Azumanga Daioh Fan Fiction ❯ Todai Days ❯ Exchange Students and Another Summer ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Exchange Students, and Another Summer”

“What?! You’re living next door to us Sakaki?”

Tomo looked at Sakaki, incredibly surprised.

“Yes, so is Osaka” Sakaki replied as Yomi walked out into the hallway.

“Tomo, what is with all th… oh hello Sakaki what are you doing here?”

“Hey Yomi, I’m actually mov…”she started to reply but Tomo cut in rather rudedly.

“She’s moving in next door to us Yomi that’s why she’s here.” replied the incredibly hyper girl. Yomi, surprised, began to inquire the exact circumstances. when Osaka came out of the room across the hall.

“Hey, what’s with all th' commotion out here?” asked the usually slow-witted Osakan.

It’s nothing Osaka, I was talking to Tomo and Yomi about our moving plans." Sakaki replied.

“Back on that note Sakaki," Yomi resumed the conversation," just why’re you staying here I thought you were going to a veterinary school”
“ I am, I’m going to Tokyo University’s veterinary division.” the tall girl replied.

“Meow.” The noise came from the doorway and Maya walked in and rubbed against Sakaki’s leg.

“Argh! it's him! The mean one!" Tomo exclaimed as she ducked behind Yomi. Her friend groaned

"You're still on about that?" Like a stern parent she grabbed Tomo's shoulders and began to push her closer to the animal.

"No Yomi please no not that cat please! Not that, anything but that!” Tomo shrieked as Yomi brought her closer and closer.

"Shut up! If they're going to be our neighbors, you're going to get used to Maya. I don't want you running into my room like a little kid and waking me up every time you hear a mewling sound."

As Tomo got within three feet of Maya, she began screaming louder and louder, and then as the cat came up to her and rubbed against the terrified girl. She froze in place: 'Death.. it's marked me for death."

All three girls ran to her side as she fainted flat on her face, one of them unable to stop herself from laughing hysterically. I'll leave it up to imagination as to who that was.

That night the girls sat in Tomo and Yomi’s room, and talked about what had been going on for the two weeks that they had been separated. Apparently Yomi and Tomo had somehow got accepted into Tokyo U and apparently so had Osaka(Miracles do happen after all?) and Sakaki. Yomi and Tomo had been looking for apartments for a few weeks before finding this one just outside of Tokyo City, and had just finished moving in that day. Sakaki and Osaka on the other hand, had been looking for apartments separately and just happened to meet each other at this one and decided to become roommates to save money. They had been moved in for about two days and had been fixing up the apartment. As the girls talked there was a commotion out in the hallway as something fell on the ground and broke, and some voices speaking in English drifted through the door. "

What the hell are you doing, Tyler?”

“Me!? I'm not doing anything Sean you are. Besides Andrew and Shane aren’t doing anything either.”

“What?!, oh I ain’t doing anything, you know what you should just shut the hell up.”

They all turned towards the door, “Wonder what's goin' on out there? Sure sounds eventful” Osaka mumbled as Yomi got up and walked towards it.

What the hell is going on out here?! Oh, it‘s you bonkuras..." a new, female voice from outside in the hallway said. Yomi was sure she had heard her voice.

"I know that voice, but from where..?" As she stood there trying to figure out where she’d heard that voice before, Tomo walked right by her and opened the door. "Keep it down out her…huh? Kagura what are you doing here and who are these guys?” she exclaimed as she looked into the hallway and saw four Americans and Kagura, a friend of her's from high school.

The four guys were standing around a busted coffee table arguing while Kagura stood in the doorway of another apartment a few yards down the hallway. Huh?…Tomo what are you doing here?” Kagura shot back, just as shocked and confused as Tomo.

A few hours later Yomi, Tomo, Kagura, Sakaki, Osaka, and the Americans were in the guy's apartment, meeting each other and telling them why they were there in the apartment building.

Kagura had been accepted to Tokyo U and was hoping to help out their sports programs as much as possible. As she finished explaining how she’d found her apartment, Tomo asked how she knew the foreigners. The four guys had been all but forgotten up until this point as they sat on a large couch beside the girls. On the right side of the couch was Sean Adams, who’d wanted to travel the world and decided to come to Tokyo and was the football(American football, not soccer) team's running back, Andrew English, a smart ass who’d decided to come to Tokyo with Sean to annoy the hell out of him(He was the one that taught them Japanese, which they were all currently speaking). On the left side of the couch sat Shane Ward, who had apparently arrived unbeknowenst to them while riding in Andrew's suitcase.(he had apparently devoured one of Andrew's manga for susitance, and through most of the conversation they were arguing about it.) Also there was another, Tyler Mayes.
“Well I’ve known Sean for a while because me and him have been e-mailing each other for a while, but this is the first time I met him in person.” Kagura said, answering Tomo’s question, "Never met the others until recently, but when i met them at the airport i pretty much knew who was who, because of Sean's e-mails."
"Yeah she figured out who was who without me having to tell her." Sean replied. "and thanks to Kagura's e-mails, i can pretty much tell who all of y'all are too. I just can't tell which of y'all is Tomo or Osaka."

"Hey what do you mean you can't tell which one of us is which?" Tomo exclaimed, jumping out of her chair and jumping right into Sean's face, her eyes blazing with fury. "Osaka's the stupid one and i'm the beautiful, and intelligent one!!" she shouted at him, trying to keep from really losing her cool.
"I..I'm stupid?" Osaka moaned, as if it was some sort of sorrowful revelation to her.

"Oh, Kagura you were right she is completly dillusional and unstable." Sean said trying not to laugh in Tomo's anger filled face. While Sean and Tomo sat in the middle of the room yelling at each other, Andrew went over to see what Osaka was doing staring blankly at the wall.

"What are you doing staring at the wall, uh... Osaka, right?" Andrew asked as he sat beside her.

"Oh nuthing, just watching the dust float around" Osaka said, sounding extremely spaced out.

Andrew raised an eyebrow and looked at her curiously, "That so? Easily amused, huh?"

"Some say this should be an olympic sport." Osaka replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "I do it all the time and never get bored 'r nuthi'...wha" Osaka said just as Sean and Tomo crashed into her and Andrew.

"That's it, i've had enough of you and i've only known you for five damn minutes!!" Tomo roared as she rammed Sean into a wall.

"Well, I'm sorry about that!" He growled, trying to wrestle her off of him, " so if you want me to stop bothering you, then you can just leave!!!" Sean yelled as he slung Tomo out the apartment's door and slammed it in her face.

"Good God she's even more annoying then you said she was Kagura" Sean said as he turned away from locking the door and began to wipe the blood from his lip.

"Osaka, are you okay...?" Andrew and Sakaki asked the dazed girl as they helped her up.

"Yeah I'm okay I guess" she replied as she sat down, trying to recollect her thoughts.

"I'm sorry 'bout that Osaka, I didn't mean to hit you when i threw Tom-" Andrew's open palm smacked him in the back of the head irritantly, obviously angry for his interruption of the strange girl's explanation of her dust fetish. Sean growled irritantly as walked over to Osaka holding out her hankerchief that she dropped during the fiasco. "Ah fuhgeddaboudit" the Osakan replied and took her hankercheif back from Sean.

All of a sudden there was a loud crash as something rammed into the door and then fell down in the hall, "Ow, dammit that hurt! When I get in there, I'm going to kill you Sean!!!" Tomo's voice exploded from the other side of the door. "You hear me Sean, I'm gonna... wha... The dresser? THE DRESSER!! Not the dresser, not the dresser, noooo!" Tomo screamed again and then there was a loud a crash, followed by a scream of pain and whimpering.

"Tomo are you okay?" Yomi asked as she opened the door and looked at her buried friend.

"Baka! What do you think, I'm buried underneath a dresser and guy's clothes!!!" came Tomo's muffled voice beneath shorts, socks, boxers, and other articles of clothing.

"Hey Tomo, not to upset you anymore or anything, but those are my clothes you're buried under right now" Sean exclaimed as he couldn't contain his laughter anymore and began to burst out in laughter.

"Wha.. Noooo!!! Somebody help me!!! Hey! Yomi?! Sakaki?! Somebody?!" Tomo shreiked from underneath the clothes as the rest of the group erupted into laughter. Yomi turned to lock the door.