InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Phoenix Blade: Time Lapse ❯ Mixed Messages ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Don't own…don't sue. Borrowing only; will give `em back when I've finished doing depraved things to `em…
A/N: Oh, dear… Kikyo is Not Amused…Coarse Language Alert (and it isn't all Inuyasha, this time!)
The Phoenix Blade: Time Lapse
Chapter 35: Mixed Messages
Sengoku Jidai
Later the same dayas the fight at the recombinant pit in Mt. Hiei
The stars had come out by the time Inuyasha and Kagome found their way back to Miroku, Sango and Shippo. The hanyou estimated that they had been pulled nearly ten miles by the demonic mass; Kagome privately noted that if that was the case, her shard-detecting ability seemed to be better over long distances than ever before. While she clung to Inuyasha's back as he raced through the trees, she tried very hard to keep his reassurances that she had nothing to worry about foremost in her mind. To put it mildly, she was having a bit of trouble with this, as she replayed the incident inside the recombinant pit and the confrontation with Naraku inside her head.
What's wrong, Phoenix?
Oh, er, hi, Midoriko…I was just thinking about something.
Must be something pretty unsettling to be preoccupying you to the point that you aren't strategizing or anything
Naraku abducted Kikyo…
Ah…and you feel you must rescue the redundant from the repulsive?
I don't…but Inuyasha does.
Hmm…could it be… there is a touch of jealousy involved here?
I'm scared that Naraku will set up a situation where Inuyasha will die trying to rescue Kikyo…
Sweetheart, isn't there a handsome older hanyou cavorting around here somewhere?
Hi, Fenik…right, I forgot. But, who's to say that the flow of time might not be disrupted somehow?
You worry too much, sweetheart. Concentrate on the here and now…put that sharp mind of yours to work figuring out how to beat the bastard, and everything will be fine.
Before Kagome could reply to that, Inuyasha skidded to a stop at a small campfire, her thighs were released, and then she had to brace herself against Shippo's enthusiastic greeting. She gave the kit a quick hug and a kiss, then seated herself next to Sango, who pressed a full mess tin and chopsticks into her hands. Miroku had recovered rapidly once the miasma in the recombinant pit dissipated, and then convinced Sango to sit tight and wait for their companions' return. They had rations ready and the kettle boiling.
They were not very happy when Kagome and Inuyasha told them that Naraku was back, and even more powerful than before.
Inuyasha virtually inhaled the contents of his mess tin without really tasting it; he was now pacing rapidly back and forth on the other side of the campfire. Kagome eyed him, while accepting a mug of tea from Sango, who elected herself mother hen for the evening. Shippo cuddled up with Kirara; the two youkai squeezed in between the slayer and Kagome. Miroku also watched the hanyou through the steam rising from his mug, and finally spoke. “We shall need a plan, if we have any hope of successfully freeing Kikyo-sama.”
Inuyasha stopped pacing abruptly, and folded his hands inside his sleeves. “I should do this alone…”
Kagome deliberately set her mug down and stood up to face her mate across the fire. There was an uncomfortable pregnant pause, and then her voice was as steely as her silver-tinged gaze. “I allowed you to do the `lone hero' thing once where Kikyo was concerned, and you nearly ended up finding out how many hells there really are. We are all in this together…Miroku? Sango? What are your opinions?”
Miroku swallowed when those icy eyes fixed on him. “I agree with Kagome-sama entirely. Naraku is our enemy, not only yours, Inuyasha.”
Sango stood up, dark eyes gone hard and flashing. “My brother is also involved…we have to work together to bring him down.”
Kagome smiled at the slayer, and then turned back to Inuyasha. “We will go up against Naraku, Inuyasha. He'll probably have a trap set for us; Kikyo will probably be the bait, because Naraku knows you won't leave her in his hands. We will have to be on high alert the whole time…and we will come up with a workable plan. Let's sit down, have some tea, and put our heads together. We can't move until dawn, so we ought to catch a little bit of sleep…”
“By that time, Naraku might have done something to Kikyo!”
Kagome chose to ignore the twinge in her heart at the heated tone in Inuyasha's voice. “She still has an impressive amount of spiritual power…the arrow that knocked out Tetsusaiga was really something. If Naraku tries anything, I'm sure he'll be purified. I don't think she has to worry about anything that way.” Kagome seated herself next to Sango, and picked up her mug, taking a long sip and ignoring Inuyasha as if their conversation was over.
The monk smiled grimly into the fire. “I do believe that I am looking forward to coming face to face with Naraku again…this encounter may prove to be very unfortunate for that abomination. Shall we discuss some tactics? Inuyasha, you should sit down and join us…” The hanyou grumbled, but slumped down, and soon was taking part in a lively discussion as a plan of attack was formed, refined and then most parties retired to their bedrolls for a few hours of sleep before the dawn.
Inuyasha instead headed up into the tree; he was chewing over his burning hatred of Naraku too hard to sleep. He was so far into his memories, he almost missed Kagome softly calling his name. When he looked over the side of the branch at her, she had a blanket over her shoulder, her quiver and sword in her hands while she looked expectantly up at him. He dropped down, scooped her up, and leapt back up to his perch. His mate hung her gear on a neighbouring branch, then curled herself into his lap and tucked the blanket around both of them; he wrapped his arms around her tightly and held her to his heart for a very long time. The girl squirmed; he released her slightly. Kagome leaned back to look deeply into his eyes; a slim finger came up to tap his cheek.
“No needless risk-taking tomorrow, koibito. I can't fight effectively if I have to worry about you…”
Inuyasha snorted. “Keh! I'll be stuck to your side like a glop of steel bee's honey, Kagome. I'm not letting Naraku have a shot at you, either.”
“We'll have to be careful of illusions; I could see him trying to set up a situation where we would end up taking a swing at each other…”
“That's why we're sticking together. Now go to sleep, wench. Your arrows have to be on target tomorrow.” He shifted, ready to drop them both down and deposit her in her bedroll where the kitsune was already snoring, but Kagome shook her head. She nestled under his chin, and sighed, closing her eyes. Inuyasha frowned a bit at the branches over his head. “You wanna stay up here with me? You know you never sleep well…”
“Oh, I'll be grouchy tomorrow, but it'll be Naraku's problem. This is our first significant battle in months; I'd rather be with you than a bed-hogging kitsune before we go into danger.”
Inuyasha kissed the top of her head, and carefully moved her around until she was tucked securely into the cradle of his body. Kagome sighed again and relaxed, several strands of his hair wound around her fingers, and he was soon aware of her regular heartbeat and soft breathing. He took a firmer grip on her, and let the worry that had been poking him slip away, as he deep-breathed her calming scent.
He would personally dissect Naraku down to individual demonic atoms if he so much as looked at Kagome.
Just like the preceding morning, the group was up and ready to move out in the pre-dawn chill. They had a quick breakfast of self-heating rations, and then various weapons were readied and tested while Sango changed into her slayer's armour. There was a brief conference, and then they moved out in the dim light. The previous day, as Inuyasha sniffed the plateau after Naraku disappeared with Kikyo, he had detected a faint trace of their passage to the north-west, so that is the direction they travelled.
They moved silently in the misty darkness, the horses' hooves muffled in the deep loam of the forest floor, the flames around Kirara's paws crackling softly. A couple of hours in, just as the faintest pink tinged the eastern sky, they were rumbled. Inuyasha heard them first; Miroku sensed them at almost the same moment.
“Hell wasps! The bastard will know we're on the way…” The insects circled them once, before returning the way they'd come, which was definitely from the north-west. The hunters urged their mounts to a faster pace; weapons were carried at the `ready' position; Kagome rode with her bow and an arrow in one hand, the arrow tip sparkling with violet-pink energy. Another hour, and a fair bit of ground later, they were joined by less-welcome outriders…glowing eel-like creatures slithering soundlessly through the air, many of them carrying white globes and resembling alien tadpoles.
“What in all the hells are those?” Kirara dropped down beside Arashi; Sango was eyeing the creatures warily, hefting Hiraikotsu.
“Kikyo's soul-collectors…she must be nearby.” Kagome's jaw was tight; her aura was prickling, but she couldn't get a lock on anything. Miroku let out a shout of warning.
“There is a mist rising up ahead… I believe it may be demonic in origin…Inuyasha! Remember our plan!” The hanyou, who was about to dive into the swirling fog, retreated with a curse. The group tried outflanking the thickening mist; it blocked their path, roiling into a wall twenty feet high. They reversed their direction, and tried going around it the other way; once again they were blocked.
“Looks like we've found Naraku's trap.” Kagome swung off Arashi and threw her reins to Shippo. “Take Arashi and Juhi away from this area, Ship-dip. Don't come looking for us; we'll return as soon as we've dealt with whatever's waiting for us in there.”
The kitsune suddenly bounded into her arms and hugged her tightly around the neck. “Be careful, Kagome…that fog is making all my fur stand up on end…”
She petted his red top-knot, and grinned carelessly. “We'll be fine. See you shortly.” Shippo hopped down and punched the hanyou in the leg on his way back to Arashi. Inuyasha glared after him, but didn't retaliate.
“Kirara, stay and guard Shippo…if anything happens, take him and the horses out of here, and make sure they get back to Kaede-sama safely.” Sango scratched Kirara's ears, then stepped over to Kagome. Both girls were grim-faced as they nodded to each other.
“Remember, all of you…no unnecessary heroics, no taking Naraku on by yourselves. If he can pick us off one at a time, we don't stand a chance. If we stick together, his chances dwindle rapidly.” Kagome's voice held an authority that the others weren't used to hearing from her; then they noticed the silver spiralling into her irises. She turned towards the encroaching mist, flamed an arrow, and half-cocked her bowstring. “Form a skirmishing line like we discussed last night; everyone stay in a position where you are within clear visual range of each other. Move out.”
If anyone was taken aback at Kagome's assuming command, no one said anything. She waited until Sango was in position on her left shoulder, and then began prowling forward, the arrow tip pulsing with violet-pink light like a beacon. The mist flowed out to meet them; tendrils coiled around their legs, and an odd smell filled their nostrils. It was cloyingly sweet and powdery, and Kagome wondered if it contained a spell of some kind. She powered the arrow-tip even more, and the mist recoiled, before continuing to move around her as if she was walking through cloudy water. A very mild electrical sensation passed over her, prickling her skin…and then she realized that she couldn't see Sango any more. She stopped, peering intently at the white wall, thought she heard Inuyasha's shout, and then the mist cleared, but she was alone.
Damn, damned, damnable! So much for the plan…and we forgot `Plan B'…
Inuyasha had indeed shouted a warning, just as what he belatedly realized was a barrier opened and then closed behind him. Shit! Where's Kagome? His attention was caught by the loud crackle and intense heat of flames hungrily consuming dry wood, and he found himself in the midst of a burning village. Bewildered, coughing in the smoke, he stared wildly around, trying to fathom his surroundings. A village…being attacked? By what? Shouting voices spun him around; desperate villagers armed with scythes and hoes poured around the side of a flaming building and came up short at the sight of him.
“It's Inuyasha…stop him! He's after the Sacred Jewel!”
Inuyasha raised his hands in a gesture of supplication…and discovered a whole, unblemished Shikon Jewel dangling from his claws. Stunned, he could only stare at it with something akin to horror. An intense chill raced up his spine just as he heard his name.
“Die, Inuyasha!” A glowing arrow was speeding towards his chest. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe…but curiously, felt no impact, just pain, when it entered his flesh. Staring at his chest, where the shaft quivered with finality, he then looked up at a halting movement.
Blood-streaked face, white shirt stained red in a free-form pattern. Angry dark eyes boring holes into his soul. Kikyo painfully stooped and used the end of her bow to hook the Jewel towards her, picking it up between slender blood-stained fingers. “Inuyasha…for such a thing…you betrayed me?” Her voice was uncompromising, daring him to contradict her. Tears streamed down her face, spreading the bloody stain on her porcelain skin. He tried to form words, to tell her that no, it wasn't him, it was Naraku…Naraku who ensnared them, who betrayed her.
The words stuck in his throat.
Kikyo wobbled closer; he could see her blood pulsing out of her terrible wounds, turning her white top into a darker version of her hakama. Closer she came, until she stood a handspan away, those fathomless eyes overflowing. He was startled when she fell bodily against him; she seemed so light, so fragile, like she was already an empty shell.
“Inuyasha…you won't…die alone…”
An intense feeling of guilt washed over him, guilt for not trusting her, guilt that he had hated her, guilt that she had followed him in death, guilt that he wasn't what she wanted him to be.
“I'm sorry, Kikyo…I couldn't protect you…”
White clouds rolled softly around Miroku, almost hypnotic in their undulating movement. The monk watched his step, alert and wary, holding his staff ready to deal damage.
“This mist is truly disorienting,” he muttered, slowly pivoting on the balls of his feet to scan the thick, ever-shifting monotonous landscape. The hand bearing his Vortex trembled, then an odd whistling sound began. It was high-pitched and made him flinch; he saw the fabric of his gauntlet pucker as it was drawn inward… and then the prayer beads exploded.
In the next moment, the roar of the fully-opened Vortex filled his ears, and his heart nearly stopped when he realized that he was in immediate danger of being sucked in…
Sango trod cautiously through the white mist, Hiraikotsu ready to strike. “Kagome? Inuyasha! Miroku! Where are you? Hello!” The woolly walls swirled in close; she thought she heard sibilant whispers…and then the fog parted on a scene that chilled the blood in her veins.
Her companions, all of them, transfixed at the moment of their deaths.
Inuyasha, the Tetsusaiga still clasped in his limp hand, stared sightlessly from where he slumped against a tree trunk, his throat slashed. Kagome, nearly decapitated, clutched a bloody scrap of russet fur in a final embrace. Miroku…Miroku looked almost serene, lying on his back, bisected by a massive diagonal slash from shoulder to hip. Sango felt her knees give way; she dropped Hiraikotsu as she staggered. Already off-balance, she was sent flying by the impact of steel against her own flesh, as something sharp slammed into her back.
A horrifyingly familiar feeling assailed her, as she slowly turned her head to see…Kohaku. Her younger brother, a soft smile on his freckled face, retrieved his chain sickle and advanced slowly towards her. “Dearest sister…thank you so much for protecting me from your companions!”
Sango's eyes widened; her mouth sagged even further. “I-I k-killed them? Wh-what?”
Kohaku's smile grew merry. “Of course you did, dear sister…it was to protect me. Your betrayal of them allows me to continue to serve my master, Naraku-sama…so thank you.” Sango could only stare helplessly at him, heedless of the tears that streamed down her cheeks as he carefully balanced the sickle in his hand and uncoiled a measured length of chain, smiling benignly all the while. “You will not be alone in hell long, sister…I promise to join you soon.” Then faster than her blurred eyes could track, the sickle flashed in and laid open her chest…
Midoriko? Fenik? Could use a little extra power here…
Hey, sweetheart…all ya hafta do is ask!
Phoenix, watch yourself. You need to focus!
I'm pissed that Naraku managed to split us up without even trying hard…
He's sneaky, devious…and not to be underestimated.
Wish I had a hanyou, as well as a taiyoukai, in the immediate vicinity.
They'd be too busy fighting each other.
Right…this place is really giving me the creeps!
Here, sweetheart… I'll give you a nice little hug
Hey! Fenik, that touch on my ass had so better have been an accident…
Kagome felt the familiar power surge around her, and any fears she had disappeared like frost on a spring morning. Her heightened senses picked up the faintest rustling sound around her; she spun and released the arrow into the ground, and strangely animated roots retreated rapidly. Notching another arrow, she continued to pad forward, watching intently, listening carefully in the insulated silence.
The mist parted abruptly, and Kagome had a clear view of about thirty feet ahead, to a massive oak tree, behind which a soft white light glowed, and faint sizzling sounds were audible. Taking advantage of the visibility, she darted soundlessly forward, and put her back against the trunk of the tree. She sensed a barrier with a distinctly malevolent aura; holding her breath, she carefully edged far enough around the bole to see the source of the aura.
Gulping, she dodged back. To the left of her position was a tree encased in a sheer barrier; soul collectors were bouncing off the shield in a desperate attempt to deliver their vital cargo. Kikyo lay in the sturdy fork of the tree, reminding Kagome of the first time she'd seen the miko…when she'd tried to drag Inuyasha down to hell. Hovering above Kikyo was the baboon-pelt shrouded figure of Naraku.
Kagome assessed quickly. No shards, and the barrier's aura isn't strong enough. Just a golem, then…damn! Oh, well… She flared an arrow to scorching levels, then leapt out from behind the tree, drew a quick bead, and let go. The arrow smashed the barrier and took the golem in the chest, exploding it into chunks. With the most unnerving laugh, the head dropped to the ground and rolled to the side.
Too easy
“Since your demise at the hands of my `death by illusion' eludes me, shadow maiden, I shall have to use more extreme measures to remove your soul from your body.” The earth beneath her feet cracked asunder, splitting into a yawning crevasse. Reacting without thinking, Kagome twisted in mid-air like a cat, was able to plant her boots on one wall of the crevasse, and rocket herself back up over the lip, making a neat, three-point landing nearly at Kikyo's feet. Kagome yipped and took a step back, mindful of the cliff behind; her sword appeared in her hand, honed edge out as she sank into a defensive stance.
She eyed the undead miko, who stood unmoving, dark unbound hair twisting in an unfelt breeze. “You weren't paralyzed at all, were you?”
Kikyo did not smile. “It suited my purposes that Naraku believed I was immobile…he must be truly afraid of you, if he is using a golem.” Kikyo crumbled the wooden doll between her fingers and let it fall to the earth. Her eyes flashed and narrowed. “You filthy slut.”
Kagome blinked, taken somewhat aback by the venom in the miko's voice. “Pardon me?”
“You are a disgrace. How dare you…”
A tiny lightbulb went on in Kagome's brain, as she recalled the epithet mouthed at her the previous day at the recombinant pit. She was briefly mortified, and then incensed. The best defence is a good offence… She squared up to Kikyo, her aura crackling, and allowed a sardonic smile to creep across her lips. “Oh, I completely forgot…you were there, weren't you? My sincere apologies if you were disturbed by our activities in any way…” Her voice dripped saccharine remorse.
Kagome flashed a conspiratorial smile, and lowered her voice to a stage whisper. “It was really great, wasn't it? He's very good, don't you think?”
Kikyo snarled. Kagome, tempted very fleetingly to see if she could literally shatter the undead miko's jaw, dutifully honoured Inuyasha's wish not to kill Kikyo and instead merely stepped sideways, to increase the distance between them. At that moment, Kagome's heartbeat slowed dramatically, dropping her to her knees as her protective aura melted away…
Inuyasha's breathing slowed; the crackle of flames died away in his ears. The light weight of Kikyo's form lying against him barely registered in the tumult of guilt and regret running around his brain.
She followed me in death…I never knew…I didn't trust…
Um, hello?
I couldn't protect her…
Smarten up, hanyou. You're going to get us killed!
I won't die alone this time…
Of course you won't be alone…your friends will be there too, helping Kagome kick your ass all the way from the first to the seventh hells!
Kagome….Shit! Kagome! Where is she?
Caught in Naraku's trap…just like you are. Don't you notice something missing?
The dead wench…she's covered in blood and usually reeks like a graveyard, right?
::sighs:: Use your nose, idiot. Smell anything?
No…oh, FUCK! Dammit! That bastard…
Nice to see that lightbulb occasionally works.
What's a lightbulb?
::sound of forehead being smacked::
As Inuyasha's body tensed, Kikyo's illusion leaned back, dark eyes gone hard, fingertips biting into his shoulders. “So, Inuyasha, you've decided to fight, eh?”
For a long moment, the hanyou stared at the illusion, not sure if he was talking to Kikyo or to Naraku, and then he snarled. “If Kagome is injured, I'll follow you into the depths of the seventh hell to take my revenge, you fucker.” Kikyo's face warped and twisted, and the illusion broke, to reveal that he was bound against a tree by woody roots, the sharp tip of one piercing his chest where the vanished arrow had been. Roaring with anger, Inuyasha slashed his way free, the roots falling away and slithering into the surrounding mist, which also drew back, revealing the slumped form of Miroku not far away, coiled in more roots. Blood dripped onto the ground, from the wound in his chest where the roots had begun to pierce it, and he could hear the houshi's harsh breathing.
Miroku!” Inuyasha dove for the monk, clawed the vines away, caught the falling body and cushioned its impact. Miroku was shivering uncontrollably, teeth chattering, cold sweat pouring from his pores. “Houshi! Snap out of it!” Inuyasha was tempted to smack the monk to bring him around, but Miroku's eyes shot wide open at that moment. He stared wildly at the hanyou, before registering who it was.
“Inuyasha…the Vortex…it was sucking me in…” Both men dropped their gazes to the securely-wrapped palm, quiescent and innocent. Inuyasha bared his fangs.
“These damned illusions work on your greatest fear…find Sango. She'll have been ensnared as well.”
The hanyou flashed a dangerous grin that had Miroku widening his eyes. “My bitch better be in one piece, or all hell's going to break loose…” And he was gone.
Despite feeling like a ton of bricks had landed on her chest, Kagome struggled back to her feet, using her blade as leverage. Kikyo observed her with a satisfied smile, and gestured. Suddenly, Kagome was entwined by soul collectors, who wound tightly around her, pinning her arms and constricting her already-painful chest further. Damn…not this again! she thought. Helpless to move and unable to muster the energy to even zap the creatures, Kagome could only glare at Kikyo as the undead miko's hand flared…and spite-driven energy leaped across the space, slapping her across the face.
“Demon's whore.” The words dripped acid.
Kagome grinned crookedly despite the pain. “Technically, that would be a hanyou's bitch…but I'm actually his mate.”
Mate?” Kikyo spat. “He doesn't even dignify you with the title of wife…rutting like animals. Disgusting.” This was punctuated with another hard strike to the other cheek. Kagome shook that off with an effort.
“Sure you were at the same party, Kikyo?” She couldn't resist another jab, while trying to determine if she could swing Fenikkusuken at all and hit Kikyo anyplace worthwhile. “Guess you can't get too close to me, in case that bit of soul decides to abandon ship, huh?”
There was a very brief moment of silence, and then Kikyo's spoke softly, but with considerable malice. “You do not deserve to live…you are an abomination to join with that…animal.”
Kagome stared into the undead miko's eyes, considering. “So I'm right, aren't I? You wanted him to become human so you could escape your destiny as Protector of the Jewel, and so you wouldn't be `tainted' by his touch. Lucky for the poor bastard that you did pin him to the Goshinboku, because he'd have found out your true feelings eventually, Kikyo…and no one likes to live a lie.”
“Silence!” Kikyo gestured towards Kagome's tunic; puzzled, the girl watched as Kikyo became obviously frustrated by her inability to do something. Then Kagome screeched as a soul collector looped upward and then, flattening itself, slithered down inside her tunic and her body armour, tugging on the pouch that held the Shikon shards. She tried to produce a barrier, but between the rest of the damn soul collectors, and her slowed heartbeat, she couldn't summon the necessary energy.
“I won't leave the Jewel in the hands of worthless trash like you…” Kikyo waited, a smile playing about her lips, as Kagome gritted her teeth against the sensation of cold jelly sliding over her skin.
“I thought you said the last time that the Jewel was no longer your concern?”
The soul collector abruptly popped back out of Kagome's tunic, the fat pouch containing the Shikon shards clasped in its spidery legs. It swooped over to Kikyo, dropping it into her hand, the Jewel glowing with a soft pink hue. She contemplated her prize for a moment, then looked at Kagome.
“Such a large cache…you have worked hard to restore the Jewel.” A very unpleasant smile ruined Kikyo's features. “You must be purified to take away your filth…and then there will only be one of us in this reality, which is as it should be.”
“You are Naraku's tool, then. You really have stooped awfully low, haven't you?”
“I will suit his means to my ends. It is time for you to go.” Kagome felt herself being pulled backwards; the distance between she and Kikyo grew rapidly. Gripping her sword tightly, she realized she was hovering over the open crevasse again; far below was what looked like bubbling magma…or maybe acid. If the heat rising off of it was any indication…she glared at Kikyo, who smiled serenely. “Any last words for me to relate to my Inuyasha?”
Your Inuyasha?” Kagome spluttered, then smirked unpleasantly. “He thinks of you with all the deep, loving affection of… a younger brother. As for `last words', how about… `Fuck you, bitch…I'll see you in the sixth hell first'.”
At the moment Kikyo's creatures released her, two things happened. One, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and two, Fenikkusuken pulsed. Kagome felt her power come roaring back to surround her…and as she fell, she was able to pull off a desperate mid-air somersault that brought her within reach of the far edge. She landed half-on, half-off; scrabbling desperately, she tossed the sword onto level ground and with both hands gripping convenient roots, managed to swing a leg up, followed by the rest of her body. Rolling away from the edge, grabbing her sword, she sprang to her feet and turned to face the undead miko.
Kikyo was plainly startled at her reincarnation's agility and whirling demonic/spiritual battle aura. “You are tainted by demonic blood…? How can the Jewel tolerate…?”
A hard voice rang across the space. “It puts up with you, although you steal souls to survive!” The undead miko took a step back as the silver flames roared higher around the slim form poised on the other side of the crevasse, a glowing sword pointed directly at her. “Know this, Kikyo. Only my promise to Inuyasha is stopping me from splitting your clay carcass wide open and returning you to whichever hell you crawled out of. However, if you don't hand back that Jewel immediately, I'll crush you into dust right here and now.”
Kagome was in the act of dropping into a crouch, preparatory to making the leap over the crevasse, when her shoulders were grabbed from behind by clawed hands, and she was pulled upright against a strong chest. Kikyo stared as the silver flames engulfed Inuyasha, winding around him protectively, joining the two into a single powerful torch. And then, she understood that he had truly made a different choice, and darkness engulfed what was left of her soul.
“Kagome, what in all the hells is going on?” The hanyou's voice was low; he'd ascertained by a couple of sniffs that his mate was uninjured.
“Kikyo took the Shikon shards from me.”
The undead miko made a dismissive gesture. “Naraku's plan was to melt the flesh from her body, simply because she bears these shards…they are too important to be left in the hands of one such as she, so I will bear the burden of their protection…”
Kagome spluttered. “You….dammit! Fancy words, but you're stealing them! Give `em back, Kikyo!”
In answer, Kikyo only closed her eyes, and quick as thought, her soul collectors spiralled around her and lifted her far above their heads. For a wild moment, Kagome nearly flung her sword like a javelin, as she had done on that long-ago morning against the crow youkai; her hand was stayed by Inuyasha's. She glanced over at the hanyou, a complaint forming on her lips that froze at the odd, almost…regretful?…look on his face as he gazed up after Kikyo's disappearing form.
For a long moment, Kagome just stared at Inuyasha. Drawing what she felt to be a logical conclusion as to the source of his soulful look, she snapped her wrist out of his grip and backed away, slamming her sword into its sheath so that she wasn't tempted to use it…on him. She was sure that steam was starting to mist out of her ears. In a small moment of stillness, she thought she heard the small tinkling sounds of a heart break, almost lost in the greater roar of anger flooding her body. Inuyasha finally turned his head towards her… and looked straight into silver fire.
“Fuck, dog-boy…the bitch took our Jewel shards!”
His voice was incredibly calm. “We'll find more, Kagome. Don't worry about it.” He wondered at the look of disbelief on the girl's face, and the way her shoulders stiffened as she stared at him like he'd sprouted an extra ear…or two.
“You're letting her take them? You trust her?” Kagome couldn't keep the hurt out of her voice. “Let's see…Kikyo gives Naraku his new form, tries to kill me and steals the shards…but you trust her to do what's right with them.” She threw her hands up in the air. “Okay…I understand where she's earned that trust. Fine.” Kagome shook herself and turned away, squaring her shoulders, traces of silver flames racing around and over her. She didn't turn around when she heard Inuyasha growl.
“Wait a minute; she tried to…?”
“Sit.” He landed face-first in the roots, receiving a mouthful of splinters, going from concerned to pissed off in a heartbeat. By the time he caught up, intent on giving her a piece of his mind, she'd met Miroku carrying an unconscious Sango and relieved him of the Hiraikotsu. He thought twice about venting when Kagome shot him a silver-rimmed glare. “Carry Sango if you want to do something useful. Miroku's injured as well.”
Deciding that discretion was the better part of valour, mainly since that `sit' had given him a wicked headache, he took over carrying the slayer. Kagome gave Miroku her shoulder to lean on, and they headed back in the direction that Inuyasha indicated as leading to Shippo, Kirara and the horses.
Naraku was not pleased. His golem had been rapidly destroyed by that infuriating girl, and now he was blind, not even being able to see where Kikyo was roaming. Blast it… A prickling on the back of his neck alerted him to the fact that he was not alone, although he hid his surprise well. “Kikyo…you have returned?” he drawled, shifting himself so that he could see the undead miko standing just inside the room partition. Her expression was calm, unruffled as she observed him carefully.
“A warning, Naraku. Your spells have no power over me; even this shield you have raised over your castle was inadequate to stop me. Here…I have brought you a gift.” Her slender-fingered hand tossed something towards him; he had to stop himself from scuttling backwards, until he saw what it was.
A very large pouch of Jewel shards, glowing softly pink in the dim room.
His head shot up; Kikyo was smiling lightly at him, amusement at his reaction plain. “Go ahead, pick it up. I am appointing you its guardian, Onigumo…or rather, the hanyou Naraku.”
Naraku closed his hand around the shards, and took a moment to admire their innocent beauty before glaring at Kikyo. “What are you scheming, witch?” he ground out.
She arched her eyebrows. “I assume you desire to complete your transformation, and become fully demonic. If you have the Jewel, then this wish is denied to Inuyasha. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, Naraku.”
He couldn't keep the surprise from his voice. “Inuyasha is now your enemy? I tricked you to your death by using him…”
Kikyo smiled slightly. “My body died that day, but my soul was freed from the constraints of my previous existence. I can now hate or love who I choose, instead of living with a pre-determined destiny that was not to my liking.” She turned to go, but paused and looked over her shoulder. “I will leave one of my soul collectors as a messenger. I will not be far…Onigumo.”
Once Kikyo's aura had disappeared from the environs of the castle, Naraku slipped the rich fabric of his clothing from his shoulders, and reached around with his fingers to trace the raised, hard ridges of the scar tissue spreading across his back in a distinctive spider-shaped pattern. Curse it…no matter how many forms I take, the mark of the bandit always reappears…what will it take to rid me of it?
Not far away, Kikyo looked back up at the castle, a small, calculating smile gracing her lips.
The group moved slowly for the rest of the day, continuing to move in a vaguely north-westerly direction. Kagome steadied Sango on Kirara's back; the fire-cat moved smoothly, skimming just above the ground. Kagome kept her mind off the hanyou by trying to sense Jewel shards; she needed one in a hurry, because without it, she couldn't talk to Midoriko.
Chopped oni liver again…
Sorry, Fenik…hey, thanks for the help back there.
Not a bad move yourself, Nixie.
My new nickname for ya… `Phoenix'… `Nix'… `Nixie'. Kinda cute, eh?
I'm not sure if I'm feeling very `cute' right now…more like `violent'.
If the hanyou's giving you grief, I could always zap him for ya.
Zapping him might make me feel better, but I don't know if it would fix him…
Whoa! `Fixings' a totally different issue
Huh? Oh…is that really an option?
Geez…poor bastard.
Meanwhile, Inuyasha was nursing his headache as he led both Arashi and Juhi. Miroku was so drained, he hadn't even voiced his customary complaints, just climbed into the saddle in silence. A very subdued Shippo perched between Arashi's ears, green eyes flickering between the straight-backed leather-clad occupant of the fire-cat up ahead, and the silver-haired hanyou in front of him. Finally, he decided to risk a question.
“Inuyasha? Why is Kagome so upset?”
“Hell if I know, runt.” Inuyasha grunted, rubbing his temple.
Shippo jumped to his shoulder. “Did Kikyo hurt Kagome?”
“No…I don't think so. I mean, I didn't smell anything!” He amended hastily, seeing the look in the kit's eye.
Shippo arched his eyebrows. “There doesn't have to be blood for someone to be hurt.”
“Kikyo took the Jewel shards…”
What? What did she do to Kagome to get them away from her?”
Inuyasha flinched from the kit's volume. “I dunno, runt. I didn't smell…”
Shippo's green eyes were suddenly narrowed and only inches from his own. “Kikyo stole the shards, and you didn't stop her?”
“Geez, dog-breath, you really are as stupid as you look. Kirara! I wanna ride with you!” When the fire-cat dropped back to hover slightly above them, Kagome steadfastly not acknowledging Inuyasha, Shippo used the hanyou's head as a launching pad and bounded up to Kagome's shoulder, curling himself around her neck.
“Let's scout ahead, Kirara,” came her low voice, and they soared away, up over the treetops.
Inuyasha rubbed his ear where Shippo had `accidentally' kicked it, and reluctantly set his smarting brain to acknowledging why his mate was furious enough with him to use the dreaded `s' word.
So I didn't stop Kikyo…
Still can't figure out why Kagome did that?
Yes…but I think you're gonna rub it in anyways.
Let's see, where do I start… your ex-girlfriend tried to kill her AND stole the Jewel shards you've worked so hard to collect…and you just let Kikyo leave.
I was…she looked…I couldn't do it, okay? I couldn't destroy that body when she was resurrected, and I can't do it now.
That sentimentality will get you killed…either by Naraku or your mate. I think I'd take Naraku…it'd be less painful and quicker in comparison.
Kagome's really pissed, I guess.
You think that `sit' was a love-tap?
Why is she so insecure? How many fucking times do I have to tell her I love her…
Ya blew a golden opportunity to prove it in a pretty definitive way.
She's not gonna go for the non-verbal dialogue this time, is she?
Wouldn't try it, unless you like picking gravel out of your teeth.
I'll just make sure she's on the bottom…
Kirara swooped down behind the hanyou. Kagome addressed Miroku, as Shippo scrambled from her shoulder to the monk's. “There's a decent spot to camp just ahead. Shippo will show you the way.”
Inuyasha spun around, faster than his headache liked. “Camp? The hell? It's too early in the day to set up…”
Kagome continued as if no-one had spoken. “We've located a hot spring, too, so we'll take advantage of it as well. There's no telling when or if we'll hit an inn anytime soon on our way back.” She adjusted her arms around Sango; the slayer was dull-eyed and looking very forlorn. Kirara rumbled in her throat, and they lifted off again.
Inuyasha stared after them, sighing. This ain't gonna be easy.
Twenty minutes later, they came upon Kirara curled around Sango on the side of a clearing. The ground was dry, as the space was sheltered by the overhangs of large trees, and a circle of stones was already set up in the middle. Inuyasha sniffed and listened carefully. Kagome was off in the bush, doing something loud and vicious-sounding to dry branches. Miroku slithered off Juhi with a heavy thump; the hanyou regarded him for a moment, taking in his white face and general listlessness. “Go prop yourself up against Kirara, houshi. The runt and I will deal with the tents.”
While the hanyou and the kitsune worked together to pitch both tents, silence reigned in the clearing. Sango looked like she'd been hit with Hiraikotsu herself, and Miroku stared into the middle distance. Even Shippo, instead of arguing over the placement of every pole like usual, quietly did as he was told, not making eye contact with Inuyasha. They were just pounding in the last stake to secure the fly on the second tent when Kagome crunched back into the clearing, her arms full of firewood. Shippo bounded over to help her arrange the sticks in the fire pit; she conferred with him too quietly for Inuyasha to overhear. She stood up, patted the kitsune on his shoulder, and headed for the horses.
Expecting her to start removing their tack for the night, and preparing to help, the hanyou was startled when she merely unloaded the packs and saddlebags from the grey mare. Pausing a moment to rummage through her gear, she extracted a sheathed knife and a bag made of tightly-woven material. Tying the bag around the pommel on Arashi's saddle, she then drew the blade to reveal a wicked-looking serrated edge. Testing it on the back of her hand, she found it met her standards, so re-sheathed it and strapped it to her thigh. Swinging her quiver off her back, she removed half the arrows and replaced them with hunting bolts. All of her actions were clean, deliberate and methodical…angry. Kagome replaced the quiver on her back, adjusted it, then grabbed a fistful of mane and swung aboard the mare. “I'm counting on you to get dinner started, Shippo. The rations are in my backpack. Kirara, you're standing guard.”
“Oi! What the hell…” He stilled when steel-grey glanced his way, but then flared when she turned Arashi away from the campsite. “Where do you think you're going, wench?”
Slowly, she turned her head and favoured him with an icy glare that gave him a chill up his spine. “Hunting.” Then she thudded her heels into Arashi's sides, and they disappeared into the undergrowth. Inuyasha stared after her, mouth working, but no sound coming out.
“You're lucky you're not eating dirt right now. I'd have `sat' you for sure...”
Sucking in a breath, turning around, ready to commit mayhem on the kit, Inuyasha stopped dead at the look on Shippo's face. The kitsune met him glare for glare before deliberately turning his back and poking the fire, his tail fluffed in irritation.
“What the fuck do you know about it, runt?” Inuyasha bit out.
“More than the idiot dog Kagome mated, obviously…owww! Leggo my tail, jerk! Foxfire!” Inuyasha let go of the kit's brush, swearing violently as he took a blast of blue flame in the face. Shippo landed on the other side of the fire pit, green eyes blazing. Before things could escalate any farther, Kirara growled warningly, and Miroku's tired voice interceded.
“Shippo, some tea would be lovely… please.”
The kit gave a final sneer at the hanyou before turning to the monk. “Sure, Miroku. Let me find the kettle. There's a stream just over the way for fresh water.” Locating the mentioned container, he scampered off into the bushes.
Inuyasha jumped to his feet, and began striding off in the direction that Kagome had disappeared, when he was halted by Sango's near-whisper. “Inuyasha…just leave her. She won't listen to you right now; she's confused about your decision to let Kikyo go.”
Sango had pushed herself up slightly to say her piece, and now slumped back against Kirara. The neko-youkai rumbled a purr and gently nuzzled her friend before turning fiery red eyes on the hanyou, who was shaking his head and muttering. He bounded up into the nearest tree, and sniffed intently, trying to detect where Kagome was. Her scent had vanished…she was downwind. Fighting down a surge of panic, he sat tight and tried to figure out what he was going to say when she came back.
A few miles away and farther upstream, Kagome had located a likely game trail running alongside a small meadow and made her preparations. Deer were not her usual targets, but right now, she felt like killing something large. The fact that it would feed them for a couple of meals was a bonus. She tucked the meat bag under her obi and settled Arashi in a concealed glade away from the target location, staking the mare out to graze.
It would have been far simpler to find a secluded meadow and chase off the pain poking at her heart by cycling through the katas of the Imperial kenjutsu, but she'd decided to go hunting instead. She was also hoping to attract a low-level shard-bearing oni.
Heading back to her chosen spot, she easily climbed a large cedar tree and settled herself in. She didn't need camouflage; her grey leather outfit helped her to blend in against the silvery bark, her dark hair melting into the shadows. Looking up through the branches at the very late winter sky, she admired the patterns of pale clouds against the paler sky, and tried to rationalize her treatment of her hanyou. Wait a minute…was that…? A fleeting sensation of a Jewel shard had her sitting sharply upright, searching for it intently, and then grinning. Gonna need that bait…The soft `crunch' of hooves below her perch brought her attention to the matter at hand.
Three young bucks, their antler buds barely bulging their skulls, trod lightly down the game trail underneath her tree. Very quietly, Kagome readied her bow and three bolts; one ready to fire, and two in her boot for rapid deployment. She aimed carefully at the middle deer, trying for a clear shot at its lungs. Counting down, her battle-sight clicked `on'…and the deer collapsed as if pole-axed. It happened so fast, the deer behind stumbled over its fallen fellow, before tensing and fleeing. Kagome waited a few minutes, then climbed down to assess her target. It would be hard to drag, but she needed it…a plan to acquire a Jewel shard had formed in her mind. Moving quickly, she cut the deer's throat with her knife and waited until the body had expelled all its fluids as the muscles relaxed. Then, putting her back into it, she hiked the animal's hind legs up over her shoulders and hauled it onto the meadow proper before beginning her grisly task.
She skinned the animal's hindquarters and removed the choice cuts from its haunches, being careful not to contaminate the meat through contact with the bowels. Wryly, she wondered what Sango or Miroku would say if they could see her like this, hands bloodied, nonchalantly butchering a carcass. Survival training was one of the few times Yashita had complimented her as a cadet…there was someone she was going to have a long talk with about this situation! Hmm…was it fair to smack him for something Inuyasha had done? He could have warned me…mind you, he did apologize in advance for the pup's stupidityand told me never to doubt his love. That memory brought her to a screeching halt in mid-slice, the knife dangling from her fingers as the realization sunk in. Higurashi, you're an idiot! Feeling equal parts relief and shame for `sitting' Inuyasha over nothing, she placed the meat she was taking into the bag, and tied it securely. Kagome paused a moment, searching for that Jewel shard she had detected earlier…just possibly, she would be able to kill two birds with one stone.
Moving with deliberation, she rolled the carcass onto its side and took a deep breath before driving the knife into the animal's vent, slicing its belly open, spilling its entrails across the ground. She winced at the metallic odour, and retreated rapidly, taking the meat with her. Kagome washed her hands and the knife in the stream, not bothering to clean off her leathers, reasoning that the scent would help disguise her own somewhat. She took a final look around, and climbed back up the cedar tree, taking a position overlooking the meadow and tying the meat bag to an adjacent branch.
She didn't have long to wait. All along the verges of the meadow, pairs of hungry eyes appeared. Swapping the hunting bolts for long-range arrows, she held her bow half-cocked across her knee, waiting. First came the nimble foxes, none with shard auras. Then the foxes scattered as a lynx stalked forward to claim its share, yellow eyes alert in the lengthening shadows. Kagome admired its feline grace, and was glad that it was not shard-powered. She wondered if that Jewel shard earlier was only a false alarm…and snapped to full alert when a large, dark shape lumbered into the clearing. The lynx's head popped up, and the cat was gone like a flash.
A bear. Kagome closed her eyes for a moment, remembering the bear oni she'd killed while guarding Sesshomaru…and the child's partially-digested body within the animal's guts. That shard was gone…damn Kikyo straight to hell, again, anyways. The anger bubbled up, and when she opened her eyes, all traces of grey were gone. She was this close to dropping out of the tree, and taking out her aggression on the bear, when a more inviting target abruptly presented itself.
She'd been expecting the smell of a fresh kill to attract something with a shard. She definitely wasn't expecting the something to be such a potentially formidable opponent. Just this once, why couldn't it have been a slug-oni?
A very small Jewel shard had indeed arrived on the scene, but it was attired in expensive armour and a silk kimono, bearing a sword and a bored expression. In the shadows of the cedar tree, silver flashed above a grim smile.