6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Welcome Home Nikki ❯ She's back ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Whoa!” cried Jude, “My mellow has been seriously harshed before, but this is… this is…” he had nothing that could describe what he felt.
Caitlin and Jen quivered and shook with pain and fear. Tears cascaded down their faces, but they just couldn't let it out. Wyatt… he just sat where he was, like a man who had just dropped his coffee out of shock, but then he realized, “We can't quit now.” he said. “We gotta' be brave, we gotta' hold up… for Jonesy-- Just like he's done for us.”
When Wyatt was crushing on Serena, true his friends played a huge role, but ultimately it was Jonesy who managed to convince Serena to give Wyatt a try.
Every time Jonesy got fired, he always managed to bounce back and find a new job every week.
Sometimes… when his new job seemed to be hurting the people he cared about, financially, or in popularity, Jonesy would deliberately try to get fired.
This proved that he really cared about his friends.
(End of Flashback)…
Even Jonesy's family agreed that there was still a chance. Still… they all had to be prepared for the worst, but right now the gang had other things to worry about… like keeping Nikki from knowing about this.
…and she was going to be home… tomorrow!
Either it was already nightfall, or the sun still hadn't come up yet in Nunavut. Either way, Nikki's home was almost totally empty, except a few mattresses and sleeping bags. It really made the house feel creepy and the sound of the blizzards seemed louder. “Ugh… I'll be glad when this is all over.” Nikki groaned.
Her mother agreed as she slipped into her sleeping bag next to her husband. “It all be good when we see Edmonton tomorrow.” he added. “After all… I am the President.”
Nikki's annoyed sister sneered from within her sleeping bag. “If you don't mind, it's very late and some of us are trying to sleep before the big move... So, good-night…!” Unable to argue, the family went right to sleep, and Nikki began to have warm and comforting dreams about going back to Alberta tomorrow, and being reunited with all her friends.
She remembered all the good times, but best of all… she remembered Jonesy the most.
The ways that they would playfully fight with each other, or when Nikki would really let him have it by knocking him out of his chair.
She even scolded him many times fore scamming people at his jobs, or when one of his jobs, like selling make-out maps, put a strain on their relationship, but they always managed to rekindle.
She had her fun with others too…
Like the time she and Jude beat up the escalator girls.
When Caitlin tried to force her to have a makeover. Though it disgusted her. Or at the times she helped the gang get Jen to take the day off to head for the theme park.
(End of Flashback)…
Nikki sighed ever so softly as she slept on… still completely unaware of what was happening in her old town.
The next day, the gang looked very baggy-eyed. Nobody had gotten too much sleep for fearing of Jonesy's wellbeing. The doctors were sad to report first thing to Jonesy's family, by phone, that his condition hadn't improved, but at least it wasn't any worse… yet!
It was still mid-morning, but Jen called the airport and found out that Nikki's plane would be arriving at five, and she and her folks would be at her place by six. That gave the gang less than nine hours to hope that Jonesy would wake up, or they'd tell Nikki the truth.
When the gang met up at the lemon that day, “Maybe we can try and stall her somehow?” Jen suggested.
“Ooh… like maybe a welcome home shopping spree.” added Caitlin. The others all gawked at her. “Sorry… first thing on my mind.”
The gang tried their very best, but they couldn't think of anything. They even tried one last time to talk to Jonesy and hoped he would awaken. “Come on, Dude. Think of us… think of Nikki.” Jude said.
Jonesy's fingers twitched, but the nurse assured them it was nothing to get excited about. “I'm afraid his vital signs have started to dropped a little, but it's nothing to worry about. As long as nothing else goes wrong, he should be fine.”
The others didn't feel too well about this, though, and in their time spent with Jonesy they had completely lost track of time, it was almost six. “Guys!” cried Caitlin, “Nikki will be at Jen's any minute!”
The others all gasped, and that's when Jen got a call form Nikki that she and her folks were well on the way. “See you guys in ten minutes.” And she hung up.
“We gotta get out of here!” cried Wyatt, and the others ran for it.
The reached Jen's place in almost no time, just as Nikki and her folks were coming from up the street in their new car. “There she is!” cried Jen. “Nikki!”
Nikki saw her friends from the car, and her smile widened for the first time in years. She jumped out of the car before it even parked. “Nikki!” cried her parents.
The others jumped out of Jen's car before it completely stopped, and they all dashed for her. “NIKKI…!” they all cried.
Nikki ran towards her friends, and they all collided in what had to be the biggest of group hugs in the world. She was finally home!
Then Nikki noticed, “Where's Jonesy?”
The others began to look grim, “Guys?
Nikki began to sense something really bad. “Guys… where is Jonesy… I want to know!”
They couldn't lie to her anymore. This was going hurt her a lot more than it would them, but they had to tell her the truth!
While in Jonesy's room, the heart-monitor was starting to go flat, and Jonesy was breathing irregularly and painfully. He was having a serious seizure! The nurse passing by saw this and she dashed to get help, and he red-alert was sounded… just and Jonesy' heart-monitor went totally flat.
Author's notes:
Relax! You all know perfectly well he came out of it… how else can HE be helping to tell the story?
But I do wanna know…
It was bad enough when Nikki REALLY moved away. I'll bet'cha we all felt like we lost our mellows.
And what about for those of you who saw Jude getting taken over by the Zombites several times? That's bad too.
But I wanna know… how would you all feel, if Jonesy really kicked the can?