uncomfortable by the unease that stretched between them, Shippo made light conversation.

“Well, what have you been up to lately Misery?” He grinned sheepishly at his old friend.

“Shippo, I just talked to you an hour ago. You already know everything I've been up to!” the woman coolly replied back.

“Fine lets cut to the chase. What the hell is with your outfit? You look like a thug.” He chuckled throwing a pillow from the pile of bedding beside the couch.

“Hey! You jerk! Who the hell cares what I'm wearing! It's your fault I look like such a slob. Sending those movers over so early. All my nice clothes are packed idiot.” Misery broke out of her reserved behavior to nail Shippo in the right arm.

“That's better. I couldn't stand your act!” He smirked back, enjoying the lessening of tension in the air.

“So, Misery, how did you get to know Shippo?” Kagome asked cheerfully.

“You mean this annoying kitsune!” Misery shot Shippo another playful shot in the shoulder. “Well he just so happened to try and play my knight in shining armor, only to have me end up saving the both of us.”

“Feh! I knew the little runt still needed a girl to save his ass!” Inuyasha was getting a laugh at the now red faced Shippo.

“Oh if you think that's funny, then I should tell you about the time..” Misery began only to have a hand cover her mouth.

“Alright then, how 'bout we move on. No need to tell all the good stories at one time. Right Missy!” Shippo laughed nervously before sending her an eerie death glare.

“Party pooper.” She mumbled before edging back into the couch.

“Excuse me.” Sango quietly asked still staring bashfully at the newest member of their group. “I don't mean to be rude, but Miroku and I don't sense a normal youki about you. That, and your appearance is not something we are accustomed to.”
Misery sat on the couch given them a somewhat confused look before speaking.

“Normal aura, you mean you can actually pick up on my aura?”

“Miroku has strong spiritual powers and Sango is taijiya. They're from the past remember. They still possess a strong understanding of youkai and other beings.” Shippo offered up.

“Oh I see. Well the strangeness about me is probably because I'm not youkai.” She grinned back, sticking her tongue out a Shippo.

“Is that why your appearance is different?” Sango asked again.

“Oh! I see what their saying.” Kagome now fully understood the problem. “Shippo, they haven't seen anyone that hasn't been Japanese. Misery is obviously of European decent. Meaning she's white! You guys have never seen anyone of another ethnic race before!”

“Euro... what?” Inuyasha stumbled over the strange word.

“European!” Kagome stood up excitedly preparing to give her 'class' a lesson about the modern world. “Europe is a region of the world that is demographically different than Japan. Descendants from this area are mainly Caucasian which means their skin color is light. The world is greatly diversified now with people of all races and skin tones. Black, white, yellow, brown; it doesn't matter though, because we are all the same inside!”

“So you're not from Japan?” Sango asked timidly again.

“I'm from a country called Scotland originally, but the world is my home. I don't tend to stay in one place too long.” Misery yawned unexpectedly, quickly covering her mouth to hide it.

“Long day Missy?” Shippo nudged her as if trying to keep her awake.

“Yeah I guess. I spent half the day packing the lab and making sure those idiots you sent didn't break anything. This 'Lord Whatever' best not touch any of it. I'll personally kick his ass if any of my stuff is messed up.” She grumbled angrily obviously upset at the thought of her possessions being moved at the demand of someone else.

Inuyasha snickered in the corner, loving the attitude the girl was already having towards Sesshoumaru. Her personality reminded him of someone, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. He straightened from his resting place to address the odd woman again.

“I can't wait to see you say that to his face. Perhaps that asshole finally has met his match! I think we'll get along just fine!” He continued to snicker imagining the look on Sesshoumaru's face when this spitfire lined him up and let him have it.

“Ya think?” Misery smiled as she yawned once more.

“It's been a long day for all of us. I think we had best get some rest for our long journey ahead of us.” Kagome was quick to rise and begin laying out the bedding for Sango and Miroku.

Not long after everyone was settled into their sleeping arrangements. Kagome again padded around the house locking doors and turning off lights. Finally she was entering her room and closing its door. Inuyasha again was waiting faithfully perched in the open window.

“Hey,” Inuyasha responded to the smile she shot him after she had shut her door and switched off the lamp.

The moonlight gave them both plenty of visibility in her room. He watched as she walked over and sat on the edge of her bed. She seemed nervous as she sat digging one toe into the carpet. Finally she looked up shyly at him.

“Inuyasha? Would you......?” She blushed and looked away.

“Feh!” He snorted getting down from the window. He knew what she was trying to ask him. He came to stand before her at the side of the bed. “Move over.”

Kagome's nervousness left her as she smiled and made room for her hanyou. The thought of nightmares still made her uneasy, but with Inuyasha holding her, the night seemed peaceful. A strong arm snaked out once they were settled, to pull her tightly against him.

“Sleep Kagome, I'm here to keep you safe.” He whispered to the girl whose head rested on his chest. All the response he received was the steady breathing from her sleeping form.


“What! The limousine is here already! I haven't had time to say goodbye to Mom and Souta yet!” Kagome shouted out her protest as she scurried around the house making sure everything was packed and nothing important was being forgotten.

“It's alright Kagome, the driver won't leave until we're ready.” Shippo tried to reassure his frantic friend.

“Kagome, I think everything is packed! Why don't we visit your family's graves now?” Sango pulled lightly at her arm trying to calm her and redirect her attention.

“Are you sure Sango? You checked each room right?” Kagome's nerves were clearly visible, the stress etched out on her face.

“I promise. Let's visit your family before you faint.” Sango giggled at the frazzled appearance of her companion.

“Fine, lead the way oh fearless one.” Kagome gave into Sango's playfulness and with one final look she bid farewell to her home of eighteen years.

Miroku, Inuyasha, Shippo and Misery all joined the pair as they made their way past the well house and Shrine's outer buildings to the gardens and ancient burial grounds behind the main grounds. Kagome lead the way up the small path to the burial clearing on top of the short hill. Arriving at the top she was shocked at what awaited her. Gone were the piles of dirt that had modestly marked her Mother's and brother's graves. Both were covered in a blanket of bright green grass. Wildflowers flourished and rose bushes had sprouted around the headstones, making it look more like an oasis of beauty rather than a burial spot. The others joined in with looks of amazement.

“Looks like someone couldn't sleep last night.” Shippo broke the silence as he turned and grinned at Misery.

“You mean you did all this?” Kagome asked quietly, tears brimming in her doe eyes.

“Yeah, I figured your family would prefer something like this in comparison to the barren earth.” Misery added lightly as if it had been a simple task for her.

“This would have taken all night. I didn't hear any trucks bringing in sod or plants or anything. Not to mention the cost, this would have been expensive. This is too much Misery, I don't know what to say.” Kagome was crying freely, but a smile graced her lips.

“It took me no time at all.” Misery smiled as she stepped forward to a small patch of barren earth. Kneeling down she waved her hand over the area, and no sooner had she finished when a green vine sprung forward from the earth. In a matter of seconds it had matured fully and flowers moved slightly in the breeze.

“Amazing” Miroku and Sango chimed in.

“See, I told you! No time at all!” She grinned mischievously as she stood and moved back to her position beside Shippo.

“Thank you” Kagome launched herself at the woman, holding her close as she wept openly.

Misery was beside herself. She was not used to such emotion and looked very out of place as she roughly patted Kagome's back. One could actually see her unease over the situation. Relief flooded over her as Kagome pulled back and smiled at her.

The four watched as Kagome knelt, offering her family silent goodbye's. Having spent so much time here in the past week, Kagome was content to simply whisper her promises to return often to visit them. Finishing she plucked two flowers to lay on each grave. The heaviness in her heart had lifted slightly and she no longer felt an ache inside. Rather, after seeing the graves so beautifully displayed she felt revitalized. It was almost as if Mom and Souta were smiling down on her, encouraging her to do her best. She felt a warm hand come to rest on her shoulder. Looking up she met those fierce and comforting amber eyes of her savior.

“You ready Kagome?” He asked, offering her his other hand.

“I'm ready!” She grasped his hand and allowed him to pull her into an upright position.

Inuyasha continued to hold her hand as they made their way down the short path back onto the main grounds of the Shrine. Fearful of faltering, Kagome continued straight through the grounds to the shrine steps. She practically ran down taking two steps at a time. So lost in her sentimental thoughts of her home, she barely noticed the beauty of the car that awaited them. It wasn't until Inuyasha paused to cringe before entering the limo she realize where they were.

“What's the matter Inuyasha?” Kagome asked, almost having to pull the hanyou inside.

“Not one of these stupid things again.” He turned green at that thought of riding in a vehicle once more.

“Oh right! I forgot how much you hated cars. Sit next to a window Inuyasha, then we can roll it down if you need fresh air.” She smiled affectionately.

“Do I have to ride in it?” He asked squeamishly, giving the wheeled contraption a dirty look.

“Yes Inuyasha, but don't worry. I'll take care of you. I promise.” Kagome giggled as he rolled his eyes and sat next to a window. She noticed his blush when she scooted across the seat to settle right next to him.

Sango and Miroku were the next to follow, both awestruck at the vehicle they were climbing inside. Kirara jumped in and found a spot beside Buyo's traveling kennel.
Shippo assisted Misery in before taking the final seat beside the door. Once everyone was settled, the driver started the limo and proceeded to begin their journey to their new home. They drove for some time through the busy streets of Tokyo, before finally edging out of the city. Greeted by open fields and small farming villages they made their way towards their destination.

“Shippo, I can't help but notice that you are suddenly lacking a tail.” Miroku noted to the kitsune after the distraction of the city had left their views.

“Concealment.” Shippo answered simply.

“Concealment? Why do you conceal your features?”

“Humans in the past have not taken all that well to creatures unlike their own. Hell, my race didn't even take to humans either.” Misery began the explanation. “It became necessary for non human creatures to use concealment spells to hide their true form. This allowed them to lead normal lives without fear of persecution from humans. This especially became the case when the hunts began and then when guns were invented.”

“Hunts? What do you mean?” Kagome asked, trying to remember her history.

“From the seventieth century on, the spread of Christianity lead to the fear of creatures that they thought held 'demon like' traits. Churches ordered a purge of what they called the 'sinning beasts'. They sought to eliminate out not only those unusual beings, but other cultures and beliefs. Believing that unity would best be achieved by have a common set of beliefs they used this purge as an example for humans and supernatural beings. Before long, the guiding principle had been lost and the purging was used to place fear in the masses and to force them to abandon their pagan or heathen ways. Many innocent lives were lost in those times.” Misery stopped to look out the window, a troubled look etched across her features.

“Misery's family fell in those days.” Shippo offered up as he placed a comforting hand on her arm.

“Once guns became a tool of humans, it was imperative that supernatural beings protect themselves from discovery. So means of concealment where developed. Some chose specific objects to cast the concealment spell on and then wear the objects. A good example of these are rings, necklaces, hair accessories, and earrings. Most have intricate designs on them so keep this in mind when you are in public. It's a good way to shed suspicion on an individual especially since non-youkai like me have different auras or ki. Shippo has a concealment tattoo, designed and inked by me. Since he is a highly intelligent youkai, he can will the design to grant him either visible or concealed features.” Misery explained while Shippo rolled up his sleeve to show off the design.

“I see, tell me then Misery-sama, what exactly are you?” Miroku asked, still somewhat puzzled by the fact that youkai were not the only nonhuman beings around.

“I'm Nephilim.” She paused letting the others grasp the word.

“Nephilim?” Kagome mouthed the word, not recognizing it at all.

“My grandmother was a pagan worshiper, while grandfather is the Prince of Hell's northern lands who controls the elements of earth.” Misery paused again to check their progress through the window.“After the identity of their child was discovered she was cast among humans. My mother followed in her mother's footsteps and also fell in love with a fallen angel. ”

“So you are a cross between a fallen angel and a hanyou woman?” Kagome asked finally.

“Correct. Because of her heritage, I'm much more powerful than any other Nephilim. I was hated by both sides of my blood. Humans did not fully embrace me and neither did the fallen angels.” She smiled sadly at the last statement.

“I'm sorry.” Kagome said quietly. “Inuyasha is just like you too Misery, half youkai and half human.”

“Well then he will be happy to hear the following. The twentieth century was a good time for mixed creations like us. Advancements have made it easy for us to blend in and lead relatively normal lives. I haven't had any trying times since the around 1890. The new millennium is fast proving to be an excellent time for us. All supernatural beings have begun to embrace us because their numbers are diminishing and beings of mixed heritage are flourishing. Being half human has its benefits!” She smiled at the look on Inuyasha's face.

“We're here!” Shippo jumped into the conversation to announce their arrival.

Five faces quickly turned to peer intently out the windows to catch the first glimpse of Lord Sesshoumaru's secret hideaway.