Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ The dreamer and the goddess ❯ Final battle ( Chapter 38 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Final battle
They ran out to see Marrler hovering by the home, and Banpei on its back.
Marrler: I'm here to still claim my 2 for 1 offer on pest removal!
Michael: And I'm still asking you to take up shelf stacking!
Marrler: If you would have just given me that sword i could have just settled for 1 pest! Well!?
Michael: Not a chance
Marrler: Fine, i will just have to make it a chance.
She wields a dark spheare and fires it a Yuna, Yuna shields the six and the sphere is deflected skywards.
Yuna: Michael-san, Keiichi-san, get inside the house. Let us take care of her.
Michael: But...
Yuna looks at Michael and gives a reassuring smile.
Yuna: I'll be OK, i promise.
Michael nods his head and then he and Keiichi gets inside.
Yuna, Belldandy, Urd and Skuld prepare themselves for battle
Yuna: I won't let you hurt Michael-san or Keiichi-san.
Belldandy: We won't let you hurt them.
Marrler:Who's said i was going to hurt them, i am just going to “negotiate” with them. And your the perfect bargaining chip for it.
She unleashes a bolt of dark energy onto the floor propelling the four in different directions. Skuld retaliates by throwing a Skuld bomber at Marrler. Knocking Marrler onto her feet, she quickly gets up and shields herself.
Marrler: That was just too easy for you, yet you have no idea why!
She uses her magic to lift a bolder from the garden then throws it at Belldandy, it almost hits her when suddenly Yuna used her telekinesis to grab hold of the bolder and push it to one side. Belldandy then shot a green fireball at Marrler to push her back.
Belldandy and Yuna stood side by side, Belldandy fired green fireballs while Yuna fired psionic bolts. Yet despite their efforts Marrler raised a shield to deflect their blows.
Belldandy: It is not working!
Urd saw the stand off and decided to ambush Marrler from above. So she went up to the temple's roof and launched her attack from there.
Urd: Marrler! Surprise!
Urd fired a bolt of lighting towards Marrler which hit her but not before she fired a fireball at Belldandy and Yuna's feet causing the them to be separated and the smoke to linger for a while.
When the dust settled, Belldandy, Urd and Skuld was shocked to find that Marrler managed to withstand the attack long enough to crawl her way to Yuna! Who was on the floor following the blast.
Marrler: Ha ha ha! You fools didn't realise that i took the liberty of bolstering by health before this battle so i will ensure this goes ahead.
She looks at Yuna, who was trying to get up.
Marrler: Its over Yuna, don't try to continue fighting me. Now i will either saviour the moment of dispensing great misery to Michael or i claim one of the most powerful weapons know, the Wu Fang Sword. Lets begin...
She immediately starts to cast a capture spell on Yuna when suddenly...
Michael smashes out of the temple, Wu fang sword in hand. He lifts the sword and slices Marrler followed by kicking her in the stomach!
Michael: I will not... let you... take away...my love! I Won't let you take and twist this weapon to your accord! I WILL NOT LET YOU TEAR MY LIFE APART!
And so in a furious rage he starts his attack on Marrler.